Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 267 Chapter 264 Difficult Revenge

How heavy is a carriage? How can we make it fly into the sky?

Zhuang Xuteng's brain was running rapidly, and he first thought of several types of aircraft used by the company during the war. The heaviest helicopter in the military can barely lift a tank. If it is replaced with an empty carriage, it should be no problem, but who would want to steal an empty carriage? Zhuang Xuteng would rather not take the carriage and only take away the valuable things inside. So, if you add the contents, how much does the carriage weigh?

Lucy saw Zhuang Xuteng frown and guessed that he was thinking of possible options for action. She snapped her fingers, drew the attention of the two mercenaries, and said: "The leader of the commission this time is Steyer, and he is responsible for the action plan. You don't need to use your brain, just act according to the instructions."

After hearing this, Zhuang Xuteng did not relax, but instead frowned even more tightly. "Are the two of us just here to help? I don't understand. Isn't it possible that Stair doesn't have people of my level and Brother Dao's?"

"Of course he wanted to use his own manpower to complete this task, but after weighing it and conducting secret tests, he found that the level of his men was not good enough. If he didn't have to, he wouldn't come to me and Henry." Lucy sighed: " Thanks to the preparation of the gold basin, I had frequent contacts with various intermediaries during this period, so I was drawn into this matter. The final combat strength he originally hoped for-Brother Dao's position-was replaced by Famine Stranger took the responsibility and advised me to let your master retire later. I recommended you and gave you a guarantee. Fortunately, you have lived up to my trust."

Zhuang Xuteng first expressed his gratitude to Lucy for her trust, and then continued to ask about the actual situation: "Although he arranges the action plan, we actors also have the right to speak, right? Oh, as long as you can speak. Sister Lucy, how did this mission come about? Yes, the client doesn’t just want a carriage, does he?”

"Let me tell you from the beginning. This information was originally provided by Steyer. I have done a background check - a complete and thorough re-investigation is being arranged and will be carried out in the near future - so far there is no problem with this information."

As mentioned before, the client is named Liuko Shinra, and he has always been a technician. After he was promoted to the technical director of Sankeying biotechnology company, he also behaved very dedicatedly and professionally, without any problems. He earned a high income, lived a comfortable life, and never had alcohol or drug problems. Everyone thought he was a very pure person, but they didn't expect that he would be irrational sometimes.

During an important business event, he held talks with important clients at a famous casino hotel in the capital of the Constitution, so some social activities were naturally arranged in the casino. He was a newbie, and newbies have some good luck, so things were good at first. He won some small money and the session went well, but the problem occurred during the break after the session.

Liuko Shinra relieved himself of the heavy burden and decided to have some entertainment to comfort himself. His previous luck made him choose to enter the casino again, and he quickly entered the state and became crazier than some old gamblers. In his opinion, every game is just a mathematical problem, and his opponent is just a business negotiation opponent, which can be manipulated by him. He was carried away by a series of small victories, the stakes became higher and higher, and the excitement became more and more exciting.

Of course he will lose, and being more excited means losing more miserably. Most people would think that they are unlucky, or accept that this is the way the casino always operates, but Liuko felt that the casino specifically targeted him and was a personal insult.

"Actually, the casino doesn't care whether you are a human or a ghost. As long as you are not cheating, the casino only focuses on money." Lucy said.

Liu Ke turned this matter into a private matter. He was targeted, so he wanted to target him back. The result was that the situation became increasingly chaotic. The casino realized that Tai was not normal, so they quickly found out what was going on. They calmed him down with experience, persuaded him to leave the gaming table, and arranged a separate program for him. In fact, they just used the money they earned from him to comfort him, but they didn't expect that there would be problems with the arrangement.

Liu Ke was infected with the disease during the program and lost some of his functions. The family was also in chaos. At this point, he no longer thinks about reconciliation at all, and only has one thought in his mind: revenge. So we had this commission. He wanted to take revenge on the "Golden Rule Hotel Group" in the Constitutional Capital, and he asked to make them hurt, but he didn't know who to vent to.

"This man's spirit is already a little crazy. It's best to follow his will to prevent him from turning into a ball of explosives." Lucy said: "If he wants to watch the casino suffer heavy losses, he must be secretly happy. This places high demands on the confidentiality of our mission."

Ge Gongdao nodded and said: "I can understand how the mission came about, and I have seen guys with a temper like Liu Ke's. But what does this have to do with robbing a train?"

