Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 723 Yeye is here

Goryeo in the early spring is a bit cold.

The palace is still deep and dark, and occasionally someone yells and scolds.

"Da Mo Lizhi is in the palace, who can say anything?"

The servant was yelling and cursing sharply.

And on the opposite side are more than ten maids.

The servant with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stretched out his hand and pulled out a maid, and slapped her to the ground.

Immediately there was excitement in his eyes, and his breathing became short of breath.

Whoops, whoops...

Seeing the maids trembling all over, the servant felt very sour.

Since last year, Quan Gai Suwen's temper has become worse and worse, and he often beat, scolded and punished him. This is just a trivial matter. After he becomes moody, even the important officials will worry about their own lives.

As for these maids, if they are not careful, they will become sacrifices to Da Mo Lizhi's anger.

Such a terrifying spring, Gai Suwen, made people tremble.

"From today onwards, everyone will kneel down to welcome Da Mo Lizhi."

The waiter had a straight face, "Did you hear that?"

"heard it."

There was a tremor in the answering voice.


"heard it."

Humans are self-taught to find obedience in the tone and order of their responses, regardless of race or age.

There was a smile on the servant's mouth.

"Da Molizhi is here."

There was a shout outside the palace gate.

The rich and powerful ran over like flying, and then knelt down on the steps.

Quan Gai Suwen came over under the retinue of dozens of cavalry.

Those retinue cavalry were all wearing iron armor, staring at their surroundings vigilantly.

Quan Gai Su Wen still carried five knives, his eyes were indifferent.

At the bottom of the steps, he dismounted easily and stepped on the back of the powerful man.

"Welcome to Da Molizhi."

The servants came out to meet her, and a group of maids behind her.

Quan Gai Su Wen said coldly: "What is Gao Zang doing?"

The servant approached to help, but was rejected by Quan Gai Suwen with a cold snort, and quickly said: "Da Mo Lizhi, Gao Zang is resentful in the palace, saying that there are no women..."

"The dozens of women in the palace are not satisfied with letting him drive them around?" Quan Gai Suwen sneered, "If not, then let him sleep with a man. Since ancient times, emperors have been full and tired of sleeping with women, so it's just for him For a change."

The dignitary under him couldn't hold it anymore and trembled.


Quan Gai Suwen snorted coldly.

There is more evil spirit in the eyes.

He stepped on the back of the powerful and drew his sword.

The knife flashed.

The head fell to the ground.

Quan Gai Suwen wiped the long knife with the clothes of the still trembling corpse, and entered the palace with a calm demeanor.

"Don't leave the branch!"

The maids knelt down to greet him.

"Don't leave the branch!"

"Don't leave the branch!"

The people I met on the road fell like felled trees.

Quan Gai Suwen looked at the front coldly, later, he arrived outside the palace.

Gao Zang is drinking.

The servant saw Quan Gai Suwen and quickly reminded him in a low voice.

"Da Molizhi is here."

Gao Zang raised his head, threw the wine jar away, and hastily stepped forward to greet him.

Quan Gai Suwen's gaze passed him, and fixed on the servant who reminded Gao Zang, "Death!"

A servant drew his sword and went in.

The servant knelt down and shouted, "Da Mo Lizhi, please spare me!"

But the long knife was raised high.

The servant lowered his head, grabbed the cracks in the bricks with both hands, and shouted bitterly: "Quan Gai Su Wen, you will die..."

The long knife passed by.

The attendant glanced at Gao Zang, then turned around silently.


Gao Zang scolded: "This bastard has been making waves by my side, fortunately Da Mo Lizhi exposed him today, otherwise..."


Quan Gai Suwen interrupted him.

"Tell the people in the palace to be quiet for a while."

He turned and left.

Later he sat down in his palace.

Civil and military officials stood in two rows below, very respectful.

Five knives are placed next to the seat... and last year, the five knives were still under the steps.

"Don't leave the branch."

A civil servant is out of work.

"This year, the food and grass in the middle school are still in good condition, but the harassment from Silla continues, which is a headache."

Quan Gai Suwen said indifferently: "Jin Chunqiu wants me to understand that if Goryeo takes the initiative to attack, he can go to Chang'an and cry, saying that Goryeo invaded and captured dozens of cities today and hundreds of cities tomorrow. Barking like a dog, but relying on Datang's majesty.

Such a cheap dog, I just want to watch him jump up and down like a clown, I'm thinking, what would Li Zhi think of this person?

