Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 519 Chapter 516 Wishes Come True

The reunion with Brother Dao was full of joy, and Zhuang Xuteng finally refused Brother Dao's request to fight with him again. Brother Dao is now the CEO of Moat Security Co., Ltd. He has a very busy schedule every day. He needs to meet with customers and manage his subordinates. It is not good to have a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He got a position in the escort operation as he wished, and his status was in the reserve team. This mission was to escort a group of cultural relics exhibited in Peicheng back to the Capital Mythology Museum. Since they were almost successfully stolen during the exhibition, it was expected that those people might do something on the way back, so the exhibitor decided to strengthen security.

The entire journey lasted only one day. In addition to the security personnel's vehicles, the fleet included four super shock-absorbing security trucks and two commercial vehicles carrying exhibitor staff. Zhuang Xuteng will drive the white beast to follow the team, and he will be at the back of the team. Also setting out with him was Lando Guy, Dr. Truth Booker.

His dependence on Safety Blue became more and more serious, and his whole body was aging rapidly. Doyle continued to observe the situation. He said to Zhuang Xuteng: "Lando Gai will not die soon, and his spirit will definitely collapse before his body declines. His weak mental state is affected by his age, the amount of safety blue used, and his own resentment. The combined effect was that he was the worst among those who started using Safety Blue at the same time."

Zhuang Xuteng almost didn't recognize Dr. Bukele after not seeing him for more than three months. There is almost no light in his eyes, and he often stays in a daze for long periods of time, as if the old man is about to be pressed by the pause button by someone invisible at any time. Relatively speaking, his physical condition is quite good, and he still has some flesh under his skin. If he is asked to do some work such as moving suitcases or running errands, he can complete it without any problem.

The main problem is indeed mental, and his condition is more serious than other Safe Blue users. Zhuang Xuteng used the Bone Searching Technique and the Eye of Shadow for comprehensive observation and found that the safety blue in Dr. Booker's body was completely combined with his shadow side effects. The two changed together and emitted the same energy reaction.

In fact, Dr. Booker used very few implants, only personal affairs center implants, reinforced eyeballs, and nutritionally preconditioned stomachs, which should not have had such strong cumulative side effects. Zhuang Xuteng asked specifically. Dr. Bukele did not lack maintenance in the implant maintenance shop, and no one treated him badly. It can even be said that if he didn't happen to work in an implant maintenance shop and get the first trimester near the water, the side effects would have killed him long ago.

"Your condition is not good and you may be about to die." Zhuang Xuteng said truthfully: "Doctor, taking you to Constitution City this time is to fulfill your last wish."

Dr. Booker nodded vigorously and kept repeating: "Okay, okay, okay."

"Cheer up! Although you can die peacefully after seeing your family, if you fail to do it properly and fall into the hands of those who captured you, they may use various means to maintain your life, and then use you The life safety of your family is threatened. Maybe they will torture them in front of you, break down your psychological defense, and make you truthfully confess how you escaped in the first place."

After giving a wry smile, Dr. Bukele said: "How do I know how you rescued me in the first place?"

"Here's the problem! Even if you exchanged information for the safety of your family, it would be a good thing, but you didn't, so the torture and destruction will continue." Zhuang Xuteng used the terrifying scene to force Dr. Bukele to start a fight. When he regained his energy, he said, "I'm sure that at that time you wanted to die, but you definitely couldn't die. And the more people you pay attention to and care about, the worse they will be tortured."

Dr. Booker finally had a reaction: he frowned. He stared at Zhuang Xuteng's face, as if he was trying to distinguish between truth and lies. After a while, he nodded and said: "Those people can definitely do it, so I ask: What should I do?"

"I have prepared some props for you, and you change them in the back. The two shoes have different weights, and the right shoulder of the top also adds weight. They will change your walking, standing and sitting postures. No matter what time, wear them they."

"There is also a sound generator in the box prepared for you. It looks like a necklace. You put it on. It has a tight feeling. You need to get used to it first. This thing will change your pronunciation characteristics, and it will also Through disorderly interruptions, it makes it difficult for you to speak coherently and changes your voiceprint characteristics in multiple dimensions.”

"Don't forget to wear the mosaic hat. It's the latest model you can buy on the black market. Wear glasses as well. They have no prescription, but they can reflect light of a specific frequency. The pills in the paper bag are delivered directly with water. It can change your shadow energy response and become very different from what you were before."