"The Golden Rule Hotel Group has opened casinos in seven cities. There are different interest groups in seven cities, and it also provides financial services to these interest groups. Well, to put it bluntly, money laundering." Lucy explained : "A large amount of cash inflows, part of which is washed at the gaming table and sent back in the form of bonuses, creating a prosperous situation there and attracting more gamblers. On the other hand, the hotel group also provides services to laundry rooms, restaurants, etiquette masters , advertising companies, etc. purchased a large number of services, and many of these services have the interests of local gangs, government personnel, and some middlemen. Ultimately, a huge interest group was formed.”

"All kinds of funds enter from the casino, and they are very clean when they come out - yes, you guessed it right, they are also planning to open a casino in our Peicheng, but they have not yet decided whether to buy the old one It doesn't matter whether to renovate or just build a new one." Lucy said: "They have cross-city services, so there is a need for cross-city transportation funds. At first they used security trucks, but later they were robbed a lot on the road. Once, they were hurt, so they thought of using trains. And their method was so ingenious that other people besides themselves started using their security trains."

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked, "If they can launder the money and send it directly to the bank...oh, I understand."

"What do you know?" Ge Gongdao was a little confused.

"What they transport is dirty money. Of course, the cleaned money does not need to be transported." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The speed and frequency of the influx of black money in the seven cities are different. From an operational perspective, it is best for their casinos to be prosperous. It can’t all be like convulsions. So their cross-city transportation of black money is actually a means of resource allocation.”

Lucy nodded, pointed at Zhuang Xuteng with her finger, and said, "Yes, this is the origin of the money train. But it has continued to develop since then and has become a specialized service. Not only is it used by casinos, but also by many of its partners It is also used. The casino group has specially set up a security company to operate it, and even insures the transportation. Isn’t it ridiculous to use serious money to guarantee black money?”

Ge Gongdao sighed, unable to laugh.

"In daily operations, casino groups will engage in some activities to increase popularity and create reasons for money laundering. Therefore, during each activity, the flow of funds will be very large. What we want to steal is the train at this time. Steyer has done It is estimated that the large number of euros and some platinum coins in one train add up to at least 70 to 80 million - this is just the money used by the casino. There may be so many other things transported together, so it may be hundreds of millions. Task."

"Hiss...that's a lot of money." Zhuang Xuteng blushed when he saw Ge Gongdao, and he probably looked similar to himself. "It is indeed a big task! Sister Lucy, isn't that train very special?"

Lucy nodded and said: "It was a passenger train, but a specially manufactured freight car was added in the middle of the train. The security personnel and passengers were on both sides of the freight car. It can be said that everyone operates a guard post. If the alarm is triggered, the riot squad will be dispatched immediately, and we have heard that the casino group is familiar with the business development departments of several companies, so there may also be senior development managers. Considering this risk, triggering the alarm is equivalent to mission failure."

"It is one of the few high-speed trains. There is a complete set of operation management systems that monitor all aspects of the vehicle. Once it detects inconsistent speeds or other abnormalities in the carriages, it will automatically alarm. Each carriage of the train will continuously send out positioning information. They are independent of each other, and even the best intelligence officers cannot control so many information sources at the same time. These positioning information are received by seven different receiving stations, so there is no way to start from the receiving station."

"Now we are going to use two intelligence officers. They will re-establish the control system at the head and tail of the target and isolate the target carriage. Then one person will keep the signal of the train control system intact, and the other will solve the positioning device of the target carriage. . We think this can give the illusion that the target car is still in place. The next step is to remove it from the entire train and transport it out."

"Due to problems with the control system cables and positioning devices, it is impossible to widen the distance between the carriages to the extent that they can run separately. Therefore, the method of creating temporary lane separation is not feasible. There is no way to move left and right, and there is no way to move down. , then the only way is to go up. After solving the signal system, using a heavy-duty transport aircraft to lift the carriage and transport it away as a whole is currently the only feasible solution." Lucy tilted her head and said: "What I'm talking about now is still there. It’s just an outline of the mission, but there are actually many details.”

Zhuang Xuteng went over the outline of the plan in his mind, let out a sigh of relief, and said: "It's like giving someone anesthesia, then taking away the waist, and then connecting the butt and chest. And it can only use local anesthesia. , general anesthesia cannot be used.”

"Haha, that's probably what happened." Lucy tapped her fingers on the table, overjoyed.

"Based on the results, the more serious problems include the loud sound of heavy-duty helicopters and the obvious flying carriages, which will arouse the alertness of the people on board. Therefore, the aircraft should be higher and must operate at night, so as to reduce the number of people on board. Possibility of discovery. Does the train’s route schedule support it?”

