When he came back this time, Xiao Yichen also brought Tiayou and Eve with him.

Although Eve had strong opinions on Tiayu, it was actually just the level of quarrel between them.

With Tia Yu here, Eve is temporarily stable.

Tiayu is the top scholar in the universe, and Eve can be regarded as an artificial human.

The two of them do not need to cheat, they already have a certain level of Chinese language skills.

At least daily communication is not a big problem for the two of them.

Xiao Yichen did not arrange any tasks for them, but asked Yan Lingji, who was not motion sick, to take them around.

The emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers.

What's more, when they first arrived in a different world, both of them were unfamiliar with the place.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable to ask them to do things right after arriving.

"Over here, the overall environment is quite peaceful. At least our country is a peaceful country!"

"I tell the truth."

"I agreed to extradite you this time because I took a fancy to your nanotechnology."

"But I don't mean to force you to work. After all, you also contributed to the genetic medicine.

"With this karma, even if you do nothing, I will take good care of you."

"However, I personally hope that you can provide some help to my country within your ability.

There's no lofty reason.

It's just that when I was a child, I watched the news and saw Zhu Xia being bullied in various ways in history, and I felt unhappy.

Facing Xiao Yichen's request, Tiayou nodded nervously: "I, I will do my job well."

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "I have made it very clear that I will not force you to work. You can do whatever you like. As long as it is not harmful to nature, I will support it."

Tiayu is very weak.

In order to make this conversation go more smoothly, Xiao Yichen deliberately postponed it for a while to let her understand the current environment and national conditions first.

But now it seems that it has not worked.

"As you can see, although our country as a whole is prosperous, there are still many shortcomings in science and technology."

"Especially in aerospace, it's just the level of landing on the moon."

Saying this in the main world is somewhat like Versailles.

After all, whether the United States really manned a manned moon landing is still debated.

Other countries seem to have become mere foils.

But Tiayu came from the TO-LOVE world, and as far as she is concerned, Zhuxia's current technology is indeed very backward.

Xiao Yichen continued: "You can visit more places around the world when you have time. With Eve by your side, there should be no problem in terms of safety. You can give me the answer after you finish reading."

I am afraid of comparison in everything.

If Tiayou was born in this world, then Xiao Yichen would not dare to let her go so casually.

But she is from another world.

Even though there is an earth in another world, it has nothing to do with her.

Nowadays, the situation in the main world is in a state of decay. It is already obvious what Tiayu, who has had enough of her wandering life, will choose in the end.

What's more, the only person she can rely on here is Xiao Yichen, and the country she contacted first was Zhuxia.

What I fear most is bias when making comparisons.

The best thing about Zhu Xia now is that even if there is no shift in stance, just from a neutral perspective, Zhu Xia is still the best choice.


Eve snorted to Tiayou, and then asked Xiao Yichen: "What about me? What do I need to do?"

Xiao Yichen shrugged: "You don't need to do anything. If you don't want to be idle, just pick something you like to do. Of course, no killing is allowed!

Zhu Xia lacks everything now, but it does not lack fighting power.

After all, Zhu Xia has never had the ambition to spread military power over the world, and has always followed the path of peaceful development.

If one day it really comes time to go to the battlefield, there will naturally be an army on top.

Even if you go to Sakura Country, you might have to draw lots to enlist in the army.

As a scientist, he basically shouldn't even think about it.

Eve's appearance is that of a high school student.

Without revealing her strength, it would never be her turn.

"You have roughly understood the national conditions of Zhuxia in the past few days."

“Although there were many fights and fights, there were also cases of murder and arson.

"But obviously, those are isolated cases."

"Most places are peaceful."

In the early years, there were often rumors of robberies, but in recent years they have gradually become less common.

Complete elimination is not realistic for the time being.

After all, Zhuxia is too big, with a population of more than one billion.

No matter how powerful the authorities are, they cannot control everyone.

"So, on the downside, I'd better not do it again in the future."

"You can read books, catch up on TV dramas, and watch short videos. With your appearance, becoming a host is simply a dimensionality reduction blow!"

It’s not that there are no beauties on the earth, but if she’s as beautiful as Eve, who would normally become an anchor?

Even if you want to be an actor, you are afraid that you will be taken care of before you even join the job.

Eve immediately shook her head: ""I don't have that kind of interest, but reading... is fine. "

She was used to being withdrawn.

It may not be a social fear, but it is true that I am not used to interacting with people, let alone becoming a public figure.

But reading is her hobby. When she is not doing tasks, she likes to go to bookstores, large libraries and other places.

She also likes places with beautiful scenery.

In every sense of the word, he is a very quiet child.

Xiao Yichen smiled: "The technology here is much behind that of yours, but we all belong to a technological society after all. After these few days, I think you have become familiar with the environment here, and you can move around freely in the future."

He also likes to read books, but he only likes to read online articles.

I started watching it when I was in elementary school and continued to watch it in college.

Now because I am quite busy, I haven’t been in contact with him for a few days.

(Okay) Nowadays, electronic books are very popular. Although there are still bookstores and libraries, the business is obviously not as good as before.

But this also has advantages, it is quiet enough.

This kind of environment is more suitable for Eve.

Tiayou asked weakly: "Well, Mr. Chen, we are aliens after all. If you take us in, will it cause you any trouble?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "There is no strong person in this world who can sink the continent and destroy the planet.

These words were an answer to Tiayou and a reminder to Yi Yi.

He did take a lot of risks by bringing her star-killing combat power to the main world.

If the other party acts randomly, then he can only use the childlike fruit to completely restrict the other party's freedom.

Eve understood.

She was silent for a while, and finally asked: "If I am the guarantee, can you also take Meiya over?"

Xiao Yichen thought for a moment: "Yes, but it will take some time."

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