Eliot Baldwin Woodman, Isaac Ray Bellam Westcott, Ellen Mira Mathers, Kallen Nora Mathers.

The four of them are survivors of a wizard tribe that was almost extinct at the hands of humans. They have vowed to take revenge on humans since they were young.

Thirty years ago.

Four people founded the DEM Club, and used secret techniques to gather all the spiritual power in the world into one point to create the original spirit Takugiya Mio, hoping to use its power to take revenge on humans.

After Elliot actually witnessed the Origin Elf, he was completely obsessed with her. He did not want her to suffer the same fate as himself, and because of her, he gave up his hatred of humans.

For this reason, he and Isaac had no less than a hundred disputes, and the two parted ways due to disagreements.

The Origin Elf participated in the hunt for her after she escaped. When he learned that she was happy with Master Chonggong, he entrusted her to Master Chonggong and helped her get rid of her pursuers. After "347", he and Kallen left DEM and founded Asgard-Electronics.

In order to support Wuhe Shidou in conquering the elves, he founded the Ratatosk organization.

As an elf, Itsuka Kotori was able to become the commander of Ratatosk because of his recommendation.


Even with two elves, namely her and Yatogami Tohka, as Elliot is weakening day by day, Itsuka Kotori is not sure that he will be able to win the final victory.

So she wanted to prepare a way out for Elliot and Ratatosk's companions.

The world's technology has completely gone astray.

The display device is indeed easy to use, but its development in outer space is very limited.

Otherwise, Xingong Liugong wouldn't have been floating in the sky for so many years without anyone bothering him.

If a base can be established on Mars, then at least Ratatosk will have no worries for a long time.

Even think deeply.

Once we have the technology and ability to expand into the universe, the conflicts on the earth may not be able to be transferred out.

"You'd better discuss this matter with someone first."

"The technology on my side is mature enough. As long as you are willing to cooperate, you can ask your sister to buy the technology, or you can replace the technology.

"As for joking about using your sister to pay off debts, I'd better not say it again in the future."

"I am a carnivore, so I will take it seriously!"

Xiao Yichen rubbed Wuhe Qinli's hair and ended the farce before Wuhe Shizhi fainted.

Chong Gongzhen stared at him curiously for a while: "So you are such a powerful person!"

Honjou Erya turned her head: "Let me correct you, that's not just awesome, it's super awesome!"

If you achieve such an effect with the help of ability, it is indeed powerful, but in the end it is just the power of one person.

But she just heard the word 'technology' clearly.

In other words, Xiao Yichen did this by relying on knowledge.

People with ability are popular everywhere.

Even if this article's Erya is purely two-dimensional, it's hard not to be impressed by it.

Itsukawa Kotori pulled the headset of Itsuka Shizhi: "Did you hear everything clearly? If you hear it clearly, come to me for a meeting! Write a report! Write a plan!"

Can be heard.

Everyone on the other side of the headset responded in unison: "Yes!"

Then, there was a flurry of excitement.


Tokisaki Kurumi looked innocent, "If you are done talking about things, can you let me go?"

The result is no surprise.



Itsukawa Kotori and Takamiya Mana almost unanimously refused.

Xiao Yichen pulled Kurumi Tokisaki to sit down on the sofa, and then started watching the show with great interest.

But the plot seems a bit strange.

The dispute between the real sister and the god sister was not provoked by this.

He felt slightly depressed.

His eyes couldn't help but turn back and forth several times between Takamiya Mana and Itsuka Shiori.

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile: "The two of them do look a bit alike. Could it be that they are sisters? Oh, do you want sisters to be together?"

Xiao Yichen glanced at her: "It's not impossible."

Aren't they just sisters?

Not to mention the special circumstances of Itsuka Shiori, Itsuka Kotori, and Takamiya Mana, even sisters like Lala, he didn't show any mercy.

But he also has his own bottom line.

Just like the pure exchange of interests.

Not to mention whether Wuhe Kotori really meant that, even if Wuhe Shizhi agreed, he would not directly agree.

It's not that he really can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If Mengmeng's feelings for him are not mixed with any impurities, he won't believe it at all...

But at least in this, there must be some emotional basis.

Otherwise, sooner or later, we will end up in different bedfellows.

Chong Gongzhenna spread his hands: "So what should we do now?"

She killed Kurumi Tokisaki so many times that she suffered from mental problems.

As a result, until now, Kurumi Tokisaki is still alive and well.

Itsuka Kotori also had a headache.

As the commander of Ratastock, she also has a lot of information about Kurumi Tokisaki.

In the current situation, killing may not actually kill, and besides, that would not be in line with Ratostok's purpose.

Need a guide………….

She glanced at Wuhe Shizhi, then at Tokisaki Kurumi, and finally her eyes fell on Xiao Yichen.

It seems that it is not very realistic?

"Actually, it's not impossible."

Xiao Yichen looked at the entangled people and finally kindly reminded them.

Wuhe Kotori asked: "What can we do?"

Xiao Yichen glanced at Wuhe Shizhi: "She collected time to organize the arrival of the Origin Elves thirty years ago, so as to prevent other people from being transformed into elves."

Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes widened and he asked in a voiceless voice: "How do you know?"

Xiao Yichen did not answer: "But according to the time paradox, this thing is absolutely impossible to do. It can even be said that once she really goes back to the past, then she will inevitably become one of the sources that led to the birth of the Origin Garden!"

0.1 Unlike Tokisaki Kurumi whose pupils were trembling, Itsuka Kotori was thoughtful: "So, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Yichen said: "Theoretically speaking, people in this world cannot change the established facts of this world. After all, one move can affect the whole body. If the past is really changed, the changer himself will disappear in the long river of history."

Wuhe Shizhi seemed to understand: "So, you..."

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "I'm not sure. After all, I have been in this era for a while, so there is no guarantee that I will not be affected by the timeline. But in terms of success rate, my probability of success is definitely higher than yours."

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at him deeply: "Are you serious?"

Xiao Yichen nodded: "My situation is special, Shi Zhi should know this. It just so happens that I also want to try the Origin Elf.

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