Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter One Hundred and Seven

Chapter 1110 One day in the same robe, life and death are brothers

The Yang family was dumbfounded.


Yang Xuwei's face was pale, "This is the best carriage in the Yang family. Huang Li is the best coachman in the Yang family, and he can also be called the best coachman in Chang'an. Why did you lose?"

"They run faster."

"But our wheels fell off!"

"It's not the carriage's fault."

The Yang family could not accept this result.

Someone shouted: "Someone must have broken the wheel!"

Jia Pingan glanced at this person, "Test it again, the Yang family can send out another carriage, lose and be exiled to Aizhou, dare you?"

Yang Xuwei hissed, "The Yang family didn't dare! But today the Yang family's carriage has tried its best, why is that carriage still able to handle it with ease, and the vibration is so small that it's unbelievable... Zhao Guogong, I dare to ask why?"

The Yang family's carriage has reached its limit, this is a fact that everyone can see.

As soon as Jia Ping'an got serious, the Yang family immediately knelt down.

Jia Pingan said indifferently: "The Yang family's carriage is good, at least for now, the design is the most exquisite, but if the carriage wants to pull more and run faster, what do you need? The art of shock absorption!"

"Could it be that the carriage used a shock-absorbing method unknown to the Yang family?"

Yang Xuwei prayed in his heart that it was not.

Everyone in the Yang family is like this.

Once it is, it means that the Yang family's lead has been terminated.

Jia Pingan nodded.

Yang Xuwei's face was ashen.

He cheered up, "Dare to ask Zhao Guogong, what kind of shock-absorbing technique is that?"

"The art of shock absorption that you can't get."

It is currently impossible for such steel products to be released to merchants, and they are only used by the Ministry of Industry.

Someone from the household department asked, "Where is King Teng?"


What about scum vine?

Everyone saw that there was smoke and dust in the distance.

"Prince Teng has run away,"

Teng Wang, who was driving drunk, became addicted to racing.

But the outcome is set.

Li Jingye waved, and someone drove a carriage over.

The carriage is made of fine wood,

Also painted.

Li Jingye walked over and personally led the carriage to Li Ji.

"Ah Weng, you said last time that you wanted to go to Mount Zhongnan, but the carriage was bumpy and uncomfortable. I just wanted to build a carriage for you, and now I have a carriage..."

Li Ji's eyes were red.

This grandson!

"You go out early and return late these days, so you went to the workshop?"

Li Jingye nodded, "Ah Weng, I installed this carriage by myself."

Li Ji took his hand, looked at the calluses and scars on his hand, and said, "Okay."

Li Jingye asked: "When will Ah Weng go to Zhongnan Mountain?"

Li Ji said: "The old man can't wait any longer, let's go now."

"Aon, you haven't asked for leave yet."

"Just ask someone to ask for leave."

Li Ji got on the carriage and flicked the rein lightly.

The carriage moved slowly, faster and faster.

"A Weng should have come to drive the chariot earlier." Li Jingye muttered, "I feel like I forgot something."

He suddenly remembered, "Ah Weng, there is no food in it."

It is not far from here to Zhongnan Mountain, but the carriage is moving slowly, and it is estimated that it will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon.

Where did Li Ji go to find food?

The carriage had gone away, but Li Ji didn't hear it.

Jia Ping'an thought of a title: The famous marshal of the Tang Dynasty died of starvation on the way to Zhongnan Mountain!


Li Jingye yelled a few times heartlessly, and then arranged for someone to chase him.

"Tell Ah Weng, just go and have fun, if you can find a few beauties and come back to be happy, I'll make room for him."

Officials from the Ministry of Households came to Li Jingye's side.

"Li Langzhong, how much does this carriage cost?"

Li Jingye said: "The Yang family's 50% is more."

what rice?

The officials of the household department are going crazy.

Dou Dexuan's goal is to use 70% of the price of Yang's big cars to win a batch of big cars, but at this moment Li Jingye said that they are better than Yang's big cars at only 50% of the price.

"Why is it so cheap?"

"How do I know?" Li Jingye gradually entered the mode of playing tricks.

The household official smiled and said, "I also ask Li Langzhong for advice."

"I don't know either."

Li Jingye really didn't know about it.

"Then who knows?"


The officials of the household department chased after him, but Jia Ping'an had already left.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

Datang is now strong and its territory is constantly expanding, but a problem is imminent.