Dr. Bukele looked at the box full of various items prepared for him in the back cabin of the armored vehicle, armed from head to toe and even to the teeth. This is not an exaggeration, because Zhuang Xuteng did prepare dentures for him.

"Doesn't this set of equipment cost a lot of money?" Dr. Booker asked.

"It's only more than 6,000 euros, so overall it's not bad." Zhuang Xuteng said: "In all the workload, equipment is only a small part, and it is the simplest part. If you want to achieve your goal safely, don't bring it to your relatives. Go to trouble, you need to do exactly what I say. Especially once I order you to leave, you should be ready to turn around and leave. Any hesitation is a threat to your family."

"You should prepare poison for me. Once I am discovered, I will immediately eat the poison and kill myself." Dr. Bukele said: "Or you can use an implant. In the body, it can be activated with just a thought.

"Let's make things more complicated! If the surveillance on your family is still not removed, and then they find you, it shows that they are very patient and have no lack of professional knowledge. We can only assume that they are also aware of the use of implants. You are prepared for the possibility of suicide by body or poison. So once they act, you probably won't be able to react, and neither the poison nor the implant will have time to activate."

Dr. Booker said: "Is it that fast?"

"Why can't others do what I can do? In this regard, you must trust my professionalism. Doctor, I have never questioned your judgment in academic and research, right?"

"Hmm... Indeed. But I have been following you. If someone catches me, can't you kill me immediately? I can't react, but you must be stronger than me, right?"

"I will not act in front of those who arrested you, and I will not protect your safety." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Once you are arrested, I will kill everyone you pay attention to as soon as possible. Their attention will be When you were attracted, you just left an opening for me to strike. After that, you will never bear the tragic scene of watching your loved ones being tortured with your own eyes, because I gave them a painless and quick death. You don't have any psychology Try to find a way to kill yourself with the burden."

Dr. Bukele stared at Zhuang Xuteng, and after a long while he managed to say: "You are really a terrible devil."

"The person who caught you is the devil, I'm just a pragmatist." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "The pill you just swallowed contains poison. If the operation goes well, I will give you the antidote."

The doctor no longer wants to comment on this matter. The situation was stronger than the person, and he swallowed the pills. He had no other choice but to accept his fate. But what Zhuang Xuteng gave him was not poison, but a fragment of the Lich Master, which was used to perform the bone-seeking technique. The Lich Master can sense the location of the shard and can teleport the holder of the shard. This fragment will not cause a reaction from the shadow detection device, nor will it be destroyed by drugs or chemical agents. It can be said to be the best positioning device Zhuang Xuteng can find.

If someone comes to arrest the doctor, Zhuang Xuteng will neither protect him nor kill the innocent doctor's family. He will ask the Lich Master to get the doctor out again. It is estimated that if he goes through this again, Dr. Bukele will completely give up on seeing his family again, and his mental state will only get worse. Zhuang Xuteng had no way to extend his life, he should die soon.

Mental extension...Zhuang Xuteng suddenly had an idea, which might explain why Dr. Bukele's use of safety blue had much greater side effects than others. He asked: "Doctor, do you feel comfortable when you use safe blue medicine? What kind of hallucinations will you have?"

"I ask this suddenly..." Dr. Bukele shook his head and said: "I only use those things to relieve pain, and they can no longer bring me pleasure. I advise you, don't use them, unless you want to become me. Such a miserable look."

"Have you ever used the Dream Mist Experience Machine? That thing also belongs to the Safety Blue product line. It is said that it can make people dream of very pleasant things and realize all their wishes."

"I've tried it, and it's not like that at all. I was haunted by nightmares, and some weird things that I couldn't understand kept frightening and chasing me. Dreams were within dreams, and they all started with a calm and peaceful daily life, and then quickly Transformed into a style of fear and gore...the advertising is deceptive and is just a bunch of shills."

"Is it related to the fact that you use safety blue too much?"

"Maybe... I can't tell what safety blue is. I haven't studied it." Dr. Bukele said, "Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"The advertisement for the Dream Mist Experience Machine says that it can fall asleep immediately and wake up on time, greatly improving rest efficiency. This is useful in many mercenary missions. However, I am worried that after using Safety Blue too much, it will become like you. forget it."

