Chapter 55 One inch in, one inch into the joy!!

Heard that Bai Chengze wants to buy BMW i8,

Na Lian, who was originally dejected, instantly became energetic.

The BMW i8 is the flagship roadster in their shop.

Its price is very expensive, one is worth four BMW Z41, and the landing is nearly 200 million won.

This list, even in luxury car shops like theirs, is usually not seen in a month, and even one cannot be sold.

Therefore, the commission of this car is higher than that of other cars.

Selling one earns more than selling ten BMW Z4s.

Faced with this temptation, Na Lian was difficult to hold.

Originally about to leave, she hurriedly returned to Bai Chengze’s side.

“This gentleman, do you still want to see this BMW i8? I’ll give you…”

Before she could finish, the big blonde sister on the side suddenly interrupted her: “Na Lian, what are you doing?” You don’t know the rules, really looking at the two of them fighting for the wind, Bai Chengze shook his head helplessly. ”

Sometimes, the happiness of rich people is so unpretentious and boring.

He cleared his throat and slowly spoke: “So, you two, who the hell is completing this business?” ”

As he spoke, he gently shook the bank card in his hand in front of the eyes of the two people.

The eyes of the two immediately became greedy,

Na Lian said bluntly: “Sister Lili, you have just completed a list, it should be my turn, right?” Besides, it’s obviously the gentleman I received first…”

The girl called Lily did not give in, “But this gentleman just likes to find me to book a car, the customer is God, we must always respect God’s ideas, right?” ”

Hearing this, Bai Chengze, who originally didn’t speak much, suddenly pointed at Na Lian, who was panting, and spoke: “The stinginess of this young lady is amazing, she doesn’t even want to.”


Na Lian quickly interrupted him.

It’s not fun to talk about it.

If this is passed on, how will she mess around in the store in the future? Bai Chengze shrugged his shoulders, pouted, and did not continue.

Lili on the side was puzzled, frowning, “What?” Na Lian’s face was flushed and she didn’t explain. ”

She knew she had met a difficult guy.

This guy obviously looks refreshing, sword eyebrows, and quite handsome.

Who knew he was so obscene?

As soon as it comes up, I want the inner thighs of the Kang family,

People showed him, but they didn’t get any benefits, but now they are threatened by him in person.

When the dogs saw it, they all had to call them ‘good dogs’.

It’s just a dog that doesn’t look good.

The more Na Lian thought about it, the more angry she became, and she pulled Bai Chengze, and she grabbed his wrists with both hands,

It’s like dragging an elephant,

A sharp pull dragged him through the hall.

Lily chased after her, “Are you crazy, Na Lian? How can you treat customers like this? ”

Bai Chengze stopped Lili, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll take care of myself.” ”

Hearing this, Lily stopped and let out a long sigh.

She watched as Na Lian pushed Bai Chengze into the back seat of a BMW seven-series sedan, and while pushing, she muttered in her mouth: “Why don’t you buy this?” ”

Bai Chengze poked out half of his head, “Miss, I don’t like this.” ”

Na Lian pushed his head in, “You’ll love it!” ”

Then, the door was slammed shut.

She stepped on her high heels and clicked to the other side of the back seat, pulled the car door and sat in, “Let me tell you about the benefits of this car.” ”

Bai Chengze felt a little oppressed, and pointed to the BMW i8 outside the window, “Miss, I still like that open-top sports car.” ”

“What do you know?”

Na Lian said, “The car has the good of the car…”

As he spoke, a black car window slowly rose in front of Bai Chengze.

After all, the seven-series sedan is the flagship model of the sedan in the BMW store, and what it does is luxury and meticulousness.

Even the windows are made of anti-privacy glass, which is dark, which makes people feel particularly private and secure.

When Bai Chengze got into the car, he felt a sense of oppression rushing to his face.

Sure enough, before he could react,

,—2 accounted for

Bai Chengze then understood, where is this talking about cars?

