Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 631 Chapter 628 I want to know more

Otter suffered another stroke and fell into a permanent coma. The implants and shadow equipment in his body still maintain the most basic survival indicators: heartbeat, breathing, and gastrointestinal motility. According to medical standards, he entered a vegetative state, and based on the condition of his brain, there was no possibility of waking up.

Ge Gongdao raised his hand and slashed the otter's neck with his knife, but Zhuang Xuteng stopped him with both hands. "Brother Dao, don't act in a hurry, I need his body to be intact."

"You must keep your word if you promise to free him. Why, are you still thinking about using his eyes, face and voice to go to his house? He was confused in the end. There is no way to enter that kind of place, and it is too dangerous even to enter! Get out of the way and burn him quickly to fulfill his last wish!"

"It is also his last wish to enter the internal network of Dingxin Mochuang and get the information he told us." Zhuang Xuteng pressed Ge Gongdao's arm hard and said, "Brother Dao, I already have a plan. If not, surely Are you sure I can do this? Don’t worry, the otter’s head will never fall into the hands of the company again. I will definitely burn it and put it in the urn.”

"You really want to go? It's too dangerous, too dangerous. That place is in Dingxin Mo Founder Park, and it is full of its own employees, and the security measures are extremely strong. You are going to the mayor's house, or even the PCPD director's house, I I believe you have the ability. Ding Xin Mo Chuang’s apartment dormitory, you’d better give up this plan immediately.”

Zhuang Xuteng patted Ge Gongdao's arm and said, "We'll talk about the specific action later. Dr. Jiang hasn't solved the problem yet, so don't let him continue to be worried."

Ge Gongdao frowned, turned to look at Dr. Jiang, and said: "What the two of us are doing is very risky, and it is best to silence them if we can. There will definitely be innocent people among them, but I dare not put my life and property in it." In terms of kindness and so-called fairness, if the company doesn’t talk about it when it comes to fight, we are already at a disadvantage, let alone restrain ourselves.”

"Don't kill me, I can still help you." Dr. Jiang clasped his hands together and begged for mercy.

"You can't help us. We only need these implants and can't fit anything else, so we don't need new surgeries, and I can also complete the maintenance work." Zhuang Xuteng's words made Dr. Jiang feel like he had fallen into an ice cave. But the next words revived his hope. "But he should not dare to join the company. If he has no use value to the company, he will die after reporting the news; if he has other use value, he may become the second otter. Doctor Jiang, put your Are you interested in placing your head on the execution puppet's body and then volunteering to work for the company for the rest of your life?"

"No, absolutely not!" Jiang Pazu waved his hands repeatedly and said as fast as he could: "I understand the risks. Otter surrendered immediately. He also had expertise that could bring benefits to the company, but he still ended up dead. The consequences of separation. I am an implant doctor, and there are many people in the company who are better than me. If the company feels that you know too much and need to be dealt with, I also need to be dealt with. It makes no difference. I don't want to die. "

Zhuang Xuteng said: "Right, he doesn't dare. There will be no good end for taking refuge in the company, and he definitely understands this truth."

Ge Gongdao smiled and looked at Zhuang Xuteng with gentle eyes and said: "You are very good. What you said makes sense. What makes no sense is the world. I also firmly believed that working together as a partner is the most beneficial choice. The other options are stupid and lose money, and no one will choose them, but I was still betrayed. Naike, I understand the truth, people will make wrong choices, but sometimes they are active and sometimes passive. Dr. Jiang Pazu will not take the initiative to say it. He will definitely not say it in a passive situation? Will he try to sell our information to help himself? "

This time it was Zhuang Xuteng's turn to frown.

"Mike has been here, so this place is within the company's monitoring range. If Elizabeth Xiao finds him and asks for our information, can he keep the secret for us?" Ge Gongdao said seriously, "I can Protecting you with my life, you can also protect me, this is trust. Everything else is a threat in the current environment.”

He walked towards Dr. Jiang, and Zhuang Xuteng did not stop him this time. Dr. Jiang ran towards the exit, but the crack in the door disappeared at this moment.

Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "This is not done well. Does he still have family? Can you find a way to give him some money?"

"For his family, it's best not to have anything to do with us." Ge Gongdao sheathed his sword and said, "Our relationship with Lucy is too close, and we can't entrust her with it. I'll ask other friends to help take care of it. Give me some money to solve the problems, and neither of us will get involved personally. "

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and admitted that this was the only solution at the moment. "We can only keep moving forward, carrying the good and the bad with us."