Back then, Jin Chunqiu and Jin Yuxin jointly controlled Silla, made some embroidery, wrote a poem, and then used it to deceive Li Zhi. Hearing that Li Zhi was very happy, he gave Jin Chunqiu the courage to show his teeth at Goryeo. "

A general scolded: "Everyone in Silla is a bitch, if possible, I am willing to take Jin Chunqiu's head for Da Molizhi."

A smile appeared on Quan Gai Suwen's face.

"Silla bitch, if it wasn't possible, I would be able to lead the army right now, and destroy them in three months!"

Everyone laughed.

"The people of Silla are best at making fools of the wall. Today, they follow whoever sees the power, and then bark their teeth at the original master, looking forward to their own glory. But in our eyes, these people are just clowns. "

"It's a disgusting thing, a small country, it's ridiculous to want to make a holy bone and a real bone."

The courtiers below laughed for a while.

A civil servant is out of work.

"Da Molizhi, our envoy should be back. If Tang Dynasty is still like this, I think we should start to eliminate Silla and destroy this disgusting clown!"

"Yes! Destroy Silla."

Quan Gai Suwen smiled, and said contemptuously: "Don't mention Silla."

Everyone smiled.

"How is the other side recently?"

The so-called opposite bank is the opposite side of Guiduan Water.

The last time Jia Pingan crossed the Guiduanshui, the Koreans who fought in World War I were stunned, and even Quan Gai Suwen was shocked.

The military commander said confidently: "There is no movement in the Tang Dynasty, there are occasional people crossing the Guiduan River on the other side, but they immediately evacuated..."

"That's good."

Quan Gai Suwen nodded, his eyes filled with relief, "Keep an eye on the other side, if anything goes wrong..."

The general held his head high, "Shoot back!"

Quan Gai Suwen stared at him for a long time, and waved his hands when the general was at a loss, "I'll take a rest."

"I'll take my leave."

Everyone leaves.

A gust of cold wind blew up in the hall, Quan Gai Su Wen frowned, "The charcoal basin."


A few servants went out, and soon came in with a charcoal basin.

"Da Mo Lizhi..."

A servant looked up.

"Da Mo..."

The leading servant shook his head and led everyone out of the hall.

- very cold. Quan Gai Su Wen dreamed of Guiduan Water. Guiduan water was flowing, and he was patrolling with people, full of vigor.

On the other side is the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and those Tang soldiers stood there dumbly, unable to see the side at a glance. There are many swords and guns, and the horses are motionless... as if they were made of clay.

Quan Gai Suwen shouted: "Kill them!"

His subordinates did not move, he was furious, roaring and drew his sword to kill his subordinates.

The subordinate finally moved, but he showed a ferocious side to him.


Quan Gai Su Wen fled in embarrassment...


He woke up suddenly and looked around in panic.

There was only one elderly servant left in the hall, and when he saw him wake up, he grinned and said, "Does Da Mo Lizhi want to drink water?"

Quan Gai Su Wen was panting, and touched his forehead, which was covered in cold sweat.


Quan Gai Suwen's roar came from the palace, "Go, kill them!"

When the civil and military officials arrived after hearing the news, Quan Gai Su Wen had already returned to normal.

"I'm fine."

He smiled and said, "By the way, the noble ladies who went to Liaodong and other places for a spring outing a while ago are back?"

Datang became more and more aggressive. In order to cheer up the frontline soldiers, Quan Gai Suwen ordered his confidants to send the most outstanding female group in his family to the front to show his composure.

"Da Mo left the branch and hasn't come back yet."


There was a light rain in Liaodong in spring.

"It's raining!"

Jia Pingan pointed to the front and said with a smile: "When I was in Huazhou, every time I watched those farmers blessing the spring rain, I felt that there was life everywhere in the world."

The land of Liaodong is full of mist, and the rain slowly pours down from the clouds. The earth greedily devours the spring rain, and a trace of green emerges.

Behind him is a boundless army...

Every face is full of exhaustion, but they are still struggling to move forward.

When a city appeared ahead, someone cheered, "It's Huaiyuan."

Huaiyuan is Datang's logistics base in Liaodong, and it has accumulated a lot of grain and grass on weekdays. This time, in order to supply the army to attack Liaodong, it has been transporting grain and grass as early as a year ago.

A team of scouts came on horseback, saluted back and forth, looked at the army excitedly and said, "But you want to destroy Korea?"

"You shouldn't inquire, don't inquire!"

The army scout responded to him coldly.

"It's Marquis Wuyang!"

