Great Artist

Chapter 541: Gossip upgrade

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After Sid Gaines watched "Nine" on Broadway, he seemed to bring word of mouth to the headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles, and soon after, Tom Sherac, who publicly expressed his firm support for Evan Bell in the media member of the Academy, also appeared on Broadway.

Tom Sherac is a man of action. Sid Ganis is more of a gentleman. He can balance the power balance between the old school and the new school very well. But unlike Sid Ganis, Tom Sherac is a typical representative of the new school. After watching "Nine", Tom Sherac did not go backstage to see Evan Bell, but packed a VIP room **** box, invited many friends to come and watch. Tom Sherac expressed his love for Evan Bell, a young man, with practical actions.

In fact, if reporters dig carefully, they can always find surprises in the audience. In addition to Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Linkin Park, Natalie Bōterman, who appeared before, Meryl Streep, Drew Barrymore, Christopher Nolan and others also appeared. Among them, the appearance of Megan Fox made the media excited for a while.

The media will be excited, not because of Megan Fox herself. The current Megan Fox is still unknown. It was only after the performance of "Nine" that the media discovered that Megan Fox and Evan Bell got into a taxi together and were suspected of entering a hotel together. Although the media did not take clear photos as evidence, there were only two photos, one of Evan Bell helping Megan Fox to leave the back door of the Broadway theater. This photo is relatively clear and can roughly depict the two people. Faces; a photo of Evan Bell and Meghan Fox standing next to a taxi, but the building next to it is undoubtedly a hotel, this photo is very blurred, except that it can be distinguished from the color of the clothes. Besides, the face can't be seen at all.

Although there are no exact photos, with these two specious photos, the news of Evan Bell and Megan Fox having **** together suddenly became a buzz in the media. Meghan Fox, who was not famous before, had all her past experiences dug up by the media. The media found that Megan Fox's debut work was actually Evan Bell's "Tonight Tonight In an instant, the scandal reached a peak.

After Megan Fox starred in Evan Bell's MV and gained attention, she first played a supporting role in the movie "Holiday in the Sun" starring the Olsen sisters, and then began her cameo career in various TV series. She has appeared in movies such as "Why I Like You", "Ocean Street" and "Help". At present, she has also completed a small role in this summer's blockbuster "Jedi Men 2". This movie starring Will Smith and directed by Michael Bay is expected to dominate this summer's block. This is also Megan - Fox is currently starring in the most anticipated production.

This scandal is no different than the previous Anne Hathaway, Natalie Bōtman, including Eden Hudson, who is chasing the wind and entertaining the public. The media is "almost certain" that Evan Bell and Megan Fox are in the hotel. Had a great night in the hotel, even though they didn't take the exact photo of the two entering the hotel, let alone the two leaving the hotel. But the media is still so "determined".

Therefore, in an instant, this scandal occupied the front pages of major newspapers and magazines in major media.

The media quickly found Megan Fox, who is still struggling in the supporting role. They took it for granted that the unknown Megan Fox would follow this opportunity to climb up. After all, the direct cause of the slander incident last year was not the Heidi-méng Gomery hopes to climb the big tree of Evan Bell.

However, Megan Fox, a super-beautiful woman, rejected this possibility inexplicably, "Evan and I are just friends. Yes, just friends!" Such a decisive answer made the media very disappointment. And when the media persevered and hoped to further impress Megan Fox, the little wild cat threw out a ruthless remark, directly blocking all the words behind the reporter, "Wait until you find direct evidence and then talk, don't always look at it. With a vague figure, he starts talking nonsense!"

Megan Fox's personality was obviously not expected by the media. In fact, after Megan Fox became popular all over the world by relying on the first and second "Transformers", her overly resolute personality led to the split between her and the "Transformers" crew, and the direct result was in "Transformers" 3" was replaced, and the slender figure of this **** standing on the mechanical behemoth can no longer be seen.

Compared to Meghan Fox's direct dealings with the media, Evan Bell is simply a cunning fox. Facing the rumors, Evan Bell said with a smile, "Meghan? Ah, yes, We are very good friends. With such a beautiful woman, of course I hope to have further development with her, don't you like beautiful women?" The reporters were speechless. "As for spending **** together, I don't know which friend who was present entered the hotel to spend the night, but I am afraid that my wife will find out and frame this incident on me. Please take the initiative to surrender. Because of the huge power of the paparazzi, soon The truth will be found out." Evan Bell almost didn't directly shout "Confession is lenient, resistance is strict".