"Support. There are sleepers at the front and rear of the target car. It originally runs at night. The original choice of this train was also for sleepers, so there will be very little movement of people in the car." Lucy continued: "The front section of the target car is a dining car. This It’s a hidden danger point, Naike, your position is probably here. There is a sleeper at the back, Brother Dao should guard here. When the train is moving, you look forward more than behind, so you have to be on guard. "

"How much does this carriage weigh? How fast is it traveling? Can the helicopter guarantee speed and strength?"

"This is exactly what we are worried about now." Lucy said bluntly: "It is difficult to accurately control the weight of the carriage. The traveling speed of a sleeper car at night is about 150 kilometers, which is also a huge burden for the helicopter. As for can use fake traffic warning information to slow down the train, but the problem is...the problem is that there are no helicopters yet."

Ge Gongdao touched his head. "My dear, the most critical props are not available seems there are a lot of problems!"

"Yes, there are still many problems. One middleman can't solve it. There is still some hope for three." Lucy said: "The client's request is indeed very difficult. We have also measured that sneaking to the casino's vault may be better than stealing the carriage. It’s harder. It’s easier to alert someone. So when you join the team, focus on the train and don’t bring up other options.”

"Understood. We come from three middlemen. The biggest danger is that the team splits. We must be united in thought and action to lift the carriage." Ge Gongdao patted his cheeks with both hands, and then shook his head. Cheng Quan said: "When will we join the team and what will we do?"

"You guys pack up and come to me with your things tomorrow. I will take you there. Henry Henderson found an operational base in the old mine west of Peicheng. There are also old railways there, which is convenient for training. I guess. The mission will take two to three months, so be mentally prepared."

"Who is there now?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"You'll know when you get there. We can't say anything yet. All candidates are determined by three intermediaries together. You can rest assured on this." Lucy comforted Ge Gong, and then asked: "Do you two have any questions? ?”

"If you disconnect the middle carriage and reconnect it, won't the rear ones lose power?"

"Uh... are you still thinking about the action plan?" Lucy gave a thumbs up and said to Brother Dao: "Look, how dedicated you are! Well... I just have time and want to hear your opinion. If you let me Arrangements, what will you do?”

"A locomotive must be arranged from behind to chase the top to provide power for the train. After disconnecting the train, the sudden acceleration of the front part must be carefully controlled. Can the train driver be controlled?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

Lucy shook her head and said: "You will only do that when there is no other way. Any outsider coming in will greatly increase the risk of the mission being exposed, and it will be difficult to end."

"Indeed!" Ge Gongdao said while rubbing his hands: "After the thing is lost, the casino will definitely conduct a thorough investigation, and the staff in the car will be interrogated. Unless it can be guaranteed that the driver can withstand the gang's interrogation methods, otherwise it cannot Give him any information."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "It seems like you have to pay great attention to the connection of the train during the operation. Sister Lucy, can people leave on the carriage?"

"Yes, no problem - do you have any ideas?"

"Since our locomotive is going to be taken behind, don't waste its carrying capacity. Haven't the helicopter not been found yet? How about a balloon? The locomotive carries a skin bag, connects a pipe, and uses a gas bottle to blow up the balloon. Provide upward lift. The shape of the balloon should consider the speed of the vehicle and be is best to have small wings. I think these balloons can at least reduce the burden on the helicopter, especially if the aircraft is far away from the train, they will not Will there be airflow conflicts? I...I don't know enough in this area, so I can probably think of these."

Lucy was silent for a while and said: "This is a very interesting idea, and it has certain feasibility. You are right, the helicopter's load capacity has always been what we are most worried about. If we use a balloon... how big will the balloon be? ?”

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "I don't know, I can't calculate. But I think the locomotive can pull the carriage, and it can carry the equipment, especially the gas that hits the tank. It should be heavier than a carriage. I I’m not sure if that’s the right word, but I think the energy should be enough.”

Ge Gongdao tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "The balloon can only fly upward. If there is wind resistance, it will be thrown behind the train. How to control this? Even if the helicopter provides it with forward feels so difficult!" "

"You are not a driver, so you must find it difficult." Lucy waved her hands and said, "Everyone has difficulties that everyone has to solve. Maybe people think that the part you are responsible for is as difficult as climbing to the sky. This task is indeed very difficult. , but the income is worth it. The client doesn’t care how much money he earns, as long as he says this, so everyone’s dividend ratio will be higher than other tasks. And if this thing is done, it will be a rare highlight in the mercenary career. Chapter.”

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao looked at each other, and they both saw the flame of passion in each other's eyes.

PS: Go watch "Dungeons \u0026 Dragons: Thief's Honor" tomorrow and take a day off.

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