Guard With a Knife

Seven hundred and forty-five: [Duke Clause]

Snoopy's speech dispelled the concerns of Bulls fans.

Of course, the more important evidence is that he assisted Derrick Rose many times on the court to complete the dagger-like assassination.

That night, Rose scored 37 points plus 5 assists and 5 rebounds. He once again proved with his actions that he is the number one point guard in the Eastern Conference.

Of course...this is based on the young Duke's placement at the swingman.

After all, for a guy who ranks second in the league in assists per game over two-time regular season mvp Stephen Nash, if he calls himself a point guard, it's hard to put his name on it.

In fact, the positioning of Snoopy's court has been a headache recently.

In the voting channel of this year's NBA All-Star Game, Snoopy's position is guard.

This made the other guards in the East a little bit wronged, because the young Duke is an unquestionable All-Star starter in terms of popularity and strength. But... there are only two radish pits.

When Dwyane Wade is sure to occupy a situation, then throwing Snoopy into the guard list, isn't this cutting off the promotion of a large number of other outstanding guards?

So, Joe Johnson asked very seriously on his Twitter: Why not let Snoopy continue where he was last season? He is clearly a striker!

However, there is no extra position on the forward side.

LeBron James takes one and another Snoopy. Stoudemire, who finally became the scoring leader with the New York Knicks, is about to cry again, as well as Chris Bosh, Paul Pierce and a large group of players.

Ever since, there were voices saying that Snoopy should be a center: he grabs so many rebounds and blocks every game, and on the defensive end, his rim protection efficiency is second only to Dwight Howard and Tyson Chandler.

In this regard, Dwight Howard has a lot of opinions.

He doesn't want his All-Star starting tour to be ruined. Moreover, the tactical battle with Stan Van Gundy during this period was enough to make him burnt out.

In fact, he made a final negotiation to the general manager last week: Either trade me, fire Stan Van Gundy, or increase my shooting rights!

Unlike Dwight Howard, who controlled conflicts and resolved them internally, as the trading day approached. The rumors of a trade between the Denver Nuggets and the New York Knicks are getting more and more heated, and the New Yorkers can't wait to come up with various trading plans.

In order to get Carmelo Anthony, they even manipulated the draft into 2018.

The Knicks club, which was empty-handed throughout the summer, had to stud under the pressure of huge fans.

But for this operation of the team management, the fans of the Big Apple City did not pay the bill. In their view, even if they get Cameron, it is nothing more than a remedy after the past.

If Snoopy is left behind, what will the Knicks look like now?

Thinking of this, Donny Walsh couldn't help being pulled out to flog the corpse. Although he was fired a long time ago and was fined a large amount of pension money by the New York State Court for an early tax evasion incident. But that still wasn't enough to appease Knicks fans. After all, the damage he brought to the Knicks is irreversible. In the words of the New York Times, Donnie Walsh is destined to be nailed to the pillar of historical shame, and he will always be equated with stupidity. His trade for Tyrus Thomas with Snoopy and Stephon Marbury is the stupidest move in NBA history.

In fact, the Knicks did not renew Thomas this summer. Thomas has been poached to Charlotte by Michael Jordan with a 30 million contract.

If you have to draw an equal sign, it is equivalent to using Snoopy and Thomas to change a lot of air.

The value of Snoopy's stadium can be easily inferred from the increase in market value of the Bulls this season: $320 million. And this is only his first season in Chicago. When he leads the team to the championship, the market value of the Bulls will take off again. That's why, now in Chicago, poster portraits of Snoopy are gradually pushing Derrick Rose to the edge.

The capitalists are no longer satisfied with establishing a dual-core concept. Boss Bull, who has tasted the sweetness in the 1980s, can't wait to start the second god-making movement. Even... Derrick Rose is a native of Chicago and has a deep mass base, which cannot stop his behavior. After all, the smell of money is captivating. Derrick Rose is good, he's a cash cow, he has great prospects, and his pay-to-output ratio is phenomenal. However, this is without Snoopy. If they own Snoopy at the same time, any capitalist will not hesitate to give most of their resources to him.

