Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 305 Jealousy drives Ron to separation

"Um... Tiera..." As he walked towards the Gryffindor common room, Harry looked at Tiera with a guilty conscience, "So... we have become rivals?"

"..." Tiera didn't know what to say.

What makes you think you'd be my opponent?

Oh, yes, I have been pretending to be a good person.

"Yeah." Tiera said.

"But we are still good friends, right?" Harry asked again.

"Of course." Tiera said——

Then a good idea suddenly occurred to me.

"Harry," Tiera called.

"What's wrong? Tiera" Harry asked.

"The Triwizard Tournament is an extremely dangerous game," Tiera said. "Over the years, warriors have died or even been maimed."

"I know, Tiera," Harry said.

"So instead of fighting alone, we should join forces." Tiera said.

"Join forces?" Harry asked, "How?"

"We can usually train together and learn magic spells together. If we meet each other during the game, we can face danger together." Tiera said.

"That's great!" said Harry, breathing a sigh of relief -

After learning that he had been selected as a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry was most worried about his own safety and the breakdown of his friendship with Tiera.

"But we have to make an agreement." Tiera said with a smile.

"What agreement?" Harry asked.

"Among the two of us, whoever deserves the final victory of the Triwizard Tournament," Tiera said, "The one who wins gets the trophy and eternal honor, while the other one gets the thousand gold bonus. Long’s bonus.”

"No problem!" Harry said, "This is as it should be!"

Tiera smiled with satisfaction.

As they spoke, they walked to the portrait of the Fat Lady——

"Nonsense," Harry said.

"Come in, two little warriors." The Fat Lady said with a smile, and then she turned forward to let Harry and Tiera enter the common room.

When the portrait opened, Harry almost fell over from the sudden noise that filled his ears.

Then, Harry and Tiera were dragged into the common room by about a dozen hands, facing all the Gryffindor students.

They were all screaming, cheering, and whistling.

"You should sign up for us too!" Fred yelled. He looked half annoyed, half excited.

"That's right! You are too unjust!" George shouted.

"I'm just an experiment." Tiera shrugged and said, "I'm not completely sure. If I told you before it failed, it would be embarrassing if it failed."

"That's true," George said.

"So Harry, how did you do it?" Fred asked again.

"I didn't," said Harry, "I don't know how -"

At this moment Angelina rushed to him like a whirlwind, "Oh, even if it can't be me, at least she is a member of Gryffindor——"

"We've prepared something to eat, Harry, come over and have some-"

"I'm not hungry. I ate enough at the party—"

But no one wanted to hear him say that he was not hungry, and no one wanted to hear him say that he did not put his name into the goblet. It seemed that no one except Tiera noticed that he was not in the mood to celebrate this at all——

Harry originally wanted to ask Tiera to go back to the dormitory with him, but Tiera seemed to be completely immersed in the party, singing and dancing along with the Weasley twins, and talking about something.

Harry had no way of getting away, and every time he tried to sneak up the stairs to his dormitory, the crowd closed in on him, surrounding him, forcing him to drink another butterbeer, or forcing biscuits and peanuts into his hands. There... everyone wanted to know how he did it, how he deceived Dumbledore's age line and put his name into the goblet——

"I don't know..." Harry said over and over again, "I don't know what's going on."

But everyone ignored him at all, as if he didn't say anything.

"I'm tired!" After about half an hour, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly, "No, seriously - I want to go to bed -"

He particularly wanted to see Ron and Hermione, hoping to find some sanity, but neither of them seemed to be in the common room. Harry kept insisting that he needed to sleep, nearly knocking the Creevey brothers to the ground as they tried to intercept him at the top of the stairs.

Finally, Harry finally got rid of everyone and hurried upstairs to the dormitory.

To Harry's great relief, he found Ron lying on the bed fully clothed, alone in the dormitory. Ron looked up as Harry slammed the door shut.

"Where have you been?" said Harry.

"Oh, hello," said Ron.

Ron was smiling, but it was a very awkward and forced smile. Ron lay motionless on the bed, watching Harry struggle to untie the flag.

"Then..." Ron said slyly, "Congratulations."

"What do you mean, congratulations?" Harry asked, looking at Ron. Ron's smile was obviously a bit off -

It was almost like making a face.

"Ron! Do you think I put my name in that goblet like them?" Harry laughed in anger, and he gasped and explained angrily. "I made it very clear when I was in the auditorium that I didn't do that! Someone must have put my name in!"

"Why did they do that?" Ron said with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know." Harry said. He felt that the following words sounded sensational and acting, "Just to kill me..."

Ron's eyebrows were raised so high they seemed to disappear into his hair.

"It's okay, you know, you can tell me the truth." Ron said, "If you don't want others to know, that's fine, but I don't understand why you would lie. You didn't get in trouble for it. , right? You see Tiera admitted it openly, you should do the same, we are good friends. "

"I didn't put my name in that damn Goblet of Fire!" Harry began to feel a little annoyed. "Why don't you believe me except Tiera?"

"Hmph... Tiera..." Ron sneered, "I said you must have told Tiera how you put your name in, right? He even voted for you. After all, you and Tiera The relationship between La and La is much closer than mine, right?”

"Ron!?" Harry looked at Ron in confusion and said, "How can you say that?"

"Haha..." Ron laughed, "Do you think I'm stupid? You and Tiera are like an old married couple, and what about me? What am I? I'm your little follower and second class friend?"

I'm really sorry, everyone, because the experiment has been quite busy recently, there is only one update today.

Thanks to xiaotang246 for the reward of 100 starting coins

Thanks to book friend 141121235938828 for the reward of 100 starting coins

Thank you fqs for voting for February

Thanks to book friend 20210326151837405 for voting for January

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