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Group answer: Tiera

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Tiera suddenly realized how inappropriate what she just said was in her mind just now.

Tiera might be greedy for money, or she might want to get a little bit of money from Harry.

But just now he was thinking about how to control, even manipulate Harry—

Tiera believes that it is an easy thing to manipulate a twelve-year-old child with her own abilities and the thinking of an adult.

But is this what he should do?

Tiera knew exactly what kind of person she was.

Before he crossed over, he was already an adult. He would not be pure white, nor pure black, but a delicate granny gray——

Tiera didn't think she was a completely good person. She stole money from her parents to buy toys when she was a child. She often copied classmates' homework when she was in middle school. She secretly cheated in college exams. falsified data-

But on the verge of breaking the law, he reined in his horse.

He would go and steal the Philosopher's Stone - because even if the Philosopher's Stone disappeared it wouldn't affect anyone -

666-year-old Nick Lemay is ready to give up his life.

Centenarian Dumbledore would still die at the Observatory in sixth grade.

But to Harry--

Equivalent to PUA to a child

This will not work!

This is a crime!

"No, it's nothing, forget what I just said." Tiera said, "I know you trust me... I'm very happy to have your trust."

【what to do? Will Tierra Tierra…]

Tiera, who inadvertently made eye contact with Harry again, quickly lowered her head.

No, he can't read any more.

Tiera quickly reacted—

Why did Hogwarts never teach black magic.

The influence of black magic on the user is all the time, imperceptibly——

It won't open up to you because of how formal your learning process is or how clever your life-saving skills are——

At most, you will not be eroded so fast.

At most, it makes you less eroded.

But in the end, the power of this emotion combined with your spiritual dimension will magnify your inner desire—

Just like Voldemort was so graceful and wise during his school days, but as he went further and further down the road of black magic, his fear of death deepened.

Gradually, this fear devoured his remaining reason and made him even more crazy.

This may also explain why Dumbledore has been living in Hogwarts.

Would rather be shackled than go out and face Grindelwald.

It wasn't just his blood oath with Grindelwald that he escaped.

What Dumbledore was afraid of was the young and frivolous self—

What Dumbledore was afraid of was the one who, like Grindelwald, once desperately longed for power, power, and fame.

Dumbledore was able to defeat two generations of Dark Lords in a row, especially in the fifth-grade Ministry of Magic battle, which was almost an understatement over Voldemort.

But when you told me that Dumbledore used ordinary magical powers, Tiera didn't believe it.

In other words, Dumbledore also used the power of black magic——

That is, the way of combining the magic of spiritual latitude with the emotional output of spiritual latitude.

It's just that Dumbledore's emotional output may not be the pure killing intent like Voldemort's, nor is it like Tierra's combination of painful emotions, but a kind of love similar to Lily Evans's power——

Maybe it's love for my family, maybe it's guilt for my sister and brother——

It could also be love for Grindelwald.

The specific situation is unknown to Tiera, but there is no doubt that Dumbledore has definitely been eroded by the power of black magic.

And away from the center of power, away from battle, away from disputes, away from wanton and wonderful life——

Control yourself, suppress your inner thoughts, bury all your ideals and ambitions when you were young, and let yourself slowly decay like an old man in the castle and teaching and educating people——

It is Dumbledore's method to curb the erosion of black magic.

Tiera is very fortunate that he is not a native inhabitant of this world. The three views that he grew up under the red flag in his previous life gave him a strong ability to distinguish right from wrong——

Let him realize this abnormality now, and the behavior of contacting Dumbledore quickly woke up.

Maybe it's because his magical ability has grown too fast recently, and the erosion of black magic power has gradually become obvious, which made him catch a trace of incongruity.

Tiera looked up and looked ahead—

By this time, Hermione had come out of the shop with five bottles of ink and a bag of parchment.

Ron was already a little hard and disappointed and looked away from the full Chadley Cannon uniform.

Harry was stretching out his hand and shaking it hard in front of Tiera—

Just now, Tiera was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong with Tiera?" Harry tilted his head to look at Tiera.

"'s nothing." Tiera didn't dare look Harry in the eyes.

The way to curb the erosion of the power of black magic is to restrain—

In other words, as long as I'm salty enough, nothing can tempt me.

Not only means the original power and temptation, but more means restraining the use of one's own power——

Addiction and abuse of power is also a manifestation of the erosion of black magic power.

"I really didn't believe you." Seeing that Tiera was in a low mood, Harry said a little aggrieved, and reached out his hand to hold Tiera.

But she was flutteringly avoided by Tiera.

"Well, I know." Tiera gave Harry the biggest smile he could imagine—

But Tiera's eyes still didn't look directly at Harry, and she didn't hold, but quietly reached into the wizard's robe and held Tom Riddle's notebook.

A strand of skin peeled from Tiera's palm and slowly attached to Tom Riddle's notebook.

And Tom Riddle knew nothing about it.

Because at this time, Tiera has been broadcasting Tom Riddle's scene of shopping with Harry Potter.

"It looks like you have a good relationship." Tom Riddle said sourly.

At the same time, in his heart: [Damn, this Tiera will not forget his jealousy of Harry? No, I have to remind him. 】

"I'm really happy to see you get along well," Tom Riddle said. "I hope he doesn't take you as a sidekick anymore."

Tiera instantly hung a layer outside the mental fence:


"Hey, Tiera! Look!" Harry took Tiera into the Ziggs and Magus Pharmacy, "Look, it's the Ziggs Magus Pharmacy!"

Harry pointed to the medicinal herbs on the top shelf of the Ziggs Magos pharmacy counter—

"Look, it's the cat and leopard tail feathers and phoenix tail feathers you've always wanted!" Harry said in surprise, "I'll buy them for you!"

"Oh, no Harry..." Tiera said halfway through, and then saw Harry run to the counter and take out a pile of gold Galleons.

"You don't need to buy it for me, I'm really fine." Then Tiera finished the second half of the sentence.

I'm sorry Harry...

Tiera meditated in her heart.

Just let me be greedy this time...

Phoenix's tail feathers are really fragrant...

Although the materials he listed for Lucius also included the tail feathers of the phoenix—


Who would think too much of this kind of thing?

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