The scouts arrived at the Chinese army, and when they saw Jia Ziqi, they hurried forward.

The helmet was a bit cold, and Jia Pingan didn't want to wear it at first, but to protect the majesty of the leading general... In fact, it was Li Jingye who muttered, saying that not wearing a helmet would be a bit of a jerk.

How did the boy lead the army?

He nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Is the camp ready?"

The scout looked at him reverently, "Get ready."

Whenever the dynasty is early, it is often the opportunity for the reckless to stand up. The Tang Dynasty has been handed down to the third generation, so it is very difficult for Cao Mang to get ahead, at least it is more difficult than Li Jingye who went whoring and lost contact.

But the farmer in front of him insisted on relying on his own hard work and ability, step by step to today, and became a legend among the brothers in the army.

The army immediately moved in.

The local officials came to reward the army and brought some sheep, saying that they would become skinny if they didn't eat them.

When the first emperor conquered Liaodong, he brought a flock of sheep on a special trip, and there were still a lot of them all the way to Liaodong.

This shows the difficulty of transshipment here.

However, with the strengthening of Datang's national power, such things are less.

When the army goes out, it must camp in the camp. According to Jia Ping'an's understanding, it is necessary to trap the soldiers, otherwise the morale will be dispersed before the enemy troops call.

The army had a full meal, and then began to inquire about the enemy's situation.

Jia Ping'an stood by the water in Guiduan, with more than ten generals behind him.

"The Koreans built a series of small towns along the Guiduan River. Those small towns are not good enough to harass. Since our army wants to crush the Koreans with thunderous force and deter the enemy in this battle, we must kill them decisively. .”

Jia Pingan turned around and said with piercing eyes: "Once this battle starts, don't hesitate. Once the military order is issued, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, you can't stop. Fight out until the enemy is dead!"

Everyone's heart shuddered, thinking why Wuyanghou is so murderous?

"Let's go, Sentinel!"

Jia Ping'an rode his horse back.

Gui Duan Shui whimpered, as if he knew that the war was about to break out.

It is impossible to deceive anyone by investigating beside the Guiduan water, and the Goryeo cavalry has already appeared on the opposite side.

Xie Bing followed, and said in a low voice: "Marquis Wuyang, the Korean cavalry appeared on the opposite side."

Jia Pingan glanced back, only more than ten riders.

These Koryo cavalry were shouting and drinking, and felt that the Tang people's movements were not quite right.

Jia Pingan smiled.

Extraordinarily ferocious.

The whole of Huaiyuan was shrouded in this spring rain, covered with a thin layer of rain and fog.

At the moment, most of the city is occupied by soldiers and civilians. The people who have been stationed in Huaiyuan for a long time and have been transformed into civilian households are very excited, and they come to inquire about the scale of the war.

Jia Ping'an returned to the station and sent people to report.

"The Koreans are prepared, but they never imagined the size of our army, one hundred thousand troops, I want to see what Quangai Suwen will say."

"Tell the British lord that although the Koreans are prepared, it is not easy to deploy troops. If so, I will be the first..."

The huge army is on the way, and Li Ji and the generals are discussing.

"The Koreans used more than 200 small cities to extend from the sea to Beifuyu City, trying to block Datang from Liaodong, but the old man thought they were wishful thinking."

Li Ji said contemptuously.

"Big Manager!"

Several cavalry approached in front and were intercepted by the cavalry to check their identities.

Later they were brought over.

"Boss, Boss Jia ordered me to come and ask for instructions..."

Li Ji read the letter, pondered, and said to the generals around him: "Marquis Wuyang can't sit still."

Su Dingfang smiled and said, "Marquis Wuyang wants to attack?"

Someone laughed and said: "He is a forward, so he has to be bold, but if he is surrounded by Koreans..."

It was Qibi Heli who said this.

The veteran teased, Li Ji smiled slightly, "The young man is ambitious and wants to make contributions. In this case, the old man will help him. Let him cross the Guiduan River and give it to the Koreans."

The generals are envious.

"Order Yuan Wanqing to assist."

A civil servant came from behind with a dissolute look on his face.

After seeing Li Ji, Yuan Wanqing finally became more serious.

"You go to the former army to assist Marquis Wuyang, don't be negligent."


Yuan Wanqing said happily, "I'm going to make Quan Gai Su Wen helpless."

Yuan Wanqing hurried on, and when he followed the messenger to Huaiyuan Town, the army was ready to attack.

