Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 477 Isn't that what mantises can do?

This year's Tang Dynasty is very peaceful. Judging from the reports from various places, this year's Datang will usher in a bumper harvest.

Xu Jingzong said affectionately: "Since your majesty ascended the throne, the weather has been smooth everywhere in the Tang Dynasty. This bumper harvest is God's favor for your majesty. Long live your majesty!"


It is impossible for the important minister to say something about Long Live Your Majesty, it is not shameful enough!

But Xu Jingzong never cared about these things, he just said what he had to say, and what he said was so natural, as if Li Zhi could really live forever.

The confidant's flattery put Li Zhi in a good mood, but the emperor had to show his humble side, he shook his head, "This is God's favor for Datang, and it is also the result of Zhuqing's wholehearted assistance."

This is what people say!

Changsun Wuji and others immediately began to chant the Holy Spirit, and the hall was full of joy for a while.

"His Majesty."

A servant came to report the matter.

The rare harmony between monarch and minister was broken, Li Zhi frowned slightly.

Wang Zhongliang went over and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

The servant said, "Baiqi has something urgent to report."

Wang Zhongliang turned back, "Your Majesty, Baiqi has something important to report."

Li Zhi nodded, then said with a smile: "Could it be that the thief was discovered?"

There are three groups of thieves in the mountain, one group was created by Liu Shi and others to slander Wu Mei, that one is not counted; one group was strangled by Baiqi last time; the third group is Li Ke's people.

Thinking that one of the thieves possessed Bo Lang's airdrop ability, Li Zhi was also quite afraid. If Baiqi can strangle him...

Then I will give Jia Pingan a marriage!

Baiqi was brought in. Seeing his long-distance journey, Changsun Wuji subconsciously asked, "Is it news from Liaodong?"

Baiqi nodded, and the monarch and ministers all stood in awe.

"Your Majesty, Liaodong is still the same. In addition, the brothers of Silla have also sent news that the Silla Kingdom is recruiting strong men to practice..."

"Sure enough, it's wolf ambition!"

Li Zhi's face was cold,

"Is it said that Goryeo invaded Silla?"

Baiqi raised his head and said in surprise: "No, I'm just apologizing for the wrong news delivered last time. Last time Silla High School said that Goryeo invaded, but there was no subsequent war... But Baekje and Silla have been harassing each other all the year round."

Changsun Wuji sneered and said, "Your Majesty, when Baekje and Silla joined forces to deal with Goryeo, Silla suddenly stabbed Baekje in the back. The two countries are mortal enemies, and there is no possibility of reconciliation..."

"It deserves it!" Cheng Zhijie snorted coldly, "Your Majesty, according to the old minister's judgment, Silla must want to use Datang. Once Datang attacks Goryeo and fights together, Silla will have both sides."

"His heart can be punished!" Chu Suiliang sneered, "Jin Chunqiu is really cunning."

Liang Jianfang coughed dryly, "Your Majesty, Xiao Jia... Uncle Wuyang returned from his mission last time, not to say that the former Silla was actually controlled by Jin Chunqiu and Jin Yuxin, and the Queen is just a puppet. , don’t take it as usual, be careful of being used by him.”

The subsequent development of the situation fell into Jin Chunqiu's calculations, but there were also factors of luck. If it weren't for the Tubo fighting in the Western Regions and the Tang Dynasty being passive in every possible way, Jin Chunqiu's calculations would only bring disaster to Silla.

So this is fate!

But this moment is different.

Li Zhihan frowned, "The Silla envoy..."

Chu Suiliang got up, "Your Majesty, Jia Ping'an has a way of deceiving people. Let him go, and I think it will convince the Silla envoys."

This mischievous suggestion was unanimously approved.

"So, let him negotiate."


"I never lie to people!" Jia Pingan said innocently, "General, whose words are these?"

"Chu Suiliang."

Liang Jianfang wondered: "I've been fighting for half my life, and I've been able to get to this point because of my honesty, which has also influenced you for a long time, why is it still the same?"

"You can't carve rotten wood!" Cheng Zhijie got up, "Let's go, go drink!"

The two old hooligans patted their buttocks and left.

Cheng Da praised: "Uncle Wuyang, this shows that His Majesty values ​​it!"


Ming Jing muttered, and after Jia Ping'an glanced over, she sighed, "Machine change."

Look, this is the breadth and depth of Chinese characters, the same behavior, explained in different languages, the results are very different.

Jia Ping'an then went to Honglu Temple.

"Xiao Jia!"

Zhu Tao was very kind when he saw him, "Come on, I just received the news that you have been sent to Silla and know the people of Silla well, so I asked you to negotiate with the envoys of Silla. What is it? Charter?"

Jia Ping went in, "Datang has been very difficult recently."

