Great Artist

Chapter 265: cover shoot

"What about Annie? What do you think?" Teddy Bell didn't know much about acting, so he could only give Evan Bell some basic advice.

Evan-Bell smiled bitterly, "She can't. She has two movie contracts with Disney now. Before the contract for these two movies is completed, she needs to get permission from Disney to accept the movie." Evan-Bell has always been lonely〖 I'm used to being free and loose, but I forgot this point.

Although Disney will not prevent Anne-Hathaway from taking over the script, it is only in Disney's planning that they are positioning Anne-Hathaway as the sweet little girl in "The Princess Diaries", so Anne-Hathaway can Make gods take on ancient costume movies like "Nicholas-Nickbee" because it doesn't conflict with the image very much. But if it was going to take on a thriller like "Deadly Identities," Disney wouldn't agree.

"It's really frustrating. How can there be so many scruples!" Eve Bell thought that he even took the role of a fifty-year-old ruffian, and Disney was worried that a horror movie would affect the image of Anne Hathaway "Damn idol" Image." Evan Bell muttered in a low voice, but even if he was dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do. The contract was there, and Anne Hathaway's agent seemed to think so too, so he had to find another way.

Evan Bell sat at his desk and thought, "After the cover shoot tomorrow, I'll go talk to my friends." Joseph-Gordon-Levitt at Columbia University, not far from Princes Street: Also, to promote "digital" Murder," don't know if Ryan-Gosling is in New York, it would be great if he was. "Anyway, I can't be in a hurry to find an actor. At the beginning, Richard spent three or four months looking for an actor. Now Mangold will also help, and they will work together smoothly."

Teddy Bell thought for a while, "I'll give David a call later. He not only has connections in Los Angeles, but it's much easier to find someone there through the Actors Guild." Now Teddy Bell didn't just contact an agent the year before last. People are young, and although he doesn't understand this aspect, he knows where his responsibilities lie, and he can always figure out how to get along with God.

After Evan-Bell heard it, he only thought for a while and didn't answer. Instead, he turned to the desk and wrote and stopped on his drawing paper. After thinking for a while, he wrote a list of six people." You ask David to contact these actors to see if they have any ideas for the script, and if so, you can make a test on the remuneration." Evan-Bell originally wanted to name the main actors. It was written down, but the sad thing is that not all the actors in the "deadly identity" were famous at the beginning. Evan-Bell only remembered these six after thinking about it, and even these six may not be spelled correctly. Cups!

However, if they meet, or if someone mentions the names of these actors, Evan-Bell is confident that he can create a **** to awaken his memory, and judge whether these people are actors with "deadly identities" in previous lives.

Teddy Bell didn't ask more, took the drawing paper and put it away. "Go to bed early today, you're tired recently, sleep well at night, or you won't be able to shoot tomorrow." Early the next morning, Evan Bell woke up, and Teddy Bell and Catherine Bell also got up at the same time. Chuáng is busy. After a simple breakfast of milk, toast and salad, the family of three drove to the studio in Uptown with 12 suits of clothes, Catherine and Bell, the result of sleeping and eating for more than half a month.

Having lived in New York for more than ten years, I am used to the day when Eleven dry cleaners get up early, and I am also used to the city that gradually wakes up at six or seven in the morning.

New York is a city of icy steel mixed with concrete, high-rise buildings cut life into small squares, and the distance between people is simply changed into a series of numbers on the bank account, but at the same time, this is also A city full of dreams and confusion, the American dream of many people, in the lingering geothermal steam of this city, changes all kinds of life.

Starting from No. 11 Prince Street, Teddy Bell is not very familiar with this section of the road. Fortunately, although there are many vehicles on the road at this time, there are not many vehicles. Looking at the road signs driving at a constant speed, it is smooth. On both sides of the road, there are skyscrapers and old apartments, shopping malls and central green spaces, basketball courts and garbage dumps, homeless people and office workers, just on the small island of Manhattan, it seems You can create gods to see the whole world.

Sections of contradictory scenery galloped past the car window. New York in the early morning just woke up, with the cold of early spring and the hazy eyes of sleep. The hard-working office workers are in a hurry at the subway entrance, the horns of yellow taxis make all the laziness of the morning disappear, the teenagers on the skateboards walk freely through the flickering traffic, and the wandering entertainers on Broadway have already begun. day's work.

This is the morning in New York, with some sadness and loneliness in the hustle and bustle, and full of restlessness and restlessness in the cold.

When the Bell family of three arrived at the studio, Frank James was already waiting at the door, and he will appear today as Catherine Bell's agent.