"The Liaodong Daoguan remembers Yuan Wanqing, and met Wuyanghou!"

Jia Ping'an was busy, and asked casually, "What did the chief executive order you to do?"

Yuan Wanqing cupped his hands and said confidently: "The Chief Commander ordered the officials to assist Marquis Wuyang!"

Only then did Jia Pingan look up at this man, seeing his haughty expression, he frowned and said, "Follow the army."

Yuan Wanqing was astonished, "Marquis Wuyang, a lowly official with many talents, can follow the army to praise paintings..."

Yuan Wanqing said he came from an extraordinary background, he was a descendant of the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He himself is also versatile, and it is said that he wrote a call-to-action essay during the expedition, which was very literary.

"Do as you are told."

Li Jingye wandered around in the past few days and knew the terrain well. Seeing this person making noise, he sternly stopped.


Yuan Wanqing went out resentfully, and asked an acquaintance for questioning.

"How about this Marquis of Wuyang?"



Yuan Wanqing felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Wait until I show off my skills in the army, then I will have a drink with you all!"

Not long after, a general order came from the army.

"Director Jia ordered the whole army to move out."

The army moved with a bang.

Jia Ping'an is in the Chinese army, surrounded by more than ten generals, and Yuan Wanqing is behind.

The army crossed the Guiduan River and then marched to the left.

"Director Jia, we found enemy scouts."

The left side of the army is Guiduan Shui, and the right side is empty.

Jia Ping squinted and looked ahead.

"Let the children move, don't slack off."

The messenger came to the front and shouted: "Boss Jia has an order, the rangers attack and beat the Goryeo scouts."

Hundreds of riders rushed out.

This is light riding.

The Koreans also had more than a hundred riders, but they refused to retreat suddenly, but fought and retreated.


Li Jingye's stick seems to be itchy.


Jia Pingan said indifferently: "This is just a warm-up. The army is going to attack, so naturally we can't be too steady. Defeating the enemy in one battle is the first move!"

Li Jingye sighed: "Brother, when will we see Korean women who can shake their ass?"

From Chang'an to here, everyone is a monk along the way, and so is Li Jingye, who is so energetic and enviable.

It's okay in Chang'an, I can go to dump my ass anytime. But here... Of course, it can't be done in the Tang Dynasty, and it can't be done after the war, unless it's settled down.



The guy sighed and glanced at Jia Pingan from time to time.


Jia Pingan couldn't take it anymore.


Li Jingye was ecstatic, pulled out the horizontal knife and shouted: "Wait, yeah!"

Hearing the war, he was delighted, this was a very morale boosting thing.

More than a hundred enemy scouts were quickly wiped out after Li Jingye joined the battle group.

The rest of the riders fled in embarrassment.

There were a few birds by the water, watching this scene in horror, and then flew away.

And the big bird hovering in the sky waited for the army to pass here, and then it landed and began to peck at the corpse.

The eyeballs of these big birds are gradually turning red...


Gaimu City.

The city is in chaos at the moment.

The sergeant at the top of the city looked at the smoke and dust in the distance and felt uneasy.

"It's Tang Jun who is here."

"Is it possible for our army to defend?"

"It depends on the new city."

"What's the meaning?"

A general looked to the right with gloomy eyes.

"If they attack Gaimu City, that's okay, I'm afraid they will attack Xincheng."

"What's the meaning?"

"After the last time, the new city has been refurbished. It can be called a strong city. If the Tang army goes to attack the new city..."

There was more worry in the general's eyes.

"That's where the disaster comes."

"What disaster?"

The general murmured, "Da Tang general attack."

Since the former Sui Dynasty, Goryeo has been constantly provoking. In the later period of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, although Goryeo blocked the three expeditions to Liaodong, the casualties were heavy, and the hearts of the people in the country were disturbed.

That's why the Koreans asked to surrender on the table. The so-called surrender is actually a request for an armistice.

Although the former Sui Dynasty was full of chaos in the family, it can't hold back the great business of the family!

In the Tang Dynasty, the first emperor conquered Liaodong, which frightened Quan Gai Suwen, not to mention the loss of troops, and the voices against him in the country became louder and louder.

"The enemy army is coming."

The mighty army is rolling in.

"Marquis of Wuyang!"

The scouts kept returning messages.

"There is no trace of the enemy ahead."

"There is no trace of the enemy on the right side!"

Jia Pingan nodded, looked at Gaimu City, and smiled slightly, which was extraordinarily ferocious.

"Yeah, here we come!"

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