When everyone else in the world uses safety blue, Zhuang Xuteng will be the last one. All the smart people around him have the same attitude towards Safety Blue, and he has always been a person who listens to advice.

The core of Safety Blue is the coming of miracles, which means giving strong, concentrated and large-scale beliefs to the gods, and changing reality through divine power to realize wishes. The arrival of miracles can truly create things in the real world, while the Dream Mist Experience Machine only allows people to enjoy Huangliang's dream, which is purely a neurological and mental activity of the brain.

Dr. Booker's use of the Dream Mist Experience Machine does not have the effect of a beautiful dream. It can only change from a beautiful dream to a horrific and bloody nightmare. This is actually a reflection of his inner self and the terrible thoughts that torture him every day. In this sense To be honest, Mengwu Experience Machine still successfully realized his idea.

Zhuang Xuteng thought further: Dr. Booker's worries made him choose Safety Blue, and the mental distress that could not be resolved formed a strong resentment, which was stronger than the "dreams come true" core of Safety Blue's core of miracles. It is this kind of resentment that prevents the Dream Mist Experience Machine from working properly, turning it from creating a sweet dream to creating a nightmare. This is not only a side effect of the shadow, but also resentment, and it is also the destruction of the belief in divine magic.

How could Morgana say that? Miracles require concentration, and any distracting thoughts will reduce the effectiveness of the spell. Compared to the safety blue used around the world, Dr. Booker's distracting thoughts are nothing. But in the small environment he formed with the Mengwu Experience Machine, his resentment was already heavy enough.

Destroying the magical core of Safe Blue may be a feasible way to completely eliminate Safe Blue. How to do this requires careful study by Morgana. Zhuang Xuteng attaches great importance to confidentiality. He will not mention to the doctor that he is studying safety blue. But he likes to pry into other people's secrets. For example, he now asks about the doctor's family, especially who he wants to meet.

After learning about the list, Zhuang Xuteng said: "I will take you to the places where they often hang out. The first choice is the school, and then the park near their home. You can only look at them from a distance and cannot talk to them. I will always Pay attention to your surroundings and stop the operation immediately if you find anything suspicious."

"No contact with them at all? Not even a word?"

"I will evaluate the situation and try to facilitate your meeting, but I need to pour cold water on you first: it is not me who ultimately decides whether to meet them, but whether you are willing to let them bear the possible dangerous consequences for the meeting. You are old, your body and mind are not good, you may die tomorrow, you can afford to pay. But the people you want to see, your grandchildren, are still young and cannot afford to pay! I am afraid that the situation will be chaotic. They were implicated and suffered disaster for no reason.”

Dr. Bukele thought for a while and finally said: "Nike, I know that I am not in a good state of mind right now, please don't let me make a decision. If I insist on having my own way at any time, please kill me - can I entrust you with this? ?”

"Entrustment?" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said: "Okay, I can accept this commission, as long as you pay the commission fee. This is a business rule, I can't work for nothing; this is also a guarantee, as long as I accept the commission, I will keep my word."

"I didn't bring anything with me. You prepared the clothes: I can only give you money when I get back."

"Okay." Zhuang Xuteng nodded solemnly. In fact, he doesn't care how much money he can get, a hundred euros is fine, or a thank you is fine. Anyway, he is already a billionaire. This time he came to Constitution City just to change his mood by doing something good and at the same time inspecting the company's situation on the spot.

The Canghuo Gang found Dingxin Mochuang, and the threat to the company gradually approached. Apart from having personal experience with combatants like Colonel Taft and Cassandra, Zhuang Xuteng did not have a full understanding of the company's capabilities in other aspects.

The group of people who controlled Dr. Booker back then were from the company. They couldn't figure out how the doctor could leave the cage, so they must have taken it very seriously. Zhuang Xuteng expected that they would set up surveillance and ambushes wherever the doctor wanted to appear. Although after such a long time, the power of surveillance may not be able to maintain its original intensity, but the intensity after this decrease is just right for Zhuang Xuteng. He is good at detection and stealth, so he can start with the company's "low difficulty" and try out where there are gaps.

This is the most important thing to Zhuang Xuteng during the journey.

A big sign on the roadside said: There are still 378 kilometers away from the capital Constitution City.

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