Harry Potter sat in his bedroom and opened the astrology device given to him by Luke.

He was waiting for the messenger from Hogwarts.

An owl had already sent an admission letter, which mentioned that someone would come over today to take him to buy things he needed for school.

Harry had been waiting for this day for too long.

He woke up very early in the morning and waited until now.

Harry hoped that the people coming would be Snape and Luke.

Lu Ke always knows what he likes, and Professor Snape is very reliable. The two of them are the most suitable combination.

Just as Harry was thinking this, there was a noise outside the door.

The most jarring of all was Aunt Petunia's scream.

Then Harry heard heavy footsteps coming to the door, and then the door locked by the Dursleys opened.

A giant lowered his head and leaned in.

"Hi! Harry!"

He was a rugged, bearded man with a warm smile.

Harry was stunned for a moment.

Although it was not the Lu Ke and Snape he expected, he was already very happy as long as he saw people from the wizarding world.


"I'm Hagrid."

Hagrid seemed to want to go in and shake Harry's hand, but the room was too small and he finally gave up.

"Dumbledore asked me to take you to prepare things for school. Let's go."

Harry followed Hagrid out happily.

Then together they used Muggle transportation to reach their destination.

Hagrid struggled to explain to Harry: "We can't expose ourselves, so this is good."

But he obviously didn't think so. When getting into the subway, Hagrid almost got stuck at the ticket gate.

Harry was amused and worried at the same time, so he didn't notice his surroundings at all.

If he looked to the side, he would see a kid who was a head taller than him, wearing a meticulous formal suit and also walking through the ticket gate.

That is Lu Ke.

He smiled at passers-by and deliberately slowed down in front of the subway.

In this way, he was on the same train as Hagrid Harry.

Sitting next to Lu Ke was an old man.

He glanced at Lu Ke's formal suit curiously: "The weather lately is really terrible, isn't it? It's both gloomy and suffocatingly hot."

Lu Ke nodded: "But isn't this London?"

The old man laughed: "Just like the person who forced you to wear these clothes. Children, London, never listen to what others say."

Lu Ke nodded: "I simply can't agree anymore."

While the two were talking, Lu Ke glanced over and saw Hagrid occupying the seat of three people alone, sitting on a chair, as if he was squatting on a small bench.

But at least it was better than standing, otherwise he would have to bend over all the time.

After two stops, Lu Ke stood up, nodded goodbye to the old man, and walked out of the train.

To his right, Hagrid and Harry also got out of the car.

Then they went up the stairs and out into the street.

It's a busy city, full of people coming and going, talking about all kinds of things, most of the time about shopping and entertainment.

Among these people, Lu Ke's formal attire was completely alien, but no one cared about it. Yingglishi had a long history, and there was nothing surprising about some strange people.

For example, Hagrid is not far away.

It's not often that a strong man like him is seen, but Hagrid just pushed his way forward through the crowd, and Harry just had to follow.

Lu Ke is similar, he is smaller and moves more easily, and few people will squeeze around a person wearing such formal clothes.

Just as Hagrid and Harry turned a corner, Lu Ke suddenly accelerated.

He rushed into the alley behind the corner before the two of them.

On the left side of the alley is a record store. Inside, near the window, are three men with gloomy faces.

Lu Ke walked over without hesitation.

By the time those three people noticed Lu Ke, it was already too late.

Lu Ke punched twice, first left and then right. The two people hit by the punch bent over in pain.

Then Lu Ke reached out and snatched two wands from their hands.

At this time, the last man was already pointing his wand at Lu Ke.

Then Lu Ke raised his feet.

Step on the man's toes.

At that moment, he let out a scream of extreme pain.

So the magic wand in his hand also fell into Lu Ke's hand.

Then, Lu Ke put the three wands into the inner pocket of his coat, then turned and walked out of the store.

At this time, a seventeen-year-old black-haired super beauty came to the three people on the ground and raised her wand: "Follow your words."

The three people stood up and bowed respectfully to the beauty: "Master."

The beauty nodded: "Just follow me."

Finally, Hagrid took Harry to the Leaky Cauldron.

The two walked in, but Lu Ke did not follow.

At this time, the super beauty came to him.

"You are so handsome, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "You are very beautiful today, Johanna."

Johanna smiled happily: "I never knew it was so easy to control you before."

Lu Ke turned around and looked at the three walking dead behind Johanna: "I think what you did to them is called control."

Johanna smiled and shook her head: "If you want, I can do the same to you."

Lu Ke shook his head: "Go back, there are no other Death Eaters around here, and I will leave it to others in Diagon Alley. I am too conspicuous in front of wizards."

Johanna nodded: "But he's very handsome."

After saying that, she reached out to hold Lu Ke's arm and transformed.

After the distortion of the world stopped, the two came directly to the Shafiq family's castle.

There are already people waiting here.

Snape came up to him with a gloomy expression: "How is the situation?"

Johanna stepped aside, allowing Snape to see the three Death Eaters behind her.

Snape walked up and took a closer look: "They did escape the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic, but not because they were strong, but because they were not important at all."

Then the three of them turned around and walked towards the castle together.

"The mysterious man is cautious."

Lu Ke said something while walking.

Snape shook his head: "It's also possible that he no longer has the power to control the Death Eaters."

Lu Ke was noncommittal and changed the subject: "What about the other side?"

Snape shook his head: "The news that the Sorcerer's Stone is in Gringotts has spread, and Death Eaters have already started taking action."

Then the two of them said nothing more.

"The Aurors are waiting."

When Snape said this, Johanna transformed into William Shafik and took the lead in opening the door.

A group of Aurors were scattered in the hall.

The leader was a one-eyed man.


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