Good Man Training System

Chapter 151: Duty and Cowardly Man (1)

"Do you want the eggplant? You can sell it cheaply. If you can't buy it, you can't lose money and you can't be fooled. This pile of five yuan is only five yuan. +++ The entire Danmei novel:"

"Old girl, do you want a radish? A big and delicious radish."

"The last little bit. Two catties are sold as one catty. If you don't make money, you will go home after selling out."


At 9:30 in the morning, the sun was already high, and it was in a small town in the south, with all kinds of sounds mixed, bustling, and extremely lively.

There are many fruits and vegetables on the street. It is a small stall with a roadside stall. Because it is backward, it will not be driven by the traffic police. Most of them are nearby villagers who use their own fruits to sell and make money. Point extra income.

On both sides of the road, there are rows of houses with various storefronts opened and decorated in a unified style. The white walls and gray tiles also look unique.

"came back?"

"Yes, I bought the ingredients." The talking body was slightly fat, with two emerald earrings hanging on his ears, a gold necklace on his neck, two gold bracelets on his hands, and a satchel on his body.

Although he was over half a hundred years old, he dyed his hair, tattooed his eyebrows and lips, and looked like he was in his early forties.

While speaking, the tone of voice was slightly louder.

"You have a good life, and your wife can (gan)." The old neighbor said with a smile.

"I can make some drinks and snacks. What else can I do?" Tong Zhenmei carried several bags in both hands, and walked toward the shop floor inside. "I will go to drink tea later and talk about it. There are a lot of things."

The old lady in the neighbor looked at her figure and sneered, seeming a little envious and a little contemptuous.

Tong Zhenmei walked all the way in. There were many tables, chairs and benches on both sides of the first floor. She walked to the back kitchen, stacked her bags on the round table, and rushed upstairs and shouted, "Xiao Ni."

"Xiao Ni?!"

No one answered.

She wrinkled her brows and her voice became louder, "Xia Ni?"

Still no one responded.

She lowered her face, faintly displeased, a little angry between her brows, (强qiang) pressed it down, turned and walked out.

At this time, an electric bicycle rode in. After stopping, the woman got out of the car. She was small in figure, fair and smooth, with small features, but her face was haggard and yellow.

She is wearing a pair of extremely simple short-sleeved jeans, lower body jeans, and a long leg evenly straight. Even if she wears a sunscreen mask, she is in the best shape at first glance.

"Mom." Xia Ni took off her mask and called.

"Where did you go?" Virgin Mei pursed her lips, slightly displeased.

"Send Xiaofan to kindergarten." Xia Ni said, lacking confidence.

"Ouch." Tong Zhenmei raised her tone for a moment, with a look of yin and yang and she couldn't understand it, boasting, "It's only two minutes to the kindergarten, and it's over ten o'clock now. Are you walking back to you?"

Xia Ni was embarrassed and explained, "I met a fellow and talked for a while."

In fact, she knew it was only half past nine, but she did not dare to talk back to Virgin Mei.

"You guys have been talking for a long time," Tong Zhenmei said, turning around and twisting her thick waist into the back kitchen.

Xia Ni didn't dare to delay, and quickly walked in.

Their family runs a snack bar. They do afternoon tea and supper, some snacks and drinks. In the morning, her mother-in-law will buy the ingredients, and they will start preparing when they come back. They will sell it at 2pm until the evening. The business is good.

Tong Zhenmei took out the things one by one, chattering in pieces, "Yesterday’s taro was not soft and waxy. Today I scolded the old man. You don’t taste it when you cook it, and then dare to sell the rubbish. I, I’ll go to my stall tomorrow to serve him! Also, today I heard them say (Milk Nai) that the sweet taro is too sweet."

"Cow (milk Nai) and sugar don’t cost you money? You put a little bit less and taste a few more times. You don’t know how expensive the ingredients are if you don’t buy ingredients!

"Mom, I know."


"Pumpkin powder is finer, you know?"

"Okay, (gan) work, the young man is a little swift."


Tong Zhenmei peeled the taro, steamed it in a pot, and boiled the peanuts. There were several pots next to the back kitchen. They washed the ingredients one by one and put them in, (inserted in the cha).

"Okay." Tong Zhenmei swept the things on the floor, tidied slightly, and after a short while, she looked at her, "You look at it, and you can put it in the refrigerator after a while. I will go to the Xiaonan store to wash her hair first. Recently, back pain, go to massage."

After speaking, without waiting for her to return, he walked and said, "Ji Huai hasn't woken up yet? All day long (睡Shui)(睡Shui)(睡Shui), and once I let him come down and work (gan gan)."

"How old is it?"


She cursed and went out.

Xia Ni replied perfunctorily, and when she left, the little discomfort in her heart was reduced a lot. Looking at the unfinished work, she could only bury her head (gan gan).