A group of four walked into the studio with a large pile of clothes. The so-called studio is actually a huge abandoned factory, and then build the background according to the needs, and complete the exquisite photo work. As early as a week ago, Catherine Bell submitted the clothing theme this time to "Gentleman" magazine. As for the construction of the studio, "Gentleman" magazine is naturally responsible.

Walked in slightly empty. . The studio, the staff has already prepared in it. Evan. . Bell looked at it and saw that there were actually three scenes, which showed that the "gentleman" was attentive this time. One is a ruin scene, one is a modern scene with a white background, and the other is a fireplace scene. Evan-Bell took a closer look. The fireplace scene has not yet been built, and now the staff is perfecting it. Judging from the paintings, sofas, tea sets, etc. they consigned, it should be a scene of a medieval English-style aristocratic meeting room.

A suave middle-aged man walked towards him, with slightly curly medium-length hair in a messy manner, and a bearded face with a strong masculine charm. Simple black denim kù with blue and black plaid shirt, wearing a pair of black square glasses, holding a professional SLR camera in the right hand, full of easy-going feeling.

In just one encounter, that kind of strong Italian style of handsome guy rushed to the face. The man stretched out his left hand directly to Catherine Bell, but not to shake hands, but lightly placed it on Katherine Bell's shoulder, and then There was a face-to-face ceremony. "Ms. Bell, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Solanti, today's photographer. You can make a **** and call me Mario."

After saying hello to Catherine Bell, the Italian charm man once again gave Evan Bell a veneer ceremony: "Mr Bell, I hope you have a good cooperation today."

The man in front of him is only 30 years old. His name is Mario Solenti. This photographer from Italy is completely self-taught and became famous at a young age. At the age of 21, he made a name for himself in the photography industry, and then he created Out of the Kate Moss myth. Tobacco, alcohol, nightlife, freckles, and skinny style flourished on Kate Moss under the lens of Mario Solenti, bringing the top model to a fashion that would stand for the next two decades. myth.

Today's "Gentleman" magazine invited Mario Solan to take the photo and create the first fashion magazine cover of Evan-Bell and Catherine-Bell.

Of course, Evan Bell didn't know much about this information, and it was Frank James reminding him on the side that the three Bell family had a bottom line.

Mario-Soranti followed Evan Bell and others to the locker room, and took a look at the twelve sets of clothes that Catherine-Bell brought at the door. He had to find some inspiration. Picking out a set of [sports] sportswear and giving it to Evan Bell and letting him go in and change it, Mario Soranti chatted with Catherine Bell, only after deeply understanding the designer's intentions can the photographer be able to use his own Ideas create great photos.

Walking into the locker room, Evan Bell was rather dumbfounded. The so-called dressing room is actually a space surrounded by curtains. From all directions, anyone can create a **** to open the curtain, and then easily violent. Although there was a lot of slander in his heart, Evan... Bell was not slow, and started to undress quickly. Pass the changed clothes through the pawn's seam to Teddy Bell, and then take the clothes to wear.

In this space, there are not even handrails. As long as one center of gravity is unstable, the collapse of the locker room's nose is a problem, and the whole person's violent appearance is another problem. While changing clothes, Evan Bell said helplessly, "Let's just go directly to the back of the scene and change, it's a little wider there."

After changing clothes, Evan Bell was trapped in front of the dressing table by the makeup team, and Catherine Bell and Mario Solan came over after the submission was finished.

Standing by the dressing table, Catherine Bell was at a loss. Obviously, she was still not quite used to her sudden entry into the workplace, not to mention that the model in front of her was her youngest son.

Evan-Bell, who looked up so that the makeup artist could apply the liner, felt his eyes were sore, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Catherine-Bell standing next to him. ?"

Hearing her son's Katherine Bell suddenly panicked. She just laughed, but she still didn't know what she should do. At this time, Teddy Bell, who was supervising the side, stood by his mother's side. "Chief designer, don't you have any requirements for the model in front of you?

For example, the theme of clothing, such as the feeling of shooting and so on.

This is the first time in the past 18 years that Catherine Bell has been in the designer's seat. She doesn't even know where to put her hands, and how does she know what to say? But Teddy Bell standing by her side also made Catherine Bell feel a little more at ease. "Evan, the clothes are on you, it's fine, everything is fine."

I originally thought that Catherine Bell was going to say something, but the words she said made people feel empty. They were just polite words. Evan Bell, who had finished applying the eyeliner, couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Catherine, are you serious?" Under the guidance of the makeup artist, Evan Yibel closed his eyes again, "This is your first official appearance as a designer. Are you sure you have nothing to tell the model?"

Evan-Bell didn't say ""Ding asked me" but said "...Ding asked the model" obviously to imply that this is a workplace, and he also hopes that Catherine-Bell can really adapt to her new role, which can be said to be well-intentioned .!.

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