"There are countless materials transported from all parts of the Central Plains to Anxi and other places every year, but they are quite worn out due to roads and carts. The Yang family's carriage is good, but it is only suitable for the nobles."

Jia Pingan said: "Now the Ministry of Industry has come up with better carts, and the rest is to repair the roads everywhere."

Many people gathered at the court meeting today.

Yan Liben came out of the shift and said: "Your Majesty, many people are needed to repair the roads, but now the weather is getting colder, and the work is too hard..."

Li Zhi asked: "Is it feasible to start construction again in the spring of next year?"

Jia Pingan nodded, "Of course it is possible, but Your Majesty, once Ashina Helu is completely defeated, Tubo should move. Build roads before the war, so that the transportation of materials is convenient."

The faster the better.

Li Zhi nodded, "Civil husband..."


Yan Liben coughed twice at Jia Pingan.

Why do these two courtiers seem to join forces to do something?

"Your Majesty." Jia Ping'an said, "There are a lot of people in Japan."

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Mei.

Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens were conscripted before and after the Silver Mountain of the Kingdom of Japan. It is said that no less than 300 Japanese people die every year due to the poisoning of silver mine companions.

Now, civilian workers are recruited to build roads...the number of civilian workers needed to build roads is not so large.

"Your Majesty, I think the roads in the south should also be repaired."

Jia Pingan looked serious.

Li Zhi sighed.

The country of Wa was terribly harmed by your younger brother!

Wu Mei whispered; "It can save people's energy!"

That's right.

Li Zhi said: "That's fine."

After the dynasty dispersed, Xu Jingzong caught up with Jia Ping'an.

"You said that the day of Turkic defeat was the day when Tubo took action. Is there any basis for that?"

Jia Pingan said: "The Turks were defeated, the Tang Dynasty looked around, and there was no opponent except Tubo. Lu Dongzan was a hero, and he knew that the Tang Dynasty would plan to deal with Tubo later. He didn't dare to wait, the longer the Tang Dynasty waited The stronger the strength is... Tubo has been recharging his energy for many years, just waiting for this one, and he will fight Datang with no distractions, hey! Decide to die!"


Lu Dongzan, Prime Minister of Tubo and the de facto ruler of Tubo, is very busy.

Most of his beard had turned white, and he was sitting behind the desk and staring at the document.

The territory of Tubo is not small, but most of them are scattered everywhere in the form of tribes. In order to rule these tribes, deterrence by force is one aspect, but it must also be subtly influenced culturally and economically.

"Great Prime Minister."

A servant brought tea.


Lu Dongzan raised his eyes and nodded slightly.

The attendant looked at him reverently, backed away slowly, and turned around until he reached the door.

In the eyes of many people, Ludongzan is the founder of Tubo's prosperity. Without Ludongzan, there would be no Tubo that can stand proudly today.

"Great Prime Minister."

Shan Dewu, who manages secret agents, came in.

The last time he and Mande operated in Shule, they failed and were almost wiped out by Jia Pingan in Shule City.

"What is it?

Lu Dongzan put down the paperwork in his hand, took a sip of tea from his teacup, and immediately lifted his spirits.

Shan Dewu said: "Great Minister, the Tang Dynasty sent Xue Rengui as the commander to conquer the Turks."

Lu Dongzan looked down at the tea, with a calm mind, "Xue Rengui has been holding back for many years, and once he goes out, he will definitely be aggressive. Li Zhi sent him here, which means to win a battle."

He raised his eyes, and there was some mockery in his eyes, "Once the Turks are defeated, Datang will look around and have no opponents, so he will naturally focus on Tubo."

Shan Dewu said: "There are secret spies of the Tang people in some cities. The officials are incompetent and have not been found."

"It doesn't matter." Lu Dongzan said: "Once the Turks are destroyed, the Tang Dynasty will take action against Tubo after some repairs. It's about to start..."

Lu Dongzan stood up, "call them."

Half a day later, officials gathered.

"Datang is about to make a move."

Lu Dongzan said: "Keep an eye on the Turks. Once the Turks are defeated, the army is ready to attack."

"Strangle the secret spy of the Tang Dynasty in the city."

"Prepare food and grass."

"Soldiers, practice more."

Lu Dongzan got up, his eyes were cold, "I have been to Chang'an and met Li Shimin, and I saw a thriving Tang Dynasty. This Tang Dynasty has a huge territory, hardworking people, and brave soldiers... Very rich! Such a Tang Dynasty must be a boulder on the road to the rise of Tubo, we have only two options, one is to break this boulder, and the other is..."

