Great Artist

Chapter 623: run away

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what happened? Not William Bell!

Catherine Bell's eyes narrowed slightly. impossible. This man, the man she once loved madly, how could she admit that she was wrong. Even though twenty years have passed, those eyebrows, that smile, and that temperament, after years of sculpting, have restrained the radiance of the public, and gradually settled between the eyebrows. However, he was still him, the man who made her run barefoot desperately. Between his brows, Catherine Bell can even see the shadows of Evan and Teddy, the two brothers who are so similar to him.

But...he said his name was Edward Schmidt.

Catherine Bell tried to find the hidden message in the man's eyes, but she failed. She only saw a piece of sincerity and smile, as well as the light when a man pursues a nv person. No wonder, no wonder he didn't know himself, no wonder he called himself "Miss Bell", no wonder he didn't panic and feel sad because of any guilt.

Catherine Bell suddenly realized that she had an oolong, and she recognized the wrong person. Did she really admit the wrong person?

In 1939, a study showed that you can find twenty-three people in the world who have a similar face to yourself. Although there are no two identical leaves in the world, the similarity is still possible. Perhaps, this man named Edward Schmidt is the twenty-third of William Bell.

However, Catherine Bell discovered at this time that she had mistakenly thought that she saw William Bell again after a lapse of twenty years, but she was so big. What does this mean? Could it be that his past 20 years are all false? This sudden thought made Catherine Bell suddenly panic.

Three nv people play one show. when two men are together. It is often very plain, but when these two men become competitors in pursuit of the same nvxìng. It is the fire of four shades.

When Dibbos Francis came to Eleven to design custom suits, he fell bit by bit in the charm of Katherine Bell. When he found himself in love with this elegant nv person. Fearing that his reckless confession would be too abrupt, he started giving roses to express his love. Dibbos-Francis only discovered it after the act had begun. I don't even know how to speak anymore. Therefore, this delay has been until now.

Dibbos Francis inadvertently knew that there were other suitors, and of course he knew that with the charm of Catherine Bell, there were naturally many suitors. ~~He once saw someone directly confessed to Catherine Bell at No. 11 Prince Street. This elegant nv person smiled gently but firmly rejected the other party. Only, this time the suitors are bold and direct. It gave Dibbos-Francis a sense of crisis, and he finally made up his mind to confess. But he didn't expect that the timing of his confession seemed to be wrong, and he actually met the competitor who made him feel a sense of crisis.

This is Edward Schmidt's second visit to 11 Princes Street. Since the last time I saw Catherine Bell at Walmart, almost at the moment of meeting, he was overwhelmed by Catherine Bell's charm and fell in love at first sight! Edward Schmidt did his best to find out about 11 Princes Street. In fact, the process of inquiring is not too difficult. There is Evan Bell, the famous son, and Kathryn Bell is preparing for the upcoming fashion week. The magazine interviewed Kathryn Bell alone, and he has already done four. so. After Edward Schmidt found out about Katherine Bell, he went to mén with a rose.

Unfortunately. Edward Schmidt was not lucky when he first arrived at 11 Princes Street. Without seeing Catherine Bell, he gave the rose huāāo to a young man who came out of Eleven Princes Street - later he learned that this young man was Evan Bell, Catherine Bell's youngest son. Today Edward Schmidt took the rose to mén again. He was lucky and met Catherine Bell.

But to Edward Schmidt's surprise, Catherine Bell seemed to have a huge hostility when she saw her. Very suspicious, have you ever offended Catherine Bell? But Edward Schmidt was sure that his last meeting at Walmart was definitely his first with Katherine Bell, and he fell in love right away. Could it be... Edward Schmidt looked up in the direction where Catherine Bell disappeared, róu rubbed his slightly aching head, and seemed to have thought of something, but before he could go further, a competitor appeared.

Holding a rose huā, dressing up properly, not a competitor, this made Edward Schmidt immediately put aside the thoughts in his mind and walked up nervously. The next thing is very clear.

Dippers-Francis and Edward Schmidt's eyes met in the air, whether it was the slightly shy Dippers-Francis or Edward Schmidt, who was always dashing, all of them suddenly became angry. , the dialogue between men and men, the kind of faint contest burst out in the air.

