Good Dad System

Chapter 212: The Longevity Emperor and His Crown Prince (10)~(12th,

Facing the situation in front of him, Ding Jijian almost bit his silver teeth. He hurriedly ran around, insisting on investigating the ins and outs of Prince Li being sent to Shengshan Academy.

The servants of Prince Li's mansion asked three questions, and they only said that the prince came back with the prince, packed up the luggage and left directly. The people around him only brought a servant, and the closest nurse was left behind. According to the nanny, Pei Ting'an only vaguely said a few words before he left, what the prince had drawn from the palace to accompany him, Shengshan Academy is famous, and when he finishes his studies, he will Back to the cloud.

Ding Jijian heard these words at that time, and his heart was instantly ecstatic. He found the key words from these three words and two sentences. Mammy is equivalent to a person who is watching and guarding; Shengshan Academy is famous for its strict management. , I don’t let students receive letters from home very often; after completing their studies, it will take four or five years at least, and only when they are able to take the exam will they be considered successful.

Isn't this... the equivalent of circling Pei Ting'an for five years, and still being under strict supervision?

Could it be their plan leaked? Or did Prince Li show traces when he was in the audience? But why haven't I heard the news of the liquidation in Kyoto? If His Majesty begins to deal with the people involved, then he should have heard of it when he entered the capital, and the servants of Prince Li's residence should not be so calm.

In a word, no matter how much speculation there is, you have to investigate first. Ding Jijian will not delay and set off immediately. Fortunately, his identity is not too public, and he knows many people. , It didn't take long for Ding Jijian to piece together the whole picture from everyone's mouth.

After hearing this, his face immediately darkened.

It turned out that they shot themselves in the foot from the beginning to the end. After a careful calculation, they sent their prince to the academy instead.

Ding Jijian was so angry that he was very annoyed. Now he only felt ashamed of Prince Li. How could he have imagined that the father and son of the Pei family, who had always kept the prince in stock, ignored them, and treated them all as decorations, suddenly used it. Prince Li has become a representative of benevolent government, and he looks like he is guilty of Prince Li's evil deeds, and should be well cultivated in him.


Ding Jijian met the last person who was scheduled to meet in the largest restaurant in Kyoto. He had a lawsuit in his forehead, but he didn't care about being polite to Xiao Er. When he went straight upstairs, the loud voices discussing politics came into his ears. middle.

"His Royal Highness now has the style of benevolence and righteousness in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is my great fortune!" The Daxia Dynasty did not strictly control the civil affairs. Many scholars believe that he will definitely adopt a policy of iron and blood, in order to do the opposite and improve his status among scholars, the original body resolutely let go of these remarks, as long as he doesn't speak ill of today's words, basically it is not against the law. Inside, the style of discussing government affairs in the Great Xia Dynasty has prevailed for a long time, and the person who spoke was a middle-aged man, who looked like an old Confucian scholar, "It is said that when you are three years old, the Prince Li looks like a playboy. Relatives and children who don’t know interest? That is, His Royal Highness, the Prince, who has the world in his heart, and treats Prince Li like a child, so he took pains to raise it and send it to Shengshan Academy.”

"Yeah." The people who drank together were all like-minded people with similar views, "At first, we were very worried, seeing that your majesty and the prince seemed to have a dispute, but now we can finally relax, the prince now manages political affairs and listens carefully. Opinions, don't be ashamed to ask..." In short, this person exaggerated Pei Youzhi.

"It's just this ceremony, Prince, I don't want to make progress at a young age." The voice spoke with a bit of contempt, "If it is my son, it must be dealt with by family law, if it is not the Crown Prince, Sheng Shang Shengming, in another ten years, I am afraid it will be a disaster. people."


The words of the crowd fell into Ding Jijian's ears like nails. He had long known that their move would bring a bad reputation to Prince Li, but this was also a step in their plan. I said a word, reputation, that is what the emperor should worry about first. If he dares to think of rebellion, he does not plan to fight for fame. All are from incorrect sources.

