Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 242 Chapter 239 Full Attack

"Why did you give me a pot of cactus?"

The mini cactus, including the ball and basin, was not as big as a usual drinking cup, and it looked even more pitiful in the hands of Go Gongdao. In Peicheng, growing flowers and grass is a hobby that wealthy people can afford. Ordinary people want to see green outside the screen, and easy-to-grow cactus and some succulents are the first choice. This pot of cactus is what Morgana usually puts on her desk.

"Don't you think that pot of cactus is beautiful?" Morgana shrugged her shoulders, swept the chair with her hands, then took the juice drink from Zhuang Xuteng and sat down. "I'm here, tell me what's going on."

Zhuang Xuteng started from the latest commissioned task and told Morgana everything about the otter. He focused on the key to the problem: the bag of blue crystals taken from the frozen fish factory might be the reason why the otter was discovered and beheaded.

"You also took a pack. We want you to be more careful when handling it and pay attention to your own safety." Zhuang Xuteng finally said.

"Don't worry, the package is gone." Morgana sighed and said: "Half of the laboratory was also lost. A fire broke out, causing a chemical explosion. Fortunately, no one died, only three Slightly injured.”

"Accident or man-made?"

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like an accident, but no matter how you think about it, it all looks like man-made." Morgana couldn't help but frown when she mentioned this matter. She said: "Nike, I told you to update the blue crystal. Comprehensive comparative examination, do you remember?"

"Remember, remember everything." Zhuang Xuteng nodded.

"My own chemistry laboratory equipment is not good enough, so I entrust it to a higher-level laboratory. Don't worry, it is anonymous and will not be traced to me." Morgana said: "I secretly checked the test records and found that That laboratory has a partner, and some of the tests are subcontracted to the partner. That partner is inextricably linked to the Scarlet Group. This time Otter is also involved with the Scarlet Group, so... …”

"So this matter is difficult to handle and very dangerous." Ge Gongdao still held the mini cactus. It seemed that he liked it very much. "Morgana, Nike is very worried about your safety when he thinks about the death of the otter, so he will call you as soon as he finds a break between tasks."

"Yeah, I understand." Morgana pointed at the two people's necks and said, "Don't you have time to call me before the operation?"

"Yes, you caught me." Ge Gongdao patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and said, "Say something nice quickly and go back to make up for it! If you don't do it well, you will offend others!"

"The otter died, and we were shocked. Our minds were in chaos and we were at a loss. Because of this, Lucy immediately assigned us a task to monitor and protect us in the name of surgical recovery. After entering the task, we slowly After recovering, I will call you immediately."

Morgana tilted her head and listened carefully, hummed slightly, and said, "Brother Dao, this is the real voice. You can hear it from the way he speaks."

Okay, okay, you two can talk about anything, I shut up - Ge Gongdao pinched his nose, then stared at the cactus in a daze.

"Morgana, as the situation has developed now, it is obvious that the Scarlet Group has been deeply involved, and the whole thing is related to blue crystals - unfortunately we no longer have blue crystals, and it is difficult to go to the frozen fish factory to get them."

"Who said there aren't any? I still have some over there. I don't have to send them all for testing. I also kept samples." Morgana thought for a while and said, "It's a pity that we don't have testing channels anymore. Large experiments Only the laboratories have good enough equipment, but they all have cooperative relations with the Scarlet Group. The Scarlet Group has great advantages in medicine and organ implants, and is willing to spend money on the laboratory. It is too difficult to avoid its eyes and ears. Disaster."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "We are not trying to bring down the Scarlet Group. Our goal is drugs. It... Well, this goal is not much easier than bringing down the Scarlet Group. It is difficult..."

Morgana covered her mouth and smiled secretly. After regaining her expression, she said: "I think you think too much and make it complicated. The situation now is actually simpler than before, as long as you divide one thing into two things. "

"Oh? Tell me." Ge Gongdao sat upright.

"The first thing is, we all hate drugs. Before the Scarlet Group officially discloses drug trafficking, we don't need to fight against it, right? We can still fight against the drug dealers and gangs on the street. So this We can still do things, and I believe that after we do it, we will definitely make a difference, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "You are right. Combating drug trafficking is not about launching the fifth corporate war."

