Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 289 Chapter 286 Two Sources

Lucy's office on the second floor of the music restaurant.

Zhuang Xuteng sat on the sofa. He shook his head, thanked Lucy for the hot tea, and said that he was not here for this. He knew very well that he did not have the ability to independently investigate the death of his brother and had to rely on Lucy's intelligence network. This time, he not only wanted to hear about the progress of the investigation, but also told her about the coincidence of the collision between the armored vehicle and the chemical corrosive vehicle.

"I also discovered this situation." Lucy sighed, admitting that this matter was not easy to handle. "Here is the preliminary investigation report, including the specific actions of the escort team and their explanation of the incident. Take a look at the penultimate page."

The penultimate page of the report describes the circumstances of the night of the crash. Zhuang Teng works overtime at the manufacturing plant. He not only has to worry about the scheduling of the production line, but also contacts with upstream and downstream manufacturers and customers. According to the report of the security team, the boss of Bestune Automobile Manufacturing Factory - Zhuang Teng's former boss - was not concerned about the production and operation of the factory. Zhuang Teng had actually completely taken over all the work of the factory and became the head of the factory. people.

It seems that the fact that his brother actually controls the equity has been discovered, and the transfer of power seems to have been completed - Zhuang Xuteng continued to watch.

That night, Zhuang Teng kept making phone calls in the office and was not ready to get off work until 11 o'clock. He originally said he would stay in the factory overnight, so the escort team made a plan to test and debug the newly installed monitoring system at night. Zhuang Teng changed his plan temporarily and decided to go home. At this time, the system joint debugging had begun, and the guard team was immediately short of manpower.

"Either stick to the plan and keep him, or call for support and send more manpower." Zhuang Xuteng said when he saw this.

Lucy nodded and signaled Zhuang Xuteng to continue looking down.

Since it was a temporary trip, the escort team judged that the risk was low. In addition, they had tested the vehicle in advance and believed that it was strong enough to protect Zhuang Teng, so they agreed to this action. Zhuang Teng said that he would only stay in his hometown for half an hour and would come back that night, so he only needed a driver to follow him...

"He said there was only one driver?" Zhuang Xuteng frowned and shook his head. "My brother felt that the situation was not good, so he took the initiative to hire additional security. In this case, he would only ask for a driver, not even an extra bodyguard? I don't believe this paragraph, I doubt it is theirs Excusing words.”

Lucy made no comment. She sat quietly, as motionless as a sculpture.

Before setting off, they briefly checked the vehicle, including accelerator, brake, steering and three starts and stops. Their actions here are very cautious, but it is also possible that they did not actually take these actions, and the "caution" only remained on paper.

"The time the car left was 11:50 pm. Isn't this midnight? Why did he choose this time? Everyone in the family was asleep at this time, and he had to spend a lot of time on the road. Is there anything that he must do? Go back immediately?"

"You need to ask." Lucy said.

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "My parents said they didn't know my brother was going back that day. They didn't tell them in advance, and there were no missed calls or text messages. If they had, they would have found out early in the morning that my brother had not arrived. They would worry and ask instead of going to work in the fields as usual.”

"This is a doubtful point, but it's not the biggest doubtful point." Lucy said, "Turn to the last page. I recorded several time points, but there is a section of the road that doesn't match up."

Zhuang Xuteng immediately turned to the end. He just glanced at it and discovered the problem: it was midnight when Zhuang Teng set off from the manufacturing plant, and there were few cars on the street, so he should be able to move freely. Even if he encountered red lights at every intersection, it would still take too long to leave the city and enter the highway.

"According to my estimation, the journey out of the city should take twenty-five to forty minutes, not the actual hour. I am asking Meteor to retrieve the PCPD's traffic surveillance video to see what they did during this hour. What." Lucy said: "Due to the previous actions of the Gardener organization, PCPD upgraded their system. It is now more difficult to obtain information during the investigation. This work is progressing slowly and will take more time. However, the expressway system has not been upgraded. , Meteor has been found."

