GT Virus Evolutionary

Five hundred and seven.6 times the end of the world

Yang Qun stood at the highest point of the building and looked down. On the abandoned streets, in the uninhabited buildings, and in the most prosperous shopping plaza in the past, monsters completely occupied the world that once belonged to humans. The starting address, read it backwards ↘Qibi in the web text↙

There will no longer be people playing and shopping here.

However, what worries Yang Qun the most is still developing gradually.

The monsters seem to gradually...have their own sanity?

As early as the beginning of the disaster, Yang Qun felt that very few zombie monsters began to have their own way of thinking and consciousness. They could hunt, evolve, and even have tactics.

By now, are they even going to be happy? ?

Looking at the weird smiles on the mouths of the zombies in the entire abandoned city, Yang Qun felt a chill in his heart.

"What are you thinking?" Mrs. Zigui walked up to Yang Qun. Yang Qun had been watching these monsters for three hours, which made Mrs. Zigui a little curious about what this strong man with a seventh-order death mark was looking at.

"According to what you said, you were once a researcher of the gods."

"When you study these zombies, do you think that they have their own thinking, have their own consciousness, can also be happy, angry, sad, and angry? Is it possible for replace human beings?"

Mrs. Zigui was taken aback. He didn't expect Yang Qun to ask such a philosophical question.

"From a medical point of view, their brains have been completely corroded by the solar ladder virus. They will only look for prey and continue to evolve. Even if they have consciousness, it is only for better evolution. Everything is the ancestor virus---【 The sun ladder] is controlling their brains to hunt."

"But... the current situation is indeed somewhat beyond people's imagination."

"They sometimes appear to be alive."

Mrs. Zigui also fell into contemplation, the gods thought that everything was under control,

The powerful gods and Buddhas in the sky are enough to deal with these pitiful little zombies.

But sometimes, it can feel like things are a little out of control. For example... In the original materials, there were very few examples of zombies being conscious. But after the end of the world, the number of zombies is extremely huge,

Unexpectedly, there have been changes that they could not imagine.

After the outbreak of the virus, those new varieties also sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

As time passed, some places gradually began to have fifth-level corpse kings. These corpse kings were strangely shaped, and they were even much stronger than fifth-level ability users.

The reason is very simple, even a fifth-level ability user cannot completely control his own power. They can't completely alienate themselves, or give full play to every ability of their own cells, but the fifth-order corpse kings can... They are natural apostles! !

In the end, Mrs. Zigui shook her head and denied the idea.

"Impossible, the gods are too powerful, and only humans can defeat humans."

"These monsters... are not strong enough to fight against the gods."

Yang Qun looked back at Mrs. Zigui, nodded and agreed with her statement.


In the last days, whether it is these monsters or those humans living in the gaps, they are just reptiles and tools in the eyes of the gods.

Maybe the value of their existence can only be a piece of data, in order for scientists to record on the computer "During such and such a much these zombies have much stronger...what kind of species they have become... What kind of combat value is there..." Then he was arrested and went back to continue research.

Or maybe, they are just to provide evolutionary fluid and provide various energies to achieve the purpose of the gods.

From a certain point of view, in the eyes of the gods, perhaps... Human evolutionists and zombies are actually not fundamentally different.

After a long time, Yang Qun seemed to be tired of watching these zombies wandering back and forth gradually making him feel a sense of sadness.

Yang Qun turned his head and glanced at the rascal Mrs. Zigui.

"Looking at you as a sixth-level demon god, what do you think the world is like?"

Somehow, Yang Qun asked such a question.

He suddenly wanted to know how the gods looked at this world, and how a demon god as powerful as Mrs. Zigui looked at these ordinary people and zombies.

This question kept Mrs. Zigui silent for a long time.

The focus in Mrs. Zigui's eyes gradually disappeared. She seemed to be looking at the distance, the distance, and the distance, until the empty grassland that no one cares about, or the silent and vast starry sky.

"Death...maybe you ordinary people don't understand...but I'm a scientist."

Mrs. Zigui did not answer Yang Qun's question directly.

As she said, Mrs. Zigui was not only a demon god who joined the organization of the gods, she was also a knowledgeable scientist before that. She has contributed countless researches to the gods and provided countless scientific research ideas for the gods.

"do you know?"

"How many times has this world experienced biological extinction?"

Yang Qun still knows about Mrs. Zigui. He often stays in the library and reads some strange books, some of which are about popular science.

For example, in the 3 billion-year history of the earth, there have been 5 mass extinctions.

Most of the reasons for the extinction are related to carbon dioxide, such as the first time... At that time, most organisms lived in the ocean, and the new volcanic rocks reacted with carbon dioxide and absorbed it after being eroded by wind and water. As a result, the nitrogen dioxide dropped, the temperature dropped, and the water froze... Finally, almost 90% of the living things were extinct within 10,000 years.

There is also the biggest mass extinction because of volcanic eruptions... Contrary to people's imagination, it is not the magma ejected from the volcano that burns the living things to death. It's billions of tons of volcanic blasts that have destroyed the ozone layer, causing oceans to average temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, much hotter than our bath water. Acid rain spreads across the planet and devastates land life. All kinds of cyclic butterfly reactions make nature the most terrifying killer, eventually destroying 95% of marine life and 75% of terrestrial life! !

Among them, the most famous is the extinction of dinosaurs. A meteorite the size of a small town fell into the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico on the earth. The powerful impact force lifted up millions of dust and blew it into the atmosphere, completely covering the entire earth. Strictly packaged inside. Ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, and various cosmic rays cannot pass through the clouds and shine on the ground. In the end, the global climate dropped rapidly, and the earth once again ushered in a dark end.

And now, our earth has not experienced a disaster for 65 million years. If this virus outbreak is considered to be the end of the world, then this is the sixth time...