But history books are written by victors. After becoming emperors, no matter how noble those scholars are, they are nothing but subjects.

At that time, Prince Qian Li said: "If you don't become an emperor, it will not make much difference even if you are stinky for ten thousand years; if you are an emperor, you can turn it around even if you are an emperor for ten thousand years." Sound, in a few generations, how many people will mention it?

Ding Jijian agrees with this point of view. To put it vulgarly, they are barefoot and are not afraid of wearing shoes. The worse Prince Li's reputation is, the more the prince and the sage will feel that he is useless and without threat. Over time, how can they pay attention What about such a useless prodigal? Cover up Prince Li's edge first, and wait until the edge is out, and then there will be countless moves that can be used.

But now, their reputation is ruined, and Prince Li is gone.

Thinking of the difficulty of communicating with Prince Li in the future, Ding Jijian is a big head and two big ones. If he has this kind of ability, why would he be so oblique and curvy to save the country? The mountain chief of Shengshan Academy is a famous axis. How many powerful relatives, after knowing that their children have been sent, are so distressed that all the trustees have fallen to the ground! How could he get this immunity?

However, although Prince Li is not here now, Ding Jijian holds most of the offline people who are closely related to the prince. As a teacher, he must be careful and pave the way for the prince.

He doesn't believe it anymore. This prince has no flaws. Back then, he was as extraordinary as Pei Naochun. Didn't the other princes also found a lot of loopholes and attacked them one by one?

When he finally got to the box, Ding Jijian straightened his expression, pushed open the door and went in. The round table inside was already full of people, and they were waiting for the host of today's meeting.

"I specially asked everyone to come here today, because there is something important to discuss..." He will have to take office in just one year, and he will be out of reach by then, and he is afraid that the relationship between the prince and the saint will be stable. Only now, he will start working hard.

The expressions of everyone in the box were solemn at first, then suddenly, they looked at each other and nodded, as if they had reached some unknown consensus.

Sometimes eating is not necessarily for eating, but just to find an opportunity to have a good talk.


The East Palace has not been noisy for a long time. After all, during this period of time, the prince spent more time in the Jade Ding Palace.

"What's the matter?" Pei Youzhi frowned. He treated his companions and ministers in the East Palace with courtesy and demeanor. This was probably the first time he was angry. Traces of paper vibrated and vibrated on the table.

"His Royal Highness, what's going on..." Zhu Shijian was a little puzzled. He knew that the prince was not someone who would lose his temper at will, worried that something big would happen, and said with a wry smile, "His Royal Highness also knows that we are all well-informed now. It's from the people, other political affairs." He spread his hands, their level was not enough.

He Hai nodded his head and asked with concern, "Your Highness, what happened? The ministers will surely solve your problems for His Highness."

"To solve problems? Where did these problems come from? You can see for yourself." Pei Youzhi called Zhu Shijian and asked him to pass the papers on hand in order, so that they could open their eyes and take a look Clear, stop saying nothing is clear.

Everyone in Zhu Shijian has already begun to circulate, the handwriting on the paper, they all recognize it, it is written by the prince, but the content on it makes them a little surprised, and their eyes are intertwined with each other. , presumably piles of question marks.

"His Royal Highness knows the subject. The subject has always only used the saddle on the horse's head. This will damage the reputation of His Highness. The subject will never dare to do anything. There must be a misunderstanding." After what I wrote, I also knew that I could not escape the blame, and I felt ashamed.

"His Royal Highness, I want to ask you something." Zhu Shijian is the least involved in this, but he doesn't need to be like everyone else, "Where does the content on this paper come from, sage, do you know?" He was also a bit caught off guard by this set,

On the paper that Pei Youzhi handed down just now, it was all about what happened to the companions around him, the ministers who were close to him, and even the nanny's family. When they went to the family of the companions, they were suspected of accepting bribes to raise money and sell officials; Nanny's family, collusion with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and so on.

In short, it can be described as a piece of chicken feathers, all of which are **** beside Pei Youzhi.

