Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 930: Fighting a deadly battle

When Jiangnan was panicking because of the big case of the crying temple caused by Wu Zhongxiu in Suzhou, Shunzhi has been resting in Xishan for three days in Beijing, thousands of miles away.

Shunzhi, who escaped from Yangzhou to Gaoyou that day, did not dare to stay for a long time, and asked Sony and Aobai to protect him and return north, so that his condition returned to serious. Guard disembarks.

I don't know if it was because of the transfer to the boat, or because of the water and soil in the north to support people. Because in Yangzhou, the imperial physician Wang Wanchun once said that the emperor might have smallpox, so Sony was always worried, but seeing that the emperor's symptoms didn't look like smallpox, he felt a lot more at ease.

In fact, the other imperial physicians who were driving with him had always been worried, fearing that their diagnosis was wrong. After seeing the emperor's symptoms, they were all relieved, and concluded that the emperor could not contract smallpox. Because if there is smallpox, the onset is very fierce. In three or five days, a rash will appear on the face, and it will turn into herpes in a few days. The emperor's current symptoms are completely different from smallpox symptoms, but more like contracting cold. .

However, even if it was just a cold, Sony did not dare to conceal the emperor's condition, and had long ago sent people to Beijing to report the news. As soon as the Shunzhi Royal Ship arrived in Tianjin, Prince Kang Jieshu and the Minister of Internal Affairs Suksaha came to pick him up at the order of the Empress Dowager. There were also three imperial physicians with them, two of whom served the three dynasties of the former Ming Dynasty, Wanli, Tianqi, and Chongzhen. Yes, medical skills are superb.

After diagnosing the emperor, several imperial physicians said in unison that the emperor's condition was not serious. As a Manchurian, even Shunzhi, the emperor, was extremely afraid of smallpox. A few years ago, because the third elder brother gave birth to flowers, Shunzhi did not even dare to keep his son in the palace and sent him out of the palace to raise him. For two whole years, he didn't even dare to hug the third elder brother, until the third elder brother was completely healed, and he, the Amma, took his son's hand and walked around the palace.

Because of his weakness, Shunzhi barely propped himself up with the help of the guards and met Jieshu and Suksaha. The atmosphere of the monarch and minister's speech was naturally solemn.

The news from the south has been confirmed. After the Taiping army occupied Yangzhou, they marched towards Huai'an Prefecture in the north. But the situation in Anqing is not optimistic either. Jiangnan Admiral Kuenbu and Gushan Jinli jointly sent an urgent delivery to the imperial court, saying that the thieves are likely to gather in Anqing, fearing that the isolated city of Anqing will be difficult to defend, so please allow the imperial court to allow them to retreat to Henan .

"Let Kuenbu and the others retreat."

Shunzhi looked sad. When he passed Xuzhou, Belle Tuntai led his troops to stay and wait for an opportunity to retake Yangzhou, but Shunzhi knew that it was the greatest blessing of the Qing Dynasty that Tuntai could keep Xuzhou. Anqing branch was in the south, isolated and helpless, so Kuenbu and Jinli were both loyal and righteous people. Shunzhi couldn’t bear them dying in Anqing, so he simply let them withdraw into Henan, so that they could form a **** relationship with Xuzhou. In order to temporarily block the Taiping bandits between Jianghuai.

There is good news from Zhejiang. Zhao Guozuo, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and Tong Guoqi, governor of Zhejiang, defeated the rebellious Ma Fengzhi's department and recovered all the counties in East Zhejiang that had been captured by Ma Fengzhi. This news made Shunzhi very happy, and ordered the great scholar Bahana to propose a reward, and all the meritorious generals and scholars in Zhejiang would be rewarded.

This rare victory in Zhejiang also gave Sony and the others a boost. It's not that Sony thought that Zhao Guozuo and the others could solve the thieves, but the restoration of Zhejiang would inevitably contain the Taiping Army in the south of the Yangtze River, making it impossible for the thieves to go north. Not too much, as long as a year and a half, Sony believes that the Qing Dynasty can still recover from the defeat in Yangzhou. With Zhejiang to contain the thieves and talents, the Qing side can also free up their hands to deal with Wu Sangui, so as not to fall into the dilemma of fighting on both sides.

However, there is no news from Fujian. Because Jiangnan, Jiangxi, and Huguang were occupied by the Taiping Army, there has been no news from Fujian and Beijing for half a year. Even in Zhejiang, the news is actually not working. The reason why Zhao Guozuo and the others can spread the news is that they rely on the gentry who are in the Qing Dynasty in Jiangnan. Otherwise, they may have been cut off by the Taiping Army.

The two provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang intersect. It is reasonable to say that Zhejiang can spread the news, so can Fujian, but there is no news from Fujian. This made Shunzhi very confused and dissatisfied. He had high hopes for Da Su, and Zheng Sen returned from a defeat in Nanjing. If Da Su could not even deal with Zheng Sen, who returned from the defeat, he would be useless. some. Shunzhi asked Sony to draw up a decree for Zhao Guozuo to contact Dasu in a way, and if necessary, he must try his best to support Dasu to prevent Fujian from falling.

What Shunzhi can do now is just talking about soldiers on paper. He can't give any support to Fujian and Zhejiang. Whether Zhao Guozuo and Dasu can persevere under the siege of pirates and Taiping bandits depends on them.

Henan also has military intelligence. The governor of Henan, Jia Han, reiterated that the Ming army Zhongzheng battalion occasionally attacked Henan from Hubei. At the beginning, Jia Hanfu was caught off guard and lost the two prefectures and thirteen counties. However, he later found that the Zhongzheng battalion was still playing like a rogue before, and summed up a kind of The method of warfare is "to build a strong fortress and fight a dull battle".

The so-called "Jie Hard Fortress~www.wuxiaspot.com~" refers to the fact that the Qing army must camp immediately after arriving at a place. The camp site also depends on the terrain. It is best to be backed by the mountains and water. It should be completed within one hour. The wall must be eight feet high, one foot thick, and the trenches one foot deep. The soil dug out of the trench must be moved two feet away to prevent the Ming army from using the soil dug up by the Qing army. Refill the ditch and set up a horse-rejection outside the ditch, making it impossible for the Ming army to cross.

Through this tactic, the Qing army in Henan effectively resisted the attack of the Ming army. The Ming army that invaded Henan was the loyal camp adapted from the rest of the original Chuang army. They were extremely capable of field battles, and were more courageous and good at fighting than the Qing army. After this tactic achieved practical results, Jia Hanfu called it "controlling but not controlling others" in his memorial to the imperial court. In addition, Jia Hanfu also boldly delegated power to the officials of the following prefectures and counties, asking these officials to organize their disciples and relatives and friends to join the army, and build many villages in the territory.

When Jia Hanfu's memorial was first sent, Sony and Bahana saw it, but the two were only interested in Jia Hanfu's stabilization of the situation in Henan, but paid no attention to the tactics mentioned in the memorial. Later, this memorial was seen by Ao Bai, and it was regarded as a treasure at once, and he personally praised this tactic in the master. Shunzhi read Jia Hanfu's book many times, and ordered the Ministry of War to send personnel to Henan to test this kind of tactics on the spot. As for the group training mentioned in the Fu Zhezi of Jiahan, Shunzhi did not give a clear approval. (To be continued.)

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