"Don't put so much psychological pressure on me. Mercenaries, take care of yourself first, and then you can think about tasks, goals, ideals and the like." Ge Gongdao comforted Zhuang Xuteng and said, "If you want to blame, then blame Brother Dao. I've never thought about it before." I didn’t want him to live in the first place, and I was the one who committed the deception.”

"I don't blame you, Brother Dao, I don't shirk... We are always the same, even in this matter." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his face with his hands and said: "Brother Dao, please drive, let's get out of here first. Find A place where I can dispose of the body, and pack up the car. Also, I need to clean up the otter and see how I can disguise myself as him."

"You still want to go to his dormitory? Uh... Listen to me, don't do this action if you are not completely sure."

"Wait for me to prepare, you can see the effect, and then we'll talk."

Due to the lack of strength to fight head-on with the company, if you want to fight against the company, you can only focus on strategy, and the most important basis of strategy is intelligence. Although there are so many company employees in the world, under the protection of strict confidentiality system, accountability system and strong strength, employees rarely betray information, and it is difficult for people outside the company to know what is happening inside.

With the help of the "Confidentiality Law", the company has established strong information barriers and used various means to conduct "phishing law enforcement", establishing and maintaining a strong deterrent. Intermediary intelligence officers are already considered the best spies outside the company, but before they can operate, they must first know where the boundaries are. Once you enter the company's intelligence protection range, you will be jailed at least, and you will be put in a coffin at worst. Any piece of real company internal information is a hot potato outside. The best solution is to call the company's business development department immediately. Don't open it with your hands and take a look at it with eyes that obviously don't want it anymore.

Zhuang Xuteng felt that once the things he had done were exposed, the company would kill him several times, so he didn't care about spying on intelligence. On the contrary, if he does not understand the company, then there is no possibility of victory in his struggle with Ge Gongdao.

"Sorry, Otter, I have to use your body." Zhuang Xuteng believed that the main part of Otter's body is to execute the puppet, so it should be able to receive control signals like the puppet. He wanted to use a zombie headband to try to control the otter first, and if that didn't work, then use an invisible servant to possess him and control his movements. If that doesn't work, wait until the otter dies and control the body. If the effect still didn't satisfy him, he would make up himself into an otter for a final try.

The otter is currently in a vegetative state. Zhuang Xuteng used his healing power to block the blood vessels in his brain, but the pressure caused by bleeding and coagulation would destroy brain cells, and this damage could not be repaired. The otter lay quietly on the ground, maintaining minimal breathing and heartbeat. If you observe him with the eyes of shadow, you will find that he has just generated a lot of resentment, as if he is dead.

Eh? Executing a puppet counts as a dead person, right? So do otters count? Zhuang Xuteng touched his chin and began to think deeply. In the underground bunker factory, he had already seen the initial processing process of puppets, which were polished from corpses. From the perspective of necromancy, executing a puppet is a kind of corpse processing, which is equivalent to a variant of making skeletons and zombies. Theoretically, controlling necromancy can give you the right to command the corpse. However, the execution puppet itself has a command system composed of shadow slave chips. It is difficult to overtake it simply by relying on magic - and if there is a problem, there will be a remote takeover. Greatly increased difficulty. However, the otter should be out of control, right?

The part below the neck has the characteristics of a puppet, and its command system is the otter's brain, which is now unable to think and resist independently. Above the neck, it is not considered a corpse, but it can be regarded as a headless skeleton with a head on top of its neck. Just think of them as independent parts. Zhuang Xuteng carefully considered the feasibility of this. After all, letting the otter's body walk on its own would be extremely helpful for them to sneak into the apartment dormitory.

"There don't seem to be any side effects, at least it won't harm the integrity of the body." Zhuang Xuteng decided to give it a try. If it doesn't work, there are other options! He mobilized the magic power from his body, carefully converted it into a spell, and used the magic skills he had learned in the crematorium to cast the "awakening the undead" spell on the otter.

The spell formed by the resentment covered the otter's body, and the transmission of mana encountered some obstacles. Zhuang Xuteng increased his strength and forced the spell into it. Then, the otter opened his mouth, let out a hoarse and long "ha~~~", and slowly sat up. The spell was successful, and Zhuang Xuteng created a zombie. Since it still had a heartbeat and breathing, it was considered a living corpse.

"I have to say, the shadow slave equipment is so amazing, it's actually still working." Zhuang Xuteng could completely confirm at this time that the otter's body was built according to the execution puppet, which is the reconstruction and reuse of the corpse. "Stand up and try to turn your head?"

