What happened at the Gastang Palace was narrated in Keira’s voice full of memories:

"Everything is going according to plan..."

"It was like that until Yennefer suddenly appeared and took her into the hall..."


"A girl, about ten years old, with silver hair and big green eyes... As soon as she stepped into the hall, she started to speak prophecies. She talked about the military conflict in the Dole Angra region, and the story of Ge Rivisingen outpost was attacked by the Aedirn army..."

"Everyone in the hall believed her words. Because she was in a trance, and no one would lie in this situation."

Obviously, the only girl who fits this description is Ciri who has ancient blood!

Lu Qi knew it, and Geralt knew it too.

Through Ciri's prophecy in Gastang Palace, the two also learned that the northern countries had long wanted to provoke a war, and that the current king of Redania, Vizmir II, had been assassinated by an assassin. !

When Keira finished explaining everything that happened in the palace, the demon hunter couldn't help but speak quickly:

"What happened next? How is the girl? Where is Yennefer?"

"I don't know. The entire palace has five floors, seventy-six rooms and halls, and many places to escape..."

"The ceiling collapsed, there were spells and arrows everywhere, it was just a massacre.


Speaking of what happened just now, Keira's face couldn't help but show unprecedented fear, and her tone was slightly trembling.

How lucky she was that she could escape from such chaos...

However, after learning about the situation in the palace, Geralt became increasingly anxious.

To him, the two most important women in his life were somewhere in the palace, threatened by danger at all times.

He must find them immediately! Take them to a safe place!

. . .

Just when Geralt, Lu Qi, and Keira entered the palace and started looking for Ciri and Yennefer, they were in the conference hall of Gastang Palace...

"Cough cough cough..."

Coughing from the smoke, Shiri woke up from her trance and realized that she was not in a dream.

Putting her hands on the ground and trying to stand up, Xili found that the ground she touched was very slippery.

Looking down, she realized that she was lying in a pool of blood, with a motionless elf corpse next to her.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded from the side:

"Ciri, stand up!"

Looking around, Ciri saw Yennefer in a black dress and black hair, standing next to a huge column, staring at her with her violet eyes.

In her hand, she also held a short knife.

"Ms. Yennefer? Where are we? I don't remember..."

"It's okay, I'm with you."

Stepping forward and holding the girl's hand, Yennefer immediately took steps:

"follow me!"

The hall that was magnificent not long ago has become a mess after being baptized by magic. Falling ceiling tiles and collapsed boulders can be seen everywhere.

The blazing flames and the spewing smoke enveloped the entire palace.

"Those mages... and those words, I didn't want to do that at all, but I couldn't stop myself! Why, Ms. Yennefer, why?!"

Facing Xili’s doubts and confusion, Yennefer just held her hand.

He bent slightly and walked forward.

Walking through the thick smoke, the two quickly came to the intersection of a certain corridor.

Stopping, the black-haired sorceress turned around, pressed her hands on the girl's shoulders, and said in a deep voice:

"Xili, we don't have time. Listen carefully. Have you seen that staircase? Go down from there..."

Before she could finish speaking, the silver-haired girl grabbed her arm and said:

"No! Don't leave me alone!"

"I must stay! You listen to me, you go down that staircase to the bottom, where there is a door that leads to the stables. There is a horse there, which is specially used for messengers to deliver messages to the Palace of Luoxia. You Mount it and spur it on, just like you learned with Geralt..."

After listening, Xili's eyes were already filled with tears, and she almost begged and said:

"No, I don't want to go alone!"

"Ciri..." The black-haired sorceress reached out and touched the girl's silver hair, and said softly: "I told you, everything I do is for your own good. Believe me, please, run! Get out of here quickly!"

As Ciri held back her tears and walked down the stairs, she heard Yennefer's voice again:

"I love you, my daughter, run..."

. . .

However, before reaching the bottom of the stairs, the way was blocked by two elves.

In desperation, Xili reacted quickly, swept left and right, and then climbed over the handrail of the stairs and fled to the side corridor.

At the end of the corridor is a dead end with only one window.

Hearing the footsteps chasing behind her, Xili gritted her teeth, made a decisive decision, and stepped out of the window.

The sea breeze blew quickly, and Xili was not in the mood to admire the sparkling sea. She leaned against the wall, stepped on the concave and convex parts of the window edge, and slowly moved towards the other window on the side.

At this time, an elf leaned out of the window, looked around, and found the girl who was pressing against the wall:

"We got you, kid!"

Below is the courtyard. Above the courtyard is the remains of a narrow stone bridge. Xili knows that she can escape from these bastards by jumping on it and then jumping down...

At this critical moment, the witcher training she received in Kaer Morhen was finally put to use!

The remains of this stone bridge are no more narrow than Kaer Morhen's "Seesaw."

She has practiced on the "seesaw" many times and knows how to cushion the impact of landing and maintain balance to prevent herself from being injured.

Although the distance between the overpass and the ground seems to be much higher than that of the "seesaw", if you fail to jump and fall directly, you will at least fall half to death.

Swallowing, Xili's eyes quickly became determined, and she jumped forward hard, landing just on the narrow bridge.

Perhaps the force was a little too strong, and he staggered a few times. He quickly grabbed the weather-beaten guardrail and managed to maintain his balance.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the edge of the stone bridge with both hands, and hung his whole body on the stone bridge. After trying to close the distance to the courtyard ground, he immediately let go of his hands!

With a "pop" sound and a roll, Xili successfully landed in the courtyard.

The silver-haired girl who escaped temporarily couldn't help but turn around, imitating the gesture taught to her by the dwarf Yarpen Ziglin, and gestured with her middle finger to the pursuers behind her.

Seeing this, a man wearing black light armor with a scar on his face couldn't help but shouted an order to the elf on the side;

"Jump! Catch her!"

However, the elves did not listen to his command and only responded coldly:

"You're crazy. If you want to dance, dance yourself."

In this way, they could only watch the silver-haired girl disappear into the corridor around the corner...

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