Almost instantly, all the black-robed wizards fell.

Lu Ke stood there and exhaled slowly.

He was very disappointed.

And hesitating.

Lu Ke was thinking whether he should completely eliminate these wizards.

The moment he hesitated, a green light lit up in the corner of Lu Ke's eyes.

The death curse went straight to Lu Ke like lightning, and Lu Ke turned sideways.

Then he heard a familiar laugh.

"Lu Ke..."

Lu Ke sneered.

That was Bellatrix Lestrange.

He turned around and rushed out in the direction where the laughter came from.

In the darkness, no one saw that Lu Ke's eyes had turned into golden vertical pupils.

Bellatrix Lestrange saw Lu Ke approaching, and the wand in her hand shot green lightning one after another, but Lu Ke dodged them all.

Just when Lu Ke was about to rush in front of her, Bellatrix Lestrange turned into black smoke and rose into the sky.

That's Apparition.

Lu Ke sneered and jumped up.

A huge black fire dragon spread its wings in the dark night. When it flapped its wings, the strong wind howled.

Someone in the tent near the competition venue looked up, but they couldn't see anything in the night sky.

Bellatrix Lestrange flashed across the night sky like a black lightning. Ordinary people could not determine her actions at all, but the eyes of the fire dragon could see clearly.

Ominous black shadows swept across the land and shot into the distance.

But suddenly, the fire dragon flapped its wings, turned back into Lu Ke, and fell from the sky.

When he landed on the ground, a terrifying roar echoed in all directions.

Lu Ke raised his head and glanced at Bellatrix Lestrange who had disappeared into the horizon, then turned around and looked around.

This is somewhere inside the tent area.

There was chaos everywhere, and almost no one noticed what had just happened. Lu Ke glanced at the place where the battle had just occurred in the distance.

He had a feeling that the black-robed wizards who were lying there should have escaped long ago.

Lu Ke sneered and turned around.

Even if they were allowed to escape, they would still be nothing more than a group of losers who failed to achieve anything but failed. There was also a real Death Eater here who Voldemort did not hesitate to send his henchman Bellatrix Lestrange to rescue.

Lu Ke glanced around, then walked into the shadows.

Harry woke up from his dream.

Mr. Weasley was beside him, looking around nervously.

"What's wrong?"

Sirius Black pulled Harry out of bed.

"It seems like something happened. Contacts within the Ministry of Magic said there is a suspicious person."

Mr. Weasley glanced at Harry: "I'm going to join the rest of the ministry now. Charlie and Bill will go to help. Harry, you stay here."

With that, Mr. Weasley walked out of the tent.

Harry shook his head, now fully awake.

"We're going to help."

Sirius Black stopped Harry: "Where are you going?"

Harry said matter-of-factly: "Charlie and Bill are going to help, so can we."

Sirius Black was stunned for a moment, and then Ron walked up to the two of them: "Harry is right."

Sirius Black sighed: "Well, for your safety, I have to go along."

The only people left in the tent were the witches, and then Johanna and three others came over.

"For safety's sake, let's move together."

Johanna gave Sirius Black a meaningful look.

Sirius Black smiled helplessly: "Forget it, let's go out and take a look."

Just then, a man burst into the tent.

That's Draco Malfoy.


Harry looked surprised.


Hermione glanced at Malfoy helplessly: "Why are you here at this time?"

Malfoy was a little surprised to see a circle of Weasleys around him, and then shook his head: "Let's get out of here quickly. Someone found a group of wizards lying on the ground on the other side. It seemed that someone had sneaked in to cause trouble. For safety reasons, we came from the other side. Leave first."

Sirius Black looked at Malfoy with an appraising look on his face, then shook his head: "Are you Harry's friend?"

Malfoy hesitated, then nodded.

Sirius Black turned and looked at Harry.

Harry nodded helplessly: "So be it."

Malfoy sighed: "Although those people may not be able to cause any big trouble, it is too chaotic here now. For the sake of safety, we should leave first."

Sirius Black nodded: "We'll come back after the Ministry of Magic has sorted out all the troubles."

With that said, he took the lead and walked out of the tent.

"Let's go."

All the tents formed a ring outside the stadium, and what they had to do now was to go through the ring to the outside to avoid possible chaos.

Along the way, everyone discovered that no one was affected by the so-called threat at all, and they were all still enjoying the happy time after the game.

There were people partying all night long everywhere.

When they left the tent gathering place, they found that almost no one was affected by the so-called danger.

Wizards gathered everywhere here, and they even saw three wizards surrounding a enchantress in an open space.

They showed off their successes in life to the enchantress. One said that he had killed a hundred vampires, another said that he could earn 10,000 gold galleons a year, and another said that he would soon become the youngest person in the Ministry of Magic. Minister.

The Weasley twins looked at the scene with visibly interested expressions.

Sirius Black walked over directly. He stood in front of the enchantress and pretended to clear his throat: "Actually, I am a flying broomstick inventor. I have invented a flying broomstick that is twice as fast as the Firebolt." Broomsticks, on sale tomorrow!”

Then the three wizards gave Sirius Black a hard look: "You lie!"

Sirius Black finally couldn't help laughing: "How do you know!"

Then everyone else behind him laughed.

The enchantress screamed unhappily, and then Sirius Black turned around with a smile and left, leaving only the three wizards to continue arguing.

"Don't laugh, Harry, you were no better than these three wizards at that time."

Hermione said with a smile.

Harry smiled helplessly.

Sirius Black smiled and nodded: "You know Harry, a true Gryffindor is to attract ladies, not be attracted to ladies, you should learn to be like me."

Harry sighed long and helplessly.

Then they bumped into a house elf.

Harry was a little unsure, but after hearing the house elf's voice, he was sure that this was the Winky he saw in the box.

She is running away.


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