Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 432: .School establishment (3/5)

There is no need to waste time. Seeing the door open, Wang Bo made his request to build a school!

Grand is a veteran of negotiation. He is not in a hurry and smiles. "I admit that this is a beautiful town, but I learned a bit on the way. There do n’t seem to be many children here. Children who can support the consumption of agg , Seems less? "

His meaning is very clear. On the scale of a small town, it is not necessary to set up a public school. Why is it necessary to set up a private school?

Private schools need to make money. Almost all the schools of ACG are in the capitals of various countries. They have not invested in building schools in towns and villages, because in the view of the board of directors, the consumption in towns and villages cannot meet the requirements of ACG.

Wang Bo said: "If you really know enough about our town, then you should know that Sunset Town has only been established for one year."

"Come on, let's see, how much has the town changed in a year? How many people have come here? If you don't think it's intuitive enough to see from the ground, I have prepared a helicopter for you."

Negotiations rely on a momentum. Pharaoh is young and vigorous, and has the heart of a lord as a backing, so he will not let the other party hold him back.

He beckoned, Kidd called and a luxurious business helicopter quickly appeared in the air.

Since acg chose to visit the small town, it is natural to evaluate the small town first, and think that there is a possibility of investment before sending people over, otherwise they will not come to waste time.

After the helicopter appeared, Grande looked up with a smile and made a hood with his hand and said, "This is Mr. Shane Goode's helicopter, isn't it?"

Wang Bo did this by pulling tiger skins as a banner. He used the hegemonic president's helicopter to tell the other party that Lao Tzu had a wide network and Lao Tzu was awesome.

The helicopter landed, and he invited a party to overlook the town. This helicopter can accommodate 11 people, but if it is crowded, 12 people will be fine.

Looking down at the sunset town from the air, you can feel its charm: the whole grassland is paved, there are mountains in the north, big lakes in the west, beaches on the lakeside, Austria in the east, and quiet towns in the south ...

Wang Bo stood in front of the office building and waited. The captain flew around to the top of his head and combed his hair with his mouth.

Kidd quickly rushed away and muttered, "The hair of the boss was made with a lot of money, and it is for today ’s negotiations. Don't mess it up."

Captain: "Ah, let go of labor! Ah, your mother exploded!"

After overlooking the town, Grand took people to the government, and Wang Bo invited them into the meeting room.

Lingquan's boiled coffee and brewed tea are ready, and the people on both sides have chosen one side of the conference table to sit down and start talking.

"Only one year, our town has become like this, then what will it look like in another two years and five years, you should be able to think of it?" Wang Bo asked, "I said it is the next Queenstown, you Do you think I'm talking big? "

A young woman beside Grand said calmly, "Sorry, Mr. Mayor, there is no agg in Queenstown."

"But they have we, they have Macy's Middle School, forgive me, to tell the truth, even if ACG can go to Queenstown, what can change now?" A person walked in from outside the meeting with a smile, overbearing president!

This is a heavyweight helper invited by Wang Bo. He is very polite, but agg cannot refute it. Firstly, this is a fact. Secondly, this is a financial giant in New Zealand. To refute others, you must take the data. Who can compete with banks when playing with data?

Grande drank the lipstick tea, then opened his eyes unconsciously, raised the black tea to indicate that it was delicious.

Swallowing the tea, he said: "We admire the development speed of the town, and we also recognize the development potential of the town, but aristocratic private schools, do you think there will be vitality here? How many school-age students do you have?"

"Now there are only twenty children suitable for school, but when the school comes, the children will come. You know, there are no private schools in Olympiad and Cromwell, and these two places are not endless."

"Secondly, I won't let you take risks and let the risk be transferred to Sunset Town. I can invest 15 million in the school. As long as the school has a 50% stake, what do you think of this condition?" Wang Bo said .

He must invest and must bear the risk, otherwise agg will not come. They are educational institutions, not venture capital institutions.

"It's impossible," Grande said in a deciduous manner. "25 million, a 10% stake in the school."

Upon hearing this, Wang Bo was relieved that at least ACG was willing to invest in the town, and they recognized the development potential of the sunset town.

It's time for the overbearing president to show his value. He mediates from it, and the two parties keep bidding and negotiating.

In fact, the investment money has been determined. 15 million to 25 million must be a compromise of 20 million. The question is how many shares Wang Bo can get.

In the end, after some bargaining, he will get 20% of the shares, the shares will be reset for the first time in three years, and will be reset for the second time in ten years.

The price was settled, and the terms were started. The two sides agreed to use the 20 million education funds provided by Wang Bo to set up a school covering 13 grades, including education, food and accommodation. Follow through.

The 20 million yuan is not a franchise fee for ACG, but can be regarded as a guarantee to ensure that the school will have sufficient income after the completion of the sunset town.

Education is a strong foundation of the country, which is very big in terms of speaking, but for private schools, this is business, but they make this business more sincere.

The purpose of acg's investment in building a school is to make money. Wang Bo gave them 20 million yuan in two parts. First of all, $ 10 million was for construction funds, teaching buildings, campus infrastructure, and so on.

The remaining 10 million is education security, and this agg is included in the company account.

ACG has two classes for each grade, a total of 26 classes, grades 1 to 8, each class can accommodate up to 15 people, grades 9 to 13, each class can accommodate up to 20 people.

In addition to the 20 million, Wang Bo will reserve an additional 5 million subsidies to the school each year for the next two years. These funds are used to subsidize insufficient tuition fees.

Grand bluntly stated that within the next two years, the school estimated that the number of students received would not exceed 50, and the remaining educational resources would be wasted.

This is not allowed by ACG, so the town needs to subsidize this one.

Wang Bo scolded in his heart that this is an overlord clause of imperialism, but thinking about it in other places, he will do the same.

ACG is not a public school or charity. They need to guarantee profits and influence before they are willing to invest in building a school.

It can only be said that in the future, when the sunset town develops and the share replacement is re-established, Wang Bo will also propose the overlord clause.

Therefore, all he can do at this time is to promise, and then develop the town and carry out a counterattack!

(To be continued.)

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