Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 587: Void War, 3 strokes

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more suggestions from you. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it to give more support to "Da Yin Xian Chao"! At the next moment, the mana of Chen Jiu's palm changed, the whip of thunder punishment disappeared, and an illusory and bright seal appeared in his hand.

"Xizhen Tiandi".

The illusory seal of Chen Jiu's palm fell, and the laws of the heavens surged along with it. The void was imprisoned, time and space stagnated, seemingly slow, but in fact the speed surpassed everything.

The power of this attack on Xizhen Heaven and Earth exceeded Chen Jiu's imagination. The ancestor of Drought Yan was like a puppet and let Chen Jiuyi shoot down in a dazed manner. Then the void changed color and was penetrated by Chen Jiu's attack.

Chen Jiu pushed the ancestor of the drought, both of them fell into the endless turbulence of the void.

There is no heaven and earth vitality in the Void Turbulence, which means that the mana consumption of the two cannot be replenished in time. Once the mana consumption is excessive, it is very likely to die in the void.

Chen Jiu has the support of inner heaven and earth, naturally he is not afraid of the consumption of mana, the rich innate vitality is like water, and shuttles through Chen Jiu's body through coordinates.

The turbulent flow of space hit Chen Jiu, and the immortal body of the heavens leaked hideously at first, and the turbulent flow of the void could not help Chen Jiu's immortal body.

Looking at the ancestor of Drought, there is no magical protection in his whole body, and despite the impact of space turbulence, it is obvious that the ancestor of Drought is a little tough and boundless.

However, here, the ancestor of Drought will suffer some losses after all, and there is no vitality to supplement, the ancestor of Drought will be consumed by Chen Jiu alive sooner or later.

A golden light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes, and the Seal of Heaven hadn't been used for a long time. Unexpectedly, with the cooperation of the Heavenly Immortal Body, it was not generally easy to use.

"The seal of the water emperor, freezing the void" Chen Jiu gently sent the crystal clear water seal forward, and the surrounding void turbulence was instantly frozen. It looks like an ice sculpture, suspended in the void.

"You don't want your life, this is the void. Don't you know the consequences of consuming mana?" The golden light flashed in the hands of the ancestor of Drought, constantly consuming the power of Chen Jiu's seal.

Soon this turbulent current froze the whole body of the Drought Ancestor. There is only a radius of space for activities.

A little bit of time passed, Chen Jiu made endless moves, and the ancestor of Drought Yan was consumed too much mana because of the turbulence in the void, and was finally consumed in the void, only to passively fight back.

Finally, the ancestor of Hanyan looked at Chen Jiu's thunderous seal, and finally softened: "Chen Jiu, stop first. Listen to me."

The thunder seal in Chen Jiu's hand shrank, and he held it in his hand: "After all, I have any last words to explain."

Drought ancestors’ teeth bounced and rattled, but he had to beg to perfection. He has not lived enough, and Drought has a very long life span. Although this world has changed drastically, Drought itself is reincarnated from death. The law of this world is right. Its impact is small.

Seeing that the world is about to change, there is no need to fight this madman. Disregard one's great future.

"Chen Jiu, the danger in this emptiness is extremely dangerous, why don't we stop talking and what?" Han Yan said.

"Hmph. You have repeatedly offended my Da Zhou. Now it is wishful thinking to want the well water not to offend the river water." Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly.

"Okay, Chen Jiu, you can make an offer." The ancestor Hanyan gritted his teeth.

A stream of light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes, looking at the endless turbulent flow of void, although his mana was endless, but in this turbulent void, the crisis fell and everything was possible.

"This king is missing a general. How about you surrender to this king?" Chen Jiu smiled.

"Don't think about it, it seems that we can't agree. We can only see the real chapter in our hands." How could the ancestor of Hanyan stand the idleness, suddenly turned into a golden light. A round hole was burnt out from the surrounding ice layer, turned into a light and flew out, it was about to break through the void and fly back to the great world.

"Don't think about it." Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly, such a good battlefield, he would not let it go.

"Void seal, void stretch" Chen Jiu's thunder seal instantly turned into void seal.

Drought ancestor slammed forward, trying to break through the void, but didn't want to fly thousands of miles directly, still did not touch the world barrier.

"Well, well, since you want to live with my ancestors, I will stay with them to the end." The casserole-sized fist of the ancestor Han Yan flew towards Chen Jiu with blood.