"5 times, or...6 times?"

Mrs. Zigui nodded, it seems that Yang Qun still has some basic knowledge.

"Then do you know what humans have done in the past 100 years?" Mrs. Zigui asked a question again.

Yang Qun was silent. What did human beings do in the past hundred years? ?

A hundred years ago, riding a horse was the most convenient and fast mode of transportation for human beings.

A hundred years ago, there were no roads, no cars, no factories, no pollution...

"In the past 100 years, humans have built factories, discharged waste water, cut down trees, changed the land environment, slaughtered animals, immigrated animals and plants, and destroyed the ecological balance."

"Nuclear power plants, nuclear radiation, electronic products, high-radiation pollution sources..."

"Airplanes, cars, coal mining, carbon dioxide is 25 percent higher than it was 50 years ago."

"Did you know...the shortest interval between the previous five mass extinctions was only more than 30 million years, and the longest was only 200 million years during the dinosaur period."

"And humans ... have taken a billion years off of life on Earth in the past hundred years."

"And accelerated the rate of biological extinction... 10,000 times!!"

"Looking at this efficiency, the disaster caused by this virus outbreak is also reasonable."

Mrs. Zigui shrugged her shoulders, pointed at the whole city and said.

Yang Qun was speechless and unable to refute.

Human beings have indeed committed all kinds of evil deeds in the past hundred years, and the earth has been overwhelmed and dilapidated.

However, should humans die?

Should humans be treated as pests and crushed to death?

Yang Qun was also angry.

If it is said that this disaster is the backlash of nature, if the destruction of human beings is due to the natural wrath of... the warming of the earth, the melting of mountains and rivers, the submersion of continents, and even the destruction and explosion of the earth, then it can only be said that human beings are self-inflicted. But... the gods cannot represent nature, and they are not real gods, so why should they judge all mankind instead of nature?

He stepped up directly and grabbed Mrs. Zigui by the collar.

"So you just wiped out all the human beings that you don't like???"

Madam Zigui could not resist her master.

At the same time, she cannot lie.

"In this short period of one year, the solar ladder virus has increased the speed of human evolution... by 100 million years!"

Under the replacement of various high-tech products, human body instincts have been rapidly declining and degrading.

Cheap food, cheap labor brought by high-tech products... make most of the things that humans don't have to do by themselves.

How brave the human beings were, daring to fight lions and race antelopes on the grassland. Riding the most powerful elephant and fishing the overlord in the ocean ashore, but all these are gradually moving away from modern people.

Let's take a look at today, one year after the end of the world, what does human beings look like? ?

The powerful power of human beings can instantly destroy buildings that have been built for months and years. The ability of a strong man standing on the highest god can only be described as moving mountains and filling seas, destroying heavens and earth. This is unimaginable before the end of the world! !

It's just a small solar ladder virus, which directly raised the evolution rate of human beings to 100 million years later, or even further away! ! !

And now the sky has become bluer, those dilapidated cities have turned into ruins, there is no more sewage, no more exhaust gas, and all sources of pollution have been smashed. In some ways... whatever the gods do is good for Earth.

Yang Qun pushed Mrs. Zigui to the ground, the anger in his eyes could not be suppressed.

"So?? You treat human life like nothing??"

"To make all these disasters, to be a bitch and still set up a memorial arch, saying that he is for the future, for the earth?"

"Really? From time to time, for your twisted desires, for the... gods that exist above power and money desires??"

"The words of the gods are really noble. Destroying the entire human civilization is so simple and so great."

Although, in Yang Qun's heart, he is also ashamed of the evil deeds that humans have committed in the past century, and he should also feel guilty for the harm to Mother Earth. But this is definitely not an excuse to destroy all mankind, especially if the gods base this excuse on their desire to "become a god" and then speak out righteously.

Humans have done many wrong things.

But human beings living at the bottom will never be able to decide the fate of this world. Should they all be victims of all this?

These are human beings with flesh and blood. These are human beings who have families, friends, feelings of their own, who can cry and laugh.

They... just died one by one for an inexplicable reason.

Yang Qun's angry eyes lasted for a long time, and he slowly closed his eyes. What these gods did made him feel sick.

After a long time, when Yang Qun opened his eyes again, his eyes became firmer.

"Perhaps, humans should die."

"Perhaps, human beings are the pests of this earth."

"If it is because of the destruction of nature, I have nothing to say about the backlash. Humans deserve what they deserve."

"But... human beings should not be the victims of the gods."

"Human sins should not be an excuse for the gods to sacrifice in order to become gods."

"Because they are also the source of evil, they are also human beings..."

"If human beings are really going to be destroyed...then let's destroy the gods first!!!"

Mrs. Zigui became more and more shocked when she heard Yang Qun's words.

As a scientist, of course I know how serious the sins of human beings are. But... as Yang Qun said, the gods used this sin to judge human beings, but their purpose was not to save nature, but to "become a god!!" but to gain greater power. It's not for the benefit of the earth, it's just using the name of salvation to accomplish the goal of becoming a god.

At this moment, Mrs. Zigui agreed with Yang Qun's statement.

She repeated the phrase "If human beings are to be destroyed by nature, then the gods should be destroyed first..."

After a long time, Mrs. Zigui finally recalled a question that they had almost forgotten.

"Yeah... almost forgot... the gods..."

"It's human too!!"

The gods were originally... human beings too! !

Almost, they were regarded as real gods.

Mrs. Zigui stood up slowly from the ground.

"'re right."

"Just to punish humans, the gods have done enough, the world has been destroyed."

Mrs. Zigui raised her palm, and purple roses bloomed on her purple skin. Compared with her former self, she was tens of thousands of times stronger? ?

"But... I still miss the time when I was just a human researcher..."



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