In fact, those paparazzi journalists, entertainment media, business endorsements, and product promotions around him also played a role in fueling the flames.

Economists have even mentioned the concept of the "Snoopy economy": for the average tabloid reader, Snoopy's life is like a train wreck being cut up by several duchess girls. However, for everyone involved in the "Snoopy Industrial System" (from paparazzi to perfume merchants), he is a gold mine. Whether he dunks on the court, shoved Justin Bieber off the court, or appeared in various occasions with various duchess girls, Snoopy became more and more magical with each exposure. According to the latest Forbes wealth list, his net worth has reached 925 million U.S. dollars, and it is still growing rapidly. When all his companies go public, this number will even be multiplied by five times. But that's a fraction of the "Britney economy" as a whole. The paparazzi earn an estimated $70 million a year from the sale of photos of Britney Spears. Celebrity gossip tabloids, websites and other outlets rake in roughly $120 million a year from Snoopy. A celebrity tabloid can sell 52% more if Snoopy is on the cover...  

And this is why the players' union has always hoped that Snoopy will participate in the recent very heated labor agreement renegotiation on behalf of the player group.

They hope that Snoopy will stand up and forcefully fight back the plan proposed by the representatives of the management to modify the distribution ratio of the league's basketball-related income (bri). After all, it has been fifty-seven percent for so many years, and no one wants the next sharp drop in income.

In this regard, LeBron James, the number one player in the league, has already expressed his position.

Kobe Bryant doesn't care about this matter. He is a person who focuses on basketball. The recent decline in Los Angeles' record has made him burnt out.

In this regard, Snoopy has not acted.

The management representatives have already begun to revise a new agreement to please Snoopy, and they have finally restrained their long-term oppression of rookie child labor. According to news, they said that superstars like Snoopy and super rookies who have entered the All-Star Game consecutively and led the team to the finals should be treated specially. Their first maximum salary contract should rise from 25 percent of the salary cap to 30 percent, and they can have the right to end the fourth-year rookie contract early.

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster.

If calculated according to this year's salary cap of 58 million, the starting salary of Snoopy's next contract can be increased from 14.5 million US dollars to 17.4 million US dollars.

On this point, there is no controversy. After all, it is only natural for a superstar like this to get more money.

But the next day, the proposal to end the performance of the rookie contract early made many players dissatisfied.

Because most high-ranking rookies, including James, Wade, and Anthony, have honestly finished four-year cheap rookie contracts, and then started to take maximum-salary contracts. If Snoopy skipped the fourth year of his rookie contract and entered the ranks of the maximum salary directly, it would be uncomfortable for many people.

In this regard, the management representative’s suggestion is: “We must reward those super rookies who have brought great influence to the league. We will set strict conditions for this clause, such as leading the team twice in the first three years of the rookie season. into the finals."

This sentence is equivalent to tailor-made for Snoopy.

Among all active players, only Snoopy led his team to the Finals twice in a row.

Isn't this just to please Snoopy?

However, when the content drafted as the "Duke Clause" was released. Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf, who is known for his miserliness, immediately stated publicly: "We have prepared a five-year $90 million contract for Snoopy. As long as the new labor agreement is passed, it can be implemented immediately. Even this season It doesn't matter if it is calculated according to the new salary system."

He treated Snoopy more generously than he treated Michael Jordan.

In fact, when Snoopy knew about the "Duke Clause", he was talking about investment with startup founders from Silicon Valley.

"This is really good news." Snoopy told George Chen next to him: "It means that I have more money to invest in these promising Internet companies. For example, this company called Instagram."

George Chen frowned. He actually hoped that his employer would have some savings. After all, as an investor, living in an ordinary wealthy area like Chicago is really shabby.


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