Lu Ke was surprised to find that Halloween was coming soon.

What surprised him even more was that Hermione sat at the long Slytherin table, in Lu Ke's usual seat, next to Johanna.

But now Hermione didn't look like she was crying under great pressure as Johanna said, but she was talking and laughing happily.

Lu Ke walked to the long table and sat down on the other side of Johanna casually.

"Good evening Johanna, Ms. Granger."

Hermione nodded, looking as curious and enthusiastic as if she were seeing Lu Ke for the first time: "Lu Ke, have you really found out the source of the curse's power?"

Lu Ke glanced at Johanna, who shook her head.

"Who...told you, Granger?"

Hermione looked excited: "Professor Flitwick, he said that you are a super genius that only exists in Hogwarts for hundreds of years. Although Dumbledore may be more powerful, his talent does not lie in magic." class."

Lu Ke felt something was wrong.

There were already malicious glances from the Gryffindor table. Although it was not from the twins so it was not a big threat, it was towards Lu Ke.

And the paper was not published at all because it was too dangerous, so it was impossible for Lu Ke to tell Hermione any information.

This is a genius who is smart enough to find the answer from clues. Lu Ke does not dare to take this risk.

"Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore participated in the experiment. As their little assistant, I am honored to work with them. Of course, as a student, I have done what anyone can do." Things that can’t be achieved.”

Hermione's expression changed subtly.

Lu Ke's tone and demeanor looked very much like Malfoy.

And Hermione Granger knew very well that most of these people were uneducated and boastful, just to put money on their faces.

And if you think about it carefully, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and even Dumbledore are all here, so as a student, or even a squib, Lu Ke may not have done much.

Of course, as a student, being able to do this is enough to be remembered by the professor, which is very impressive.

The enthusiasm on Hermione's face cooled instantly.

She stood up a little unhappy, said goodbye gruffly, and returned to the Gryffindor table.

Johanna glanced at Lu Ke: "It's amazing. At least you have almost one-tenth of my ability to control people's hearts."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Standard Slytherin arrogance, she can't stand it just a little bit. Granger is a natural Gryffindor, but she hasn't realized it yet."

Johanna nodded: "But I just wanted to divert her attention and stop Hermione from being depressed anymore. Do you think this will be useful for my plan?"

Lu Ke was speechless.

Halloween is coming soon, and Lu Ke is busy helping Hagrid and the professors prepare the decorations.

Hagrid planted a lot of pumpkins in the farmland next to the Forbidden Forest. Now Lu Ke will help him harvest them and prepare them to be made into pumpkin lanterns. There are also various pumpkin foods in the kitchen, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cakes, and homemade pumpkins. The elves were eager to try it. They were led by Lu Ke to let their minds fly. There were countless dishes they wanted to try.

As the gamekeeper's "most reliable and powerful" assistant, Lu Ke certainly had to help, but this also meant that Lu Ke could no longer avoid the house elves.

You must know that since the Hufflepuff test began, Lu Ke has never been to the kitchen again, and even had breakfast in the hall.

"Are you ready, Lu Ke?"

The old Carrot was like a shadow beside Lu Ke, repeating this question over and over again.

Lu Ke was originally helping Hagrid pick pumpkins. He was responsible for picking them and throwing them to Hagrid. Then Hagrid threw them on a huge flatbed truck. The house elves picked out the ones that didn't look good and put them on their Another flatbed truck.

Finally, the ones that seem to be in perfect shape will be left to be used as jack-o-lantern decorations in the hall, while the ones that are not so good will be taken to the kitchen to be made into various foods.

Now that Carrot is entangled with Lu Ke, his work speed has slowed down.

Lu Ke reluctantly decided to use the last resort.

He was going to comply with the house elf's request.

But Lu Ke himself will never become their master.

From what happened to Hermione last time, Lu Ke learned a lesson.

If it really benefits a person, then lying is not a big deal at all.

So Lu Ke nodded to Carrot: "I'm ready."

Carrot raised his head and screamed, then shouted in the direction of the other house elves: "Lu Ke is ready!"

A burst of ecstatic screams broke out among the house elves, and one even fell off the flatbed truck in excitement.

"Lu Ke is ready!"

Hagrid looked at the house elves in surprise, and then asked Lu Ke: "What happened, Lu Ke?"

Halloween is coming, and he needs Lu Ke's help.

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, keep working."

The house elves took this as an order from their master, and they shouted: "Yes, master!"

Then all the house elves started working harder.

Although they were not lazy at all.

Of course Hagrid had no objection to this, but after it was over, he whispered to Lu Ke: "These house elves must be planning something, they look very wrong."

Lu Ke could only smile helplessly: "You are right, Hagrid."

When I followed the house elves back to the kitchen, it was already dinner time.

Lu Ke stood in front of all the house elves and took out the Hufflepuff ring badge facing Carrot.

"Your oath of allegiance to Hufflepuff has ended."

All the house elves lowered their heads.

Carrot sobbed silently.

"Hufflepuff, she is a perfect witch, kinder than anyone else, but even the kindest person cannot escape time."

Lu Ke was silent and waited until all the house elves calmed down.

"Now, you will have a new master."

All the house elves began to applaud, obviously thinking about Hufflepuff just now prevented them from cheering for the moment.

"And this owner is Hogwarts."

All the house elves were stunned for a moment.

Then Carrot screamed, "This doesn't meet the requirements of the test!"

Lu Ke smiled: "Hufflepuff's test, did you tell you the only correct answer, Carrot?"

Carrot was stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head and tried his best to remember.

It seems, seems, possible, indeed not.


Lu Ke nodded: "Hufflepuff's request is that I want to convince you."


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