All those present were old ghosts from Honglu Temple, and they stroked their beards and smiled, "Yes! It's been too difficult for Tang Dynasty this year."

Zhu Tao sat down, and someone said: "Shaoqing, after all, the envoy can see the appearance of good weather everywhere, if he..."

Zhu Tao raised his hand, "You don't have to say, I know."

Knowing Wang smiled, "Seeing is one thing, but how big is Tang Dynasty? What the envoy sees is just a corner."

Sure enough, all diplomats have a talent for hooliganism.

Someone muttered, "Uncle Wuyang is very powerful, but we can do well in this matter too?"

Everyone felt a little upset that the credit was taken by outsiders.

This is human nature.

Zhu Tao didn't suppress it either, "A messenger has been invited."

When the messenger came, Zhu Tao pointed to Jia Ping'an, "This is Uncle Wuyang."

The envoy's eyes were filled with joy, "Uncle Wuyang was very kind when he was sent to Silla. I didn't expect to meet him in Datang. It's a great honor."

"When the envoy comes, can Jin Tejin explain?"

Datang has not yet canonized Jin Chunqiu as the king of Silla, which is also a mission of the envoy's trip.

The envoy said: "Jin Tejin always remembers Chang'an, saying that the years in Chang'an will be unforgettable for the rest of his life. If it is not possible, he would like to settle in Chang'an. It is better to be His Majesty's servant than to fight against those thieves in Silla... Uncle Wuyang , Goryeo teamed up with Baekje, and the Mohe people are eyeing Silla."

"Isn't it a big fight?" Jia Ping'an was a little curious.

"They are constantly harassing." The envoy said firmly: "Then there will be a large-scale attack. This has been verified in countless previous confrontations."

The words of this product have changed!

When he was negotiating with Honglu Temple, he said that the Korean army had invaded, and then he said that he was repelled...

This chameleon-like performance has only one purpose, to let the Tang Dynasty send troops and fight the Koreans to death.

Such a simple method made Datang, who wanted to destroy Goryeo, unable to refuse. This was also the beginning of the subsequent tragedy.

"Harassment... I remember that the harassment between Silla and Baekje has never stopped, right?"

Don't try to fool me!

Jia Pingan made an unswerving gesture.

Before departure, Jin Chunqiu also talked about Jia Ping'an, the only worry was the fight: the Queen collapsed, and her cronies blamed Jia Pingan for being a broom star, so they assembled to raid the Tang Dynasty Mission, while Jin Chunqiu and Jin Yuxin sat by and watched In the end, the shit was killed by the Datang Mission.

Jin Chunqiu's mistake was that he didn't know that the mission had Li Jingye as a weapon, and it turned out that it was the Silla people who made a fool of themselves.

Seeing Jia Pingan at this moment, the envoy thought of Jin Chunqiu's explanation, got up and said, "Jin Tejin feels sorry for the last incident."

"What's up?"

Jia Ping'an looked confused.

He really forgot?

The Messenger doesn't think so.

That is to let me take the initiative to speak out.

It really is sharp!

The envoy was very confused and said: "Last time, the queen's cronies did not know the truth, and they took action... Jin Tejin has always felt guilty for not being able to stop it in time."

Jin Chunqiu was watching a play at that time!

What guilt!

Jia Pingan laughed and said, "Why did the messenger come from afar?"

"The Koryo Allied Forces are approaching the border of Silla, and I implore Datang to send troops to rescue."

I believe in your evil!

"Invasion? A big fight?"

Jia Pingan stared at the envoy, "If there is a big fight, Datang can send troops to Silla by boat."

do you dare?

This is drastic.

Didn't you beep beep that Silla was taken care of by Goryeo?

true or false?

Really, the Tang Dynasty immediately floated away, the army landed in Silla, and directly fought side by side with Silla.


Zhu Tao said calmly: "If it is false, the dignity of the Tang Dynasty cannot be insulted!"

If it is false, Silla will be lucky for itself.

The envoy's eyelids twitched, " showing off its power at the border, and is constantly being harassed."

Zhu Tao glanced at the officials of Honglu Temple.

Look, this is deception, Xiao Jia first deceived the envoy, and then persecuted...

Do you dare to bet?

Look, the emissary obviously didn't dare, and withered.

"Since there is no invasion, why the fanfare?"

Jia Ping'an suddenly changed color.

What will happen to the messenger?

After being questioned almost persecuted by Jia Pingan, he still bowed his head.

The envoy raised his head, his eyes were piercing, "Silla was caught between Goryeo and Baekje, and it was in a difficult situation. However, the people of Silla are unyielding..."

Is this going to turn heads?

Everyone's heart trembled.

For Datang, the only value of Silla's existence is to contain Goryeo.

