GT Virus Evolutionary

1236. City of Angels

Kailan is not dead. .

The nostrils on the metal statue are open so that he can breathe.

This is the order left by Yang Qun, save his life and kill all the others.

"Chichi, Kailan, the boss here, I will put your statue here when I have a chance, so that people will always remember their boss."

Gong Jing tapped the metal statue in a good mood.

"Stop playing, give him to Mengxue, and find out about the information. Has anything happened recently?" Yang Qun's commanding voice came through the car window, Gong Jing made a grimace, and threw the metal bump into the armored vehicle middle.

Let Mengxue, a female spy, torture him!

The small episode actually only took a few minutes. The convoy continued to move forward, the fence was crushed into mud, and the obstacle belt covered with nails on the ground was completely crushed, which was useless to the purgatory convoy.

After a while, news came from Mengxue.

Don't tell me, this little robber I met by chance really knows a lot of inside stories.

"He escaped from the base city. It is said that the base city is currently recruiting troops on a large scale. Many people have been forcibly injected with evolutionary fluid, and many people have been turned into monsters and taken away. All in all... the recent actions of the gods are very big. .”

No wonder a fourth-level ability user would come to be a robber, that's why.

It turned out that he was a deserter.

The gods recruited troops on a large scale, forced injection of evolution fluid, and changed the appearance of the previous savior, obviously feeling like killing a chicken to get an egg.

Yang Qun and the others knew why, and the reason for killing chickens and taking eggs was very simple, because the final battle was imminent, and they were gathering all resources to fight against purgatory...

"Come on, let's go to that gathering place. There must be more deserters and more news."

"Then, go to that city base!"

The vehicle speeded up and gradually disappeared on the road in this small town...

Gathering places, in the eyes of the American emperors, are similar to the concept of slums. All high-ranking "superior people" basically live in once-bustling cities.

As for the personal feeling of the gathering place, it is dirty and messy.

Here, robbery, murder, rape, and filth can be seen everywhere.

However, people still have no choice. People who are not accepted by the city are displaced. If they live in the wild for a long time, they can only be killed by monster zombies. This is their only choice.

Although it is just a gathering place, it also has a name, and it is a vulgar name.

City of Angels.

Yes, it sounds so vulgar, like a fairy tale told by a seven-year-old girl.

And the most powerful person in the gathering place---Angel, is the one who controls this place.

According to legend, he is a fifth-level ability user with extraordinary ability, so he can protect the entire base from infringement.

Some people also said that he even reached the level of the sixth-level demon god and became a god.

There are different opinions, but one thing that can be confirmed in the end is that he is the boss of City of Angels.

The distance of more than 20 kilometers has been reached soon. The City of Angels is also a small town, but this small town is tightly surrounded by steel fences, and there are many sentry posts around the fence, constantly checking the surrounding zombies and monsters intensive situation.

It cannot be compared with the Ten Holy Cities of Purgatory at all, at most it is better than the large granary base established in the early days of the end of the world.

The guards at the gate were all heavily armed men holding large-caliber heavy machine guns and staring at the crowd passing by.

The convoy stopped slowly and asked the convoy to be inspected.

In fact, there is nothing to check. This chaotic town does not prohibit carrying guns. Unless you carry a large amount of explosives and dangerous goods, you will be stopped and detained here.

Mengxue came out, after her make-up, she made her beauty a little ugly, and there were a few scars on her face, which made her feel a little unappetizing.

This is to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"There are no heavy weapons. There are materials in the truck, and we are capable people." Mengxue raised her hand as she said,

An ice-blue flame burst into flames, proving what she said.

At the same time, two packs of cigarettes were stuffed into the guard's hand, and the big man raised his eyebrows and said: "They are all supplies, which are very useful to our City of Angels, let them go."

In this way, the convoy easily drove into the City of Angels.

The City of Angels is really quite chaotic. There is a smell of blood in the air. Many beggars are lying tremblingly under the eaves. They are all ordinary people. They may be rich managers of a certain company before the end of the world. , but it is useless now.

And those capable mercenaries are rampaging on the road with shoulders and shoulders. If any passer-by who has no eyes bumps into them, they will be punched and kicked immediately. In serious cases, their limbs will be broken, or they will be killed directly. !

On the corner of the street, there are many dancers dressed in one piece. Most of them are yellow and thin, with helplessness written on their faces, but they still greet customers with smiles. After a while of haggling, they are led into a small room to start activities...

Very cheap, maybe just a meal, or even half a meal...  

The way of life here has become very primitive.

"Li Chao, Nightmare, bring some money here, and you can exchange the supplies in the back of our truck." Yang Qun ordered.

Li Chao and Ye Shang got off the off-road vehicle, and before leaving, they asked, "It's so messy here, can we grab it?"

"Yes." Yang Qun replied lightly.

The appearance of a group of people immediately attracted the attention of many people. Yang Qun and the others were all wearing red blood robes, like a certain religious group.

However, such clothing is not too much. In the last days, many people wear similar clothing to hide their identities or to show their different identities.

"The largest building in the City of Angels is the Dance of the Angels. It is a clubhouse for dancing girls, and it is also the residence of the highest leader of the City of Angels, the Angel."

"Usually, only people with abilities above the third level can get permission to enter. Pretty girls dance there for people's enjoyment, but the fees are very expensive."

Mengxue had already grasped the news here and whispered in Yang Qun's ear.

A group of weird men in red robes headed straight in that direction. People kept pointing on the road, and many people threw away their cigarette butts and quickly disappeared on the street, reporting to their boss. Baidu Sao Suo#\u003epen\u003eGe — G.T Virus Evolver

A little boy was in a hurry and accidentally fell and bumped into Yang Qun.

Yang Qun calmly helped him up and grabbed his hand at the same time.

His hand was about to reach into the pocket on Yang Qun's robe. Although it was empty there, the little boy's intention was obvious, to steal something from him.

"Let's go." Yang Qun didn't make things difficult for him, let him leave, and looked indifferently in one direction in the distance.

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