Great Artist

Chapter 276: Academic achievement

Academia is always a bit exclusive, and only professionals and top people in this field will be recognized. In the American psychology community, they are not interested in Evan Bell's other identities, whether it is a singer or an actor, and it has nothing to do with the psychology community.

The same is true for the "Journal of Personal and Social Psychology" published by the American Psychological Association. They only care about Evan Bell, a college student studying under Muller-Lance. , to have such a profound research on split personality, including discussing psychological issues in combination with legal categories and social ethics categories, also has something to say. Although it cannot be said that it has created a new genre, it has indeed excavated many phenomena in society, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an innovator.

"Journal of Personal and Social Psychology" is one of the top professional journals in the field of psychology in the United States. The content of each journal has been carefully reviewed, especially the discussion and verification of the content of the paper is cumbersome. The publication of a paper, review or research report has to go through six to seven checkpoints before and after the review, and there is still a period of one month to several years for verification. Such a cumbersome process is only to ensure academic authority.

For now, those who are fortunate enough to be published in the "Journal of Personal and Social Psychology",

The youngest is not less than 25 years old, and the minimum degree is also a master's degree. Therefore, this time Evan Bell's paper "On whether split personality can become a criterion for determining criminal facts" has been reviewed for a month before and after, and appeared on the journal's sample smoothly. The youngest and lowest-educated author was published.

The "Journal of Personal and Social Psychology" is divided into three separate sections, and Evan-Bell's paper is published in the section on attitudes and social cognition in the category of research papers exploring xìng.

Being able to publish a paper in this journal is not just an honor, but also means that the name Evan Bell has officially entered the public eye in the American psychology community, which is for any student who is committed to making achievements in psychology. All in all, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It's a pity that Muller-Lance knows that his disciple is completely absent-minded and not doing his job properly. He goes to travel, sings for a while, and works on architectural design for a while. Muller-Lance also has a bit of a hatred for iron not becoming steel, so he opened his mouth to ridicule Evan-Bell.

Facing the professor's ridicule, Evan-Bell didn't care at all. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Huh, it's finally over." It took nearly two years before and after this paper. It was really a headache and ended naturally. is good. This attitude makes Mueller-Lance really dumbfounded. Immediately, Evan-Bell laughed again, "Since then, I will finally have a bit of authority when I study basic psychology next semester."

However, Mueller-Lance lowered his face, stretched out his right hand, and gestured to bring back the sample of the "Journal of Social Psychology" and said with a stern face, "Authority? Why are you worrying so much? Just how to score It doesn't matter whether it is a score or a little more, in my opinion, it is also necessary."

Hearing this, Evan Bell looked at the professor in surprise, "Is it necessary to be so strict in basic courses? What if no one chooses courses after that?"

There are several grading systems in American universities, such as pass and fail, such as the grading system. Generally speaking, it means excellent is good, and it is average. For passing, and F is sad reminder of failing. If they meet the strict nose section, students should get the most grades, and they are outstanding if they can get them.

But in fact, today's scoring system has suffered serious challenges. Now that the quality of students has improved, and the standards of professors' scoring have been relaxed, the better the students, the more students they get. So this led to a situation where the professor gave points quite a bit difficult to ride a tiger. If the grades are strictly given and the grades are strictly carded, then students will choose fewer courses: the decline in the number of students often represents a decline in the level of school education in the minds of the public, and professors will lose their jobs. On the contrary, if the points are relaxed, all of them are all, then the students will not be able to distinguish between the good and the bad, and the teaching level of the professor will inevitably be questioned, which will also have an impact on the future work system.

Therefore, Evan Bell asked this question. He also thought that basic psychology was a compulsory basic course for public students, and that the score could be used to create gods and relax a little, without being too strict.

No, Mueller-Lance glared at Evan-Bell, but Evan-Bell knew his advisor very well. Although his expression became serious, there was still a smile in his eyes. "Of course, the score should be stricter, otherwise the psychology department will leave a bunch of sloppy sacks that don't even know the basic knowledge. The professional courses can be made to relax a little, but the basic courses are all compulsory because there is no danger of skipping classes, so they are stuck. The score must be stricter.”

