Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 270 Chapter 267 Action Plan

The time was pulled back to a month and a half ago. At that time, Steyer was still confident in his plan and gathered a total of fifteen mercenaries under his command. They carried out cooperative training and investigated the casino at the same time. At that time, his target was still the casino's accounting center, where a large amount of cash and numerous valuables were stored.

When Lucy came to him to discuss the retirement of the Famine Stranger, Stair didn't take it too seriously. He just expressed his support for Jinpen's retirement out of politeness. He politely exchanged some information with Lucy and accidentally talked about Carter Ross. This middleman from the outer city had something to do with his target casino. Stair wanted to know more about things that would help his actions, so he became particularly enthusiastic.

Carter Ross, also known as Palovich, gave an address to Lucy in order to escape from Peicheng. Lucy sent her men to investigate and found that the place was one of his bases of operations, which contained some cash and many intelligence plans. As expected of someone who raised two intelligence officers, the information he left behind greatly expanded Lucy's original intelligence network, and could even safely penetrate into the riot squad, PCPD, and the Constitutional Government.

Lucy expanded these new channels to investigate the Purple Man, the Blue Savage, and things related to the company's big operation. This part of the information is very confidential, and she will definitely not share it with Steele. Other things, such as the possibility of a new casino in Peicheng, how to divide the interests of gangs and middlemen, this information is not only popular, but also very easy to exchange.

The speaker was unintentional but the listener was intentional. Just as Steel was about to open a casino, he pricked his ears and heard news related to his actions between the lines of Lucy's words. The sensitivity of an intermediary was aroused, and he immediately made a careful analysis and believed that his actions were likely to leak secrets, so the other party took some new countermeasures.

The two people conducted quite complicated trials and reached an agreement to cooperate with great difficulty - provided that it was confirmed that the original plan had been leaked. So Steyer approached Henry Henderson and asked him to send someone undercover to his training camp. After a lot of twists and turns, Steyer locked the mole and decided to use the trick to let the duplicitous guy continue his activities while he started a new plan and carried out a second plan.

The undercover agents sent by Henry were none other than the three Kents. They were expelled from the previous training camp with excuses, came to the new base of operations and participated in real big operations. This was the reward and compensation for the three of them. Since Steyer put most of his manpower into another training camp, there were really no more outstanding and trustworthy mercenaries, so he sent the two sisters Nightingale and Rockbird at the bottom of the box to occupy the field intelligence officer. This key position ensures their own interests.

This operation would not have been possible without Lucy's intelligence channels in other cities, so she is not nominally the host of the operation, but four people can join in, which is the most among the three middlemen. This is also due to the fact that her mercenaries are more elite, prioritize quality over quantity, and are able to pass the assessment. Henry also wanted to send more people in, but the performance of those people was just a little worse, so he could only apologize.

In front of nine mercenaries, Steyer would definitely not reveal his background. It was necessary to maintain his "host" persona. Arranging cover tasks and secretly implementing the plan is a sign of cleverness; if one's entrusted tasks require someone else to take charge of them, then one is incompetent. How can one survive in this industry in the future? What will the mercenaries think?

What Lucy and Henry value is profit, and a name that cannot be exchanged for money is meaningless to them.

"The things we want to steal are related to the interests of many parties. If any information leaks or is found to be related to us, it will cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, this mission must either not be carried out, or it must be kept secret if it is carried out. ." Steyer's eyes swept over everyone and said: "Only those present know the mission objectives and general action methods. If there are any rumors outside, the plan will be cancelled, and you will not get a penny. If anyone after the action If you leak the news, the remaining people will be hunted down to ensure their own safety. Shut up and do your best, this is your only choice, is it clear?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded. He also felt that confidentiality was the most important part of this operation.

Next, Stair told everyone about the main action plan this time. It was still the same as what Lucy told Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao, but with three prerequisites added: stealing a heavy helicopter, and Conduct system control tests on trains of the same type and obtain a signal jammer from the PCPD or riot control unit.

