Great Artist

Chapter 233: 11 Brokers

Text] 233 Eleven Brokers


"Greenblatt and Mayer want to join our Eleven Studio?" This is Evan Bell's speculation. Although it is speculation, it is almost a certain tone based on Evan Bell's understanding of Teddy Bell.

No wonder, no wonder Teddy Bell has been tossing around in Los Angeles for so long, but he still has not found a suitable agent, because he not only found a suitable agent, but also brought in more additional resources. During this time, Teddy Bell must have persuaded David Greenblatt and Sean Mayer, and then spent time integrating the resources at hand to freely choose. Of course, the most valuable resource to freely choose is David Greenblatt and the connections he has in his hands.

Teddy Bell nodded, and put his right hand on Sean Mayer's shoulder. "If Lou chooses what has not been done, let's work hard together in the Eleven Studio!" It is different from the difficulty of choosing freely. , From the beginning of the establishment of Eleven Studio, because of the efforts of Evan Bell, the development has been smooth. Whether it's music or movies, the artist Evan Bell has brought huge profits to Eleven Studio: Now there are "pop idols" making a name for Eleven Studio, and there will only be more and more in the future. The more artists know about Eleven Studio, and they are willing to join Eleven Studio.

What Studio Eleven lacks most at the moment is someone who can master the pace of the company's development. Teddy Bell is an excellent manager, but he lacks experience as an agent. broker,

It represents not only career planning... but also a huge network of people. With David Greenblatt, this is indeed a powerful addition to Eleven Studios.

Presumably, even if Teddy Bell spent countless efforts, David Greenblatt finally chose to join Studio Eleven, but he also had his own considerations. For someone like David Greenblatt who owns an independent company, the failure of the company may result in two results: one is a dead heart; the other is a high fighting spirit.

David Greenblatt would disband [Freedom] to choose, and he should have been very discouraged: but he agreed to join Eleven Studio, but it seemed that he still had the fighting spirit. Teddy Bell is also unclear for a while, but it is undeniable that with the addition of David Greenblatt, the development of Eleven Studio will definitely be different from 2001, and it will go to a higher level, not only because of his ability , also because of his connections, and because of Teddy Bell's first investment.

In fact, it was Teddy Bell who thought too much. If he knew the experience of David Greenblatt, it was not difficult to understand his final decision.

David Greenblatt, maybe Evan Bell and Teddy Bell don't know much about them. After all, he is the agent behind the scenes, and there are not many opportunities to meet. But in the industry, his name can't be said to be famous, but experience is what countless brokers yearn for.

Just like the five major record companies and eight major film companies, there are also five major brokerage companies in the US brokerage field, which together form the top of the pyramid.

Creative Artists Agency (), William Morris Agency (), United Kingdom Agency (UTA), Endeavor Agency (R), the first three companies, P, UTA are the only three in Hollywood A ten percent brokerage company, which means daring to receive ten percent commission from customers' income, is the highest achievement in the industry, and its tyrannical status is evident from this.

These five brokerage companies cover almost all industries, film, television, music,

Publishing, new media, sports, fashion, computer and video games, financing, marketing, and more, it's not an exaggeration to say that the US agency industry is all over the place.

Among them, the William Morris Brokerage Company has the longest history, and its history in the brokerage industry is not comparable to that of the other four companies combined. From 18898 to the present, it has a history of more than 100 years. Creative Artists Agency and International Innovation Management Co., which emerged in 1975 at the same time, have grown into the world's top agency. The last two giants, United Jingying and Endeavour Jingying, were only established after the 1990s. They have only developed for about ten years, but they have also grown rapidly and have become important companies in the industry.

Forty-three-year-old David Greenblatt this year, his identity as an agent should be traced back to the oldest brokerage firm, William Morris. David Greenblatt, who was only twenty years old at the time, became the An intern of William Morris Agency, who has long-distance contact with superstars such as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and The Beatles.

After three years at William Morris Agency, David Greenblatt moved to mén, an international innovation management company that was in the early stages of rapid development. Here, David Greenblatt experienced his golden age as an agent. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Mel Gibson and other top actors have all become assistant agents. The position has witnessed the brilliance of these actors.