No one knows what will happen after losing this restraining tool.

"Goryeo sent envoys to Silla many times, saying that as long as Silla bows its head and attaches itself to Goryeo, Goryeo can not only live with Silla, but also give some money and food every year."

This is a threat.

Zhu Tao's face changed slightly, and he became angry.

But at this time, it is necessary to judge the attitude of the other party, whether it is decisive or extortion.

No one can figure it out.

Only Jia Pingan.

Jin Chunqiu's sole purpose is to build a huge Silla. For this, he needs to introduce Datang and destroy Goryeo, and then Silla can be used.

It was a helpless move for Silla to get close to Datang. Under the persecution of Goryeo, the only way to survive was to call Datang's father. What are you going to say about loyalty, it's a big joke.

So say that Silla bowed to Goryeo, come on, this can fool everyone in the world, but it can't fool Jia Ping'an.

Zhu Tao glanced at Jia Ping'an, wanting to take over the following matters.

Knowing Wang's kindness, Jia Ping'an appreciated it, but shook his head slightly, and then...


Jia Pingan clapped the table, stood up suddenly, looked down at the envoy, and said coldly: "Does Jin Chunqiu want to swing between Datang and Goryeo? As a courtier of Datang, he must bow his head to Datang, or... ...Just bow your head to Tang's swords and guns. Since today's envoy talked about bowing to Goryeo, then..."

Jia Pingan pointed to the outside, "The two countries are fighting each other, please don't kill me!"

This is to turn your face!

No matter what the officials of Honglu Temple thought, they all sneered at the envoy.

It doesn't matter how you complain about Jia Ping'an afterwards, you must set up a stage for him now!

This is the principle of diplomacy: even if it is wrong, it cannot be dismantled, otherwise the opponent will seize the opportunity and continue to persecute.

I just made a threat!

It's just a threat, you can say something to ease it, and then we will talk slowly, at least to get benefits.

But you actually flipped the table over.

This is nothing to talk about!


Messenger angry!

But in Jin Chunqiu's explanation, there is no option to turn against Datang.

Could Jia Pingan be bluffing?

The messenger glanced at Jia Pingan.

Jia Pingan said to Zhu Tao: "Zhu Shaoqing, I have a lot of things to do over there, so I'm going back now. Please tell your majesty that Silla wants to seek refuge with the Koreans. If so, I think I will let them do what they want."

The Silla people were actually watching a drama afterward, watching Datang and Goryeo fight, and then Goryeo was destroyed, and they were ready to move.

Is it okay for Xiao Jia to be so tough?

Zhu Tao took a deep breath, "You don't have to say it, I know, just go!"

Knowing the king's posture is impeccable.

Jia Pingan went out.


two steps!

The envoy remained silent.


Jia Ping'an murmured in his heart, wondering if Jin Chunqiu really dared to turn against Datang?

Three steps!

Ahead is the gate.

After going out, even if the messenger speaks out, he will not look back.

In the diplomacy of major powers, credibility and majesty come first!

the fourth step……

The messenger's face was covered with sweat. In that moment, he experienced all kinds of inner struggles, and the last thing he remembered was Jin Chunqiu's words.

——Silla needs Datang!

The envoy turned back, "Uncle Wuyang!"

Jia Pingan turned around with a look of astonishment, "What else can the messenger do?"

The messenger took a deep breath, bowed his head and said, "Silla will always be a courtier of the Tang Dynasty!"

Sure enough, the upper echelons of Silla were ambitious.

Jia Pingan glanced at Zhu Tao.

Knowing Wang smiled slightly, "So, what else can the messenger do?"

The envoy said: "The foreign minister is here, and I implore the Tang Dynasty to confer Jin Tejin."

As soon as the envoy left, Zhu Tao looked at Jia Ping'an, thinking that this young man would indeed deceive him, and he would decisively ask him to reward him!

Why did such a boy go to Baiqi?

It's a waste!

Zhu Tao immediately entered the palace.


Li Zhi waited for Zhu Tao to report the result of the exchange with the envoy.

"His Majesty!"

The king of understanding complained as soon as he opened his mouth, "There are so many people who are loyal to His Majesty, and there are so many people who can control a hundred cavalry, but there are very few who are suitable for Honglu Temple. Your Majesty abandoned Honglu Temple for the sake of Baiqi, it's unfair!"

Li Zhi was stunned, "But what happened? That's right, what I'm worried about is that Jia Ping'an is too tough, and the envoy might turn his back on him if he gets angry from embarrassment. Although Datang is not afraid, it is not beautiful after all."

Xiao Jia forced the perpetrator to this point, if it were me, I would definitely turn my face. But the envoy actually held back, which shows Jin Chunqiu's ambition.

