Although they are old acquaintances, there is never much ambiguity between Xiao Yichen and Qian Renxue.

After all, people have different personalities and naturally have different ways of getting along with each other.

In addition, the two parties actually spend very little time together formally, and most of the contacts are in the group.

If there is anything else, then it is really abnormal.

"Just let her go?"

Dimit looked at Xiao Yichen strangely.

Xiao Yichen felt a little uncomfortable being looked at: "What else?"

Demeter lay on the sofa and shook her little feet: "I thought you would keep her."

A mature big sister makes such an action, which is not against the rules at all.

Xiao Yichen appreciated it openly: "The relationship hasn't reached that point yet, but I have never been in the habit of forcing others to make things difficult for me."

Demeter nodded with satisfaction: "You did a good job in this regard."

In the Olympus pantheon, there is a group of indifferent LSPs.

Especially Zeus, he simply couldn't see it.

That experience is not bad for little Liu Bei, and he is very fond of food and curious.

"Lord God gave me a reward, but this is not an advantage."

Xiao Yichen is very self-aware, "If we really stand firm, we should be together for the rest of our lives. I have thought about it before, but unfortunately when it came time to make a choice, I couldn't do it at all."

Is there a cat that doesn’t steal fish?

I just haven’t caught any good fish yet.

Let’s not talk about it in ancient times. Three wives and four concubines were perfectly natural.

Even if monogamy is emphasized in modern times, how many people can control themselves if conditions permit?

So, he just made a mistake that normal men would make.

After all, he is just a common man and cannot be so noble and upright.

"There's nothing wrong with being honest about your desires without crossing the most basic bottom line."

“People who cannot recognize themselves clearly, whether they blindly follow so-called morals or say one thing and do another, are really annoying.

Sincerity is the sure winner.

At least here in Demeter, that's right.

Mortals cannot lie to gods.

No matter how generous a god is, it is impossible for him to like a mortal who lies constantly, right?

Perhaps the God of Lies is an exception?

Xiao Yichen is not familiar with Luo Ji, and he doesn't know if this is the case.

He smiled and didn't answer, mainly because he couldn't answer the question.

Although his emotional intelligence is not too high, at least he is not stupid.

Demeter may really think so, but if he dares to agree, I'm afraid he will be scolded.

Life seems to have returned to its original peaceful state, and the group members have not encountered any trouble recently.

After the first course of treatment was over, Xiao Yichen gritted his teeth and took the second course of treatment.

Followed by the third, fourth,

Two months passed in a blink of an eye, and all ten potions were finally used up.

Xiao Yichen





Agile: $999


【Magic Defense】E→C







The genetic potion had little impact on the ability value in the early stage, but after adjusting the genes later, it released all of Xiao Yichen's potential.

At the same time, excess nutrients are also absorbed, filling the gaps after genetic adjustment.

Each sequence of potions has a clear number, so some differences in effects are normal.

"It's a pity that greatness is not enough."

Demeter looked at this gorgeous data and couldn't help but feel a little pity.

Xiao Yichenyi: Even if you don't upgrade, your potential ability values ​​will continue to accumulate. "

There may not have been such a case before, but Lyu proved it.

It’s just a bit difficult, and most people simply can’t do it.

Demeter shook his head slightly: "That's too inefficient, it's better to find ways to achieve greatness as soon as possible.

Xiao Yichen muttered: "I'll think of another way."

You should be able to ask Cheetos for help.

It's just different from the past. With his current strength and relationship with Debbie Luke, Chido will probably have some scruples when he makes a move.

If he can't give up and fight, the great achievements he can achieve will be much less.

The same goes for everyone else at Debbie Luke.

Maybe try with other aliens?

But with Debbie Luke's power, I'm afraid those aliens are also timid.

If you don't use over-the-limit methods, you might consider trying the Fairy Tail world.

Although ordinary magicians are not qualified to be his opponent, dragons can.

Forget it about the world of death.

Conventional means cannot defeat the spirit, but the generals who can capture the spirit are simply invincible in that world.

So no matter how strong the top combat power over there is, they can't be his opponent.

Or can we go to Reinhardt?

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [@ Xiao Yichen, the genetic potion should be used up, right? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I have indeed used it up. My ability points have been maxed out. I am considering where to go to accumulate great achievements. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiluke: [Need help?]

Xiao Yichen: [Let me think about it first. It’s a bit difficult to accumulate great achievements without restraint. I'm thinking about whether there is any quick fix. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [Okay, I’ll come back later. 】

Zhang Chulan:【So full!】

Qingque: [Good guys, now you don’t avoid people at all! @ Liu·Liang, you don’t care? 】

Liu Liang: [This is their freedom. 】

She actually cares about it, as she did before, and she does so now.

It's just that she's used to it.

After all, she was not considered the 'first comer' from the beginning.

As a ‘latecomer’, what else does she have to say?

Tony Stark: [How effective is the genetic potion?]

Xiao Yichen: [Honestly, if I could do it again, I would hesitate. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [Normal use of potions will be done step by step. The version given to @Xiao Yichen is privately customized and adopts the principle of maximizing profits, so the process may be more uncomfortable. 】

Xiao Yichen: [To put it simply, it means pain, the kind that hurts all over the body from the inside out. It hurts once you use it, and the pain lasts for twelve hours. 】

Tony Stark: [...Well, it seems that this kind of thing is not suitable for Mr. Tony. 】

Zhang Chulan:【How much does it hurt?】

Xiao Yichen: [From level 6 up, it should reach level 8 or 9 when the pain is the most. 】

Rate the pain level from zero to ten -

Zero means no pain;

Zero to three is mild pain;

Level four will affect sleep, and levels four to six are moderate pain:

If it reaches level seven, you will be unable to sleep, and if it reaches level seven, it will be severe pain;

Level ten is severe pain.

After roughly understanding the situation, everyone in the group immediately issued a series of ellipses. .

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