The surveillance heads at high-speed entrances and exits are very unclear. Meteor uses video enhancement technology to improve the clarity. "She was able to confirm two pieces of information: the vehicle showed no signs of damage in the area captured by the camera, the driver and rear passengers were acting normally, and the officer on duty collecting their tolls also behaved normally. In other words, when entering the highway , no doubts were found.”

Zhuang Xuteng touched the hair on the top of his head, sighed, and said: "Lucy, this security team is not good. It didn't stay at the factory overnight as originally planned, it didn't report or ask for support; the car was on the road for too long, and it still didn't Reports don’t ask for backup. Are they a team? Do they put the safety of the plant before the safety of their clients? Do they have any brains?”

Lucy clenched her fists and said: "You are right, this is a complete dereliction of duty! I am also investigating to see what influenced their abnormal behavior. Nike, these mercenaries have been successful I have completed more than twelve protection missions, and there has always been no problem with my professionalism. I promise you that I will get to the bottom of it and give you an answer that can withstand testing."

"Okay, I will wait for this answer, and..." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Sister Lucy, you didn't deal with me on this matter, I should thank you."

"Do you want to hear the truth? I really don't want to accept this thank you." Lucy said: "This is purely a bad thing. It only has bad results and will definitely not bring any benefits. If it hadn't been for this thing, we would be sitting here now. The conversations here are all about pleasant topics, not...Nike, if I find out there is something wrong with the security team, I will give you an explanation."

"Just leave it to me." Zhuang Xuteng squinted his eyes, full of murderous intent.

"I need to rectify the discipline, so it must be done by me. I can only leave the final part to you - assuming that he did not neglect his duty, but deliberately murdered." Lucy paused and said: "If he was just negligent , there is no subjective intention, you can’t kill him.”

"I will consider it as appropriate." Zhuang Xuteng stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry, there is one more thing." Lucy said: "Liuko Shinra has been contacted about the implant..."

"Sister Lucy, I don't have the mind to think about this right now. You can tell Brother Dao, and he can help me decide." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "I have to go to another place, maybe there will be clues about this matter. I can't feel at ease unless I find out. By the way, can Meteor retrieve my brother's call records? Maybe we can find out who is harmful to him."

"It's already being done, but the intelligence analysis is very complicated, and I also need time. In addition, you should be careful... don't rush around like a headless fly, that's not like you usually do. I need you now Consider a situation: If he was killed, then the murderer must also be staring at his family to confirm whether the matter can be concluded or further action is needed. If there is this person, then he must be in the dark, you Extreme caution must be exercised and you must at least return to your usual state of alertness.”

Zhuang Xuteng stood there, then sat back on the chair, took a sip of the tea in front of him. He nodded slowly, asking to think here for a while.

Lucy's warning was very timely, allowing Zhuang Xuteng to break away from the behavioral pattern driven by emotional impulse. Zhuang Xuteng carefully recalled his behavior during this period, and he found that he had forgotten many details, which he never did when performing tasks. He needs to reflect and get himself back in shape.

"The key to success is whether you can do the right thing, not whether you are full of emotions." Lucy said: "The harder it is to stay rational, the more reason you need. Anger can only give you a chance to fight hard, and at the same time make you Their behavior is more predictable. I know it’s hard to stay sane as long as you’re human, but it’s through overcoming difficulties that people grow and become strong enough.”

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "What do you mean when you say strong enough...enough? Did you discover something?"

Lucy breathed a long sigh of relief, tapped her fingers on the table, and said, "Good! I finally recovered a little, not bad. I didn't find any direct or indirect evidence. I just had a feeling: If this thing is not an accident, then It can only be made by a top company. After all, your brother has invented something amazing."

Gasoline engine-driven cars, complete technical routes, and advanced models that can be mass-produced are all valuable, and it will be a matter of time before they attract companies. In fact, Zhuang Teng had been prepared for it. He didn't want to - and at the same time didn't dare - to live alone. He took the initiative to adopt a cooperative attitude, prepared to share his technology, and then collect technology licensing fees. In his vision, the revenue from licensing fees was the bulk of the work. The work in the automobile manufacturing plant was complicated and tiring. As a technician, he was not a professional in business, so from the beginning of the plan, he did not want to be involved in too much energy.

