Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 748 Two orioles singing green willows

Jia Pingan took the good horse home. Along the way, Ah Bao was restless, and ran as soon as he left the imperial city, running extremely fast. The good horse followed, not to be outdone, and followed closely. Ah Bao became more and more agitated, and with a long hiss, he actually unprecedented acceleration.

Jia Pingan felt that his BMW had turned into a supercar... Xiao Shufei, thank you very much.

The two horses galloped all the way, and every time the good horse caught up, Po would speed up again. When he arrived at Daodefang, A Bao seemed to have arrived at the home court, and he ran more and more easily.

"Mr. Wuyang's horse is indeed a steed."

"Hey! That horse behind is also extraordinary, where did it come from?"

"It's still Abao who is the best, and he still leads the way with Duke Wuyang on his back."

Jiang Rong and the soldiers were full of praise. In an instant, A Bao had already rushed to the door of Jia's house. After a long hiss proudly, he stood up. This brute just stood up, but he turned a corner, turned his head, and roared at the horse.

Jia Ping dismounted, patted its neck, and found that it was already wet with sweat. So they got out a towel and wiped A Bao's sweat with his own hands. A Bao looked extremely happy, shaking his head non-stop.


Jia Pingan slapped it, and Abao screamed loudly, rubbing his big head into his arms, looking like a coquettish and jealous child.

"I won't leave you behind!"

Jia Pingan held its head and whispered. Abao and him have fought countless battles with him for several years, and they have a deep relationship. What war horses need is spirituality, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate spirituality. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the master has to react immediately to every movement of the horse. This is a horse with good spirituality.

After returning to the backyard, the two children and brother Zhao were studying, very honest, no, never before.

Jia Pingan stood outside the house and asked in a low voice, "Why are you so cute?"

This brat turned into a good boy overnight, he really didn't get used to it.

Qiuxiang laughed softly: "Young gentleman and young lady mutter together, if they say they are not good, then the gentleman will not come back."

The child's world is difficult for adults to figure out, but Jia Ping'an still guessed the meaning of this move. After seeing those maids, the two children felt a sense of crisis in their hearts. They always felt that someone was going to rob their father, so they discussed quietly and decided to study hard.

Jia Pingan smiled,

Give the children an encouraging smile.


Wei Wushuang and Su Ho came to welcome them, and the husband and wife returned to their places and began to communicate.

"Although husbands and wives should have their own secrets, they must be honest when they should be honest, otherwise there will be grievances in their hearts, and it will be a hidden danger in the future. By the way... do you two think that I will go to Qin Muchu? Or do you think that I will change my mind? ?”

Isn't that a meaning?

Su Ho smiled sweetly, held Jia Ping'an's arm and said nothing.

Wei Wushuang lowered his head slightly, a little embarrassed.

Jia Pingan's reaction was clearly ignorance, but the reaction of the two of them was a little bit bigger, and it was embarrassing in front of outsiders. But as long as the rain passes and the sky clears, no amount of embarrassment can be tolerated.

That night, the husband and wife were extremely lingering, and after one night, there was no estrangement.

And the business tax issue between the DPRK and China was finally put on the agenda, and once it was announced to the public, there was an immediate public outcry. Some people said that the emperor was crazy, some said that the prime ministers were greedy, and some even said that the Tang Dynasty went to war in Liaodong and used up all the money of the country, so that the monarchs and ministers in the temple pondered for a long time, and finally thought of a business tax collector. means to come.

Immediately, some people began to criticize the prime minister. Changsun Wuji was said to be an incompetent person who only knew how to exploit the people; A 'treacherous' hat.

"Xiao Jia, the idea is yours, but now the prime minister is being scolded, but you are hiding outside the city, not a son of man!"

Jia Ping'an was fishing outside the city, and Xu Jingzong came to look for him, squatting beside him and complaining. Seeing the buoy moving and Jia Pingan’s nervous face, he also became nervous. He held his breath and watched the buoy start to move up and down... When the buoy was suddenly dragged down, Jia Pingan lifted the rod, which bent There was an astonishing magnitude, and then a big fish was slipped up.


Xu Jingzong suddenly realized that fishing was so enjoyable, so he asked for a pole to try.