"The second thing is about the new drug Blue Savage. I have always wanted to know where it came from, why it can seize the market, and how it will develop in the future, so I have been tracing its source. Now the answer to this question I already know that the source is the Scarlet Group, so this matter is over. In other words, we don’t need to run headlong into the Scarlet Group, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng patted his head and said, "That's the truth! I twisted them together, why are you so stupid?"

"Maybe I don't miss the otter as much as you do." Morgana looked at Zhuang Xuteng tenderly and said slowly.

After a brief silence, Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Thank you for your comfort, I am fine now. The otter matter is not over yet. It is definitely not easy to get the blue crystal that the Scarlet Group pays so much attention to. We must talk about the strategy. "

"First of all, we can't act recklessly." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The explosion in the laboratory shows that our preparations are very insufficient, there is no early warning protection, and there is no evacuation route. Especially Morgana, the real name you used..."

"No, the fake name I used in the laboratory didn't appear in person. It can't be found on me."

"You still have to be careful. Otter is very good at disguising himself. He can appear in different gangs with different identities, and even infiltrate the middle and high-level gangs. This is already a very good level of disguise, but he was still caught." Ge Gong said Pointing out the key points, he said: "We don't understand the technical strength of our opponents yet, so we can't be too careful. I suggest you don't touch this clue about the Scarlet Group. It would be more appropriate to start at the gang level first." Our strength.”

"That's what I want to express." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "At the gang level, the strongest opponent currently is the purple-skinned man. I suggest that this be the direction of investigation. Wherever there is a purple-skinned man, there is scarlet. Group’s Blue Crystal.”

Morgana snapped her fingers and said: "Yes, this is a good clue. Nike, you said that this purple-skinned man was born out of zombie technology. The degree of disclosure of technical information in this area is definitely much higher than that of blue crystals. Now. I can check the paper to see who is more likely to do this, where it was made... Wait, maybe divine runes were used in it, I vaguely remember that this happened a long time ago."

"What magical runes?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"My family has preserved some very ancient books, some of which can be traced back to the mythological period." Morgana did not want to reveal her family's situation in front of Gongdao, so she kept it as close as possible. "I remember when I was a kid, someone came to buy books, and it seemed to be related to zombies. I was about eight or nine years old at that time... This is not a hard clue, but it is easier to check."

Ge Gongdao was stunned when he heard this. He asked: "Mythological period? The gods are gone. The runes at that time are basically unusable, right? Is there anyone who buys this?"

"The runes can no longer be used, but those ideas have not lost their value." Morgana straightened her chest and said: "We are not much smarter now than we were at that time. The only difference is that the technology used is different. Just like we are now You don’t need to pick up random sticks to fight, but the tactics of outflanking and flanking are still useful.”

"Is there any book on how to cast spells from that period? I want to see it." Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"You want to read it? No problem, I'll make some copies for you. But I have to remind you that those technical techniques are completely different from today's spells, and 99% of them won't be used. If you want to learn spells, test your talent first. Then entering a training school is the right way.”

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "If I had that talent, of course I would want to go to a higher education institution and then work in a company to make a lot of money. Alas, just think of it as an unattainable dream!"

"Don't be discouraged. The talent test is basically correct, but it's only basic. I didn't do well in the test, but I can still cast spells." Morgana saw Gongdao's eyes widening, so she straightened her face and said: "You do not believe?"

"I didn't mean that, I was just curious, what spells do you know?"

"Stewed porridge..." Morgana blushed and quickly changed the subject: "I will check the situation of books and print a few copies for you. Just read them as novels. In addition, I will try to improve the equipment in my laboratory. . No matter how good it is in someone else’s hands, it still belongs to someone else.”

Ge Gongdao nodded and said: "I can't do anything in this high-end direction. I only know the things in the streets. Whether it's a mouse or a rabbit, they can dig holes. I want to find a way to build an operational base for us, so that we can talk or do things." It’s all safer.”

"Okay. I have some connections in the black market, which is also a channel for gathering information. It's inconvenient for Brother Dao to use his real name, so I went to scan and listen, just like looking for a needle in a haystack. The reasons are all ready-made: to buy new equipment and understand the power of the gang. distributed."

"Yes, let's all take action. In addition to not touching the Scarlet Group, there are many other things we can do." Ge Gongdao concluded.

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