Gundam Seed System

Chapter 121: Confession

The two people caught in the bottleneck exchanged their ideas while drinking tea, and finally got the exclusive weapon designed for Elsa, which is a wire-controlled barrel. There is no shortage of technical data research institutes in this area. Although there is not so much information obtained from Bu, Red Scorpion, and United, it is not difficult to merge the technology to join the Republic.

Since Elsa does not have spatial cognitive ability, the wire-controlled barrel is mainly controlled by computer program. Although it is not as flexible as manual operation, this weapon is part of the firepower, and Song Hana is designed for the White Tiger team. Harrow is also a very good helper, mainly inputting weapon data, and it can still assist Elsa in attacking.

   It was hard to come up with the design drawings. This time Song Hana didn't have that much interest, let alone name the equipment. It seemed that this kind of equipment could not arouse her secondary illness. Frey on the side was very happy to watch the two people slowly design the equipment after discussing, and from time to time to help them pour tea, the wire-controlled barrel is different from the long gun just now, the specific configuration still needs a little bit. When they were buckled out, the two people were talking dry and dry. At this time, they would pick up the teacup and drink it all at once and then continue.

After drinking a pot of tea, when Frey wanted to make another pot for the two of them, the two people who finished drinking the tea at the same time finally finished the design drawing and saw the completed wire-controlled cannon. Lei looked at the projection curiously.

   That is a single-port barrel with a conical shape, which is different from the double barrels of Mebius. The two single-port remote-controlled barrels are like two cones. As for his size, Frey can’t tell.

When Sun Jin saw Frey’s curious look, he explained to her that the model designed by him and Song Hana is much smaller than Mebius’s wire-controlled barrel, only half the size, and the firepower output is because it is The single port is more concentrated, on the contrary, the output is higher than that of Mebius, and the jet thrust at the tail is also much higher than that of Mebius. At any rate, it is also a new type of weapon that combines the strengths of many families. It is not as good as the original one. It was just hitting Sun Jin and Song Hana in the face.

It seems that both of them are very satisfied. Although there are a lot of professional terms that I don’t understand, Frey congratulates them. I thought it was over now, but the two of them became addicted to the discussion and planned to use Song Hana’s exclusive weapon. It was also designed together. Seeing that the two people were caught in the conversation between the technicians again, Frey felt that it would be better to go down and help them make another pot of tea.




Finally, after the two people completed the final design drawings, it was not surprising that it was time for dinner. Sun Xuan and his wife had returned long ago. When Fu Lei went down to pick up the two, Sun Jin and the others were still working on the finishing touches. The unanimous decision of the two people was to add the mirage system of Thunder Gundam to Song Hana's body. The exclusive weapon was also designed as a high-power sniper rifle with three-stage charging.

Speaking of this mirage system, Sun Jin really didn't have much impression of it. In fact, it was also the original work that used the'Xunlei Gundam' as soy sauce. The only bright spot was the broken umbrella system. The rest of the time, as long as you see it, it is there. Bullying the combined battleship, it happened that an assassin just let the pilot become the main tank, first was cut off by Kira, and then cut off by the middle. It couldn't be more miserable.

Qin Yue, who hadn’t seen his son at the dinner table for a long time, kept picking Sun Jin with vegetables, as if Sun Jin went to Orb to suffer and not eat enough to wear warmth. There is no way to face Sun Jin, who is too enthusiastic. Fortunately, his body is getting stronger and stronger, although Qin Yue's food for him is too much to eat.

As his father, Sun Xuan had known about Sun Jin’s work in Ober through the report and Wang Hu’s information. Instead, he didn’t say anything today. After the family got together and happily ate dinner, Sun Xuan did too. I didn’t plan to ask Sun Jin to talk again. Now my main focus is on the technical data obtained from Orb. When the research institute has fully understood all this part of the data, the construction progress of the new battleship will surely be able to Take a big step forward.

Then there is the contact with the Kleinists. The day is counted, that is, on the day of the election of the chairperson, the anti-neutron jammers delivered by the waste dealers can be sent to the Tianzhi Yuzhu, and then they will be covered by Orb. Secretly sent back to the Republic, the new machine will have new energy available, but this technology is not the same as what was obtained from Orb. It can be regarded as a personal transaction between the Sun family and the Klein family. Can it be shared with the Republic? The other two districts have to be discussed.

Thinking of this, Sun Xuan suddenly felt a little big head. He thought he was just uniting Uzmi to win Orb. How did he know that Sun Jin almost changed the situation in Orb during the past trip. The advantage is that the Yanhuang area eats skills now. Welfare was a little bit enough to eat, and with the things Klein delivered to the door, Sun Xuan was happy and painful.

However, through the previous deterrence of force, the equatorial unity was stunned. I didn't expect the opposite side to be so cautious. When they were beaten back, they would shrink their minions and never send another person to the border. However, the wind and rain are coming, the equatorial unity is so quiet now. On the contrary, it makes people a little worried, not knowing what they are secretly planning.

   In the past few days, Sun Xuan still intends to follow the instructions of the old man, first thoroughly understand all the existing technology, and convert it into the power of the Yanhuang area, and then look at the movements of the other forces, and then decide the subsequent actions.

For Sun Jin, it’s too late for his father to be happy if he doesn’t find himself. Although he still wants to find Frey, today he is doing experiments and laboriously designing arms. Both body and spirit need to rest, so he is honest. Going back to her room to sleep, Frey also noticed his state, and secretly told him that it would take two days to finish, so he should have a good rest these two days.

   went back to her room and took a hot bath. Sun Jin lay down on the bed without drying her and soon fell asleep.

Just when Sun Jin was sleeping soundly, Kira, who was far away in Aub, was called out by Kagali. Originally, Kagali planned to come to Kira to confess the night when she was talking to Sun Jin. After that, she was put in confinement by her father, and was not released until today, so when she was free, she rushed to the'Archangel' where Kira was.

   "Kagali, what can you do at this late hour?"

Kira, who was called out by Kagali and looked at the night sky at the observation deck, asked curiously. Today Kagali is uncharacteristically wearing a very ladylike dress, even wearing a white that she dislikes very much. With high heels, when the two of them had just walked onto this viewing platform from the path, Kagali stepped on the air several times, but fortunately, Kira was quick to support her.

   "That, Kira, how am I dressed today?"

   Straightened her hair a little nervously, Kagali held her skirt with her other hand and looked at the boy in front of her with a reddish face.

   "Ah, very, very beautiful, I think."

Kira praised her awkwardly. Although she stumbled, Kagali laughed happily, and then the two fell silent. Kira scratched her cheek in embarrassment, revealing her face to the girl. The usual facial expressions at the time, while the opposite Kagali was entangled in what she wanted to say.

Although she made up her mind very quickly at the time, the time she was locked up at home made her think a lot. Today I mustered up the courage to change into a skirt and let someone help her with light makeup and hair, but it was really good. She was a little scared of Kira again.

   "That! Kira!" Kagali finally made up his mind and grasped the corners of the skirt with both hands, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Kira's face, yelling his name somewhat loudly.

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