Great Artist

Chapter 557: goodbye godfather

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For Evan Bell's impression, Steve Jobs has been stuck in the profound picture when he met at Harvard two years ago. Evan Bell in a suit and tie was seen on Broadway again, which made Steve Jobs look at Evan Bell again.

After the "Nine" performance, Steve Jobs did not leave immediately, but stayed in the box to chat with Lee Kelleher. However, until the audience was gone, Steve Jobs did not see Evan Bell, who came to the VIP box to greet him.

Generally speaking, the people who can enter the VIP box are the well-known people in the society. After the performance, the actors come to say hello. This is definitely a good time to "court up" the big guys. Disney, Twentieth Century Fox, Microsoft, Warner Records... any one of them is a mega company. But Evan Bell did not show up.

Lee Kelleher saw the suspicion of Steve Jobs, and he seemed to have no intention of bringing up an anecdote, and said casually, "Evan said that the audience in the VIP box is just an ordinary audience. Here is the Broadway, not a party."

Evan Bell's meaning is very clear, this is a Broadway show, a very professional occasion, not a social occasion to win over relationships. This knowledge alone, as well as this courage, is indeed worthy of admiration for such bigwigs as Lee Kelleher and Steve Jobs.

So, Steve Jobs just left that night.

A week later, Steve Jobs and his friend John Lasseter took to Broadway again to watch "Nine," this time in the box of current Disney chairman Dick Cook. However, watching the show with Steve Jobs was not Dick Cook, who has dedicated nearly two decades of his life as Disney chairman, but Michael Isner, Disney's current executive. This time, Steve Jobs left after watching the performance.

When Teddy Bell has acquired more than two million shares in the market. Steve Jobs met Evan Bell in the name of Andy Rosen for a meeting titled "The Difficulties Encountered in the Development of iTunes." Now, because of the challenges of Sony, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard and other companies, the challenges facing iTunes will become more and more severe. Of course, Steve Jobs doesn't need to borrow Evan Bell's wisdom at all, Apple already has enough good people inside. Meet Evan Bell today, iTunes is a cover, and the recent purchase of Apple stock by Evan Bell is the real purpose.

Andy Rosen, because of the rapid development of iTunes in the past two years, he has become a hot figure in social situations. but. His personality still hasn't improved much, he is still calm and taciturn when we met last time, but his mind is delicate and his thoughts are quick.

"You mean the TV series market?" Andy Rosen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Evan Bell to have no opinion on iTunes' competition in music. Instead, he suggested that iTunes could open up audiences for TV series and movie markets.

"Yes, you can provide legal download of movies and TV series. Like DVD, rent or buy, the price is different." Evan Bell has a clear understanding of the future development of iTunes, in fact. After iTunes is connected to d and ne, it can be regarded as a small computer and provides various services. At present, the d produced by Apple is just a simple portable music player and has no other functions, so the development of iTunes is relatively limited.

Andy Rosen fell into silence, and began to expand his mind in his mind. At this time, there were only Andy Rosen and Evan Bell in the conference room. This was not a formal meeting. So neither side is equipped with an assistant. And Steve Jobs is nowhere to be seen.

"Is there a detailed plan?" Andy Rosen just mentioned it casually. Even if there is no plan, now that Apple has an idea, Apple itself can write a very impressive business plan.

Evan Bell smiled and said, "My fees are very expensive." This joke also made Andy Rosen chuckle. shy. It made Evan Bell suddenly feel very bold, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Indeed, at your current level, it's understandable to charge more." Andy Rosen nodded in approval with a smile.

"Andy, you asked me over today to ask about the development plan of iTunes." Evan Bell looked at Andy Rosen meaningfully with a playful smile on his face.

Today's meeting is different from the negotiations with Warner Bros. Barry Mayer some time ago. That is a business negotiation, involving interests, both sides hide their true intentions, and swords and swords are often hidden in the depths of language. But Evan Bell is now a worthy shareholder of Apple, and there is no interest competition between them. The better the development of Apple. The more Evan Bell benefits. Therefore, Evan Bell did not go around, but directly said what was in his heart.

