Mi Toma, Yuki Asuna, Takamachi Nanoha, and Hinata Hanabi formed a team and went to Dr. Ohki's side.

Xiao Yichen asked Lyu and Misaka Mikoto to go with him, and also had a private chat with Dr. Ohki about introducing Pokémon.

Dr. Oak would definitely not agree to buying and selling Pokémon directly.

But if you replace 'sale' with 'introduction', the meaning is different.

"General attributes: Meow Meow, Lucky Egg, Kirby Beast, Leave King, Circle Bear, Eevee, Green Onion Duck;"

"Fire attributes: Charmander, Vulpix, Kati Dog, Little Fire Horse;"

"Water attributes: Squirtle, Coduck, Mosquito Tadpole, Sea Lion, Horned Goldfish, Carp King, Ugly Fish;"

"Grass attributes: chrysanthemum leaves, Bulbasaur seeds, vine monsters;"

"Electric attributes: Piqiu, Meiliyang, positive electric power, negative electric power;

"Ice attributes: Ice Vulpix, Snow Boy, Mini Ice;"

"Insect attributes: green caterpillar, one-horned worm, Kairos, small-mouthed snail, capped worm;"

"Flying attributes: Bobo, Spearow;"

"Ground attributes: mountain rat, gopher, cara 26 cara;"

"Rock attributes: small fist stone, big rock snake;"

"Fighting attributes: monkey monster, wrist strength, fearless boy;"

"Superpower attributes: Casey, Natural Bird;"

"Ghost attribute: ghost;"

"Poison attributes: Arbor snake, Nidoran, Nidona, smelly mud, gas bomb;

"Evil attributes: coyote dog, pickpocket cat;"

"Steel attributes: cocoa dora, iron dumbbell, single sword scabbard;"

"Dragon attributes: mini dragon, Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird, Yaya;"

"Fairy attributes: Pipi, Fenxiangxiang, Hua Beibei."

"All eighteen attributes are available, and each has two male and female pairs. As long as there are no problems, they can reproduce normally."

"In addition, the tree fruits necessary for raising Pokémon have been planted separately according to your arrangements.

"Our water resources may be somewhat insufficient, but your Majesty suddenly gained so many lives.

Zi Nu handed the collected data to Xiao Yichen.

Most places on Mars are still uninhabitable. Pokémon are a little better than humans, but not much better.

Some are even worse than humans.

After all, most of the ones introduced this time are just juveniles.

"It doesn't matter. I will solve this small problem."

There is no need for him to help cheat, he can just adjust the development plan and deal with the small flaws in the ecosystem.

The 'S'-level [Gardener] is not a decoration.

Zi Nu hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously: "Are those...Pokémon to be released into the wild?"

Xiao Yichen said: "Let them go free for the time being, and then you can consider subduing them when a new generation is born.

In fact, it’s okay to conquer it now.

But none of the experts and scholars, special forces, or sisters on Mars have relevant breeding experience.

If you just force it on them, it may cause problems.

Dr. Omu can't easily provide high-end equipment, so he can only get some technical information.

It will take some time to fully understand the relevant technologies.

It happens that this period of time is used to promote some professional knowledge, and then everyone will have a Pokémon.

On this isolated and helpless Mars, they have an extra ability to protect themselves.

Especially the sisters.

They are very energetic, and if you don't find something to do for them, you're afraid that something will happen sooner or later.

Now he is the only one who has introduced Pokmon, and others can only catch one or two to keep as pets.

The growth of Pokémon is really good.

At least in the early stages, its growth rate is definitely faster than that of humans starting from scratch.

Xiao Yichen:【What do you raise?】

Hinata Hanabi: [I raised a Charmander!]

She is a ninja, and her first priority is actual combat.

There is a saying about Pokmon that "one version is a god after another, and a generation after generation teaches how to be a human being".

Charizard is simply his official son, just like Greymon from the Digimon next door.

Various enhancements, various outbreaks.

The key is range damage, rideability, flight, etc., which perfectly makes up for the embarrassing situation of Hinata Hanabi being able to only fight in close combat.

The Hyuga family's soft fist is also unique in the world of Naruto. I believe that people including the Uchiha family, the strongest in the ninja world, will be too willing to fight with the Hyuga family in close combat.

But ninjas are not limited to close combat.

In order to prevent others from flying kites, the Hyuga family's positioning can only be developed in the direction of investigation.

Lux Klein: [I adopted a little lucky egg, and Qingyun-chan likes it very much!]

Little Lucky Egg is a very docile Pokémon.

Its evolved Geely Egg and its final evolved Happy Egg are both permanent characters in the Pokémon Center.

They have good healing abilities and are very good at taking care of people.

It goes without saying that Lux chose Little Lucky Egg because of this.

At the same time, it can be regarded as finding a playmate for Xiao Qingyun.

Takamachi Nanoha: [Fit-chan, Hayate-chan and I both want Eevee!]

Zhang Chulan;【Have you decided on which evolutionary type you want?】

Takamachi Nanoha: [For me, I plan to raise a sun Eevee; Fit-chan should be a moon Eevee; for Hayate-chan, maybe she will raise a leaf Eevee, or a fairy Eevee, right?]

Ibrahimovic only has one level of evolution, but he can evolve into any one of almost eighteen attributes.

There are eight identified evolutionary routes alone.

Mi Toma: [That’s great. If I were to raise a dog, I would only have one. 207]

It's not that she doesn't want to raise others, the main reason is that the overall modern society where she lives is mediocre.

Pets with too special images can easily cause trouble.

Yuki Asuna: [Katika is pretty good. 】

In this regard, the current Yuki Asuna and Tsuchima Mi are in the same boat.

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [As for me, I am discussing with my sisters, parents, and parents whether to open up a special Pokémon planet.

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [But the results should be available soon. By then I hope Dr. @大木 will allow me to introduce a group of Pokémon. 】

Dr. Oak: [Of course there is no problem with this. We warmly welcome all friends who like Pokémon!]

Nakiri Erina: [Although I really want to raise one, it may take some time. 】

Nakiri Erina: [After finally solving the problem of special ingredients from Mr. Xiao, now there are more troublesome food world ingredients. 】

Nakiri Erina: [I don’t know how long it will take to completely handle these things. 】

The ingredients provided by Xiao Yichen are superior in functionality, while the ingredients in the gourmet world are purely nutritionally excessive.

Let alone ordinary people.

There are many high-end ingredients there, and even some people in the group may not be able to bear them. .

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