Great Artist

Chapter 255: before opening

This is Evan Bell's first premiere in the true sense. It is different from the simple premiere of "Death Illusion" at the Sundance Film Festival. The red carpet, cheers and screams, and a series of flashes, a grand premiere. Everything you need is available.

Evan Bell will not be complacent because of this premiere. After all, he has seen the bigger scenes, but it does not affect his good mood.

Hearing Elliott Carter's question, Evan Bell recognized the reporter who had played against him repeatedly and twice, and he didn't look surprised: everyone knew that "premiering" was impossible at the film festival. The important thing to ignore, as long as Evan Bell is in the film industry, he will definitely come into contact with this magazine. Now it seems that Elliott Ten should be launched by the "premier" as an existence against himself. As a reporter in the last life, how could Evan Bell not understand the small abacus of the media? He has also written many reports as a negative reporter many times, which is very normal.

Evan-Bell didn't think much about it, he replied with a smile, "I only have two movies released at present. If I say "Death Illusion," it means I'm marching into independent films, and "Ice Age" means I'm marching into commercial films. So guess what my next movie will be?

No prize for guessing. "Evan Bell is always like this. He can create a **** to make everyone laugh without making a sound, or he can create a **** to make people smoke without knowing it. This time, everyone smiled, Elliott ten Te's expression was not very good.

"For me, whether the movie is commercial or literary is not the point. The point is whether I like the script. If I like it, it's just a supporting role."

I don't think it's a big deal. "Evan Bell's words made the reporters at the scene buzzing.

Many reporters have two things in mind: reject Steven Spielberg: take the "adaptation script".

Since Evan-Bell is only a newcomer actor with a work released, it is a bit bizarre to reject a big director: Similarly, since Evan-Bell is only a newcomer, Charlie-Kaufman chooses Evan-Bell to star in a big-name show. The "adaptation of the script" is also baffling: again, since Evan-Bell is only a newcomer, both of these things have been widely discussed, but the shock of the former overwhelms the absurdity of the latter.

So, so far, Evan-Bell's crazy act of "adapting the script" by a fifty-year-old ruffian has not caused a storm. It is estimated that the storm will come when it is released.

In response to Evan-Bell's answer, Elliott-Carter only said one sentence: "It's a nice word. But "Ice Age" and then "White Night" are all commercial movies. How do you explain this?"

Facing the approaching question of Elliott Ten, Evan Bell laughed out loud, "Because I like it." All the reporters were stunned. Two seconds later, someone couldn't help but burst into laughter. When they came out, everyone laughed.

Although this answer is a bit of a rogue, it is the best answer to Guanliott-Carter: I accept movies because I like them, and I don't care about movies, I like them, this is the reason, there is no need to do anything else explain.

Evan-Bell is indeed a master of anger, and you can tell by looking at Elliott Shite's speechless expression.

The premiere of "Ice Age" was mainly a festive occasion. The host of the scene quickly handed over the right to ask questions to other reporters, and did not let Elliott Carter continue to ask questions. The atmosphere of the scene has been maintained in a joyful in the atmosphere.

At today's premiere, Evan Bell and other voice actors were all present. Not only did Chris Weiji appear, but the chief director of Blue Sky Studio, together with Chris Weiji, directed Carlos of "Ice Age". A Saldanha also appeared at the scene, which was quite lively.

In addition to Evan Bell, Ray Romano, the first actor in the current TV series, is also the target of bombardment by reporters. The noisy press conference lasted for nearly half an hour before everyone realized that the focus of today should be "Ice Age", which took three years to produce by Blue Sky Studio. Enjoy this ambitious cartoon from Twentieth Century Fox.

Sitting in the movie theater, Elena and Jia Siming were in a turbulent heart, she grabbed her friend Elaine Brook's hand vigorously, "Ah, ah, I'm really excited, I'm going to watch a movie with Evan. ."

Elaine Brook pressed the urge to roll her eyes, "We're a long way from the first row, okay?"

"But this is the premiere of "Ice Age," yay! I can finally make a **** to see Evan's movie in theaters for the first time. "Elena and Jia Siming continued to remain insane.

Elaine Brook was not attacking her friend's positivity, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. It's been a long time since I skipped class. For escaping the Friday afternoon class, Mr. Edward in the chemistry class should be very angry.