Xiao Nan is a woman who has been doing beauty care for people in a big city for a long time. She opened a shop in the town and it was quite popular.

Older women like to wash her face, wash her hair, and then apply a mask.

In middle age, the child is older, and has some spare money in his hand. A mask of dozens of yuan is applied once a day, and then steamed with an instrument. I don’t know how to pour it up. It is ruddy and white for a while, really. It will look better.

The newly married daughter-in-law next door told her that her mother-in-law would go back every morning and put on a facial mask, wash her hair once every three days, and get a full body massage, which cost several dozen yuan at a time.

She doesn't know how much money this snack bar can make. Anyway, the shop is in her own home. At first, Tong Zhenmei asked her to go to other places to study for three months, and then she opened the shop in her own home.

She and Ji Huai live in it (gan gan). The son is responsible for spending money on the mother-in-law. He gives hundreds of dollars in pocket money every month, and Ji Huai occasionally asks each other for more money.

When the child gets sick and goes back to her parents' house, he will give more. The rest of the time, when he is sick, he has no money for injections. You have to wait for the holidays to buy a new dress.

Xia Ni checked the time, and her son immediately finished school, and quickly accelerated the movements in her hands.

After the taro was cooked, it was so hot that it had to be set aside to dry (dry gan), as was the steamed pumpkin. When she took it out, she was scalded to her fingers and almost threw it out of pain.

But it has to be able to bear the busy schedule.

"Yuan Liu Liu" is a mixture of glutinous rice and mung beans. The taste is the same as pearls, but it is more elastic. It needs to be used in cold snacks. After cooking, it should be placed in cold water to keep it chewy and elastic.

Wait until the taro has cooled, crush it, add cornstarch (milk Nai) sugar and salt in proportion, and set aside.

Pumpkin needs to add cornstarch and brown sugar to make a stick.

In addition, there are also some snack ingredients that need to be prepared. Wash the coriander, chopped green onion, and slice the vermicelli. The powder needs to be mixed with the egg in advance and put in the refrigerator, otherwise it will be too late to stir.

There are always a lot of things to do with mango lemon juice and homemade plum juice.

There are three large refrigerators in the back kitchen. She needs to put the prepared ingredients one by one to keep them fresh, and she can start selling in the afternoon.

Xia Ni's hands and feet are swift, and she can cook rice. She goes to the small kitchen at the back to cook the soup, and uses the gap to start cooking around 11 o'clock.

Stir-fried a green vegetable, then fried chicken (rou rou), and heard footsteps when bringing out the green vegetable.

"Ji Huai." She shouted.

"Huh?" Ji Huai scratched his messy hair and walked downstairs in slippers, looking at her as if he hadn't (sleeping Shui) awake.

"Forgot to give Xiaofan the quilt. You should give him the quilt. After a while (sleeping in Shui), I caught a cold and I was cooking." Xia Ni poked her head and said, and said in a hurry, "Boil red beans. That pot is boiling, quickly, help me lift the lid."

Ji Huai walked over and lifted the lid of boiled red beans, "Cook so much today?"

"It was sold out at ten yesterday. Mom said I cooked a little more today." Xia Ni replied.

"Oh." He nodded and took the key from the table. "It should be lunch (sleeping in Shui). I'll send it to him."

"Remember to buy a bottle of soy sauce when you come back."



Ji Huai drove the black (colored) semi-old electric car in the store, turned a corner, and drove out, facing the big sun, wearing big pants, and driving to his son's kindergarten in the scorching sun, based on memory.

Facing the hot wind made his mind more clear.

In this life, he spent most of his time in this small town. The husband and wife helped in the store. Virgin Mei raised their family of three. They couldn’t say hard words. The shop was owned by his parents, and Zhang Luo was also his parents. Anyway, they just keep working (gan gan) work (gan gan) work (gan gan).

In the end, it was his parents, even if it was the least favored of the three, he had no objection except that he was a little bit upset in his heart.

There are people who raise children and don’t need money for food and drink. There are two floors on the shop floor. Their family now lives in a room. When the son grows up, the parents will pay for the building again. Isn’t it enough to live a leisurely life?

Where can they live so freely?

However, when Xia Ni left this place when her son was in junior high school, she would rather go to the city to wash the dishes and live in the village in the city. She struggled to support her son who was still in aristocratic school and gritted her teeth in the face of high tuition and food expenses. Don't stay with him again.

My son was up for grabs. He passed the high school entrance examination. Later, Xia Ni went to university with him and continued to work in that city. She didn't contact him for a long time.

Everyone said that the two were cruel and unfeeling, and he followed the curse. Virgin Mei cursed Xia Ni to die every day, lighted incense and cursed, not knowing good or bad, and was a white-eyed wolf.

But he forgot, Xia Ni once cried and said to him that she didn’t want to live the days when she had to stretch out her hand to ask his parents for the money for sanitary napkins. She has been a cow and a horse for fifteen years, begging him to go out together to make money, even if she goes out Begging is fine.