After hearing this plan, all the mercenaries felt like Zhuang Xuteng did at first, thinking it was a fantasy. Judging from the expressions, the Kent three came from the old training camp, and the stronger expression of surprise on their faces indicated that this was the first time they had heard the entire plan. Prince first expressed his confusion and asked: "Why must the carriage be lifted away? As long as you can enter the carriage, throw the contents to the side of the railway, and then find someone to pick them up."

Henry tugged at his beard and said slowly: "Ruts are too easy to track and easily expose the situation. Walking from the sky is the least likely way to be tracked. At our scheduled action location, the minimum detection height of the air traffic control radar is five hundred meters. As long as Helicopters are invisible below this altitude. Is five hundred meters a problem for you?"

It may be difficult to maintain a flight altitude of five meters at all times, but the space of 500 meters is more than enough for both pilots. But Muir raised his hand and said in a hoarse voice: "I can fly helicopters, but I have zero experience with heavy-lift helicopters. I can learn it quickly, but..."

Grove rubbed his hands and volunteered: "I'll do it! I can fly the helicopter upside down."

"Upside down?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Of course, front and back." Grove smiled and waved his hand. "Where do you get the plane from?"

"Let's talk about this later." Lucy pressed her palm down to signal Grover not to get too excited.

Wayne rubbed his chin with his fingers. His voice was extremely low, and it was difficult to hear clearly without raising his ears. "How much does the carriage weigh? Can a heavy-duty helicopter lift it?"

"This was a problem before, until Naike came up with an idea." Steyer compared Zhuang Xuteng's method of using a locomotive to catch up and provide power, and then using balloons to help transport the carriages. He then asked Grove: "Can it take off like this?"

Grove stopped smiling, thought about it carefully, and said: "The downdraft of the rotor will act on the balloon below. It is best to keep the distance of more than thirty meters."

"One hundred meters." Lucy raised her finger and said, "You can't let people on the train hear the huge noise of the helicopter at close range."

"One hundred meters...the heavier the thing below, the more violent it will be. Coupled with the extra lift of the balloon, the entire mechanical system will be very complicated. Let's not talk about the airflow in the initial ascent stage that will be affected by the train. Even if it has already It is also quite difficult to control when flying. If you want to know the exact answer..." Grove bit his lip and said: "If there is a Category 5 wind that day, there is nothing we can do about it - no matter how good the driving skills are, There’s no way to deal with the increasing swing.”

"I understand, Category 5 wind. Are there any other restrictions?"

Grove thought for a while and said: "Reduce the weight of the aircraft as much as possible, including carrying less fuel and using the best whale oil. Since the aircraft is used to avoid ground tracking, there are conditions to control the flight. As long as the shortest safety is met distance, unload the load as soon as possible. What is the safe distance?"

"More than 75 kilometers."

"Impossible! With something as heavy as a carriage, coupled with huge wind resistance, do you know how much fuel will be consumed for 75 kilometers? Don't forget that I still have to fly over, keep hovering in the air, and let the people below connect to the hook... I You have to add a fuel tank."

Everyone looked at Muir, hoping to get other answers, but the little girl also shook her head and said: "I also want it to succeed, but convincing us is useless. We can't fly, only helicopters can fly."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and asked: "If it is just hoisted and flown 75 kilometers, will the fuel be enough?"

"Enough." Grove looked at Zhuang Xuteng and said, "What do you think?"

"We need to drive over, transport the helicopter there together, and then take off after getting close. If the roof is in a suitable condition, we can even connect the hook line first and then take off directly. This will increase some work on the roof and require someone to go back and forth several times. But overall it should be simpler than aerial operations. Can a helicopter fly from a train traveling at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour?"

"Most models are fine..." Grove thought for a while, as if he didn't want to lose face, and said, "I will find a way to make it fly, I promise."

"But there is a problem!" Muir said: "Most heavy-duty helicopters have cross-rotor or above. Considering the weight we need to hoist, I think eight rotors are required for stability. This is too wide for railways and difficult to transport. Even if you get on the train with a straight rotor and temporarily install the remaining rotor, you must consider whether there are any obstacles such as poles on the roadside. At the speed of the train, the rotor will just touch any pole and it will be over."

