Ronan was silent for a moment. He turned around and glanced at the centaur corpse on the grass. Even if it was just a short moment of fighting, the Dark Lord had left lasting scars of damage. →eight→eight→read→book, ↓o≥

"We recognize you, Lu Ke."

Ronan walked back among the centaurs. They said something to each other and nodded together.

Finally, Ronan lowered his head facing Lu Ke: "Thank you for your help, successor of Hufflepuff."

Lu Ke smiled and nodded, then took out the Hufflepuff badge.

The silver-maned elderly centaur shook his head: "Not now, please wait, we need to complete the funeral of the victim."

He lowered his head and turned around. Together with the other elderly centaurs, he lifted the centaur warrior who had fallen to the ground and threw it into the fire in front of the boulder.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Ke heard the battle cry of the centaurs at the moment when the flames rose.

It seemed to be an ancient and primitive magic, but very powerful.

Finally, a shadow appeared in the flames.

Lu Ke was surprised to find that it was Hufflepuff.

"I respectfully request a brief chat, old friend."

Then the Hufflepuff in the flames nodded and stepped out.

That was the person Lu Ke was familiar with, the breathtakingly beautiful Hufflepuff. Probably only Johanna Ogulius could rival her, but she also lacked the feeling of involuntary closeness.

"Horses are very stubborn, but they are also simple. As long as you are as simple as you are, you can complete the test."

Hufflepuff glanced at Lu Ke: "But you are a Slytherin, right."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly: "I just did everything I could."

Hufflepuff smiled: "Then work hard to complete all the tests. I'm looking forward to it."

Lu Ke nodded: "Thank you."

The Hufflepuff, made of flames, held out his hand. ▲-八▲-八▲-Read ▲-Book, ◇o≧

Lu Ke reached out and presented the badge.

Then a stream of fire flowed into the badge.

The surrounding centaurs bowed their heads together: "May your journey be smooth, old friend."

Hufflepuff nodded: "The next test is in the Black Lake, where the fishmen built a village. If you like mermaid fairy tales, you can't miss it."

Lu Ke smiled.

He knew very well that the fishmen in the Black Lake and the fishmen in fairy tales just looked alike, but they were not the same thing at all.

But Hufflepuff is always right.

She turned into fire and disappeared into the night sky.

The centaurs raised their heads and watched the sparks rise until they disappeared from the horizon.

"The ceremony is completed, Lu Ke, you helped us a lot."

Ronan walked to Lu Ke, his face still looked depressed.

It's probably been a long time since the centaurs' tribe lost so many members.

Fortunately, they are all warriors and no foals.

"The centaurs will fight for you because tonight you fight for us."

This is a serious commitment.

Lu Ke just nodded.

Then Ronan hesitated.

"Do you know who the man in black robe is?"

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh: "Of course I know that there is only one wizard in the world who can use Avada Kedavra so skillfully and perfectly."

"That's Voldemort."

The centaurs who formed a circle around him were silent.

"Your insight is amazing, Lu Ke, Mars is particularly bright tonight..."

Lu Ke just remained silent.

He wouldn't admit it, he just said it casually.

"The shadow of the war is not over yet, and it is getting deeper and deeper."

The silver-maned old centaur sighed: "One day, the centaur will face the war with you, Lu Ke. I hope you will be the same at that time as you are today."

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "Of course."

Then Ronan sighed: "You should go back. The foal in that castle shouldn't stay out so late."

Lu Ke nodded.

Then he refused Ronan's offer to take him back to the castle and walked to the wooden door alone.

After walking through the corridor, Lu Ke returned to the Slytherin common room.

There was no need to say goodbye to Filch, he would go back to rest by himself every night when he was tired.

It was late at night, Lu Ke returned to the dormitory and fell into sleep.

The next morning, Lu Ke met Quirrell.

He looked in good shape, exactly as usual.

"Lu Ke," Chilo pulled Lu Ke to the corner sneakily, "How did you come back last night?"

Lu Ke shook his head casually: "It's the same as when I went there."

Quirrell looked mysterious: "There is a powerful dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest. I went to the Forbidden Forest to catch him."

Lu Ke nodded: "Do you want to tell Professor Dumbledore?"

Quirrell shook his head: "Don't, he already knew it and didn't let me tell others!"

Lu Ke nodded.

He was filled with doubts.

The snake's nest-like feeling in Quirrell's body is completely gone now.

Lu Ke began to wonder if he was telling half the truth.

Maybe Voldemort really has chosen a new host.

Otherwise, with the injuries caused by Lu Ke's move last night, Quirrell should definitely not be safe now.

Full of doubts, Lu Ke returned to the hall.

He was surprised to see Malfoy holding his chest and sitting in his usual seat: next to Lu Ke.

Lu Ke walked over and sat down, looking at Malfoy curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

Malfoy's face turned pale: "My chest hurts..."

"Go to the campus hospital."

Malfoy looked seriously injured and had difficulty speaking.

But Malfoy shook his head with fear: "Nothing, no need."

Lu Ke turned around and glanced at Johanna.

Johanna shook her head silently.

He turned back to look at Malfoy: "If you need help, tell me and I will keep it secret for you."

Malfoy's eyes flashed: "No, I'm fine."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly.

After lunch, Lu Ke and Johanna returned to the Slytherin common room together.

"What happened Malfoy?"

While Lu Ke was talking, he was still looking at the entrance to the common room. He was afraid that Malfoy would suddenly walk in at this time.

Based on Malfoy's habit of following Lu Ke every day during this period, this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

Johanna did not answer: "You should first explain to me what happened last night?"

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "I bumped into Quirrell and Voldemort in the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest."

A look of interest appeared on Johanna's face: "I actually missed something so interesting! What did you do to Voldemort, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke smiled: "A broken rib."

Johanna walked around Lu Ke with a smile on her face.

It was like the first time she met Lu Ke.

"Qui Luo doesn't seem to have any chest injuries at all."

Lu Ke nodded.

"So you suspect that Malfoy is in serious trouble because of his sudden behavior..." 11


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