This time, Auston did not ride a broomstick, but used the subway, a modern means of transportation.

Dolly used the Disillusionment Charm and got on the subway together.

It was not until Auston came out of the subway station and walked to a corner where no one was there that Dolly presented her prototype.

"Mr. Brown, please take this." Dolly handed him the pocket with the euro, and dodged into the shadow of the building.

"Go on your own. There are too many Muggles here. I can't openly take to the streets with you, but I can hide and protect you on the side."

Auston also took off the robe that looked a little out of place in the crowd, leaving only a neat shirt and shorts.

He stuffed the robe into the dragonskin bag he carried with him, and said to Dolly,

"You wait for me here first, don't move."

After speaking, he hurried away, and he didn't take the purse Dolly was holding, because Dolly didn't follow his words for a while, and it didn't matter if he didn't follow.

While she was hesitating, Auston ran back again and took out a pair of children's shoes, a hat and a mask from the dragonskin bag like a conjuration.

"This is?" Dolly's big round eyes were full of questions.

Auston pressed the hat on Dolly's head and smiled, "What if I finally came out and didn't have a good time?"

After she finished speaking, she put the mask over her mouth again, then looked back and forth from a distance, and pressed the hat down again, covering the long tips of the elf's unique ears.

"That's about it." Aston looked at Dolly and nodded himself.

"Mr. Brown..., what is this... doing?"

Dolly was full of doubts and looked at Auston with her big bulging eyes without blinking.

"Oh, yes, and this one."

Auston rummaged in the dragonskin bag again. Then he took out a pair of small sunglasses from his bag.

"Come on, put it on and see."

The heart-shaped small sunglasses just cover the big eyes full of doubts.

"That's perfect."

Auston is deeply proud of his ability to dress up.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Dolly asked.

Only then did Auston realize that Dolly hadn't seen her new image yet. He reached out and turned Dolly around, facing the glass in the store next door. It happened to be noon at this time, and the clerk in the store was dozing off, not seeing what the two strange little guys outside the window were tinkering with.

Dolly was surprised when she saw the fully-armed self inside through the glass. She turned to look at Auston. Although her shocked eyes were blocked by the heart-shaped sunglasses, Auston could understand.

"How's it going? Not bad, so we can go shopping together."

"But...but, what if someone recognizes...what should I do?"

It's not that there is no danger that fish and dragons are mixed in Xiangjie. Maybe there are so many Muggles mixed with some wizards.

Auston patted his chest and smiled, "Don't worry, there is me."

"By the way, and this." Auston remembered the shoe he had just put aside, he squatted down, picked up Dolly's small dry foot and slipped it into it.

"Whether it's an elf or something, you have to wear shoes. Otherwise, it's easy to hurt your feet, and it's easy to be recognized by Muggles on the street."

Auston helped her put the other shoe on again, stood up and looked at Dolly's shadow on the shop glass.

"Okay, this is a cool little elf."

Dolly looked at herself in the glass at a loss, rubbing the corners of her skirt with her two dry little hands.

Auston saw her embarrassment, took her hand, and led her to the avenue.

"Come, follow me, don't be afraid."


It turns out that shopping is not just a woman's nature. Auston took Dolly around the whole afternoon, from jewelry stores to clothing stores, and even a French supermarket.

It was not until the sun and the west were both tired and hungry that they stopped fighting. Originally, Auston wanted to take Dolly to a good meal, and he had long coveted French foie gras, caviar and truffles.

But because Dolly couldn't take off her mask and sat in the restaurant to enjoy dinner, they had to order a pizza in a hurry at the fast food restaurant and take it to a nearby park to eat. They passed by the dessert shop Austin and went in to buy it. Puddings, Pies and Drinks.

The two found a deserted corner in a nearby park and sat down for dinner.

Auston poured his purchases onto the stone table in the park, and then took out the prepared dinner from it.

Then one by one, I put the results of this afternoon back into the dragonskin bags, including gifts for the Browns, as well as my sister's, Hufflepuff's classmates, the Quidditch team, and even Ha None of the gifts from the three of them fell.

Among them, what he cherished most was a small bottle of perfume that he was going to bring to Delphi. He held the perfume in the palm of his hand with a low smile, hoping that she would like it.

By the time he packed everything up, Dolly had opened the pizza box, put the drink in the straw, and even spread the pudding box.

Auston put on disposable gloves, picked up a piece of pizza on a paper plate, and put it in front of Come and eat. "

The elf who got several sets of dresses in one afternoon didn't hesitate anymore, picked up the plate and took a bite.

Along the way, the dragon used magic to heat the box of pizza in the bag, and now it can pull out long strands with a bite.

The elf held the pizza in his mouth, and the other half of the pizza in his hand pulled it further and further, and the drawing became longer and longer.

Auston snickered while watching. It wasn't until the elf took some effort to tear the pizza strands off.

"Ah! It's so delicious."

The elf couldn't help but let out a sigh. Auston couldn't help but want to complain, boy, you don't know anything about the world of fat houses.

The meals prepared by the elves at Lemay's house are all authentic French dishes, and occasionally when foreign guests come, they will learn some classic dishes from other countries.

Dolly's meals from her ancestors were also these formal dishes. That's what they eat themselves. Never had fast food.

Auston just smiled, and pushed the pudding and pie towards Dolly as well.

"Eat more if it's delicious."

Auston himself simply ate two pieces of pizza, and he was almost full after one drink.

Dolly's food was almost the same. Only then did Auston realize that this little girl's appetite was really unusual. He only ate two pieces of a large twelve-inch pizza, and Dolly ate the rest. Tucked into the belly, and there's even a pair of puddings and pies.

The elf hiccupped heavily before pulling the mask hanging from her ears to her mouth. He untied the bag of euros from his waist again.

"Mr. Brown, I'll give you this. I can't take you out for a day at all costs."

This bag of money was still pulled out in the store for a little episode.

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