This is not a car to kindergarten at all.

He glanced at Na Lian with interest, “Do you want to tell me about the soundproofing of this car?” ”

As he spoke, his hand became a little restless, and lightly placed on her leg, Na Lian’s black silk was delicate and smooth, and the soles of the immortals had to slip when they stood on it.

“Listen, is it quiet inside the car?”

“You can buy two at the same time, one convertible for driving and one car for traveling. ”

Bai Chengze looked at the decoration in the car,

The delicate leather material wraps all the places that a person can touch, and the high-grade eco-friendly plastic looks textured and unique.

Even the plate above the head is so tough and pressing.

To be honest, as a business car,

It does deserve the status of ‘evergreen’ in the industry.

Just a few glances,

Bai Chengze nodded thoughtfully,

“I think there is a little truth in what you said now, but the reason is not particularly sufficient.”

Na Lian shook her head a little sadly, “I see you don’t understand at all…”

Bai Chengze did not speak.

“But you understand a little bit,” as she spoke, Na Lian put her hand on Bai Chengze’s hand, “You can’t touch it anymore.” ”

Bai Chengze opened the handle very obediently, and he said lightly: “I just said that you are stingy, and it is really like this.” ”

Saying that, he put his hand on the handle of the car door, ready to pull the car door and leave…

“Eh,” Na Lian grabbed Bai Chengze’s wrist with one hand and stopped him. Her face was a little complicated, “Do you understand or not?” ”

Bai Chengze looked at his watch, shook his head, and said with regret, “Miss, I don’t have time to go around in circles with you here, please speak quickly.” ”

Just like Bai Chengze said, Na Lian is not only straight-hearted, but also fast-talking.

In order to let Bai Chengze know what the benefits of this car are, she really spent a lot of speech.

In the end, Bai Chengze was quite satisfied, pushed the car door with a spring breeze, got out of the car and stood next to the car, rubbing the seven-series high-end car paint, nodding his head from time to time to show approval.

On the other side, Na Lian first stretched out a beautiful leg wrapped in black silk, and then got out of the car,

She shook her big wavy long hair at the back of her head,

Finishing a mess of hair in front of his forehead behind his ear, he winked at Bai Chengze.

Bai Chengze did not speak, pointing to the corner of her mouth.


Na Lian really lived up to expectations and won the list.

Bai Chengze did what he said, and while buying a BMW i8, he also bought a seven-series.

Speaking of which, the price of these two cars added up is just an hour’s earnings in his stock market.

He doesn’t do anything, lies in bed and squints for a while, and he can earn several of these things.

Sometimes, however, there are joys that are difficult to measure with money.

What do you earn money for? It’s just to pretend.

Many people think that pretendings are one thing, but in fact, pretendings are two things.

Most people are at fault, focusing only on ‘pretending’ and ignoring other priorities.

Bai Chengze left a phone number for Na Lian,

He also said that her explanation skills were very good and impressed him.

If he had time, he would invite her to talk about some of the car’s emergency functions when driving on mountain trails.

And Na Lian accepted it gladly.

After the two exchanged contact information, Bai Chengze walked out of BMW’s 4S store.

Sunset returns to the west, night rises,

A faint blue-black color enveloped the sky, turning the scenery of the world into oppressive and hazy.

Bai Chengze let out a sigh on his back,

Looking at the rows of dim yellow street lights connected together not far away, I jumped on the newly bought BMW i8 quite easily,

Under the farewell of Na Lian and Lili,

He waved his hand and started the car,

The roar of the huge engine was like the roar of a wild beast in the mountains, erupting into a high-pitched and heart-pounding roar.

Bai Chengze kicked the accelerator and left this place of right and wrong.

He put one hand on the door frame of the sports car, looking at the backward scenery in the rearview mirror,

As always, the night shrouded the city of Seoul on time.

The endless streets are like long dragons, brilliantly lit…

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