Evan Bell not only denied the scandal, but also countered and ridiculed the reporter once, and the reporters at the scene were depressed one by one.

No progress has been made here with Megan Fox, and Evan Bell is even more difficult to crack, so the media finally has to curve to save the country. "Meghan, like Evan, has an angular personality. This similarity may be the key to making two people fall in love."

The scandal escalated directly and became "falling in love", which is the reporter's direct counterattack to Evan Bell's ridicule and Megan Fox.

There has always been a lack of scandals in Hollywood news. There are a lot of scandals with pictures and the truth, and there are countless others like Evan Bell and Megan Fox who are not trying to catch the wind. Readers didn't take it seriously, and the media was just hyping the hot spot. Only the paparazzi would step up their tracking, hoping to catch direct evidence. Therefore, the paparazzi behind Evan Bell instantly increased again.

Today is the day off for "Nine", and it will be played again in Broadway theaters tomorrow. Evan Bell went to the theatre to practice for a morning as usual, and spent an afternoon at 10 Prince Street in the afternoon-the paparazzi took a lot of pictures of Linkin Park, which caused the media to discuss it a little bit. Everyone remembers last year's popular "Never Walk Alone" Is Evan Bell and Linkin Park working together again this time?

At more than seven o'clock, Evan Bell left No. 10 Prince Street and drove to the upper town. The paparazzi behind them were immediately excited: Is Evan Bell going to see Megan Fox? Or avoid the latest limelight and meet Anne Hathaway or Natalie Bōterman? Of course, it is definitely a blast to meet new beauties.

Unfortunately, the paparazzi were disappointed, or to be precise, surprised.

Evan Bell went to Uptown to meet a beautiful woman, but when the beauty was Gisele Bundchen, the idea of ​​the paparazzi could not help but start to develop in a strange way: Did Evan Bell pry his friend Leonardo Do-DiCaprio's corner, has a secret relationship with Gisele Bundchen? Yes, the two of them met at Paris Fashion Week before, maybe it was a meeting that time. However, then, the appearance of Leonardo DiCaprio completely extinguished the gossip fire in the paparazzi.

Damn Evan Bell!

But the paparazzi's hard work didn't pay off, as they found out that someone else had joined the dinner lineup of the three in front of them, Alex Proyas. Not because Alex Proyas is famous, but because Alex Proyas is a director, and because Alex Proyas was just recently confirmed as the newest star by Twentieth Century Fox. Director of the commercial blockbuster "Mechanical Enemy (i,t, also translated as 'I, Robot'.

In an instant, it all gets interesting.

Alex Proyas is the same director as David Fincher and Michael Bay, but now David Fincher has "Seven Deadly Sins", "Fight Club", "Thriller Room" When famous novels came out, Michael Bay also established a proud reputation in his commercial blockbusters with movies such as "Jedi Men", "Brave to the Dead Island", "Doomsday", and "Pearl Harbor", but Alex -Proyas still can't make a name for At least to many viewers, this name is unfamiliar.

In fact, professionally, Alex Proyas is unanimously regarded as a sci-fi genius. His **** work "Hún of Air, Spirit of Cloud" won a round of applause; his subsequent work "Crow" achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success. In 1998, Alex Proyas's "The Shifting City", although the box office was bleak, won praise from the critics, and the subsequent films "Truman's World" and "The Matrix" were both received. The huge impact of this film. "Moving the City" can be said to be a classic in sci-fi films, and ten years later, there are still a large number of fans writing about it.

Unfortunately, Alex Proyas always lacked a bit of luck, and the success of the film did not bring him the corresponding reputation. This time, 20th Century Fox put out a budget of $100 million for "The Mechanical Enemy". After a series of twists and turns, the director's position fell into the hands of Alex Proyas. I don't know if it can become his rise pedal.

At this critical point in time, Alex Proyas met Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell for dinner, and the paparazzi were naturally imagining.

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