There was no change in Andy Rosen's flat expression, but the smile was bigger, "No. Your idea has surprised our colleagues in the creative department many times. I believe this time, it will not. Exceptionally, at least, you have surprised me." After speaking, Andy Rosen did not refuse any more and stood up, "Besides, you are now a major shareholder of our company, help Isn't it right that we solve internal problems?"

Looking at the calm light in Evan Bell's eyes, Andy Rosen pointed to the door of the conference room, "Let's go. Steve is waiting for you next door."

After Andy Rosen directed Evan Bell to the door of the next conference room, he motioned for Evan Bell to go in by himself, and then he said goodbye and left.

Pushing open the frosted glass door, Evan Bell saw Steve Jobs reading a book inside, and realized that someone had come in. The godfather-level figure in the hearts of countless Apple controllers was still wearing a black T-shirt. Ordinary dress, as ordinary as the uncle you can see everywhere on the streets of Silicon Valley.

"You came a little faster than I thought." Steve Jobs didn't hide his little trick just now, using Andy Rosen to conduct a quiz on Evan Bell. The result of the test is that Evan Bell did not deliberately delay time and rhetoric, but instead stated his guesses in a straightforward manner.

This once again confirms what Steve Jobs said about Evan Bell before: he knows his situation well, and his cards, and he also knows what choices are wise in this situation. Evan Bell didn't hide his actions to buy stock, so it's not unusual for Steve Jobs to find Evan Bell. The point is, Evan Bell is curious about the reason why Steve Jobs contacted him, after all, Apple has absolutely countless individual shareholders; and Steve Jobs is also curious about the reason why Evan Bell bought the stock, is it for Apple The company has blind self-confidence - why, or something else.

"You came to me faster than I thought." Evan Bell returned the same sentence to Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs and Evan Bell clasped their hands together above the conference table, exchanged glances for a moment, and sat up smiling.

"This is the second time you've bought Apple stock, and it's the darkest bottom in Apple's history, and your investment behavior seems to be losing money all the time." Steve Jobs did not watch Broadway "Nine" The matter is the opening of the courtesy, but it is straight to the point. As the godfather of Apple, Steve Jobs' shrewdness has long since been proven, and he is also very clear that today is not a negotiation, nor a questioning, just an exchange, so there is no need to intrigue.

"Mr. Jobs, I remember you asked me this question last time. At that time, my answer was, doesn't Mr. Jobs have confidence in his company? Now, my answer is still the same." Evan Bell also Without hiding anything, he directly stated his thoughts, "Of course, Mr. Jobs will definitely think that my first investment has already lost money, and it seems not a wise choice to make a second investment now. But the fact is that On the contrary, because I have enough confidence in iTunes -- it's my own plan, and I have confidence in Apple's development in computers."

Steve Jobs leaned back comfortably, his eyes locked on Evan Bell through the pair of circular lenses, as if listening intently.

Evan Bell is also very comfortable. Talking about Apple's development is like chatting about the weather outside. This is why Apple's market share has dropped. But behind the decline in market share is the spread of Apple's word of mouth. Now, Apple has launched a series of measures for d. I believe that the recovery of market share will be a matter of time. "I estimate that by next year at the most, Apple's market share will start to increase."

In fact, the fact that Apple is now in a quagmire is more an outbreak of problems that Apple has accumulated for a long time, not a mistake in the company's decision-making. As the policy effects of the decision-making level begin to appear, the problems accumulated by Apple in the past ten years will be gradually solved, and after the word of mouth of the computer spreads, it is the spring of Apple.

The most important thing is that Apple has become famous by relying on its powerful expansion capabilities, and has rapidly increased its market share. And the power of d, iTunes contributed. Therefore, Evan Bell is very confident in Apple.

Evan Bell's rhetoric, in the ears of Steve Jobs, was quite surprised. Many of these contents are expected within Apple, but Evan Bell can see it so clearly and thoroughly, which is indeed a bit surprising.

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