The otter's first attempt to stand up failed. The second time he touched the wall and stood up holding on to the wall. Generally, corpses do not have this kind of "intelligence", and Zhuang Xuteng suspects that this is related to the fact that otters are not truly brain-dead. Suddenly, he found that the otter's body began to demand a lot of resentment, and at the same time, the necromancy showed signs of instability.

"It's just resentment, not vitality." Zhuang Xuteng was curious about what the corpse wanted to be resentful for, so he was not stingy and gave him as much as he wanted. Even though the Lich Master refused to admit it for a long time, Zhuang Xuteng has long been a qualified necromancer, and his grievance storage capacity - with the help of the characteristics of the corporate world and the shadow world - is far beyond that of a normal necromancer. The otter was immediately fed, and the spell stabilized—but only for a moment.

Otter once again had a large demand for resentment, and Zhuang Xuteng provided it again. In addition to the two bottomless pits of disintegration effect and sensory tentacles, the spell that consumes the most resentment is summoning the banshee (Miss Sick). The otter suddenly sucked in two waves of resentment, surpassing the summoned banshee, which surprised Zhuang Xuteng. Fortunately, this kind of sucking behavior is under his control, and as long as the door is opened, the entire Peicheng will be full of resentment, which is enough to cause trouble for otters.

"I feel it's safer to open the door first." Zhuang Xuteng frowned, still thinking about how to sneak into the apartment. "If you always need to provide additional resentment to maintain it, then there will be less spare capacity for emergencies when taking action. Phew, while sneaking in, you have to collect resentment and provide it to the otter, the otter..."

He suddenly felt something behind him, and looked back alertly, only to find a ghost floating next to the otter. Its lower body is cloud-like, connected to the otter's neck. The torso and arms are only vaguely visible, but the head is becoming increasingly clear. It continued to demand resentment from Zhuang Xuteng, and after another round of sucking, it became clear to his head that it was an otter, and it was when he was young - it was also how the otter used to be in Zhuang Xuteng's memory.

How is this going? Why did you create a ghost? Zhuang Xuteng was a little stunned, the changes in the spell were completely beyond his understanding. At the same time, the otter's ghost turned its head slightly, "opened" its eyes, and stared at Zhuang Xuteng. Its mouth was blurred, and the air did not vibrate at all, but Zhuang Xuteng "heard" the otter's words in his mind: "Naike, did you save me again?"

"No, you are in a vegetative state now." Zhuang Xuteng has seen lichs, made skeletons and zombies, and trained banshees. He has long lost his fear of the undead. He only had curiosity and some surprises in his heart, and said, "Look down, can you see yourself?"

The ghost bowed his head, and so did the otter's physical head. "It's a little strange. I only see my belly and feet. I'm definitely not a vegetative state. A vegetative state can't move or think...right?"

"Wait a minute, let me study it." Zhuang Xuteng picked up a fluorescent stick from the ground and threw it over. It penetrated the ghost's body. At this point, the ghost and the otter turned their heads together, trying to track the glow stick with their eyes. From the angle of their turned heads, the view comes from the otter's body, and the ghost's eyes are just decorations.

Zhuang Xuteng speculated that the otter's strange physical condition and special state of death and immortality caused the mutation of the spell. Another possibility: The spell can already do this, but it requires harsh prerequisites-the ghost otter has actually been expected by the necromancer. No matter what, only the Lich Master can currently give the answer to this question. Zhuang Xuteng is a man of action, and he needs to consider how to apply the current situation.

"Can you feel that you are still alive? Still in control of your body?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

The otter was speechless. Of course he controlled his body, otherwise what would he be, a ghost? After some tests, it was found that the otter has all five senses and has the ability to think and move, but these abilities have declined to a certain extent compared with before. The thing that has declined the most is the sense of touch, along with the ability to move. It is roughly like that of an old man in his sixties or seventies, which is equivalent to the degree of aging of his head.

He couldn't see the ghost, and had no idea of ​​its existence, but the otter did notice something strange: he always felt like his brain was being pulled out of his body, with a strange force lifting it upwards. He also felt a constant rush of cold water washing over his body, like a cold shower. Zhuang Xuteng explained that those things that stimulated the brain were spells, and the cold water washing away was actually resentment, which was the power to maintain his current state.

"Yes... I had a stroke before." Otter began to slowly understand: "One of them, half of my body could not move, but now I can... Naike, I am really dead, now I am a ghost?"

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