Great Creator

Chapter 48 The Flood Comes

In fact, Huang Si is now in the land boundary, but not in the biology department, but in the robot research and development department.

He's working on a big design.

This makes him busier than any artificial intelligence, and Xiao Ke is also fully assisting him.

Huang Si makes a lot of metal materials every day, tests them one by one, and discards any problems.

The robot research and development department is quite far from the biology department, so most of the artificial intelligences don't know that Huang Si is busy here.

And he didn't use prosthetics either.

When the prosthesis is not used, no one can see Huang Si. Except for Xiao Ke.

After the rough outline was completed, Huang Si called Wei Ji.

It was Weiji's first visit to the robot research and development department, if Huang Si hadn't been using his consciousness to guide him, he would have almost lost his way.

You must know that the territory is very large, and artificial intelligence has never been to many departments in it.

Huang Si is in a greenhouse in the robot research and development department, which is unusually large.

As soon as Weiji entered the shed, he was shocked.

Under the sunlight, the shadow of that huge object shrouded Weiji inside.

He raised his head to barely see the whole picture of the thing.

"Father God, is this...?" Wei Ji asked.

"This is a man's romance." Huang Si stood beside him and said, "From today on, you don't have to go to the Biology Department. Help me here."

Weiji doesn't know why.

While Huang Si was busy tinkering with Wei Ji on the new device, the time in the green world was also passing by quickly.

The pointer of fate moved forward like flying, and soon, the moment of disaster came.

One day, Xiao Ke received an emergency message.

According to global big data climate calculations, in less than a hundred years, the 68th year, that is, two years from now, the flood will come.

Continent 1 of the Green World, summer was only cloudy and rainy at first.

Later, the rain didn't stop, but it kept getting bigger and bigger.

In the human-inhabited area, there are two big rivers and three smaller rivers.

Days of rain made the upper reaches of the river unable to bear the pressure of the water body, and the embankments collapsed one after another.

Among the four major tribes of the human race, except for the Shengong tribe in the south, which has Fangshan as its core support and thus suffered less damage, the other areas were all caught in severe floods.

However, the casualties were not particularly serious.

"Thank you Great Ancestor God, thank you Moon Goddess."

The water had already flooded the entire village, but most of it was moved to a slightly higher ground by means of the wooden boats that had been prepared.

Here is a part of the food buried by everyone in the village before, and it just comes in handy now.

Now kneeling on the ground and murmuring thanks to the gods are many old people in the village.

After the young and middle-aged villagers rescued the elderly and children, they went to prepare tools for disaster relief.

So now on the mountain, there are only old people, children and some frail women.

"How can you call me a girl?" A wizard-like woman said dumbfoundedly: "The moon god is also a god, so you can't be called in a human way."

"But when I look at Miss Luna, she is very kind." A grandma said reminiscently, "If Miss Luna hadn't taught us how to make a canoe, and the god of ancestors had given us an oracle to hoard food, now we all I’m afraid that even a few people in the village won’t be able to survive.”

Hearing this, a 10-year-old boy in the crowd said bluntly: "Yes! The moon god is really beautiful! As expected of the great god in the sky, I have never seen such a beautiful person!"

The female wizard quickly made a prayer gesture, and then said: "Be respectful to God, and don't talk about God's appearance."

The boy's elders also quickly scolded the boy and led him away.

The same situation is happening in many places in this land.

Before the flood came, there were already many omens, plus the gods of the ancestors continued to send oracles to make people prepare in advance, and various gods came to the world to teach people various knowledge.

Therefore, when the flood really came, many places had taken precautions. Only a small number of people were washed away by the flood, and most of them survived temporarily.

However, there are also some places that are still facing a great crisis due to various reasons.

Green world, a human settlement, a small village in the barren river tribe.

This small village named Lihe Village is located beside the Lihe River.

The Li River is a tributary of the Fu River, one of the two major rivers.

Today, people in the village are building the embankment with soil and stones.

Loads of soil were sent up in rattan baskets in turn, and the people above used stone shovels to change the soil on the river embankment and flatten it.

Here are almost all the people in the village who are still able to work.

In their view, the only way to survive the rising river is to build the embankment continuously upwards.

Everyone's bodies were covered in mud, and the heavy rain washed them out of gullies.

These people didn't dare to stop, and only wiped it hastily when the mud covered their eyes.

"The water has risen again." Uncle Ax looked at the wooden pole he had placed by the water before, "No way, we don't have enough manpower, Xiao Jiu is back yet?"

Another person looked up at the road in the village: "Not yet, I'm so anxious, didn't the headman say he would help us? If Xiaojiu finds them, he should be able to bring someone over to help right away. !"

A woman named Musao tossed her hair, wiped the muddy water all over her face, and said angrily: "You still count on the leader! We are going to build an embankment here today, isn't it all caused by the leader?"

Uncle Fu's expression was gloomy: "What you are saying is that at the beginning, the great god of the ancestors sent a divine omen, asking us to stockpile grain, build embankments, and build ships to prepare for disasters. But the headman said that there would be no floods, and even drove away the wizards."

Mrs. Mu shouted hoarsely: "Yes, we don't even know how to build boats now. I heard that other villages have boats."

A man said: "Don't be angry, let's continue to build dikes, as long as we block the water, not only can we all survive, but our home can also be kept."

A middle-aged man sneered when he heard the words: "Can't stop it? Let everyone in the family die together?"

"Let's wait for the headman." Uncle Ax said, "The headman has hands and tools, and he will definitely save us."

On the road from Lihe Village to the area where the headman lived, a young man named Cao Jiu was running in a hurry.

He has a dark complexion, and although his arms and legs are thin, he is very powerful when he runs.

Cao Jiu is only seventeen years old, but he is agile and the fastest runner in the village.

Usually, if everyone has any errands to run, they will be handed over to him.

And he happily complied.

Cao Jiu is an orphan.

His father is from the village, and his mother escaped from the war.

My mother's health was not very good. When Cao Jiu was born, she died of dystocia.

Cao Jiu was put in the grass when he was born, and his father saved his mother, so there was no time to take care of him.

Later, if it weren't for an aunt in the village who had just given birth to quickly breastfeed Cao Jiu, Cao Jiu would have died as soon as she was born.

According to the custom in the village, Dad was named Cao Jiu because he was the ninth child of this generation in the village.

Cao Jiu was brought up by the whole village in turn.

When he was eight years old, his father died.

He was killed when he went out to fight for the leader. Cao Jiu didn't even see his father's body, and no one brought it back.

Later, Cao Jiu became a child of the whole village.

But now, Cao Jiu, who was running back, had a look of despair on his face.

He didn't know how to face the folks waiting for him on the embankment.

On the embankment, Uncle Fu suddenly shouted: "Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu is back!"

All the villagers suddenly ignited hope and looked back one after another.

However, their smiles froze on their faces.

"Where's the leader? Where's the leader's fighters? Why didn't you come along?"

"Could it be..."

Cao Jiu quickly ran up the embankment, crying loudly:

"Headman, he led the people away! He took everything away!"

These words shocked the villagers present like a bolt from the blue.

It is impossible for them alone to stop the flood, but the leader has soldiers and various tools. If the leader comes together, they may be able to stop it and save the whole village .

He was the one who didn't take precautions against the flood. How could he leave the whole village and escape when the flood came?

The leader is the one who protects one side, and the three villages here rely on him, so why did he just leave?

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