The two men were fighting with their eyes in front of her eyes, but Catherine Bell didn't have the heart to pay attention to it. She was thinking very much now, and she mistook others for William Bell, and as a result, she panicked. This is for Catherine Bell. , there is too much information to accept. As for the matter of the two suitors, Catherine Bell has no intention to pay attention to it.

Forcefully suppressing the panic in her heart, Catherine Bell raised her head and pulled out a smile, "Mr. Francis, Mr. Schmidt, thank you for coming. However, I'm a little uncomfortable today, so I'll take my leave. "

The two men suddenly turned their eyes away and scrambled to say something to Catherine Bell, but Catherine Bell didn't give them a chance. She reluctantly pursed the corners of her mouth, then turned and walked into 11 Prince Street. Although the Eleventh design was to welcome guests, neither of the two men followed, but watched Catherine Bell's slightly lonely figure disappear into the eagle.

Debs-Francis and Edward-Schmidt looked at each other, gestured to each other with rusty and wary eyes, nodded with a smile, and turned around in unison, Deb.-Francis to the right, Edward-Schmidt to the left , The two of them tacitly faced their competitors with their backs, stepped forward and drifted away.

Walking into the distance, Edward Schmidt handed the remaining bunch of roses in his hand to a young man on the roadside, winning an inexplicable expression from the young man; while Dibbos-Francis took the rose and walked a long way , and finally put the rose huā in the garbage pile by the roadside. The two of them didn't look back, and disappeared a little bit under the light of the setting sun.

Back upstairs, Catherine Bell sat down in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, staring at the sunset outside. She finally had time to sort out her panicked thoughts.

Why, why, when she saw that face that looked exactly like William Bell, would she think of a woman as big as a child, isn't the lessons of the past twenty years not enough?

Catherine Bell originally thought that when she saw William Bell again, she would be indifferent and calm, as if seeing an old friend, smiling and talking about what happened in the past. Because she has always been sure that she has let go, no matter why William Bell left in the first place, or why he left his mother and son for 20 years and never met, the past is gone, and she can treat that man calmly .

But she found that she was panic-stricken like a sixteen-year-old girl, her mind was controlled by anger, sadness and pain, she almost rushed to tear up the man's face, and asked him: why, why , why...there are so many whys, she doesn't even know where to start.

Why? Why is she so stupid.

Catherine Bell róu róu her own sun xùe. The elegant and refined face was relieved of fatigue, and the traces left by the years on her face quietly appeared. No matter how well-kept Catherine Bell has been in recent years, the price she paid when she was young was finally brought on her eyebrows. indelible traces.

That man named William Bell is a thing of the past, he is an irreplaceable part of his life, because he has brought him two wonderful sons. However, he disappeared from her life as early as 20 years ago, what about resentment, anger, pain, even if she got countless "why" answers, she really wanted an answer ? Still the unreconciled unwillingness in the bottom of my heart.

Not long ago, on Savile Row, now the man who resembles William Bell, the elements that have not appeared in Catherine Bell in the past 20 years began to pop up one by one. Let it go, only by truly letting go can you liberate yourself and start a new life. For the past two decades, Kathryn Bell thought she had let go, but today's gaffe made her know that she still hasn't completely forgotten. But reason told her that she should let go.

It's like treating Savile Row. Katherine, Teddy and Evan, this is the Bell family, a complete family. There is no need to add other people and other factors. To let go is not to forgive, but to let go of yourself.

Catherine Bell took a deep Looking at the sunset burning like flames in the sky, her expression gradually calmed down.

Eden Hudson walked upstairs, only to find that the house was dark, and the faint figure of Catherine Bell could be seen through the faint light in the sky. Eden Hudson's footsteps paused slightly, and he hesitated before speaking, "Catherine?"

Catherine Bell was startled by the sound. She turned her head sharply and found out that it was Eden Hudson. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Eden, order takeout tonight, I'm too lazy to cook." After a while, Catherine Bell went on to say, "Can you give me my phone? On the coffee table. I think I'll be in Paris tomorrow to get ready for fashion week."

"Tomorrow?" Eden Hudson's words were as brief as ever.

"Well. If you want to interview models, it's better to go early." Catherine Bell's tone was relaxed and cheerful, with a hint of anticipation. However, the face hidden in the dark night has an undisguised stiffness.

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