
Cheng Yuanjing looked at Cheng Yujin who was plain white, and then looked at the embroidered piece in front of him, and was rarely wary: "What are you doing?"

Cheng Yujin smiled and displayed the desserts she made herself on the small table one by one, thinking that she was not so filial to her grandmother and grandfather, but now she uses it all for His Royal Highness. I hope that His Royal Highness, for her perseverance in giving gifts, will take care of her and bring back some more noble children. It would be even better if you can give her a marriage by the way.

Chapter 38 Mind

Cheng Yujin put out the pastries one after another, and said to Cheng Yuanjing with a smile, "Uncle Jiu has worked hard these days. I specially prepared some snacks for Uncle Jiu. The craftsmanship is vulgar, please don't dislike it."

Cheng Yuanjing narrowed his eyes and looked at her inquiringly. Cheng Yujin's smile remained unchanged, and her whole person was gentle and harmless.

It is simply a benchmark for filial niece.

Cheng Yujin kept smiling. She actually felt this way a long time ago. She always suspected that Cheng Yuanjing was prejudiced against her.

When she and Huo Chang Yuan broke off their engagement, Cheng Yuanjing just happened to be watching her, and the prejudice seemed to start from here. After that, Xu Zhixian came to live in the Hou Mansion of Yichūn, and every time Cheng Yuanjing saw her, he sent her to practice calligraphy, and even met Lin Qingyuan. Every time she talked to Lin Qingyuan, Cheng Yuanjing turned her away.

What could it be if it wasn't biased?

Being targeted by the crown prince, Cheng Yujin did not dare to have any opinion. However, her way of catching gold as her son-in-law could not be delayed, even if the stone blocking the way was the prince.

Cheng Yujin secretly worked hard, and planned to take advantage of this time to keep her filial piety in name, and to stay at home for a long time, she changed her tricks to please the ancestor. Don't ask him to reverse his opinion, just ask him not to stop him from meeting with Lin Qingyuan.

Cheng Yujin thought about it afterwards, guessing that Cheng Yuanjing was very optimistic about Lin Qingyuan as a seedling, and naturally he couldn't sit back and watch Lin Qingyuan fall into the hands of a woman with ulterior motives. Unfortunately, Cheng Yujin is the woman with ulterior motives.

It's a pity that Cheng Yujin is as selfish and assertive as Cheng Yuanjing in this regard, and she will not give up no matter what. Then, Cheng Yuanjing can only change his attitude.

Cheng Yujin's smile deepened. She said, "Uncle Jiu, you have worked hard these days. This is the cake I prepared for you. Unfortunately, I don't know if it suits your tone. Why don't Uncle Jiu try a piece?"

Cheng Yuanjing looked down at the cakes she brought out, a plate of plum cake and a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, the most ingenious of which was the tea cake. The small dim sum is shaped like a leaf, you can smell a faint tea fragrance, the color is elegant green, and you can even see the slender leaf veins on it, it looks like a piece of green jade, fresh and delicate, almost called People can't bear to speak.

Cheng Yuanjing looked down at the cakes, and Cheng Yujin looked at him with bright eyes, waiting for him to taste it with great anticipation. Cheng Yuanjing actually didn't like to eat cakes, but under her eyes, he had no choice but to pick up a piece of tea cake.

Cheng Yuanjing originally thought about giving Cheng Yujin some face, but he didn't expect the entrance of the cake, but it unexpectedly suits his appetite. Cheng Yuanjing doesn't like to eat sweet and greasy things, and the taste is too bland. It is difficult for people to put these requirements on snacks, but Cheng Yujin can make them. Just like this plate of green leaf pastries, it looks beautiful, it tastes like a grassy fragrance, the sweetness is very light, and there is a faint bitterness of tea leaves.

After Cheng Yuanjing tasted a piece, Cheng Yujin looked at him without blinking, and almost rushed to ask him how he was doing. Under such eyes, it is difficult for anyone to say refusal. Cheng Yuanjing originally planned to say "okay", but being looked at by such expectant eyes, he inexplicably changed it to: "Very good."

Cheng Yujin's eyes suddenly burst into light, and the corners of her eyes did not consciously bend, as if the sky full of stars fell into her eyes, so bright and dazzling. Cheng Yuanjing lost his mind for a while, remembering that during the last banquet, Cheng Yujin paid special attention to Xu Zhixian's diet. Huo Changyuan and others bought it in batches. Only Xu Zhixian's things were obviously bought separately and prepared carefully. Although Cheng Yuanjing didn't end up using common goods at that time, he was not given preferential treatment, but now, he can feel that Cheng Yujin personally handled every dessert.

Cheng Yuanjing couldn't tell how he was feeling, but his expression was obviously much softer, and even his eyes brought a slight smile. Cheng Yujin personally poured a cup of tea for Cheng Yuanjing, put it in Cheng Yuanjing's hand, and stood with a smile: "Ninth uncle, after filial piety, many things have to be changed. Last time I saw your official seal bag was golden, and now that grandfather is gone, The purse also needs to be changed to a lighter color. I thought that my grandfather had to worry about half of the affairs of my grandfather’s affairs. How could I let the ninth uncle worry about such trivial matters? I took the plunge and prepared a seal bag for the ninth uncle."

Cheng Yujin said and put a purse on the table, and said with a smile, "My female celebrity is limited, please don't dislike it, Uncle Ninth."

Cheng Yuanjing's eyes moved when he saw what Cheng Yujin took out. Cheng Yuanjing stretched out his hand to take a look, and saw that although the purse was white, the edges were embroidered with auspicious cloud patterns with silver thread, and the treasure phase flowers were embroidered with light blue and purple colors in the center. I found that the dark light was flowing, and every flower was extremely clever. There are also white jade hanging on the ribbons on both sides, which is clear and elegant.

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