Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 107 Temporary Hyperopia

When they were finally all in the car, Mrs. Weasley glanced towards the back, where Harry, Tiera, Ron, Fred, George and Percy sat comfortably side by side. She and Ginny sat in front, which had been extended like a park bench. "Muggles are smarter than we thought!" said Mrs. Weasley. "You can't see how spacious the car is from the outside."

Tierra glanced at Mr. Weasley through the rearview mirror.

Arthur Weasley seemed to notice Tierra's gaze, blinked at Tierra, then started the engine and the car drove out of the yard.

But soon, they came back——

George forgot his Flierbar fireworks at home.

Five minutes later, the car stopped again in the yard, allowing Fred to run back to get his broomstick.

It was ten past ten when they finally reached Kingdom Cross station.

Since it was still early, Tierra took out her remaining pounds and bought a cup of coffee and a small egg tart for each of the Weasleys and Harry in the cafe next to the Kingdom Cross train station—

And formally thanked Mrs. Weasley for her care these days.

"Oh, Tierra, you really don't have to!" Mrs. Weasley happily hugged Tierra.

After drinking coffee and eating egg tarts, the hands of the wall clock at Kingdom Railway Station had already pointed to ten forty-five.

"Come on, come on kids," Molly Weasley urged from behind, "Persy first."

"George, Fred, follow—"

"Mr. Weasley, let me go with you!" Tierra suddenly grabbed Arthur Weasley's coat sleeve and said, "I think of an excellent way to modify a car and want to discuss it with you."

Anyway, Tierra has little luggage, only a suitcase, so she can leave whenever she wants.

Tierra sensed Dobby as soon as he entered downtown London, and knew that Dobby was planning to prevent him or Harry from entering platform nine and three-quarters as in the original book.

Tierra definitely doesn't want to be left alone outside, this is the Kingdom Cross train station where Muggles gather, once Tierra is really stopped here by Dobby, Dobby only needs to cast a few vicious spells on the Muggles, It was enough to pour the filthy Muggle water on his head—

Tierra would be expelled from Hogwarts, and danger would be permanently away from Harry Potter.

So Tierra chose to follow Arthur Weasley into Platform Nine and Three Quarters—

In the original book, if Dobby really wanted to prevent Harry from going back to Hogwarts, there were plenty of methods and time.

But he chose to do it at the last moment of Harry's boarding of the Hogwarts Express at Kingdom Cross Railway Station——

Tierra could only think of one possibility——

Dobby was afraid of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Although the original book and the movie did not show too much the fighting power of Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley, but just because they are the two ruthless people who have been in the Order of the Phoenix and retreated unscathed, we can know that Weasley The couple's magical attainments are definitely not low.

That's probably why Dobby didn't dare make a fuss when Harry was still in the Weasleys' house.

Following Mr. Weasley, Tierra stepped onto platform nine and three quarters smoothly.

"Tierra, what is the transformation idea you are talking about?" Arthur Weasley asked.

"It's just a whim, sir." Tierra said, "It's a bit complicated and incomplete. I'll explain it to you in detail when I get to school."

"Okay, Tierra." Arthur Weasley gave Tierra a big hug, and then kindly watched Tierra get on the train.

Sure enough, like the original book, Harry, and Ron, did not appear on the Hogwarts Express until eleven o'clock, when the train departed on the hour.

"Hey, Tierra, do you know where Ron and Harry are?" George Weasley and Fred Weasley found Tierra one box at a time when the train was about to leave.

"Huh? Aren't they with you?" Tierra pretended to be surprised and asked back, "I thought they were looking for you to play."

"No, no." George Weasley said, shaking his head. "We haven't seen them...maybe to see Granger..."

"Tierra!" Tierra and the Weasley twins were talking when a little fluffy broom-like head appeared at the door of Tierra's box.

"Tiera! Did you see Harry and Ron?" Hermione Granger asked. "I can't find them anywhere!"

"Did you see that too, Granger?" asked the Weasley twins.

"No!" Hermione shook her head and said, "I wanted to look for them when I got in the car...but I couldn't find them anywhere!"

"My God! They, they must have missed this train!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Maybe." Tierra shrugged indifferently, but after seeing three points of anger in Hermione's eyes, three points of confusion and four points of Tierra not knowing anything, Tierra temporarily changed her words said:

"Maybe they really didn't board this train." Tierra said with a serious face, "Let's go, let's go to the train conductor. This should happen in previous years, let's ask the train conductor what to do."

After saying that, Tierra was about to get up——

But the moment he stood up, the moment Tierra closed the book——

Out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see something——

The current train has just left the urban area. Although it is far away from the densely packed buildings and buildings, there are still scattered Muggle gathering areas outside the train window.

And in Tierra's peripheral vision, at that moment, Tierra captured a picture:

Above the verdant fields, he seemed to see a flying, battered blue car—

Tierra hurried to the window——

But there was nothing, neither cars nor endless fields.

Outside the car window is still the same scenery as the dilapidated urban-rural junction.

"What's wrong?" Hermione also imitated Tiera and lay on the bedside.

"No, it's nothing." Tierra said, "Let's go, let's find the conductor."

When they finished explaining the situation to the train conductor and returned to their respective boxes, the train happened to pass by an endless field.

Hermione, who was walking side by side with Tierra, was chattering in Tierra's ear about the knowledge in the textbooks she previewed this summer——

Hermione seemed to have completely let go of the annoyance and indignation of her first crush, and wanted to have a completely unbiased academic discussion with Tierra——

But Tierra's mood is not in this at all...

Because this knowledge is already too shallow for Tierra——

So Tierra responded with "um", "um", "um", while looking around boredly——

Then he saw a light blue flying car soaring over the endless fields.

Thanks to Kersi, when the stars are right, and xiaotang246 for the 100 points

there will be another chapter later

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