At this moment, the theater started to move because the creators stepped onto the stage.

Although it is a movie theater, the main responsibility is the big screen, but there is still an open space in front.

At this time, the creators stood there to say hello to everyone.

Elaine Brook also retracted her attention and turned her gaze forward. It has been a year and a half since the Eagle Rock Music Festival in 2000. Every time I meet, I can always discover something new. With my friend Elena and Jia Siming, I get to know Evan Bell more and more deeply. , Elaine Brook's views are also changing little by little. Since attending the Grammys red carpet two weeks ago, Elaine Brook's view of Evan Bell has changed completely.

"I'm a fan too." Looking at Evan Bell, who was chatting and laughing in front of him, Elaine Brooke suddenly understood the mood of Elena and Jia Siming, which was a very subtle feeling.

The young man in front of him is an ordinary person, an ordinary person with complete facial features and healthy limbs just like himself. But it is such an ordinary person, but because of his talent, because of his charm, he became different. Just by looking at him so closely, you can make God feel that there is a kind of contentment in his heart, and he is inexplicably excited.

Fans, this word that originally had no practical meaning, suddenly became a label with the phrase "Evan Bell's" in front of it, which makes people feel strangely happy.

There were at least a dozen people standing in a row in the open space in front of him, but Elaine Brook found that she was like a good friend, and she was able to spot the figure in an instant, with a dazzling figure all over her body, it was really amazing matter.

Evan Yi Bell wore a white street graffiti shirt today with a sapphire blue casual long kù, a black casual nine-point sleeved suit for the jacket, and rice flats for the shoes. The hairstyle is still like the Grammy Awards ceremony, with the flowing sea **** and combed back, and then shaved, like a mohawk.

It is worth mentioning that after this rock hairstyle was frequently reported on major websites and major media, it instantly became the object of imitation by many teenagers: "Bell hairstyle" spread like wildfire and became the latest trend in many beauty salons and barber shops. .

Evan Bell still put a lot of effort into dressing up. Today is the premiere, and it's also the premiere that Twentieth Century Fox has made great efforts to create. It must be a good opportunity for publicity.

Naturally, Evan Bell would not miss the opportunity to re-promote for Fengichi Design and Catherine Bell.

The fact also developed as Evan-Bell expected. The next day, Evan-Bell's casual dress once again became the main spring look on major websites.

"It's really pleasing to look at." When Elaine Brooke found the thoughts in her mind, her cheeks couldn't help but heat. Man is really a strange creature, when subjective judgment changes, all thoughts change. To put it simply, if you like a person, whatever the person is is good; if you hate a person, even if he drinks water, he will hate it.

This is the case with Elaine Brook now. It has been more than a year since I knew Evan Bell, but for the first time today, Elaine Brook blushed because she saw this figure, not to mention the sentence in her mind just now. asserted.

"Hahaha!" Elena-Jia Siming's overjoyed voice drew Elaine Brook's attention back, and she also noticed that Evan-Bell was holding a microphone while summarizing.

"Personally, I like this movie very, very much. Even if I'm not part of the voice actors, I would like to recommend this movie to everyone." Evan-Bell said into the microphone, and the scene sounded a lot With a low noise, Evan-Bell spread out his free left hand, expressing helplessness, "Well, I know no one believes me, because I'm already in the ranks of voice actors." The audience laughed. "So, from the voice actor's standpoint, I really hope you all like this movie. No, I should say, I know you will like this Then I hope you all will like this movie when you watch the movie. You can create a **** to have fun." Almost subconsciously, Elaine Brook raised her hands and applauded courageously. There were applause from all directions, and only then did Elaine Yiche Luke realize that the whole audience was Evan Yibelgang,

He smiled with his candid and astute words.

"He's such a sweetie," Elaine Brooke thought again. However, this time she swears, she sincerely swears, she really thinks so from an objective standpoint. However, no one seems to want to believe it. Thinking of this, Elaine Brook found that Evan Bell seemed to have said the same just now, and couldn't help laughing foolishly.

He secretly glanced at the friends around him, and found that Elena and Jia Siming also looked over. The two friends looked at each other and smiled, with joy in their eyes that only the other could understand.

At this time, all the lights inside the Chinese Theater went out. "Ice Age" was finally about to open.

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