Pei Youzhi understood the meaning of Zhu Shijian's question, where did it come from, and asked if this matter was going to be talked about, and whether there was room for remedy. In the first trial, if His Highness knew it privately, there would still be room for saving, at least try not to let these be related to the prince; and whether the sage knows it, it can be divided into several situations. Impression; if the Holy One asked His Highness to solve it first, it would be another situation; of course, the possibility of not knowing is very small.

"Some of them should be played or impeached directly at the court meeting in the next few days of tomorrow; some of them were taken out of the Anzhezi handed to the father and emperor, and may not be brought out directly." Pei Youzhi stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. It was a bit of a headache. He devoted himself to studying political affairs. Under the guidance of his father, he continued to absorb nutrients and learn how to be a monarch, but who knew that so many things happened where he didn't pay attention.

He still has a long way to go before he can become a wise ruler. His father has more to worry about than him, but he has hardly made any mistakes. All he has to manage is such a little political affairs, and a few A close courtier, but full of mistakes.

"The emperor has already understood this matter. He asked me to talk to you first and solve it properly." Pei Youzhi said again.

After the morning meeting today, he was discussing political affairs with his father as usual, while reviewing the memorials. The Imperial Censor Taichung Cheng handed over a sign to meet him. At first, Pei Youzhi thought that these matters had nothing to do with him, so he just retreated to the side and planned to Listening in, but as the other party opened his mouth, he realized that the fire that was going to be burned next was related to him.

As we all know, the censors not only have the responsibility of inspecting hundreds of officials, but also the responsibility of persuading the sages. As small as the harem spends extravagantly, His Majesty has raised a few more strange animals; , all belong to their scope of supervision. In short, they are like a ruler and a bright mirror. They want the Holy Master to only develop in a good place, and not to be picky in his words and deeds.

But now, with the obvious trend that the prince is about to ascend to the throne, he has also become the central point for the censors to find faults. Being cautious, he couldn't even jump, and he only cared about performing well and winning glory for the prince, and there was nothing to fault. But this year is very different. The crown prince follows the saint to handle political affairs every day. Seeing that the succession is a matter of time, everyone can't wait for his highness to be on the throne before starting to please people, right? So, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods appeared.

An emperor's only son, who is the only son of the emperor, and the future emperor, how many people can there be around? Countless.

Not to mention the companions and servants serving around, the wet nurse has the highest status. One person attains the Tao, and the ascension of chickens and dogs to heaven has often occurred in all dynasties; and the prince has been an adult for a long time, and now there is a prince concubine and two side concubines, who are not yet famous. There are also two concubines who can be considered concubines. The prince is not lewd, and the people around him are all hand-picked by the saint. For a while, there is no possibility of accepting concubines again. That is to say, if the prince ascends the throne, these people are the worst. They are also future concubines and concubines, so their maiden family will also become future royal relatives. There is also the elder brother of the late queen, and the current family of the uncle of the country... After counting, there are already quite a few.

The first thing everyone pleases is that it is the mother's family of the woman in the prince's backyard. After all, the pillow wind can do anything if you use it, and it's the nurse and the other companions. At first, no one paid attention to it. After all, he became the prince. I've been reading with me for more than ten years, and I haven't made a name for myself. It's really useless, but seeing that the prince is summoned every now and then, in order to make a gamble, he also pleases him.

In fact, it is said that all this should not be done so blatantly, otherwise, if it were in other dynasties, it would definitely be attacked by political enemies, but at this moment, it is completely different, and the prince is not afraid that other brothers will compete for the throne. The next impression: to please late, not to get in the position, in short, a vigorous action of the prince to please, just like this, completely unfolded without Pei Youzhi's knowledge.

It is said that wealth and silk move people's hearts, and power is equally moving.

In a family, there are dozens or dozens of people from top to bottom. Who can guarantee that everyone will be clear and unaffected? Although there are a few of them who can see clearly and want to pull the reins, more of them have already begun to swell.

