Great Artist

Chapter 325: rainy and sunny

"Don't Leave" was only halfway through, Elena and Jia Siming were already in tears, even though she was still singing, her voice was already shaking.

Although Evan-Bell never confided his inner pain, and although Evan-Bell didn't shyly seek sympathy, just the song "Don't Leave" let everyone see Evan-Bell's deep fragility. Just like the child standing on the stage at this time, his body was stiff in place, tears streaming down his face like a child, but he foolishly didn't know how to wipe away the tears. Such Evan-Bell is distressing, admirable, and admirable.

When the song was over, Elena-Jia Siming was already weeping. She told herself repeatedly that today's gift is a happy event, a joy of reunion, and she should smile, smile brightly. Everything has been rained and sunny. But the moment she saw Evan-Bell, she just couldn't control herself, like a little crying bag, she burst into tears again.

"Don't cry, Evan" Elena-Jia Siming tried to piece together a complete sentence, but found that he did not have the ability. She only opened her mouth, and tears flowed desperately. Looking at Evan Bell's stiff figure, his heart throbbed. "I believe in you, I support you, I am your bosom friend, and I hope you will never leave." Elena Jia Siming had too many things to say, but couldn't say a word.

Elaine-Brooke had already cried to tears by the side, including the large audience around, who were already weeping. But at the end of the song, the low sobbing sound at the scene made people feel a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Raisa-Rosie in the crowd raised her head, her eyes were flushed, but she was so strong that she did not cry, she was the first to shout loudly, "Evan-Bell, Evan-Bell, Evan-Bell Bell!"

This weak voice gradually converged into a sea, and everyone shouted with tears, swept away the deserted scene.

3,000 people created such a momentum in Manhattan's downtown Times Square, and it spread all over the streets, and the reporters who participated in today's surprise at the scene experienced that kind of moving in their hearts. . Perhaps, Evan Bell is really different, not because of his talent but because of his inner persistence.

At this moment, Evan Bell's body finally moved and took two steps forward. Teddy Bell wiped away tears and trotted up to hand over the microphone. Evan Bell grabbed Teddy Bell and gave his brother a big hug. He knew that this gift must have been thought for a long time by everyone.

Some embarrassedly wiped the tears from his cheeks. In this life, Evan Bell has really rarely had such an embarrassed moment. He cried like a child, which made Evan Bell a little uncomfortable, as if he was completely naked. Pieces of wisps and red fruits stood in front of everyone. He is still used to expressing his inner emotions through music, through sketches, and through movie scenes. He feels a little embarrassed and embarrassed by such a direct way of tears.

"Good evening, I'm Evan Bell." When he spoke, his voice was still a little hoarse. He took an eight-hour plane to fly from London and then traveled all the way to get here, which made Evan one. Bell presented the most primitive state. Everyone looked at the undressed and undressed Evan Bell, but they cheered the warmest, welcoming the return of their hero.

"Long time no see haha." Evan Yi Bell scratched his head, as if to hide his embarrassment, which made many people in the audience smile, so Evan Yi Bell is not common. "Actually, it didn't take long. I just went out for a trip, and everyone welcomed me with such a high-standard welcome ceremony, which made me flattered. , ... Sure enough, Evan Bell quickly returned to normal, if not His voice was still a little nasal, and there were those red and swollen eyes, no one could tell that he had cried just now.

"Huh" Evan-Bell exhaled a long breath, as if he was considering his own words, but he didn't pause for too long, just continued, "Hehe, in fact, in this world, as long as there is one person who is willing to listen to me sing , I will stay on this stage until the last audience member leaves." Evan Bell said in a slightly mocking tone, but no one laughed at the scene, only silence, all those who were crying Everyone covered their mouths and stared blankly at the man who seemed to be thinner on the dancing nose. "One-man show is too lonely. Instead of performing alone, it is better to find another world. I can't stand loneliness, so I can't sing a one-man show.

"Evan Bell's mouth curled into a wry smile." But as long as there is an audience, I can't bear to leave this stage. So, I just hope that the last viewer, don't leave.

Evan-Bell's voice is very relaxed and comfortable, and he can even feel a smile behind his words, but this sentence is like the song "Don't Leave", which is etched in everyone's heart a little bit and will never be forgotten.

