Great Entrepreneur Reborn

Chapter 715: Zhao Shenger's helplessness

Zhao Sheng'er did not choose to leave immediately, which was her biggest mistake. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

Liu Jian is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he also drank alcohol and was stimulated, after waking up, he remembered that it was not one woman who accompanied him last night, but two.

If there are two, there is no doubt that one of them is Zhao Sheng'er, after all, there are no other women in this room, it can only be the two of them.

Thinking of this, Liu Jian had a headache.

He likes beautiful women, and he also likes wives, but Zhao Sheng'er is the wife of his subordinate, and she is also a very capable subordinate. If such a thing gets out, it is not a good thing, and everyone may be in danger.

Seeing Liu Yanna come in with a lost smile, Liu Jian said with a grim expression, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Liu Yanna closed the door and whispered: "Be quiet, don't let her hear it."

"What do you think you're doing? Rabbits don't even eat grass beside their nests! I'm worse than a rabbit?" Liu Jian said.

Liu Yanna climbed onto the bed, got into Liu Jian's arms and said, "Don't say anything else, were you happy yesterday?"

Liu Jian snorted and said, "If you're drunk, then you don't know what happiness is!"

Liu Yanna smiled and said, "Okay, let's come again later to taste the taste."

Liu Jian pointed at Liu Yanna angrily and said, "Tell me what you think!"

Liu Yanna snorted and said, "Aren't I doing this for your own good?"

Seeing Liu Jian's expression still a little unhappy, Liu Yanna leaned into Liu Jian's ear and said, "Don't think that I don't know what you think. Look at those women of yours, they are unscrupulous, and you don't want to do anything. How about Zhao Shenger? She is a beautiful woman, she is still a wife, and she works in the headquarters of the group company. What a lover. She loves her husband deeply and cannot divorce her. But she was raped by you again, and she can only give in to you helplessly. Don’t you feel very excited ?"

Liu Jian gasped, how could this woman know her mind so clearly, Liu Jian looked at Liu Yanna in surprise.

Liu Yanna lowered her head and smiled and said, "It's so strange that I can guess your thoughts. Don't forget what I am, a human resources manager. I look at people's hearts. I can't guess your little thoughts."

Angrily, Liu Jian kissed Liu Yanna's face fiercely and said, "You little fairy!"

Liu Yanna smiled and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied with this gift?"

Only then did Liu Jian realize that the gift Liu Yanna was talking about was actually this, he hadn't thought of it.

Sure enough, if a woman really made up her mind to be with a man, she could do anything. Liu Yanna brought Liu Jian a huge surprise. Do you have several surprise fruits?

Liu Jian asked, "Then what should I do now?"

Liu Yanna smiled and said: "She was persuaded to come down, but she didn't leave, which means we still have one more day to use. You pretend to be black, and I pretend to be red, so she can't escape from our grasp."

Liu Jian looked at Liu Yanna in surprise, he didn't expect Liu Yanna to be so cruel.

Liu Yanna smiled and said: "You can't think of it, she is in a dangerous period these days. Keep her and cultivate her well. She is very likely to be pregnant. At that time, she will not be able to refuse. Her husband Working hard for you, and her wife serving you hard, how excited are you?"

Liu Jian's face became agitated, and his body shook. He was excited by Liu Yanna's words.

Pressing Liu Yanna on the bed, kissed her fiercely, and said with a smirk: "You bitch, I didn't expect you to have such a bad idea. It seems that I underestimated you before."

Liu Yanna struggled lightly and said: "Okay, save your strength for her, don't waste it on me."

Liu Jian sat up and said: "Okay, I will credit you. Sister Liu, I found that you are really my lucky star. I love you to death."

Liu Yanna was very happy to hear that Liu Jian was so excited.

Now she puts all her thoughts on Liu Jian's heart. In order to win Liu Jian's favor, she will do everything. Of course, she is also to compete with those women. Who is she, Liu Yanna, and she can't be afraid of them.

Don't think that everyone has allies and backers, but she doesn't have one.