Fishermen often encounter rookies who are just getting started, and they will have some luck for the first time, similar to playing mahjong. When he caught a big fish, Xu Jingzong couldn't see his eyebrows with a smile, and almost lost the big fish. Throwing the fish into the fish guard, he clapped his hands and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid Changsun Wuji is in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

Jia Pingan knew that something bad would happen to Changsun Wuji, but there must be a crime, right? He glanced at Xu Jingzong and couldn't help being startled. He saw triumphantly.

No matter who Xu Jingzong is, the things that can make him proud are either revenge for his revenge or great achievements. What great achievement? Only great hatred. At the beginning, Changsun Wuji and his gang squeezed him and drove him all the way to Huazhou. If Jia Pingan hadn't been his staff for a while, Old Xu would have stayed in Huazhou for a year or two.

What is important in the officialdom is to repay grievances and revenge. Of course, when you are incapable, you can pretend to be a snake, and you can even learn from Goujian and taste the excrement of the enemy to please. But when the opportunity comes, it is natural that the sword will not be spared.

"Xu Gong, this matter, I think you should take it easy."

"What do you mean? Could it be that the old man can't take revenge? If so, what's the point of living?"

Xu Jingzong is a person with clear grievances and grievances, so he is quite dissatisfied.

Jia Pingan didn't know what to say to him, and finally choked out a sentence, "Many things...are actually retribution."


Xu Jingzong caught another fish and left immediately.

Jia Ping stared blankly at the surface of the water, then suddenly laughed, "It's none of my business that they killed them?"

Later, he returned comfortably with Yuhuo, and got the news that the commercial tax was about to be officially implemented.

"The merchants in Chang'an City were furious. Someone suggested cursing the instigator, and they all responded immediately, safe, do you think it's wrong?"

Di Renjie felt that Jia Ping'an had provoked public anger this time.


Jia Pingan smiled and didn't take it seriously.

The subsequent process of collecting business taxes was uneventful, and those businessmen who had vowed to fight the government all died down, bargaining pitifully.

"Where can my mother earn so much money every year? Isn't this going to kill people by approving the collection of high taxes? Poor my wife, children and old mother, this is not giving them a way to survive, and deliberately driving people to death, Your Majesty... Your Majesty , save the people."

In the West Market, a businessman knelt there and howled, slapping the ground and saying, "Who came up with the idea? I have nothing to do with him."

The surrounding onlookers were filled with righteous indignation.

"Say it's Lord Wuyang."

It's him?

The businessman scolded: "So what about Lord Wuyang? He can come up with such an idea of ​​cutting off children and grandchildren, and he will..."

"shut up!"

Someone shouted angrily, came out and cursed: "Tell me how Duke Wuyang harmed people? If you can't make any sense, I will kill you today!"

The businessman squinted at the man, "Isn't it harmful enough for him to encourage the court to collect business taxes?"

Suddenly there was a sound of crusade. This kind of crusade can be said to be the unity of the people, the so-called law does not blame the people, and the government can't do it.

Wang Qi whispered to Zhou Xing from the side, "It seems that Jia Ping'an's reputation is going to be as good as Xu Jingzong's."

Zhou Xing said proudly: "The more stinky the better, when the time comes in the future, let him be ruined."

Now these two people are not qualified to confront Jia Ping'an face to face, Wang Qi can't help feeling sad every time he thinks of this.

Someone suddenly said: "Mr. Wuyang said that farmers who plant land pay grain and cloth, and have to serve. Why don't merchants pay taxes?"

The scolding stopped.


Farmers work hard on the land, and after paying taxes, they don’t earn much. Why can’t merchants pay taxes?

"I'll wait...I'll wait..."

The businessmen began to quibble, pointing directly at Jia Pingan's own business in words.

On the second floor of the Changan cafeteria opposite, Jia Pingan and two men were drinking.

The wine is high-grade wine, the dishes are signature dishes, and even the women who serve them are of the highest quality. They are specially invited from the brothel in Pingkangfang. Chang'an Canteen does not provide this service, lest the good restaurant, after adding the smell of powder, Everything has changed.

The middle-aged man sitting next to Jia Ping'an's left is called Xin Li. He was born in the Xin family in Hebei. He has a simple appearance and a very friendly smile, but those who know him well know that this assassin is never merciless. When I was in Hebei, for a business deal, I chopped the legs of two opponents alive with a machete.

The man sitting on the right side of Jia Pingan is called Wang Kuo, who was born in a big family in Hedong. Thin, sharp-eyed, and aggressive. This guy doesn't look skinny, but he has secretly raised dozens of singers. Besides doing business every day, he just has fun with these women. In recent years, the business has been going smoothly, not to say that the rich are invincible, but they are also the richest. The family behind it just wanted to try business at first, but they didn't expect to be able to make money like this, so Wang Kuo can be said to be rampant in the Hedong area.