Listening to Evan Bell's freehand nose, a warm shout rang out again, 1 "Don't leave, don't leave. Every shout is a vibration, and ripples in Evan Bell's heart. Every person, every voice, every action in this scene is the proof of time.

Evan Yibel felt a little sore in his nose again, but this time he controlled himself, and his dry mouth chún "Thank you, thank you everyone. Thank you everyone for giving me this gift, but I want to express my gratitude. Thank you, but unfortunately there are too many people present, and I only have one, so I can't split myself, so I will send a song to express my gratitude." Evan-Bell's ridicule made many people in the audience chuckle.

Taking over the guitar in the hands of Teddy Bell, who was on stage for the third time, Evan Bell gently plucked the strings. It was the "don't leave" that moved countless people just now. It's hard to imagine that a song can have such great magic power and make the audience gather into a sea of ​​tears. This brisk and fresh song is destined to have a special place in Evan Bell's career as a singer.

In the sea of ​​tears, after the song "Don't Leave" was played, Evan Bell smiled brightly, "Next is a special gift...

In order to thank today's special gift" Evan Bell pointed to the video just played on the big screen. Although this video has been out for more than a month and has been on the Internet for a long time. But Evan Bell, who has been on the go, I don't pay much attention to online news, but today is the first time I saw it. "This latest song "Stubborn" is for everyone. "

The audience immediately boiled.

How many people moved the song "Stubborn" at "The Track Rock Festival" "Magazine"

It's even more precious, but because Evan-Bell didn't record any audio, he just performed it live once, so most people have never heard this song, and it's an honor to hear it live today.

Today, there is no live accompaniment band, but Evan-Bell re-arranged according to his own, and played "stubborn". Although it lacks the grandeur of the band's accompaniment, the emotion in the song remains undiminished. Just the sentence "Just this time, me and my stubbornness" is enough to make everyone deeply feel the essence of this song. As the "magazine" said, this song was sung by Evan Bell to himself, because this is his personality: at the same time, this song is also sung to all teenagers with dreams, because this is everyone's life .

There were about a hundred reporters at the scene. They came to the scene to report on today's special event, but at this time they had a different feeling. As reporters, they have seen countless entertainers, and the American entertainment industry has never lacked such talented people, but now Evan Bell, who is standing on the stage, has a different temperament, shining brightly.

Perhaps, Evan-Bell is just a child who sings attentively, a child who acts attentively, and is just an ordinary person with different occupations of the author. However, in him, it is always easy to find shining points, and it is always easy to find unique charm, which makes people deeply mí.

As journalists, they know it well. The reason why the profession of an artist is special, the reason why so many people are willing to go crazy for an artist or a group, and the reason why this profession has attracted so much attention is because, with these artists, ordinary people can always Find what you want and long for. Maybe it's appearance, maybe it's talent, maybe it's spirit. Artists are a group of people, but also a symbol. Therefore, the special profession of artist has infinite charm.

For a real superstar, it's not enough to make others fall in love with you, that's just the basics of an idol, just the beginning: to become a superstar, you should make others look up to you, admire you, and admire you.

The reporter suddenly realized that Evan Bell, who was standing on the stage at this time, had this kind of charm on his body, so that even the well-informed them couldn't help but long for this young man.

"Me and My Stubbornness" is just one aspect of Evan's, just like the songs like "Broad Ocean" and "Final". After the slander incident in July, the reporters knew about Evan Bell's personality and persistence, but it was only now that they could see how dazzling the stubbornness of Evan Bell was.

This mature and longing charm has become more and more gorgeous after being polished by wind and rain.

Listening to the carnival of the audience, watching the smile on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth on the stage, and looking around at the nostalgic figures of passers-by, the reporters realized that they were actually witnessing the rise of a superstar. When the moving melody of "stubbornness" filled the audience, not only the song mí, but even the reporters noticed the moistness of the eyes and the moving part of the music, regardless of you and me.

After the song was sung, Evan and Bell walked off the stage and gave them to Teddy and Bell, respectively.

Eden-Hudson and Katherine-Bell hugged tightly, looking at the bright night sky of New York, Evan Bell's mouth had a relaxed and freehand smile.

It rained, and finally it was sunny.

There will be an update later, continue to ask for support, ask for subscription, huh, huh. ! .

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