They listened to please, collected money, and even planned to do "pimping" work, bringing in some so-called worthy ministers and capable people for the prince, but they didn't know that they had long since become a tool used by others to attack the prince.

When Pei Youzhi, the first-class censor Zhongcheng left at that time, he wanted to kneel down immediately to apologize like his father, but his father was not angry.

At that time, Pei Naochun just looked at his son with deep eyes: "Youzhi, do you now understand better why the royal father keeps pressing you?"

"You are my only son, the future emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, do you know how many people want to surround you and please you? If you don't say anything else, just say that the father is me, isn't it the same with me? It's all about pleasing someone. There is an intention. They want to please an emperor, or a future emperor, and they want much more than you think. From the dragon's merit, how much credit is it? So many people, knowing that there may be a threat of death, still want to bet? Because this is a big gamble, and if you lose, you may lose your life, but if you win, the whole family will flourish, and the sky will rise after that."

"But people can change. A former virtuous minister may become a traitor; the official you thought was a clean and good official, but in the end, he lost his eyes in front of the wealthy and embezzled, and corrupted a lot. How many courtiers are there, who can protect themselves and not get involved in the whirlpool of corruption and bribery, and selling officials and rank?"

Pei Youzhi was speechless. If before, he would have sworn to his father that Zhu Shijian and others were different. They grew up together. Even though he was suppressed by his father, they never flinched once; Now, he can't guarantee it.

"If one day, your queen, your most trusted minister, and your most trusted children all say the same thing to you, what will you do? Are you sure that what they say is correct?" Pei Naochunpai He patted his son on the shoulder, "When you trust some people too much, you may become a deaf-mute emperor. Only by always carrying this distrust and never giving excessive favor to some people can you control this. affairs of state."

Pei Naochun said it seriously. People like Pei Youzhi have a characteristic, that is, unconditional and bottomless trust in those who really trust them. After all, the people around him who can be trusted have suffered with him. But when he was an emperor, this kind of trust was absolutely unacceptable.

He is only afraid that in the future, his son will raise a corrupt official himself, and he doesn't know anything about it.


Pei Naochun also had some guesses about what had happened recently. Nine times out of ten, he might have something to do with the people around Prince Li, right? In the original body's memory, I clearly remember that in the next few years, Pei Youzhi and the people around him, with almost astonishing frequency, frantically brushed their presence in front of him.

During that time, the memorials on the original table, piled upon piles, all pointed at Pei Youzhi, who was just around the corner. It is said that the prince intervened excessively in the operation of the personnel department and was cronyism; he gave up on himself and drank two glasses of wine in the East Palace for at most two days, and he would be impeached by the censor again. general criticism...

It can be said that almost every day, as soon as the original body opens his eyes, when people come to the court meeting, they will definitely hear about Pei Youzhi's bad, and finally deal with it, return to the Yuding Palace to review the memorial, deal with political affairs, and all criticism.

The thoughts of the courtiers in this regard are not complicated. They believe that the prince has not yet been enthroned, and he has already let loose and must be properly controlled. They are also exercising their duties.

But how could they know that these things that happened accumulated in the original body one by one, and the final result was that the original body was completely disappointed with this son, firmed up his thoughts, and began to make new plans for the future, in the end. , and even directly abandoned this already abandoned large, and came directly to the trumpet.

In this life, Pei Naochun didn't fight with his son. He quickly reconciled and cultivated with all his heart, but the same impeachment he had in his previous life was still caused.

It's not that Pei Naochun thinks that the impeachment is abnormal, or that those censors and others are Prince Li, but it's just that at this point in time, and the speed of things, it's really astonishingly fast, right? Don't say anything else, just say what happened to Pei Youzhi. Some things have not even been fully implemented, and they have been accused. If the censor of the censor station had such a keen ability, he could have changed his career long ago. The secret guard is out, and the news of Kyoto is in hand.

But this time, the people around Prince Li may have miscalculated, and Pei Naochun will not be angry with his son because of this, unless Pei Youzhi really does something to compete with the people for profit, fish and flesh the common people and so on. , otherwise everything can be corrected slowly.