"Your Majesty, Uncle Wuyang had previously negotiated with the Silla envoy, and he was tough all the way. In the end, the envoy threatened that Silla could rely on Goryeo if necessary."

"Datang doesn't accept the threat!" Li Zhi looked indifferent, "It's all about fighting to the end!"

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhu Tao thought you didn't have to say it, I know, but this is the emperor! He could only hold back, "Uncle Wuyang immediately raised the case, saying that since Silla claimed to be a courtier of the Tang Dynasty, it must either bow to the Tang Dynasty or bow to the swords and guns of the Datang."

Wang Zhongliang felt his blood boil, and couldn't help blurting out, "Go to Zhujing Guan!"

Li Zhi glanced at him, and for the first time, he didn't point to the side, "So, it's just what I want."

"The envoy of Silla immediately bowed his head."

Li Zhi was taken aback, then laughed, "It turned out to be a stern look? It can be seen that Jin Chunqiu has both ends of the head, and he only wants to make money on both sides. Silla... can't be trusted!"

Your Majesty... wise!

Zhu Tao looked at the emperor, thinking that it was indeed taught by the late emperor himself, such vision is rare.

Li Zhi suddenly asked: "Why is Jia Pingan sure that the Silla envoy will not turn his face?"

Jia Pingan almost pointed his nose and scolded Silla for being shameless. As an envoy, he should argue with reason.

I do not know either!

It was the first time that the king felt that he had encountered something he didn't understand. "Your Majesty, Uncle Wuyang has always said that Silla has ulterior motives. The Tang Dynasty sent troops to Liaodong to see the timing. Don't go to the fire to get chestnuts for Silla."

Silla, Jin Chunqiu... Li Zhi calculated the situation, "If Jin Chunqiu dares to turn his face, I will destroy Silla so what?"

Thumbs up!

Zhu Tao felt that such an environment was the most suitable for Honglu Temple to carry out its work.

As soon as he looked up, Li Zhi found that Zhu Tao was deep in thought, and asked, "What is Zhu Qing thinking?"

Zhu Tao raised his head, "Your Majesty, I have thought about several people, and I think they will have no problem leading a hundred cavalry..."

Wang Zhongliang had black lines on his face.

That is Baiqi, who should be in command can only be decided by the emperor, unless he asks you, otherwise your suggestion is ulterior motives.

Li Zhi changed his color, then pointed at Zhu Tao and said with a smile: "But you are still thinking about getting Jia Ping'an to Honglu Temple?"

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhu Tao said cheekily, "Actually, I can lead a hundred cavalry, but Your Majesty will definitely not give up. In this case, why not release Jia Ping'an too. I'm not bragging, I only need to take him for a year. This young minister can let him do it."

This Zhu Tao repeatedly suggested to get Jia Ping'an to Honglu Temple, once or twice was enough, but Li Zhi couldn't help but grow curious.

"He really can accomplish a lot in Honglu Temple?"

In Li Zhi's view, Jia Pingan's biggest feature in diplomacy is his courage. When I went to Liaodong, I almost killed the Japanese envoy in Koryo, and even made friends with the Baekje envoy.

Later in Silla, he killed the Queen in one face-to-face, and immediately beheaded some of the Queen's confidantes outside the post house.

This person's diplomatic style is bold and aggressive, but Li Zhi has always been worried that one day the ship will capsize, so he doesn't even consider Zhu Tao's suggestion.

"Your Majesty, it's not that you can accomplish a lot. I think Uncle Wuyang is naturally suitable for Honglu Temple."

Li Zhi pondered, and said for a while, "I will consider it."


Zhu Tao's regretful sigh made Wang Zhongliang laugh.

The Shaoqing of Honglu Temple persevered in persuading the emperor many times, which shows that his appreciation for Jia Ping'an is beyond words.

"Reward Jia Ping'an with one hundred thousand dollars, and..."

Li Zhi thought for a while, "Wu Mei probably prepared a lot of things for him, but here I will give... two good knives."

"Your Majesty!" Wang Zhongliang looked confused.

Jia Pingan is getting married!

It's fine for you to see me off, I'll send you Heng Dao.

What are those two women doing with the horizontal knife?

Killed Jia Pingan on the wedding night?

Isn't that what mantises do?

Li Zhi also felt a little boring, but after thinking about it, he smiled and said: "In the future, I can't say that I can have a son alone, so it can be used."

The reward was sent to Wu Mei, and she said in amazement: "Is this a reward from His Majesty to Ping An? But Ping An is not a general with two swords, one is enough."

We also feel wrong! But he didn't dare to say it, and he didn't dare to object... The servant coughed dryly, "Your Majesty said, reward... to those two women."

Wu Mei was stunned, and then laughed out loud while holding her slightly protruding belly.

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Good night!

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