Wang Kuo raised his glass and smiled, "I heard that Wuyang Gong's ginseng wine is a wonderful product for men. Why don't you see it today?"

Jia Pingan said lightly: "The ginseng wine should be drunk with that kind of energy. You will not be replenished, but you will be harmed if you drink it."

Wang Kuo laughed, "Mr. Wuyang, why should one treat one more than another?"

There was a glass of ginseng wine at Xinli's place, and he was drinking it with gusto. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at Wang Kuo, "In the past, there were people who killed three men with two peaches. Today, Lord Wuyang also challenged with a glass of wine. He really deserves to be a famous general."

Idiot, this is Jia Ping'an's method, you still want to catch up, are you trying to die?

The two invited Jia Pingan to drink today, and their original intention was to coerce Jia Pingan to talk back about business taxes in the court. But I didn't expect that the business and tax affairs were handled so vigorously, and coercion naturally didn't work, so...

Xin Li took a sip of the ginseng wine, and praised: "This ginseng wine tastes heavy at first, but gradually it becomes quite magical. The strength of the strong wine is mixed with ginseng, and there is a ginseng flavor in the wine. The ginseng smells like wine, and it turned into fine wine, which is wonderful. But..."

He glanced at Jia Ping'an, "As soon as the business tax comes out, we will suffer heavy losses this time. If we can make up for it outside, I think we will live in peace with each other. My family is quite popular in Hebei."

Wang Kuo said coldly: "This statement is very true."

Jia Pingan smiled.

Xin Li turned his body to the right, staring at Jia Pingan with piercing eyes... When negotiating with opponents, he likes to use this posture, staring at him firmly, not letting go of even a small move.

"Mr. Wuyang, since the ginseng wine has been sold for more than a month, it's not fat to eat alone! Why don't you share it with us?"

Wang Kuo leaned to the left, and his sharp eyes sharpened a little bit, "It is said that the tea business is good, and the Wang family has a ready-made business route in the east of the river. The east is rich, and the Wang family can handle it..."

As soon as these two opened their mouths, they wanted the business of ginseng wine and tea, and the other wanted the marketing rights of ginseng wine in Hebei. Naturally, the price could only be the wholesale price, and it should be low. But Wang Kuo's family wants the marketing rights of tea in the Hedong area, and Jia's family is not allowed to get involved.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, turned out to be in a pincer attack.

"Didn't the elders of your two families teach you the truth of waiting for the sky and the earth?"

With two sticks, relying on the family behind him, the lion will speak loudly, and he is not afraid of supporting himself to death.

Xin Ji's eyes became more gloomy, and he clasped his hands tightly, "Do you think Mr. Wuyang can rely on the British police to be safe? The British Mr. has to be polite to our family. If you think you can rely on him to get things done, I'll tell you You, wishful thinking."

Wang Kuo sneered, "My family is quite popular in Hedong. Duke Wuyang thinks that Duke Lu and others can support you? Duke Lu is nothing to be afraid of. Our family will naturally make him bow his head."

Cheng Zhijie pretended to be a dead dog in the face of imperial power, and the emperor also had to pretend to be a dead dog in the face of the alliance of these families. This is the food chain.

Where am I?

Jia Pingan thought about his position in this food chain and couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't get up and down, which was very embarrassing.


Jia Pingan's brows were alienated, and he pointed to the door, "It's not speculative, go out!"

The two were stunned. Together, the two of them represented the families in Hebei and Hedong. Jia Pingan dared to expel them without bowing his head.

"It's good to do it yourself!"

People from the big family naturally couldn't utter bad words when they came out, and the two left calmly.

"Who is this mother-in-law instigating these people to find fault?"

Jia Pingan smiled bitterly, and then went to Qujiang Pond.

There are few people in Qujiang Pond, the weather is cold, and Qujiang Pond is even colder. A few tourists were drinking together, seemingly free and easy, but shivering from time to time, a man raised his glass and said loudly: "My little brother has a poem, Goose Feather... Ah Qiu!"

A sneeze dispelled all the poetry.

Jia Pingan went all the way to that place, and Wei Qingyi was indeed there, staring fixedly at the water surface, as if to see through the origin of the water.