He looked at the ministers, and said in a deep voice: "Avoid the war, and bow down to the Tang Dynasty from then on. What do you choose?"

A pair of eyes filled with flames.





In early winter, the climate near the Western Regions is not bad.

"There hasn't been much snow this year, so the grass will not be good next year. If the grass is bad, there will be fewer cattle and sheep, but those tribes want to eat meat. If we don't give them meat, they will eat Ben Khan's meat!"

Ashina Helu looked much older, the skin and flesh of the whole face were relaxed, and the bags under the eyes were astonishingly large.

More than a dozen nobles sat in the tent, drinking wine in silence.

Those herdsmen can't get enough of bran and swallowed vegetables at this moment, they can still drink the best wine and eat the fattest mutton,

Ashina Helu cut a piece of mutton with fat with a knife and ate it, and took another sip of wine, thinking that such a life is not easy.

"Khan." A nobleman put down his knife and said, "We have been hiding in Tibet all these years, so why have we been hiding like this?"

"Yes! Many people in the tribe are dissatisfied with this, saying that we are like lone wolves in the grassland, eating weak sheep and fleeing fierce tigers. The days are getting worse and worse, hey!"

A nobleman said with a solemn expression: "Khan, someone was bewitched the day before yesterday and wanted to flee with someone, but I personally beheaded him. This is a bad omen. If our situation cannot be changed, there will be more and more people like this. When the hearts of the people are scattered, the Turks will perish."

"That's right! Since the last attack on Luntai failed, the people below complained a lot, and some even said..."

The nobleman looked at Ashina Helu, "Khan, they want to change someone."

"Kill them all."

Ashina Helu said it easily, but clenched his fists tightly.

He knew that this was a harbinger of betrayal. If he can't think of a way to reverse this decline, he will die in the hands of a certain nobleman present, and then this person will take over the banner of the Turks and lead the tribe to fight everywhere.

The only way to solve it is to win.

"Just wait, and attack when the weather gets colder."

Ashina Helu said swearingly.

The price of drinking in broad daylight is dizziness.

Ashina Helu dozed off in the tent, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The rapid sound of hoofbeats shattered his dream.

Ashina Helu opened his eyes, "Who?"

He took out the long knife, held the scabbard in his left hand, and the handle in his right hand, pressed the clip, and the long knife came out a little.


A disgraced sergeant entered.

"Khan, Tang Jun is here."

Ashina Helu was startled, "Who? How many people? How far is it?"

"I saw Xue Ziqi."

The nobles came one after another.

"Xue Ziqi, only Xue Rengui."

"There are about 10,000 Tang troops, and more than 30,000 other tribes."

This is Datang's method of warfare: with a small number of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty as the core, supplemented by those who surrendered to the tribe.

forty thousand!

"Tang Jun is very fast, less than two hundred miles away from here."

The tent fell silent, and everyone was looking at Ashina Helu.

In the morning, he was about to say that he would do something, but before he could gather the army, Tang Jun came.

Do you avoid fighting?

He looked at the nobles.

Many people's eyes flickered.

If he avoids the battle again, he will definitely become the prey of these people.

"Tang Jun is here, this is an opportunity."

Ashina Helu gathered all the courage in this life.

He knew he had no way out!

"Gather the warriors, slaughter fat sheep, prepare fine wine, and tell them that we will fight the Tang army to the death. If we win, we will go forward, and if we lose, we will perish together."

The whole Turkic people moved.

Bonfire, wine, fat sheep...

Those Turkic warriors drank good wine and ate fat sheep, and then said goodbye to their wives and children.

As the army gathered, Shina Helu looked into the distance and said, "I won't run away this time!"


Tens of thousands of troops are marching, with cavalry guarding the front, rear, left, and right sides. The Chinese army has a flag with Xue characters, and Xue Rengui is under the flag.

How do you know where the coach is? Look at the banner!

Several cavalry came galloping from the left periphery.

Xue Rengui glanced at them, "The news is coming, is Ashina Helu running away or going to fight this old man?"

As they approached, the scout said: "General Manager, the Turkic people have not escaped, and the army is heading towards our army. There are more than 70,000 people, and the distance is 60 miles."

There was excitement in Xue Rengui's eyes.

"The army slows down!"

Before the war, it is necessary to cultivate the spirit of the troops.

"Rangers attack until they make contact with enemy rangers."

