Gossip King

Chapter 561: Behind the strong


"Go to the door first, and watch the changes." Cao Ye shook his head and led people to the back door, choosing the path of advance, attack, retreat and defense.

Jian Xiao was limp on the ground, his heart pounding.

I don’t know how long it took, but it was actually more than ten seconds, but in Jian Xiaodan’s eyes, at least a century has passed.

Unannounced visits will always run into trouble. Those who are engaged in this line understand this in their hearts, but understanding and realizing it are two different things. Jian Xiaodan is not a spoiled girl who grew up. Although she is only in her twenties, she can experience more things, especially work, than her peers.

What's more, she used to be a war correspondent.

This experience makes her abilities much stronger than ordinary people, especially the sense of crisis.

This kind of crisis was because she was thinking about going to the toilet. When she met this cleaner, she had it, but it was not obvious.

The restroom needs to be repaired, which is common, but the look on the cleaner's face is more or less unnatural, and he simply caught it without thinking about it. After all, this is in the branch of Xingsheng, which is his own site.

Even if the unannounced visit is dangerous, I have never heard of anyone who is so courageous and dare to directly attack the newspaper, especially in the case of such big news.

When she walked quickly to the backyard toilet, as soon as the cleaners came in, although she was vigilant, she didn't think too much, but instinctively swept them up and down. Indeed, at first glance, she didn't notice any problems.

People have three urgency. She is just a girl. At that time, she just wanted to go to the bathroom quickly.

However, Jian Xiaodan is a Pisces girl. The girl of this zodiac sign is extremely sensitive, especially in the grasp of other people's emotions. If you don’t believe in constellations, then you have a simple family background with no father and no mother since childhood, and has been following the growth process of the brother recognized by the orphanage. The younger brother is young, and there is no pillar or unreliable child in the family. Such children have more than others. Be a little more vigilant.

The vigilance of outsiders, the vigilance of surrounding crises, and years of cautious life have made this sensitivity all natural.

This kind of vigilance is also one of the important reasons why Jian Xiaoshan was selected to be a war correspondent.

It should be instinct, it should be instinct. Jian Xiaoshan randomly scanned the cleaners again. At the second glance, she noticed the abnormality at once, and quickly turned her head to look at the cleaners near the bathroom on the first floor behind her. Undergo verification.

There are indeed problems.

Their uniform looks like a uniform uniform, but the front pocket of the uniform of the cleaner on the first floor is printed with the Xingsheng media logo, and those people are printed with the logo of the branch street office.

It can be seen that these people are not the internal cleaning staff of Xingsheng.

After discovering this, Jian Xiaodan only felt that his scalp exploded. When he looked at the few people, he found another abnormality: a mask.

All wear masks.

Looking at it again, not only masks, but also hats and gloves are available. Have you ever seen such a strict cleaner without snow or rain?

Too deliberate, but fell on the heels.

A picture of them just entering the door quickly appeared in Jian Xiaodan's mind. The moment they saw her, they all subconsciously used masks, but only one person calmed down. Jian Xiaodan's Yu Guang locked onto Cao Ye.

This person's movements are the most calm and natural, and should be the head.

The simple one who smelled the crisis, although much calmer than the average girl, just turned around and walked into the building to escape without panic. But under pretending to be calm, his eyes were horrified.

Although she is vigilant, sensitive, and aware of danger, these do not mean that she is capable of fighting all of this.

She is a woman. When facing a crisis, a woman has natural advantages that she perceives in advance, but she also has a natural weakness that she does not know how to deal with.

Jian Xiao's body sitting on the ground curled up on the ground, shivering slightly, his head was deeply buried between his knees, and his hands firmly hugged him, just like an ostrich encountered danger and buried his head in the sand.

But only ten seconds later, she exhaled deeply and raised her head. Although her eyes were frightened, she was a little bit more stoic. She held the door and stood up slowly, although her legs were still slightly Shaking, but she still stood up and looked downstairs through the window.

Jian Xiaodan is not an ostrich, no one has come to advise her when something goes wrong in the family since she was young, she can only rely on herself.

Just like when she was five years old, she stood alone at the intersection and waited for her mother. She waited until two or three in the middle of the night, and when she was trembling with fright when her mother used to say, "If you don't sleep, the big bad wolf will bite you."

The dark night is terrible, especially for a toddler, and desperate for a toddler who suddenly has no mother.

On the first day, she was afraid. This fear was filled with hope. She was certain that her mother would come to her and take her out of the darkness.

The next day, she was scared. This kind of fear was filled with worry. Why didn't her mother come? Are you also lost? Is mother in danger?

On the third day, she was scared. This kind of fear was full of coldness, and her heart was cold. She accidentally found her mother's note from her inner pocket. It was a note with her birthday written on it, and there were no other words.

But on the fourth day, autumn night, Lu Zhong, four days of wind, meals and sleep, four days of waiting, time and again hope and disappointment again and again, the note of mother who was holding tightly in his hand.

She was not afraid of getting dark, but she was standing at the intersection in ragged clothes, shivering with hunger, and finally wiped off her tears, tore off the note, and started looking for the police to help herself.

The so-called toughness is developed after countless fears.

Jian Xiaodan quickly calmed down, stood up and looked at the window. He couldn't see anything. The backyard was blocked by leaves.

After taking a few deep breaths, she picked up the phone from the ground and quickly sent a text message to Gao Leng. Gao Leng said before that his phone would be silent.

In a few words, I didn't see any panic in her, and didn't write that she was almost taken abducted, but simply stated the fact that someone came to the branch to watch.

In less than five seconds, the phone rang, a cold call.

"Don't be afraid." The high cold voice came over immediately with tension and concern.

"I'm not afraid." Jian Xiaodan bit her lip, her eyes were slightly red, but her tone was very calm: "They arrived at the branch, they are downstairs."

"Does anyone else know? Did you call the police?"

"No, I can't call the police now." Jian Xiaodan shook his head decisively: "Will the call...will affect your side? I was afraid that it would affect your safety, so I didn't tell anyone about it."

This is why Jian Xiaoshan is so scared, but he didn't say anything for his own safety and didn't return to the meeting room immediately, but ran to the small office.

Although Gao Leng didn't say what he was going to do, he could tell Jian Xiaodan that his mobile phone was muted, which would only happen during unannounced visits or filming. She is afraid that when other colleagues know about it, they will startle the snake and cause the cold.

If it is said that she is extremely cold in danger for her own safety, she has chosen to be in danger to keep her cold.

"Don't be afraid, they are looking at me as expected." A cold and steady voice came over. Somehow, Jian Xiaodan felt a lot easier.

"When I asked you to release that newsletter, I knew they would act. Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you." Gao Leng continued, his words softer than ever.

"Yeah." Jian Xiaodan clenched his lips tighter, and his eyes became more red.

"You go downstairs now and continue to the bathroom." Jane was stunned when the cold words came.


She looked around subconsciously, filled with doubts, how did Gao Leng know that she was just going to the bathroom? Go on now? Then be...

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