This time, there is no difference. What they did, on the contrary, helped Pei Naochun to detect the hidden dangers around Pei Youzhi in advance.

"Father, son..." Pei Youzhi looked at his father's tolerant eyes, and slowly became firm in his heart, "My son will be able to handle this matter well."

"Royal Father believes in you, and you also have to believe in Emperor Father. Once something happens that you can't handle, then let me accompany you to solve it properly."

"Okay." Pei Youzhi nodded solemnly, then took the excerpted evidence and went to the East Palace to summon everyone.

Zhu Shijian glanced from side to side, and everyone still hadn't figured out how to speak. After all, some people had a lot of involvement, such as the companion surnamed Wu and his younger brother. I heard that they also received Yangzhou from others. Thin Ma, he put on the name of the prince and settled a relationship for others; the one with the least involvement is probably He Hai. After all, their family has long been a relative of the royal family. What was involved was a family member of his uncle's favorite concubine, which was not difficult to solve.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured, the ministers will settle the matter." Zhu Shijian has already thought about it, and the matter recorded on the paper is not serious, only that his father attended a few banquets and spent extravagantly. Many of the people who attended the banquet were those who were going to take the imperial examination this year, but since His Majesty knew that his father would not be able to take part in the examination this year, and the chief examination, the matter would also disappear, "In fact, this is all because of the ministers and so on. Not careful enough, I don’t know that the current situation in the court and China is not what it used to be, but I was negligent for a while, and instead of telling my family, it was a drag on Your Highness.”

"This minister intends to persuade my father to submit a letter of guilt first... As for the attendance list for the day, I will also persuade my father to write it down carefully and hand it over to His Highness for decision." Zhu Shijian spoke first, and everyone followed.

In short, if you have time to ask for a guilt, you will first ask for a guilt. If you can't, you will explain it well, and you have to take the blame yourself; the one who has already gone out in the name of the prince to commit crimes, if it is not the direct brother or parent of the companion, then I can only face-to-face and let Pei Youzhi be charged with a crime that is not strictly under the rule. After that, Pei Youzhi estimates that he will also have to write a plea for the crime, find an opportunity to read it during the court meeting, brush a wave of favorability, and change if he is convicted. image of.

"However, Your Highness, the Crown Princess and the concubines, what should I do?" He Hai patted his chest, "Don't worry, when I have a word with my father, he will definitely solve it."

"Let me do this." Pei Youzhi has no experience in dealing with this, but he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running. He plans to say a few heavy words to those families first, and then beat the backyard. In the circle, the harem is not allowed to do politics, this has not yet become a harem, and the hands are starting to grow.

If someone doesn't repent, he doesn't care about missing such a concubine.

After thinking about it like this, Pei Youzhi suddenly felt a little emotional. To put it bluntly, as a prince, who else is there around him who is not involved in their identities? Just like these companions, even if he is loyal, if he is not the prince, will he be his companion at the beginning? Even the wives, concubines and others who share the same bed on weekdays had family considerations when they entered the East Palace. They were not only their wives or concubines, but also involved a lot.

The people around may not be sincere towards him, but this sincerity is more or less mixed with a bit of power and complicated status.

No wonder it is said that the heights are too cold, he can really not mix too much around him, and the only one who treats him sincerely, it is estimated that only the father is the emperor, right?

Even his sons in the future... Pei Youzhi knows with his feet that in the future, his sons will treat him well. As they grow older, won't they please the emperor a little more and compete for the throne?

Father, when I couldn't understand you and even resented you, were you lonely?

Must be very lonely, right?

As long as Pei Youzhi thought of this, he felt a little bit in his heart. He clenched his fists and told himself that no matter how old he was from now on, he would still be sincere with his father. He was worried about the person who said the last two words. In the past, every time he said a word to the emperor, he had to consider it several times in his heart, for fear that it contained some bad meaning, but recently, he has stopped thinking about it. To put it first, even if it is ignorant, confused and naive, the father will not mind and explain it seriously.

