Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 189 R. J. Professor Lupine

"I need to speak to you in private," Harry said to Tiera, Ron, and Hermione as the train pulled away.

The four walked along the corridor, looking for empty cars, but all the cars were full except the last car.

There was only one person in this carriage, and this person was sitting by the window, soundly asleep.

They stopped on the threshold—

The Hogwarts Express was usually for students, who had never seen an adult here, except for the witch who was pushing the food cart for them.

The stranger wore a very worn wizard robe, patched in several places. He looked sick and tired. He still looks young, but his light brown hair has been parted.

"Who do you think he is?" Ron asked softly.

They sat down and closed the door softly.

Ron and Hermione sat in the empty row, while Harry pulled Tiera into the row with the stranger.

They all sat far away from the windows.

"Professor R.J. Lupine," whispered Hermione immediately.

"How do you know?" Ron asked in surprise, "How do you know everything?"

"It's written on his suitcase," Hermione replied, pointing to the luggage rack above the man's head, where there was a battered little suitcase tied with lots of string and neatly knotted. "Professor R. J. Lupine" was stamped on one corner of the box, the letters peeling off.

"Cough... oh, well," Ron muttered, "I don't know what he teaches?"

But Ron immediately regretted it after asking——

Because he found that the other three people were looking at him with idiotic eyes.

Apparently, there was only one place vacant at Hogwarts.

"By the way, Harry, are you going to tell us something?" Ron changed the subject.

Harry told them all about the Weasleys' argument, the warning Mr. Weasley had just given him, and so on.

After Harry finished speaking, Ron seemed to be struck by lightning, and Hermione covered her mouth with her hands——

It's a pity that I didn't play a beatbox

It seemed that only Tierra was as calm as ever.

When listening to Harry's narration, Tierra's face remained calm the whole time, and she even wanted to laugh——

Grandpa's big treasury is coming.

"What do you think, Tierra?" Hermione asked.

"I think there must be something strange about this matter," Tierra said.

Harry, Hermione, Ron: ? ? ?

Sleeping Lupine: ...

"That's right." Tierra explained, "I specifically checked the time of Sirius' escape. He was first reported by the "Daily Prophet" on July 17, and the "Daily Prophet" is Published at 8:30 in the morning, in order to ensure the timeliness of the news, the "Daily Prophet" will generally confirm the final version and start printing at 11:00 the night before."

"So Sirius must have escaped from prison before eleven o'clock on July 16th." Tierra pretended to analyze, "And the magic is that on the morning of July 15th, my father, Professor Dumbledore And the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, just visited Sirius Black."

"Mysterious, isn't it?" Tierra said.

"It's mysterious enough..." Hermione made a thoughtful look.

"So I don't think there is any need to worry about Harry's safety." Tierra patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "So I think the Sirius escape must be the mastermind of Professor Dumbledore, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge Take the lead, and then my father will secretly investigate and follow up, trying to dig out some secrets from Sirius Black."

"Otherwise, how would Sirius escape from Azkaban?" Tierra added, "So all we have to do is stay away from Sirius."

After Tierra finished explaining, the mood of the other three little wizards seemed to ease a lot.

You leisurely began to discuss the upcoming third grade life and the spring outing in Hogsmeade village.

"How nice to get away from school for a little while and explore Hogsmeade, isn't it?"

"I suppose so," said Harry dully. "You must tell me when you feel that way."

"What do you mean by that?" said Ron.

"I can't. The Dursleys didn't sign the consent form for me, and neither did Fudge," said Harry.

"I'm not going either." Tierra said while arranging her study notes in the Memory Palace.

"Why?" Harry asked in surprise and delight.

"I forgot to ask my adoptive father to sign it." Tierra casually found an excuse, "By the time I remembered this, he had already gone to carry out Dumbledore's secret mission."

"Oh...okay." Harry said with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

The Hogwarts Express was heading steadily north, and the scenery outside the window was getting wilder and darker, while the clouds overhead were getting thicker. Outside the door of their carriage, there were people walking back and forth non-stop. Crookshanks was now securely seated in an empty seat, his squashed face turned to Ron, his yellow eyes fixed on Ron's pockets.

At one o'clock, the food truck plopped up to their compartment door.

"You think we should wake him up?" Ron asked awkwardly, curling his lips in Professor Lupine's direction. "He looks like he needs something to eat."

"No need." Tierra said, "He looks like he hasn't rested for a long time, let him sleep for a while."

He's got chocolate anyway, Tierra thought.

After the lunch car passed, the train slowed down. The sound of the wheels also gradually faded away.

The sound of wind and rain outside the window was louder.

Harry, who was closest to the door, got up to check the corridor. In each carriage beside the corridor, there were people poking their heads out to look around. The train suddenly shocked and stopped, and the sound of banging came from the distance, indicating that the luggage dropped from the shelf.

Then, all the lights went out suddenly, and they were plunged into complete darkness.

"What's the matter?" Ron's trembling little voice came from behind Harry.

"Maybe Sirius Black came to rob the train." Tierra said deliberately intimidating.

"Ah~?" Ron said again in a trembling little voice.

Hmm... It's so comfortable, Ron's scared little milk voice is so comfortable to hear.

"Perhaps Sirius will blow up our train to the sky in order to kill Harry." Tierra said again.

"No~" Ron's voice trembled even more.

"Come on!" Hermione patted Tierra's knee and said, "Don't scare Ron, hasn't Mr. Lockhart been secretly tracking and investigating? How could it be possible for Sirius Black to attack the train?"

happy new year~

Because most of these recent chapters can directly copy the original text, so temporarily maintain the update frequency of the two chapters

Thanks to Kersey for the 100 starting coins

Thanks to Shi Lanlan for the 100 starting coins

100 starting coins from xiaotang246

Thank you Huolina for voting for January

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