No, can I, Liu Yanna, still not know how to look for it?

Who am I, I am the woman who knows the heart most clearly.

Liu Jian didn't know that Liu Yanna had so many thoughts in his heart, he couldn't wait to taste that young woman again. After all, the memory of last night was too vague, and I couldn't remember many flavors clearly.

Zhao Sheng'er finally calmed down, crying aggrievedly in the small bedroom.

Everything about yesterday is still a nightmare when she thinks about it now, especially when she thinks about her husband, she is even more sad. She really loves her husband and wishes to be with him all the time. If her husband hadn't worked himself to death for work, they would have lived together earlier, and such a thing would not have happened.

Zhao Sheng'er never thought that all of this was a trap, let alone that Liu Yanna had thought of this long ago, otherwise she wouldn't dare to stay here for a moment.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, Zhao Sheng'er said without looking back: "Sister Liu, I will stay by myself for a while!"

The door was closed, and then footsteps sounded, she looked back in surprise, her face turned red, it turned out that Liu Jian came over, and said helplessly: "Boss, why are you here?"

I secretly groaned in my heart, what's going on, sister Liu went there, my God, what should I do, how should I face him?

Before Zhao Sheng'er could think about how to talk to Liu Jian, Liu Jian had already walked up to her and put his arms around her.

Zhao Sheng'er was startled, struggled hastily, and shouted: "What are you doing, what are you doing!"

Liu Jian's deep voice sounded, causing Zhao Sheng'er to lose all strength.

"You don't want Rubeus to know what happened last night!"

With such a simple sentence, Zhao Sheng'er's defenses were broken, and she trembled uncontrollably. My God, if Lu Bo found out that she drank too much and such a shameful thing happened, would Lu Bo still want herself.

You must know that she had waited for more than ten years for this man Lu Bo, and after her sister died of illness, she had chased him for several years, so that the two of them could be together. It can be said that her entire love life and career revolved around this Lu Bo. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Lu Bo knew about it?

Seeing that Zhao Sheng'er was stunned and stopped resisting, Liu Jian couldn't help admiring Liu Yanna, this woman is really powerful, she even firmly grasped Zhao Sheng'er's lifeline, and indeed Lu Bo was her lifeline.

Thinking of this, Liu Jian didn't hesitate anymore, stretched out his hands and pushed Zhao Sheng'er down on the bed.

Tears flowed from the corners of Zhao Sheng'er's eyes.

"Don't worry, as long as you obey me, I won't tell others!" Liu Jian said.

Zhao Sheng'er closed her eyes, tears of grievance kept flowing.

Soon Liu Jian was on top of her, pulling this pure young woman further into the abyss of depravity. From this moment on, she could no longer get rid of Liu Jian's entanglement, because this time she was in a conscious state. Next, follow Liu Jian's order.

Let this strange man press on her body, attacking her over and over again.

Zhao Sheng'er suddenly felt a joy she had never experienced This was something that Lu Bo had never brought to her. She is such a big joy.

Gradually she got lost, she was immersed in it, she unknowingly cooperated with Liu Jian to come, even forgot that she was forced, and even more forgot that she was in a safe period, when Liu Jian shivered and fell on her Then, she suddenly woke up.

Zhao Sheng'er's face became extremely pale. Just now, her body betrayed her, she actually enjoyed it, and even her heart almost sank. Zhao Sheng'er trembled all over, how could this happen, this feeling of betrayal was more harmful than Liu Jian's harm to her.

God, how did I become such a shameless woman.

Zhao Sheng'er covered her face with her hands helplessly, and she couldn't say a word.

She didn't know that in order to make her feel happy, Liu Jian had exhausted 18 kinds of martial arts, let alone a long-lost resentful woman, even a young lady who had finished her postgraduate entrance examination would be conquered by Liu Jian.

Liu Jian stood up, put on his clothes in satisfaction, patted Zhao Sheng'er's thigh and said, "Yes, I'm very satisfied! I'll be looking for you."

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