Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 941: Bandit An dares to deceive me!

"It's really unreasonable, confounding black and white, referring to a deer as a horse, it is pure nonsense, nonsense!"

There is no reason why Lianchengbi is not angry. Jiang He, the governor of Anhui, this document is indeed nonsense, and he has completely pushed the fall of Lujiang to Lianchengbi, implying that Lianchengbi has no way to command, causing the Anhui army to lose every square inch, advance and retreat, and delay fighter opportunities. In the end, Lujiang gained and lost. txt. Jiang Hegeng pointed out that after Lianchengbi took office, he indulged his aides to extort money and bribes, enriched his personal pockets, and sold the official functions of Anhui and Henan at a price, so that the superintendent's office was crowded with people who came to buy officials every day.

"The bandit An dares to deceive me like this, the old man will never share the sky with him!"

The more Lianchengbi thought about it, the more angry he became. Jiang He was the governor of the newly established Anhui Province. Not only did he hold a heavy army, but he also had the title of Marquis of Xiangshan. It's just a bandit who robs a house. However, he was born in the second year of Tianqi, and was demoted to Guangdong because of the struggle with the eunuchs. Later, he was called back by Emperor Chongzhen, and he served as the director first and then the Langzhong.

In the year of Jiashen, Lianchengbi was entrusted with the purpose of raising wages for the south, and when he heard the bad news in Beijing, he really cried for three days and three nights, then wiped away his tears, and supported the emperor Hongguang with the southern ministers, and then went to Zhaoqing to participate in the establishment of Emperor Yongli. , was appointed Governor of Guangdong, and insisted on resisting the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong for more than ten years. Now, as a scholar of Wuyingdian University, supervising Anhui and Henan, he was so oppressed by a bandit.

However, no matter how unbearable it was, even the city walls could not do anything. Except for the entourage staff brought from Nanjing, who would listen to him in this Anqing Mansion! Even if he knew that Jiang He had framed him, he was unable to defend himself, let alone refute it, because he knew that if Jiang He dared to show him this document, he didn't care what his supervisor thought at all!

Being blatantly ignored, this made Lian Chengbi furious, his eyes darkened, his hands and feet were cold, and he was sweating profusely. Thinking of lying down on the inner bed and standing up, I felt dizzy and fell to the ground together with the chair. Hearing the sound, the entourage hurried in and helped him up and carried him into the inner room to rest. Xu Guoliang and others came to visit after hearing the news.

Looking at the pale face of the old superintendent on the bed, Xu Guoliang was deeply distressed, and he still advised: "The superintendent is not feeling well, so let the boss take a look at it to relieve our worries. As for the little people, the superintendent doesn't have to worry about it. If you get sick because of anger, it's not exactly what the villain wants."

Xu Guoliang's words made sense, and even Chengbi sighed and said sadly: "This old man knows this truth, but he can't be free and easy when it comes to the end... You don't need to alarm Langzhong, this old man just feels a cold, and he doesn't have any serious illness. Just take a few pills and rest for a few days."

"If you're sick, don't use the doctor, Inspector."

Xu Guoliang and a group of aides persuaded everyone. Lian Chengbi kept shaking his head. He looked sad and sighed: "Lujiang has fallen a lot, and we need to send troops to recover it as soon as possible, otherwise the thief show will definitely fall into the ground and harm me." When Xu Guoliang showed a corner of the document in his sleeve, he couldn't help asking, "But what urgent document came?"


Xu Guoliang hesitated for a while, and seeing the old inspector staring at him, he had to take out the document and said, "Just before, a group of chariots came from Nandu, saying that Su Wenxiu and Yu Gonglin owed a lot of taxes when they were in the village. Fu, it is also involved in inciting the villagers to gather together to make trouble, so they will be locked up and returned to Jiangnan for trial and conviction.”

"Dare thieves!"

Lianchengbi was so angry that he choked a few times. He had to look at the owner's face when he beat the dog. No matter how he had no real power, he was also the supervisor of the second province. What is the difference between this and slap him in the face!

"The old man said that everyone under the curtain is innocent, and no one can take me under the curtain without the consent of the old man! ... As for the tax in the past, the sage has clearly stated that they will be exempted from taxation, why? There is still a debt to be paid!"

Lian Chengbi was determined to protect Su Wenxiu and the others, but Xu Guoliang and the others had a bitter look on their faces.

Xu Guoliang said with a look of shame: "The supervisor, the subordinates and others are incompetent, Wenxiu and the others have already asked Ti Qi to take them away."


Liancheng wall was stunned, half-sounding, and he said in a grief and anger: "This old man is incompetent, he can't even protect the people who follow him, whether this supervisor does not do it, or does not do it! I will resign at this time... "

"The supervisor must not be impulsive!"

Xu Guoliang and others quickly dissuaded them. Although Su Wenxiu and Su Wenxiu were caught by the eagle and dog of the thief, they could still try to rescue them in the future as long as the supervisor was still there. But if the supervisor is not there, looking at the court, who can save Su Yu and the two.

Lian Chengbi was silent, but his heart was really hurt. The reason why he was kicked out of the capital was also related to his objection to clearing debts. As soon as he arrived in Anqing, someone was arrested for clearing debts behind the scenes. The filth behind this was not even clear to the city walls. It was clearly the thief Xiucai who was taking revenge on Yu he.

A follower of the old supervisor looked sad, and quickly changed the subject, he said: "The supervisor was ordered to go out of Beijing, and he worked hard in the military in Anhui. These days, the subordinates have witnessed the supervisor reviewing documents, arranging businessmen and horses, and raising food and grass... Which day will it not be midnight? He has exhausted his energy, devoted himself to destroying the enemy, no matter how small or small, he will do his best, and he is like the sage Zhuge Kongming.”

