Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 185 The Monster Book of the Monsters

Tierra was dragged by Harry to the Leaky Cauldron.

Along the way, Harry seemed to have opened up a conversation box, chattering in Tierra's ear endlessly.

Obviously Harry's summer life is really boring, but Harry can always find something to chat with Tierra.

Tierra and Harry meet Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley at the Leaky Cauldron.

It was less than two weeks before school started, but Hermione and Ron both came to the Leaky Cauldron early after hearing about Harry blowing up his aunt into a balloon.

"Tiera!" Seeing Tiera and Harry entering the Leaky Cauldron side by side, Hermione happily ran over.

"Long time no see, Hermione, long time no see, Ron." Tierra greeted with a smile.

Ron looked unbelievably strange, in a very Egyptian outfit, and Hermione had a tan.

"Hey, Tierra!" Ron poked Tierra's waist with his elbow and said with a smile, "Have you heard? Harry sent his aunt..."

"There's nothing funny about it, Ron," interrupted Hermione sharply. "Honestly, I'm surprised Harry wasn't fired."

"Me too." Harry admitted, "I forgot about the expulsion, I thought I was going to be arrested." Harry looked at Ron, "Does Mr. Weasley know why Fudge let me go?" ?”

"Probably because of you, isn't it?" Ron shrugged, but still giggled. "Famous Harry Potter or something. If I blow up my aunt, the Ministry of Magic must They won't let me go. They're going to dig me out first, though, because my mom will kill me first."

"By the way, Tierra." Ron asked suddenly, "Do you know why? I heard from my father that the Minister of Magic, Mr. Fudge, offered an olive branch to your adoptive father. Would Lockhart know anything? "

"It's Mr. Lockhart." Hermione corrected, "Respect your former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he is a hero in the wizarding world!"

"Okay... Mr. Lockhart." Ron pouted.

"Because of Sirius Black," Tierra said, "the Ministry of Magic is a little nervous."

"The escaped prisoner?" Hermione asked. "Who the hell is he? Even the news in the Muggle world where I live has reported his escape."

"According to rumors, he is Voldemort's loyal servant." Tierra glanced at Harry and said, "He escaped this time to kill Harry and revive Voldemort's glory."

Then Tierra noticed that Harry clenched his fists nervously—

Tierra concealed that Sirius was Harry's godfather, in order to let this little troublemaker hide from Sirius, so that Tierra could act as a middleman to earn the difference——

For example, sell Harry's situation to Sirius, then make a few prophecies, and sell Sirius' information to Harry.

"According to rumors? You never say such uncertain things." Hermione raised her eyebrows and said, "So the rumors are false?"

Tierra: ...

it seems to be like this.

As a scientific researcher, I have the habit of not saying anything that is definitely wrong, or adding words such as "maybe", "perhaps", and "I guess" before saying something that is definitely wrong, except for interesting lies.

This will not only ensure the accuracy of your own words, but also increase the credibility of your lies.

I didn't expect the little witch Hermione to catch Tierra's habit so keenly.

"Because my father said..." Tierra said with a mysterious expression, "According to my father, Dumbledore thought there was something wrong with the original trial of Sirius Black."

"Problem? What's the problem?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know." Tierra spread her hands and said, "My father said he didn't know either."

"Let's stop talking about that, look," said Ron, pulling a slim case out of his bag and opening it. "Brand new wand, fourteen inches long, wicker, with a unicorn's tail hair on it. And I And Hermione bought all the books—"

As he spoke, he pointed to a large schoolbag under his chair.

"Great," Harry said, "Well, let's take Tierra to buy books first, and then we'll go to Wonder Zoo."


"no problem."

Ron and Hermione agreed.

Knowing that Tiera liked potions, Harry first took Tiera to the pharmacy to replenish various raw materials for the potion, and deliberately bought a lot of precious materials for Tiera.

These medicines and raw materials are not very useful for Tierra's current plan.

But out of politeness, Tierra reluctantly accepted it.

After buying the raw materials, Harry, Ron and Hermione brought Tiera to the bookstore again, mainly to buy textbooks for two new courses——

Fantastic Beasts Care and Divination lessons.

There is a big iron cage in the current Lihen Bookstore, which contains about one hundred "Monster Books of Monsters". The books, with covers like the skins of beasts, danced about in cages, locked together in furious wrestling contests, biting and fighting belligerently, sending broken pages flying everywhere.

But when Tierra walked into the bookstore, all the "Monster Books of Monsters" in the cage suddenly froze for a moment.

Then the "Monster Books of Monsters" were clinging tightly to the railing of the iron cage, barking at Tierra, or sticking out their tongues made up of pages to express their affection.

It's like a puppy in a stray animal shelter begging for help——

"Hello." Tierra greeted politely, "I'm here to buy books, "The Monster Book of Monsters" and "Seeing the Future Through the Fog."

"Oh, shit!" the manager of Lihen Bookstore cursed in despair.

But he still asked the clerk to bring Tierra a copy of "Putting Through the Fog to See the Future", and then the manager himself put on a pair of thick gloves, picked up a thick, knotty cane, and went to The iron cage containing the "Monster Book of Monsters".

The bookstore manager opened the iron cage——

But to his surprise, the book in the cage did not try to attack him, but squeezed out of the cage after realizing that he had opened the iron cage.

The bookstore manager casually grabbed a book, threw it to Tierra, and quickly locked the cage door again.

"A total of twenty-seven Galleons," said the bookstore manager.

"Oh... yes." Tierra took out the traceless extension bag from her pocket, and prepared to count out twenty-seven gold Galleons one by one——

Then he was pulled by Harry.

"Come on, Tierra, I've already paid for you!" Harry said with a smile.

"Oh, no, Harry, what's the point of this?" Tierra refused, and then loosened her fingers, allowing the just ordered Gold Gallon to slide back into the seamless extension bag——

Alas, there is no way, forced by life.

Although Tierra is rich now, she was poor before.

And I don't know how much it will cost to buy the materials for the ceremony of becoming a god in the future.


Zhao Dehan's face.

I used to be afraid of being poor, but now I dare not spend a penny.

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