Teams of cavalry rushed out, including the Tang army and the servant army.

"The scouts are looking for opportunities to check the enemy's movements, and pay attention to whether to divide the troops."

"Prepare dry food and fill the water bags of the soldiers."

Everyone suddenly agreed.

The army camped that night.

But the war of the scouts will only begin.

The scouts of both sides kept approaching the other side's camp to observe in the dark, and the scout battle broke out immediately.



The scouts of the Tang Army encountered an ambush in the Tubo camp. After a while of fighting, some scouts disappeared into the night.

Xue Rengui was still awake, looking at the map and pondering.

Before the battle, the general should study the terrain of the preset battlefield and prepare various plans. A good general can take all kinds of unexpected situations into consideration, so he will naturally not rush when going to war.

A small candle was covered, and the light was softly sprinkled in a small area below, which could not be seen from outside the tent.

"Big Manager!"

Someone outside the tent said in a low voice.

"Come in."

Di Renjie looked up, and a scout came in.

"General Manager, the enemy army is still more than 70,000 people."

The Turks did not divide their forces so that he could focus on one direction.

This is good news.

Xue Rengui nodded.

The scouts went out, and someone took them to a tent behind them.

There is a jar of wine in the tent.

"Drink it."

The scouts went in silently.

One bowl of wine per person.

The scouts tipped their wine bowls forward.

The wine was scattered on the ground.

"Fifth, let's go!"

He raised his head, and the drink entered his throat.

Companions are not only the living, but also the dead.

One day in the same robe, life and death are brothers!


On the second day, when the moon was still hanging in the sky, bonfires were lit in the camps on both sides.

Clay pots were set over the fire, and the best food was boiled in them.

The cook yelled, "After this meal, if the next meal is not ready, I have to go underground to eat it. Bring out the best cooking skills and let the brothers have a good meal."


Most of the fat sheep accompanying the army were slaughtered and boiled in clay pots.

The cooks set up another oil pan and threw in the fat that they were reluctant to put in on weekdays.


The fat melts and the fragrance overflows.

Put the noodles in and fry until fragrant.

"dinner time!"

There is no limit to oil cakes, no limit to mutton soup, and a large piece of mutton per person.

"Eat it!"

"That's what the chief executive eats."

After breakfast, some people started to clean up.

The tent was put up and loaded on the cart.

Xue Rengui put down the bowl, "The rangers and scouts set off."

On the other side, the Turkic army who had a full meal was also ready to set off.

"Tang Jun's rangers are fierce."

The rangers and scouts who kept fleeing back brought news of Tang Jun.

"They're on the move."

"lets go."

Ashina Helu put on armor today.

More than 70,000 troops, this is the last elite of the Turks.

He will take these elites to a gamble.

The two sides kept approaching.

When they can see each other, both sides start to slow down.


Ashina Helu looked at Tang Jun.

"At the front are the infantry of the Tang government soldiers, and the cavalry is on the other side."

"Their infantry began to stop. It was a crossbow."

The past battles turned in Ashina Helu's mind.

"We can't wait, the more we wait, the lower morale will be."

Ashina Helu drew his sword.


The array is silent.

"Today is the time to fight to the death."

Ashina Helu's voice echoed in front of the array.

"We won't leave today. Either die here, or defeat Tang Jun!"

He brandished a long knife, "I will follow behind you and never leave!"

In the past, Ashina Helu hid dozens of miles away. When he learned that the front line was defeated, he ran away with his subordinates.

Ashina Helu's statement greatly boosted the morale of the Turks.


The horses are galloping.

Ashina Helu shouted: "Follow!"

Countless horseshoes hit the ground like thunder.

No reserves!

Ashina Helu Stud is gone!

He followed behind the army with a determined look on his face.

The white hair was blown up by the strong wind, which made him look more tragic.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

A wave of crossbow arrows covered.


The arrows kept falling, and the Turks kept approaching.

The archers are on.

"Let the arrow!"


There were many spears ahead, and the Turkic horses slowed down automatically.

It is difficult to cultivate a war horse that can hit the long spear array, and it needs to be practiced many times. If it is not done well, a bunch of people will die...

The spear stabbed intensively.

The arrows in the rear continued to pour.

A Turkic warrior rushed into the array of long spears, and exulted: "The head work is mine!"

call out!

Before he finished speaking, there was an arrow in his throat.

Behind, Xue Rengui drew his bow, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

He raised his spear...


The banner waved, and the Tang army attacked across the board.


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