Jia Pingan was standing behind her, thinking that this girl was probably insane, but she just hoped she wasn't insane. He said softly: "Hey! Girlfriend... Tsing Yi."

Wei Qingyi turned his head, his eyes were still fixed, there was something cyan in it, which passed by in a flash, and then slowly came alive.

"I met Duke Wuyang."

This girl's figure... To be honest, it can be called a devil, with a grip on the waist, it is gradually unrestrained downwards, and the two buttocks are quite impressive. When it goes up, it is fierce, not too big and not too small, but its shape is good, so people can't help but want to hold it lightly.

Jianshui's eyes turned slightly cold, and then he felt relieved, "Mr. Wuyang doesn't even want the beauties that are rewarded by the palace, why are you teasing me?"

Jia Ping'an rejected the beauties rewarded by the palace. After the news spread, many wives of rich and powerful families in Chang'an were soured to death. When they compared Jia Ping'an with their own husband, they felt that Jia Ping'an was as gentlemanly as jade, while her husband was as stupid as a hog.

That's naturally because of your special status!

Jia Pingan laughed and asked, "Why do you always come here? Could it be that there is a hidden treasure here?"

Wei Qingyi shook his head, looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes slightly, "No, this is not a hidden treasure, but something more important than a hidden treasure. Lord Wuyang thought I told you this casually, not to deceive you Is it a fool?"

Where... you're clearly a mallet for doing this.

Jia Pingan said lightly: "What's the matter?"

Wei Qingyi lowered his head, glanced at Jia Ping'an, frowned and said, "Mr. Wuyang is in trouble?"

Damn, why is this woman so sensitive? It really is divine.

Jia Pingan thought of the reaction of the merchants in the market, and thought of the coldness of Xin Ji and Wang Kuo, and couldn't help feeling that everyone was an enemy. But he has a temperament that the stronger the enemy is, the braver he is, so he doesn't care at all.

"It's all right, they're just clowns."

Jia Pingan changed the topic to the following things a few times.

"In the capital city is where the luck of the dynasty lies. Look at the birds on the branches, their chirping is crisper than those in other places."

Jia Pingan looked up and saw two lifeless birds singing on the branches. It shouldn't be! He couldn't help being happy when he saw a bird courting him.

"Two orioles sing on green willows, and a group of egrets go up to the blue sky." Jia Pingan chanted casually.

Wei Qingyi looked at him deeply, "Mr. Wuyang is indeed unparalleled in poetry, which I admire." She walked slowly to the water's edge and squatted down, and suddenly a full moon appeared, which was shocking.

"Look, the water here is different. There are clouds transpiring on the top, and there seems to be purple air flowing below..."

Jia Pingan looked at it for a long time, but found nothing. He knew that a genius like Wei Qingyi had a different vision, but why the clouds are transpiring...wrong. He thought that the heyday of Qujiang Pond was in Kaiyuan. Li Longji ordered Qujiang Pond to be expanded, and then all the yamen in Chang'an built pavilions here. For a while, Qujiang Pond became the most beautiful place in Chang'an City, and it was as hot as the luck of the Tang Dynasty at that time... But the good times did not last long, and the so-called prosperity and decline are confirmed here. With the beginning of the Anshi Rebellion, most of Qujiang Pond was destroyed. Even if the later kings rebuilt it, Qujiang Pond is just like Datang, and it will never return to the scenery of the past.

This is the luck of the great country!

Jia Pingan knew it in his heart, "Tsing Yi is really clever."

Wei Qingyi got up, turned around and said: "I have been observing here, and found that the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty has become stronger and stronger. A while ago, there were two more stones pressing the water, and it didn't take long for the news that the army was approaching Yalushui. It can be seen The fate of the country is closely related to the conquest."

Jia Ping'an couldn't help but smiled comfortably, "Datang will eventually dominate the world, and this is just the beginning."

"However, the conquest has advantages and disadvantages."

What Wei Qingyi said was very cautious, not at all lively like a girl.

She looked at Jia Ping'an, her eyes became brighter suddenly, and she moved slowly...

Is this girl going to meet me? Should I ask her how long she can live? How many children are there, are the children promising... How about a few daughter-in-laws.

Wei Qingyi looked at it for a while, then nodded slightly, but there was more joy in his eyes, "Mr. Wuyang just do things, it's fine."

Jia Pingan's heart was inexplicably relieved, thinking of Wei Qingyi's worries, he said softly: "Don't worry about these conquests, we are here!"

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