Sometimes Pei Youzhi would think that maybe the one who pushed him and his father away was not his father, but himself.

Fortunately, his father gave him steps, and he came to his senses.

But now I can't think about it anymore. After Pei Youzhi had dealt with the companions, he turned around and went to the backyard. He had to talk clearly with his backyard, even if he really wanted to benefit from his relationship, Nor can he violate the laws and bring harm to the people; after that, he has to go back to the Jade Tripod Palace.

Now Pei Youzhi cherishes the time he spends with his father. He has never thought about whether the father does not want him to inherit the throne as soon as possible, but is willing to study under the protection of his father and make himself more like the father.

Sandalwood is lit in the Yuding Palace, which is a special product from the bottom to the top.

"Li Dezhong, bring me the second book of "The Chronicles of the Talented"." Pei Naochun's desk was facing a plate of grapes. He was turning the pages of the book and eating fruit, feeling very comfortable.

"Come here, Your Majesty." From his actions, it was not obvious that Li Dezhong was already a runner-up. He quickly took out a flat book, put it on Pei Naochun's table, and took the first book by the way. Then he stepped back and waited for His Majesty's call.

At times like this, it is most suitable for wandering the world. An old Jianghu like Li Dezhong can listen to all directions and think about his own affairs at the same time.

It's a bit offensive to say, but Li Dezhong has been feeling recently that his Majesty, is he a little obsessed with being lazy? It was as if he was torn apart, sometimes being persuaded by His Majesty's words, and sometimes feeling that something was wrong when he calmed down.

The matter of reviewing the memorials has long been the work of His Royal Highness. Although His Majesty will comment on the side on weekdays, more attention has long been devoted to reading various miscellaneous books. At first, His Majesty read it, or the library In the bookstore, there are some idle books such as travel notes and tea tastings written by great scholars or famous scholars, but there are not many such books in the library, so His Majesty will soon finish reading them.

Afterwards, Pei Naochun invited Li Dezhong, and directly in front of his son, he said confidently: "Li Dezhong, go to the folk study room, no matter the content or author, in short, it is not a miscellaneous book such as the Four Books and Five Classics, buy a copy of each category. come over."

Li Dezhong was confused at the time. He thought that His Majesty didn't know much about the people's sentiments, and tried to explain: "Your Majesty, there are many folk miscellaneous books. Outsiders, I learned some characters after entering the palace, and usually there is nothing to pass the time, such as Li Dezhong, who is not very fond of hunting for food, intrigues, and has nothing to do. Later, he will buy some miscellaneous books from outside the palace. .

The content of the miscellaneous books is full of strange things, what kind of love between men and women, and even hidden tricks in the house that are sold at high prices.

"It's fine, you can just buy it." Pei Naochun explained to his son confidently, "I have read all the books, and now these sage books are basically engraved in my heart, and I don't need to read them again, but they are folk customs, I don't know much about them. To understanding."

Pei Youzhi agreed very much, and offered to ask the companion to buy books for the emperor.

"It's not necessary. After all, reading these books is not a matter of integrity. If the ministers know about it, I'm afraid there will be many criticisms, so I can leave it to Li Dezhong. He is a credible person and will not deceive."

With His Majesty's trust, how could Li Dezhong refuse. He could only nod his head and silently meet the shocked eyes of the purchasing agent's little eunuch. , he also had to carry out secondary packaging and paste the covers of various sage books to prevent other ministers from accidentally seeing them when they entered.

After that, His Majesty began to read such books every day. During the period, His Royal Highness also asked once: "Father, I am curious, what do you think of reading books?"

Pei Naochun was so righteous, he casually opened a page and explained to his son: "Look, it's like this "ShiZi Zhishi", which tells the story of Lu Xiucai, you can see how many talents Talented name, exempt from the government tax..." He continued to talk, looking at Pei Youzhi carefully, wishing to take notes immediately, he almost blurted out, "Fuck, don't 6."

