Great Expert Ninja Recruiter

Chapter 627: enlighten

Zhang Miao stared at the string of numbers above the cage. Soon, he realized that the number of strings was not static, but would beat every second.

After a while, the number of "12600" became "12593".

And Zhang Miao also found that as he put his chakra into Naruto's body, the speed of this number would jump a lot faster.

Seeing this scene, he immediately understood it.

"It seems that these numbers are the countdown of Naruto's runaway time. Under normal circumstances, a number represents one second, but my chakra can speed up this number and reduce it. When the number returns to zero, the nine tail will be closed again. Go in and Naruto will be released and the runaway will end. "

In just a few seconds, Zhang Miao figured it all out.

At this time, Naruto inside also noticed him, and then shouted at him in surprise.

"Brother? Why are you here?"

"Huh?" Zhang Miao raised her eyebrows when she heard Naruto's question, and asked him, "So how are you here?"

"I don't know!" After hearing Zhang Miao's question, Naruto immediately lowered her head with a look of frustration. "I seemed to hear your brother's voice just now. When I reacted, I was already here. "

"Is it……"

After hearing Naruto ’s explanation, Zhang Miao knew that this was “the majesty controlled by his brother” at work, so he immediately sat down outside the cage and opened his mouth again.

"It looks like a lot of things have happened, if you don't mind, tell me."

"Uh ... okay!"

Naruto would never refuse the request of his most revered brother. He immediately said everything after Zhang Miao left the village.

When it comes to running and Kakashi being killed by Payne, and the wooden leaf village is also destroyed, he has become crying, his face full of sadness and anger.

"Teacher Ye, and Teacher Kakashi, everyone ... was killed by Payne, I ... I'm going to knock him down!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Miao was silent for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.

"Naruto, in fact, Payne was also used."

"This is impossible!"

As soon as Zhang Miao's words fell, Naruto immediately shook her head resolutely.

"Pain is so strong that it cannot be used by others, and I can see that he really hates Konoha, and he himself said that his village was destroyed by Konoha's ninja!"

"Because of this, he will be exploited!"

At this point, Zhang Miao took a deep breath, and then repeated what Feng Fengshuimen said in her memory toward Naruto.

"Naruto, human beings are born to save what they cherish. As long as love exists, hatred is born, and ninjas are used by hatred.

As long as there is hatred, then even if you beat Payne this time, there will be other people like Payne next time.

Although Lai and Kakashi were killed by Penn, in the final analysis, it is this Penn world that gave birth to that Penn. It is the murderer who killed everyone. The ninja wants to hate this. fighting.

He hasn't found a way to end this hatred, so he left the task to you. Can you appreciate his painstaking efforts? "

After hearing Zhang Miao's words, Naruto nodded his head first, then shook his head.

"I can appreciate the painstaking efforts of the teacher, but even so, I still cannot forgive Payne. Brother, tell me, what should I do?"

"I don't know, you need to find this answer yourself!" Faced with Naruto's question, Zhang Miao could only help shrug his shoulders.

Seeing this scene, Naruto immediately became anxious.

"What you do n’t even know about the teacher and the elder brother, how can I figure it out? You are too wayward, my mind is not bright, and I am not a powerful ninja, and I ..."

"It's ok!"

Before Naruto finished speaking, Zhang Miao smiled and put her hand into the cage, then grabbed his head.

"You will surely find the answer. I believe in you. Whenever and whatever choice you make, I believe in you. If you ask why, it is because you are my younger brother, the future Naruto-Vortex. Naruto! "

"Brother ... you ..." Naruto didn't expect Zhang Miao to say that, and he was frustrated for a while.

Looking at his godlike look, Zhang Miao rubbed his head again, then squeezed his eyes towards him.

"Well, this is the end of the chat, you should have a lot of work to do, wait a moment, and it will be all right!"

After speaking, Zhang Miao pulled her hand out of the cage, grabbed the railing of the iron cage outside, and then fully input Chakra, and the number on the iron cage, like the number of the oil meter, jumped quickly.

12491 ...

11400 ...

10222 ...

9100 ...

Under the injection of Zhang Miao's huge chakra, the number above the iron cage jumped down almost a thousand numbers per second, and soon there were only single digits left.

At this time, Zhang Miao also stopped her movements, and then looked at Naruto in the iron cage again.

"Naruto, it's all I have to do, the rest is up to you, come on!"

After speaking, without waiting for Naruto to answer, Zhang Miao left his spiritual world directly, and at the same time he lifted the Vajra blockade wrapped around the starburst star.

The moment Zhang Miao lifted the blockade of King Kong, Nine-tailed Naruto also broke free from the starburst star.

Seeing this scene, Tiandao Payne immediately folded his hands, and it seemed that he was preparing to release a stronger Earthburst star.

However, he hadn't waited for his shot, but found that Nine-Tailed Naruto, who had broken free of the starburst star, suddenly disappeared and replaced with Naruto, which restored the human form.

"Nine tails disappeared?"

Seeing this scene, Tiandao Payne suddenly looked surprised.

"And it can be seen from his eyes that he is no longer confused. What happened? Is he already able to control Jiuwei?"

And when he was surprised, Naruto, who had already restored human form, leapt down and came to him.

"Take me to see your body, I want to talk to him directly!"

Naruto was able to make this request, obviously because he already had his own plan, but Nagato was not so easy to convince, so the two fought again.

At this time, Nagato had not recovered from the side effects of the Earthburst star that had just been used, and the combat effectiveness had been greatly affected, but Naruto had basically recovered due to Zhang Miao's massive Chakra injection.

With these changes, Naruto soon gained the upper hand.

Finally, Naruto's five-second cooling time of Zhun Tiandao Penn Shen Luo Tianzheng directly pressed a spiral pill and knocked Tiandao Penn to the ground.

Tiandao Payne was originally Yahiko's body, but was only able to act because he was controlled by the long gate through a black stick.

Now overwhelmed by Naruto, after losing control of Nagato, he becomes a corpse again and can no longer move.

Naruto at this time had learned the nature of Payne from his uncle, so when he knocked down Tiandao Payne, he took out the black sticks on the latter and exhaled a long breath.

"He shouldn't be able to move anymore!"

After that, he took out another black stick from Tiandao Payne, pierced it into his own hand, and closed his eyes.

Soon, he opened his eyes.

"found it!"

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