From 1981 to 1994, David Greenblatt spent thirteen years under the international innovation management company mén, until he missed the famous "Friends (ends, six people achievement Nancy one Josephson's success.

David Greenblatt and six full-fledged brokers have left International Innovation Management amid infighting in what the industry describes as a "midnight coup."

Afterwards, in March 1995, five of the six brokers, including David Greenblatt, came together to create Endeavour Brokers, one of the top five brokerage firms today. At the beginning of the establishment of the brokerage company, there were only twenty-six brokers, but they all twisted together and worked hard together. At the beginning of the second year, three agents from the Creative Artists Agency joined the faltering Endeavour Jingying Agency, and brought in actors like Adam Sandler, making the company finally formalized.

Unfortunately, the good times don't last long. Another internal feud left David Greenblatt at 1

In the second half of 1996, he left Endeavour Jingying Brokerage Company.

As an agent, his biggest specialty is to plan careers for artists, and then rely on connections and eloquence to find jobs for artists and then seek benefits. Although the brokers have a fixed basic salary, their main income is the artist's commission. Except for the top three brokerage companies who dare to take 10% of the commission, the other two brokerage companies in the top five only dare to pay. Only eight percent.

Just do a little math to see the power of commissions. Evan Bell was paid 2 million for the "adapted script", then the agent could get 8% commission from it, which is 160,000 US dollars, which is a huge income. Of course, there is also tax to be paid.

David Greenblatt knew that it was too difficult for him to gain a firm foothold in the brokerage industry by himself. Today's American entertainment industry, under the influence of innovative artist brokerage companies, is basically bundled sales. Specifically, directors, screenwriters and actors are all clients of the same broker or the same brokerage company. After finding a project, The selected creative lineup is sold to the studio along with the script.

Of course, due to the improvement of the system, casting must be restrained by producers and actors' unions. This situation has been improved to a certain extent. But fundamentally speaking, it is the manager's ability to sell one's own artists. Agents must not only have connections, but also have enough artist resources on hand to show off their talents.

After leaving Gang, the just-started Endeavour British Agency, David Greenblatt was alone, and being alone is the best description of his situation. David Greenblatt has two options, either join another big brokerage firm or go it alone. He chose the latter and created [Free] Free Choice.

From 1996 to the present, 〖Freestyle〗 has been established for less than six years. David Greenblatt did not have any artist resources in his hands at the beginning, he only had experience and contacts accumulated in the past two decades. The development of the independent record company 〖Freedom〗 is still difficult. Over the years, almost relying on the power of David and Greenblatt alone, we were able to make profits in the past few years, but after entering the 21st century, due to the impact of the Internet, the traditional record market is moving, and large record companies have been affected. , not to mention the freedom to choose such a small company.

Ending [freedom] free choice is the result that David Greenblatt does not want to see. But he was really tired. He supported a company by himself, and David Greenblatt, who was over 40 years old, almost exhausted all his energy. But how could he be reconciled, especially when the Endeavour Jingying Brokerage Company was developing so strongly.

I am tired because I am exhausted, not because I have no desire to win, nor because I am discouraged. So, when hearing Teddy Bell's proposal, David Greenblatt naturally had his own considerations.

Today, David Greenblatt has worked in three of the top five brokerage companies in the United States. Although he has never been a core broker, he has always been an assistant broker even in the international innovation management company he has been in for the longest time. As the founder of Endeavour Jingying Agency, he has only stayed for one year: although he is now Bai Ding without any artists, the experience and connections accumulated over the years must not be underestimated. David Greenblatt is not incapable, he just lacks a stage to show.

Unexpectedly, Teddy Bell came to Los Angeles this time and experienced a lot. 〖Freedom〗 is gone, but not the Eleven brokers under Eleven Company. Two brokers, David Greenblatt and Sean Mayer, have been brought in, as well as the one owned by FreeZone. Music resources, following Eleven Music and Eleven Design, Eleven Brokers have finally opened.

"David is talking to those three agents, asking them if they want to go to eleven agents together or find another job." Sean-Mayer's explanation gave Evan-Bell's last bit of doubt. answer.

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