The seal in Chen Jiu's hand changed again: "Lei Ze".

This Fang Leize is virtual, the projection of the seal of the heavenly path, but under the blessing of Chen Jiufayin, the power is still great.

In the next moment, Chen Jiu opened his palm and suddenly hit the ancestor of Hanyan.

"Waiting for this time, the vitality of heaven and earth, come over to me." The ancestor Hanyan smiled strangely, and grasped the world in Chen Jiu's palm with his palm, and the vitality in the world instantly felt like he was out of control.

"The Long River of Time" Chen Jiu has a twisty right hand. He doesn't know how many curves, the origin, and the end of the river is flowing slowly.

"Bang" the ancestor of the drought flew out.

A fire burst out from his mouth, and the ancestor Han Yan looked at the palm print on his chest with an incredulous color: "How could it be, why I didn't notice when your palm fell on my chest".

"The power of time is one of the most mysterious powers in the world. I just used the long river of time to stretch time for a breath. In other words, the one I hit was you before the breath." .

"Through the palm of time and space, how do you guard against it?" Chen Jiu said with a smile.

"This is a taboo method." The ancestor of Han Yan was horrified and looked at Chen Jiu up and down. He had never heard that a monk in the realm of Chen Jiu could use taboo methods. Could it be that this kid is a taboo strong who has returned against the sky? Practice so fast in thousands of years.

Looking at the crooked creek on Chen Jiu's arm, the ancestor Drought Yan's pupils shrank slightly. The creek seemed to contain the greatest secret among the heavens. Wherever there is a longing for immortality, the avenues of heaven and earth are all contained. Among them, it is intoxicating and unable to extricate itself.

The ancestor of Hanyan was clever: "Boy, ancestor, I will ask you again, are you really unwilling to reconcile with ancestor me?".

Chen Jiu naturally saw the fear of the ancestor of Drought. Now it’s the wisest decision to let the ancestor of Drought. Chen Jiu practiced fast. It’s not too late to kill Drought ancestors when his cultivation is further advanced, but there are so many outside. The great power of the heavens is watching, and a victory or defeat must be determined today to frighten the heavens.

"That said, if you surrender to this king, today's battle will naturally be resolved." Chen Jiu looked unmoved.

The ancestor of Hanyan gritted his teeth: "Well, as long as you can take the ancestor, I will strike three times with all my strength, so why not surrender my ancestor to you."

Chen Jiuyi was stunned, with an incredible color leaking in his eyes, but he did not expect that the old guy really agreed, even though the old guy added a condition when he agreed.

This dry ancestor is one of the most famous and powerful figures in the heavens. Even if it is not as good as the demon emperor, it is not far behind. Of course, the demon emperor here refers to the demon emperor without the blessing of the emperor's dragon qi.

The demon emperor blessed the emperor's dragon qi, and compared with the blood rebirth, the great sage of the demon race was not much different.

The rebirth of the human race, the great sage of the demon race is the same realm.

"Okay, three moves are three, so what can you do with three moves?" Chen Jiu carried his hands on his back, and his grace flowed out naturally.

The ancestor of the drought was like a Taoist of Yin and Yang, and was frightened by his own conjecture.

The most important thing is that the life-and-death crisis is right in front of you. If you keep entangled with this kid, this life will not want to go out alive.

Droughty ancestors didn't have enough to live. If Chen Jiuzhen could take three of his own three tricks, it would be considered a step down, so he would have to surrender.

The ancestor of the drought slowly condensed his vigor, the whole body fluctuated in the void, and the space was turbulent.

One breaths, three breaths.

In a full three breaths of time, the ancestor of the drought instantly turned into a giant with blue-faced fangs and a terrifying face, with a big hand, overwhelming the sky, and covering the sky and covering the sky and pressing against Chen Jiu.

"It's actually a drought, and it's very powerful. The only drawback is that it takes too long to prepare." Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes, and then the sky did not die, and the crystal clear lines were derived from the flesh and skin.

"Come on, this king, the heavenly immortal body, needs external force to continuously advance, and to see the power of my heavenly immortality," Chen Jiu secretly said in his heart.

The ancestor of Han Yan saw Chen Jiu not dodge or dodge, and did not make any moves. He let his attack fall in a daze, and his face instantly showed entanglement, joy, fear, and worry. (The novel "Da Yin Xian Chao" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "add friend", search Pay attention to the official account "qdread", hurry up!) (to be continued)



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