Evan-Bell mōmō's ring finger on his right hand smiled at Muller-Lance, "You said it!" Looking at the wicked smile on Evan-Bell's face, Muller-Lance didn't know what the disciple was thinking, It is estimated that he has long wanted to abuse those freshmen. Muller-Lance suspects that with this kid's character, he should be able to do whatever he wants even without his own permission. Now that he has his own permission, he will act even more recklessly. This gave Muller-Langston a headache. But after thinking about it, at least academically, there is no problem with the disciple, so let him toss it.

After finishing the psychology thesis, Evan Bell's graduation was finally settled. Both the Department of Psychology and the Department of Architecture graduated successfully, and successfully obtained a double degree from Harvard University.

However, this is only a paragraph.

That night, Evan-Bell and Nata Lì-bōtman got together, just drinking, chatting and relaxing, and there was no other "entertainment".

After that, after two days of rest, Evan Bell and Richard Wendy went to New York. This time, Evan Bell went to New York to participate in the bidding for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center building, so there was no need for Teddy Bell to follow him.

As soon as Evan-Bell appeared in New York, his whereabouts were immediately exposed. For reporters, with the recent news of "American Idol" and the sweep of "Better than Hallelujah", being able to catch Evan Bell means sales, and if it's an exclusive, maybe a promotion. So, the paparazzi exploded with amazing energy. From the time Evan Bell entered Manhattan, it was traced all the way to 11 Prince Street, and even the content of his meal with Catherine Bell at the corner of the French restaurant that night was reported.

Sean Hall, this time in order to report on "American Idol," after coming to New York, Andy Coulson, the deputy editor of the "News of the World", simply let his capable officers stationed in the New York branch. After all, the United States has also been here recently. Lots of fun.

Sean Hall knew the news of Evan Bell's appearance in New York right away, but he didn't care too much. After all, "American Idol" and "Better than Hallelujah" are not much news value for him, and what he wants to dig out is an exclusive, and it has to be a blockbuster exclusive.

To talk about a topic worthy of Sean Hall's attention recently, there is one, the bidding meeting for the design drawings of the reconstruction of the World Trade Center building. As far as Sean Hall is concerned, he actually doesn't have much thought about this matter. First, he has not experienced 9/11. Second, he is not a New Yorker, and he does not have such deep feelings for the Twin Towers: News", this is a good subject.

Since the New York City government announced in February that it would rebuild the World Trade Center on its original site,

The topic has never cooled down. All Americans joined the discussion, with New Yorkers the most active. As a former New York landmark, the Twin Towers have an irreplaceable role in the hearts of New Yorkers. Moreover, the reconstruction of the World Trade Center this time is also considered to be the first counterattack by the United States against terrorists.

If the new building is shorter than the original, it is cowardly against terrorists: if the new building is mediocre, it is a compromise for terrorists: if the new building is not conspicuous enough, it is an insult to the Twin Towers... New York City does not The less progressive elements have shown amazing enthusiasm for this reconstruction work.

Initially someone suggested that the New York City government should rebuild the Twin Towers again, no need to redesign, just restore the landmark twin towers. But this proposal was met with serious protests. Americans, including New Yorkers, believed that the Twin Towers were irreplaceable. If the Twin Towers were restored, they would not only lose their original meaning, but also their symbolic meaning. An insult to the "sacrifice" of the tower. The plan was ruthlessly rejected.

So, now everyone will focus on the open auction. Everyone knows that after winning the bid for any design drawing, it will become the center of attention, and at the same time, it will bear the nitpicking of more than three million people in New York.

Sean Hall was not interested in the bidding meeting, but this did not affect his enthusiasm for interviews on the spot, because he knew that every move of the bidding meeting could become the material for the "News of the World" to achieve a breakthrough in sales. It would be even more exciting if there were shady stories and conflicts were exposed.

As the date of the public bidding for the design drawings for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center building is approaching, New York, which was already very noisy, has become more and more excited, like a furnace that has reached its boiling point.

The Big Apple, where the media gathers, has summoned correspondents from major news agencies around the world to be present. ! .

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