He scolded her for not knowing good or bad, she was so lofty, she had a house and a car at home, what else did he want? What should I do if I leave the home shop? Leave it for a peaceful and stable day, but what are you tossing about? How can someone else have such a good day?

They don't need to work hard.

Ignoring that she lost a child due to fatigue, Xiaoyuezi did not sit at all, and later became ill and could not be pregnant again, and felt that if there was one, he would not be able to give birth. He felt that it did not matter, there was no obsession, and ignored her being virgin. Mei made things difficult for her, ignoring her grievances and sadness, and coaxing casually.

More often, he persuades Xia Ni to be considerate of him, not to be noisy, understand her parents, and even call the Xia family so that Xia's parents can persuade Xia Ni to live a good life and not to be noisy.

Even once, she said that she could not stand it anymore and was going to jump into the river. After he persuaded her, she only used it as a joke. She did not know that at that time she had endured the limit, was about to collapse, and was about to completely give up on him. , Until the son grows up.

At home, he has nothing to do all day long, spends his time, eats and waits for death. To put it mildly, they are selling their labor at home in exchange for survival. In fact, in the eyes of Virgin Mei, he is nothing but the old, and Xia Ni is useless for charity. Eat a few bites.

So he became more and more lazy and unconscious, Xia Ni (gan gan) (gan gan) all day long, watching the face (color) of her life.

In the end, the eldest sister came back from a divorce again. She stretched out her hand to get money from Virgin Mei, and the younger brother took tens of thousands of tens of thousands to make a sister in a big city. Finally, the family gritted his teeth and bought him a house in the city.

And he, his wife Ion San, has always been helping in this store, (gan gan) the most work, spends the least, has always been filial piety, and has been scolded for nothing.

No smoking, no alcohol, no gambling, good temper, but why does he need to reincarnate for his wife and children?

Because he is insensitive, because he is timid and weak, because he is not responsible, because he is stubborn and filial...

Such a person seems to be a good person in the eyes of everyone, but only the closest people know that he is not a good person.

Xia Ni cried and said for the last time, "I can't stand it, please, let me go, can I make a living? I beg you, how about Ji Huai?"

She was still good, and finally brought her son who became a success to recognize him, and eased the relationship between them, but there are some things, and if you lose it, you lose it.

"Come and give the kids clothes?"

The security guard at the entrance of the kindergarten smiled and said, disturbing his thoughts.

"Send the quilt, his mother forgot to bring it this morning." Ji Huai stopped the electric car and pulled out the key.

The uncle security opened the door for him.

Because he often came to pick up children, he knew the classroom very well, and walked through the small basketball court to the second floor.

The children have all finished their lunch and are ready to sleep (sleep in Shui).

Inside the classroom is the lounge. Each child has a small wooden bed. The space is wide, and the three teachers are all on one side.

As an aristocratic kindergarten in a small town, the cost of a semester is nearly 8,000. After Tong Zhenmei sent Ji Fan, she often talked about it and was too expensive.

He thinks that it is good, because the tuition is higher, the quality of food and teaching will naturally be better.

"Xiaofan." Ji Huai doesn't need to look at his face, the one without the quilt is his son.

The person on the small (bed chuang) quickly turned over and saw him yelling happily, "Dad."

Thinking of the son of the previous life who was taller than him, his face was alienated and unnatural, and a bit complaining and aggrieved. Now he looks very cute and kind.

"The quilt." He walked over, took the quilt out, and spread it on his little (bed chuang).

"Thank you Dad." He smiled again, squinted, reached out to pull his big hand, and said with a (奶Nai) voice (奶Nai), "It was a little bit cold just now."

"Then you won't tell the teacher? I'll catch a cold soon." Ji Huai scolded lightly.

"It's not cold!" He denied again, clutching his own little quilt and fiddled with his little head, "It's not cold!"

Helpless, Ji Huai looked at the teacher, said hello, and walked out the door, Sleep Shui), Dad is back."

"Goodbye, father."

"Good (sleep Shui) sleep."

Ji Huai smiled and walked downstairs.

He once scolded Xia Ni, because she was cruel and stubborn, and did not consider her son's feelings at all, so that he became a child of a single-parent family and followed her through hardships.

Xia Ni refuted him, saying that he had rewarded a lot for his son's hard life, and he was not a qualified father, she would try to make up for it.


In this life, he still has to try his best to be a good example.

The author has something to say: The family is long and short, but they are actually giant babies. There are too many men like this in real life. They are a little bit different from their filial piety. Stubbornness is probably the most annoying. In the Republic of China, write all kinds of things. I don’t guarantee that I will write it... because it may not be possible to write. Mi'er is very afraid of collapse, especially the first time I wrote about the subject, maybe there will be an end. The end Mi'er likes it. .

Good night, can you send two hundred red envelopes?


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