"Top companies have very strong execution capabilities. Whatever they want to do, they will always get it done - this is the scariest thing about them." Lucy said: "In comparison, whether it is PCPD, riot squad or The Constitutional Defense Force, they are overall two levels behind in terms of execution. As for the Constitutional Government, it is just the opposite: chaotic and self-restraining." Lucy said: "I always think: This situation is most beneficial to the four major companies. Maybe they did it on purpose.”

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "My brother has opened the license for gasoline engines, and everyone can make money together. He is not greedy, and has always aimed at negotiating a cooperation..."

"Nike, listen to me: if the four major companies are reasonable, there will be no corporate war. If this matter is finally found to be suspicious and without any evidence, then it is most likely done by the four major companies. Really? When that happens, you have to make a choice: stop and accept it was an accident, or continue the investigation and risk the death of your whole family."

"I don't know." Zhuang Xuteng thought about it carefully and said, "There is a problem with what you said: if I knew that the matter was related to the four major companies, I would not need to continue the investigation. I would only need to think about gathering strength to find opportunities for revenge. Therefore, the investigation will not continue indefinitely."

Lucy nodded and said: "Okay! You have indeed recovered now - I am just testing you. This matter is most likely still a problem with the security team, so you don't have to worry too much. Okay, I will contact you if there is news, you Pay more attention to rest and don’t be too tired.”

After coming out of Lucy's place, Zhuang Xuteng drove around the city roads a few times to make sure no one was following him, and then drove towards the black market. He kept thinking about Lucy's words while driving. In fact, he also considered murder in business competition as a possibility, but thinking without evidence is essentially called speculation.

What he found most incredible was how coincidental it seemed. They had just completed the task of stealing the treasure carriage. Such an operation involved all aspects. The entire operation process required many links to be executed seamlessly to achieve ultimate success, but at least the plan could be figured out.

As for Zhuang Teng's car accident, if it was not an accident, how was it arranged and executed? Zhuang Xuteng thought he was good at planning, but this time he had no clue. If he was asked to arrange an assassination, he would choose to wait until Zhuang Teng returned home and left his vehicle.

"If this matter can be arranged, then Zhuang Teng's departure time and direction are determined. At this time, as long as he moves faster than the car and has an ambush at the destination in advance, he can easily succeed. On the contrary, If you are operating on the road, you need to coordinate the dangerous goods tanker truck and control the time, place and method of the accident..."

Increasing the difficulty is tantamount to asking for trouble for yourself, and Zhuang Xuteng has no idea what additional benefits there will be from increasing the difficulty. The more he thought about it, the more he reasoned that it was an accident, at most an accident caused by indolence, unprofessionalism and carelessness.

But his feelings did not want to accept the answers that his reason provided.

In addition to Lucy's line, Zhuang Xuteng also has another direction of investigation, which is the White Flag Grocery Store on the black market. Boss Qian has business cooperation with both brothers. In particular, he also knows the situation of equity transactions and has some understanding of the operation of automobile manufacturing plants. If this thing is done by a top company, it must be related to interests, and clues can often be found from daily business activities.

When I came to the black market, I found that the place was cordoned off by the PCPD and no one was allowed to enter or leave. After inquiry, it was found that the place accidentally burned down three days ago. The blue crystals hidden in one of the shops were ignited. The rising smoke caused varying degrees of poisoning to the residents on the floor. The local gangs could no longer cover up the accident, and the PCPD had to make a gesture and conduct an in-depth investigation here.

Zhuang Xuteng explored the original black market and wanted to ask about the situation of the original merchants. People here were quite impatient and either said they didn't know or told him he was a nasty reporter and told him to get out. Zhuang Xuteng sighed. He felt that the fire was too coincidental, just like his brother's car accident. Just when he took out his mobile phone and tried to dial Boss Qian's number, he received a text message.

"I see you. Enter the fire stairway from behind and ignore the maintenance closed notice at the door. Go up the 81 steps, then reach out your left hand and touch the wall, and you will be able to touch the secret door entrance. I'll wait for you inside, Qian. "

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