Hearing this, Lian Chengbi smiled bitterly: "This old man doesn't dare to compare with Zhuge, even if he dies, he may not have the reputation behind him... Die before he is a teacher, and the hero is full of tears!" , Lian Chengbi sighed again, indescribably lonely.

The entourage felt that the analogy was inappropriate, and it was a bit ominous to compare the supervisor to Zhuge Kongming.

Xu Guoliang also blamed this colleague for being confused and saying Meng Lang, he said comforting words: "Supervisor and take care of your health, the Anhui thing is not without remedy, superintendent still has to cheer up, and can't live up to the grace of the Holy One."

"The saint's grace can only be repaid in the next life... Besides, where does the saint's grace come from for me, otherwise why would I..." When the words came to his lips, Liancheng couldn't say anything, but his cheeks were flushed. , breathing heavy.

Xu Guoliang gently persuaded: "Now the superintendent's treatment is the most important thing, the most important thing to do is to report to the sage as soon as possible, and explain the fall of Lujiang to the sage. When we work together, things in Anhui will always turn around."

"Is there really a turning point? ... You go down first, Old Man Rong think about it."

Liancheng's body was covered with a thick quilt, and he was very tired. Xu Guoliang and others said goodbye and left. When they went out, more than one of the staff shed tears, and they were all sad for Liancheng Wall. In today's incident, the fault lies in the fact that the soldiers will not listen to the tune and order, and even if there is a good strategy, it is difficult to see it in action, and it may not be effective. In other words, the Master Supervisor has no actual military power for a day. Even if the Daluo Immortal is there, he cannot let the Master Supervisor stay in Anhui. Some people think of the arrests of Su Wenxiu and Yu Gonglin, and then think about the arrogant and domineering appearance of those eagle dogs and horses, and their hearts to come to Anhui to make a career are suddenly cold, and they wonder if they should find a reason to leave Anqing, so as not to be here in the city wall. delay. This is the building that sees the dignified Second Fu-sama about to collapse!

Alas, it is truly pitiful and deplorable that the dignified cabinet's second assistant left the capital, the governor, to end up like this. Then King Qi's work is too extreme, too ruthless, and it really responds to folk rumors, this King Qi is the second Sun Kewang!


It was getting late at night, Xu Guoliang was tossing and turning on the couch and couldn't sleep. At about three o'clock, there was a hint of tiredness, but there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Xu, are you asleep?"

"Brother Song, please come in, how is the supervisor, have you stopped?"

Xu Guoliang heard the voice of Song Qing, the old man beside the supervisor, and hurriedly stood up and opened the door while agreeing.

After Song Qing entered the house, he said, "I went to see it just now. The supervisor has already rested, but I feel a little uneasy."

Xu Guoliang knew that Song Qing was worried, and he advised: "Just put your heart into your stomach. The supervisor is an important minister of the court and has gone through several dynasties. In the cabinet, only Guo Zhiqi and Zhang Huangyan can be compared with the supervisor, and the sage also relies heavily on the supervisor. It’s very important, otherwise why would the supervisor be appointed as a cabinet director on that day. Besides, Lujiang’s fault is not on the supervisor, all the officials in Anhui refused to listen to the tune, as long as the supervisor explained this matter to the sage, and the wise man of the sage would definitely know The problem with the supervisor is that we will not listen to the words of the villain and stop using the supervisor. Therefore, we must not lose heart, we must stand together with the supervisor through trials and tribulations, and keep the clouds open until the end of the day.”

"It's also..."

Just as Song Qing was about to speak, he heard a clutter of footsteps in the courtyard, and then someone shouted from outside the door: "Mr. Xu, Steward Song, go and see, go and see! ... something happened to the supervisor! . . ." The voice of the visitor was flustered and sad.

Xu Guoliang was startled, hurriedly opened the door, and asked the person who came: "What's the matter, so panic?"

The visitor cried, "My lord, my lord is gone."

"how come?"

Song Qing and Xu Guoliang suddenly felt a buzzing sound, and they were shocked, and asked together, "When did you go?"

"I don't know if I'm small..."

Xu Guoliang and Song Qing didn't have time to inquire, and ran to the supervisor's residence in the backyard together. When he arrived, he saw the old supervisor Lian Chengbi lying on his back on the bed, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and nostrils, the bedding and hair a little messy, and the silver seal of the supervisor and the ministers and the edict were neatly placed on the head of the bed.


"grown ups!"

Xu Guoliang and Song Qing rushed to the bed and burst into tears. Xu Guoliang kept hitting the big bed with his head. He wept and pulled out a hand from the sleeve of Liancheng Wall, his fingernails were blue, and he looked at the pillow. There was a crumpled piece of grass paper under it, and there were bits and pieces of white powder stuck to it~www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Arsenic! "

Xu Guoliang's heart suddenly tightened, and the blood all over his body was about to coagulate: "Master, why are you so incapable of thinking about it!" What should I do if you ask me to wait!

"This is?"

Song Qing, who was crying, suddenly touched a letter. Xu Guoliang took a look at it, and it was clearly a letter from the old supervisor.

There were only a few numbers in the letter - "The one who harmed me, Zhou Shixiang!"


An apology to my readers, the recent updates are indeed too few. First, there are too many things at the end of the year. Second, Bones is busy learning to drive, and the exam is going to be on the 18th, and the whole person is tense. Tight

Forgive everyone, if I pass the exam, I will turn my joy into renewed motivation, and have a good breakout for a few days during the Spring Festival, and then everyone will have a good year together. If I fail, let grief whip me into trying to renew. (To be continued.)

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