"As long as there is no crossbar," Zhuang Xuteng said, remembering the battle he had on the top of the truck, "As long as there is no crossbar, use a lifting device to lift the helicopter and ensure safety when the rotor exceeds the height of the vertical pole on the roadside."

Grove nodded and agreed: "Yes! This is a way. Raise the helicopter in advance so that it is always in the airflow environment above the train head, and the complexity of takeoff can also be reduced. Oh, no wonder it requires two pilots! Muir, I guess you can drive the locomotive."

"No problem. I will actually take a look at the local environment, especially these crossbar roadblocks. At present, it is possible to use the scarecrow method to take off." Muir thought for a while and said: " It would be better if the lifting device is better, and dynamic balance and attitude adjustment may come in handy. If you can raise your butt in advance, the difficulty of helicopter takeoff can be reduced. I will take a look at the environment first, and then finalize these details."

"Very good, that's all we need!" Stair clapped, then looked at Kent and others, and said, "I'll leave the work outside the train to you three, including hooks, balloons, and covering Nightingale and Rock. Bird. The work inside the carriage belongs to Naike and Brother Dao. They must always keep an eye on the changes in the internal atmosphere to ensure that the alarm does not sound. Only by cooperating inside and outside can we complete this matter without anyone noticing."

"There are still many problems that need to be solved." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked, "Will there be guards on the train?"

"Don't think about it, it must be there." Prince frowned, and this expression gave her a mature look. "I said before that no alarm can be triggered. If there is a guard in the carriage we want to steal, this mission will not be feasible - we can't avoid him no matter what."

"So we need a special signal jammer." Steyer explained: "Nightingale also isolates the basic information of the target train and uses a wired connection. The signal jammer is aimed at the target carriage and suppresses any outward signals inside. , and our wired connection can still work. Brother Dao, you are the final insurance. You have to get rid of the possible guards inside and not let it leave the carriage, that is, you cannot let it leave the shielded area and send any signals to the outside. "

Ge Gongdao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Zhuang Xuteng let out a breath and said, "So it seems that my job is to find the security personnel in other carriages, observe them, delay them, and prevent them from discovering that the carriage is missing?"

"The key is to find them." Stair said: "We don't know who the escort is at the moment, but we believe there must be one. You have very good observation skills, and this matter..."

"I know leave it to me, but do you know that the carriage has a front and a back, with the carriage we want to steal in between? I won't be separated."

"You're in charge of the front seats, especially the dining car - the sleepers in the back don't feel like a big problem."

Zhuang Xuteng stared at Stair who said this, a little surprised and dissatisfied. "Can this be done based on feelings? Our people have to get up from the rear of the car and pass through every carriage behind to reach the target. In my opinion, the danger of exposure at the rear will be greater, and it is unwise to give up the inspection at the rear. of."

"You and Brother Dao are at the front and back respectively. If you think the risk is greater in the back, you can stay in the back and let Brother Dao go to the dining car in front."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "If we separate, then I will be in the front and Brother Dao will be in the back. If he wants to enter the target car, it is easy to hide it when he disappears from the sleeper. If he enters from the dining car, there will be no one alive." No, we can’t hide this.”

"That makes sense..." Stair nodded.

"As soon as the signal jammer is turned on, will the communication between us be ruined?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "The people in our carriage will not know what is on the roof; the people in the carriage will not be able to hear the helicopter... We must have a cover and not rely on it. The special method of contacting the shadow slave cannot use voice, as it cannot be controlled."

Lucy shook her head and said, "I've already thought of this. The Rock Bird and Nightingale will add signals to the train announcements. No matter where you are, you can pass on information through them."

"What is the evacuation plan?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "I suggest that people outside the car still walk out of the car. It is best for Brother Dao to return to the car after completing the cleaning task. We will get off normally at the next stop."

"Yes, that's what we planned too." Henry nodded and touched his beard.

After Henry finished speaking, the mercenaries looked at Zhuang Xuteng, curiously waiting for his next question. The mercenaries who work hard at the scene all know one thing: the more they think and the better they prepare, the higher the chance of a successful mission and the safer they will be. Zhuang Xuteng always gets to the point with every question she asks. They are exactly what they need.

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