However, as a good father like him, he still won't let his son get discouraged by playing with things: "But at your age, your understanding of sage books is still superficial, and you need time to practice. You can't see the deep meaning of such books, but it's easy. It’s not too late to look at it in a dozen or 20 years after I’ve moved my emotions and been affected.”

"My son understands." Pei Youzhi nodded immediately, but he didn't have time to read these idle books. Just digesting the daily political affairs and the experience of running a country taught by his father would take him a day, plus The emperor also emphasized to him that he should pay attention to the education of his children. Every night when he arrived at the East Palace, he had to talk to his children for a few words. Things are in order and never talk about the tired father.

In short, Li Dezhong, who was standing next to him at that time, was also persuaded by Pei Naochun. He just felt that his cultural level was not enough. He was not as amazing as His Majesty. Reason, as well as civil affairs, can only look at the plot inside, laugh a few words, it is really superficial.

However, this is the strange place again. Whenever His Royal Highness is not there, His Majesty will have various expressions when reading a book. He will even look at it and laugh out loud. No matter how you look at it, he and Li Dezhong will read the book by himself. The appearance is the same, and it is impossible to see the appearance of the analysis.

In addition, Li Dezhong often waits behind Pei Naochun on weekdays. His Majesty's desk involves a lot, and he usually cleans it up himself. He helped clean up the day before yesterday, and accidentally saw a piece of paper on the table. The writing on it is Your Majesty. Yes, he glanced at random, then closed his eyes quickly, not daring to look at it, but what he saw at a glance left an impression in his heart.

The front is a picture of a rockery and flowing water, the back is what fishing is written, followed by fish (grass carp, black fish, etc.), and then there are a dozen dishes made of fish;

In short, no matter how you look at it, it is not serious business. Since that day, Li Dezhong has started to assemble the previous things. He feels that he has a crazy idea. He feels that His Majesty is trying to avoid work and go out for fun!

But this must be because he thought too much. How could His Majesty be such a person? Surely not?

Today's grapes are neither sour nor sweet, the taste is just right, and the fruit is delicious. Pei Naochun's mood improved after eating it. He looked outside, it shouldn't take long for Pei Youzhi to deal with things, and he still has half a day's worth of memorials left for him. What about my son!

Why didn't he approve it himself? Don't ask, ask is to exercise son, what do you know!


"Ting An, the mountain chief is looking for you."

Pei Ting'an had just finished writing thirty large characters, and rubbed his aching arm with his hands. He could finally rest. He just slowed down when someone shouted outside.

"Okay, here we go." He put away the things on the table, straightened his clothes, and went out with his head held high. In the past few years in Shengshan Academy, he really worked hard and worked hard. , He is starving, and Pei Ting'an can confidently say that even if he goes out to take the scientific examination now, he will definitely get a good ranking.

No wonder there are so many powerful families. If the children in the family are rebellious, they will send their children to this place, come to this cold window to study hard for a few years, and in all likelihood, they can become talents when they go out, and they can also experience the hard work of their parents and appreciate their kindness.

But these all happened to others, at least Pei Ting'an, he can say very firmly, he wants to go out, he wants to go!

Yes, Shengshan Academy is good, teaching and educating people, but what does he need to test talents? Does he need to be a great Confucian? His dream is to be an emperor! Here, he even had to secretly write letters with his teacher, and he had to spend money to buy someone else's letter-receiving quota to keep in close contact. During the New Year and festivals, he wanted to take the opportunity to go back, but the mountain chief received a letter from the prince. In the letter of concern, the prince said that Pei Ting'an needs to be taken care of, and returning to Kyoto is also fun, so it is better to stay in the academy and help the teacher.

Then, he stayed like this, all year round, and has never gone back.

If Pei Ting'an knew that the prince's serious concern was even written by the mountain chief as a great scholar to praise him, and if he had several disciples help him praise the prince, he would have vomited blood immediately, but he didn't know it.

Fortunately, this year is another year, and five years of effort are over in a blink of an eye. Pei Ting'an can successfully graduate from the academy as long as he gets the top ten in three monthly exams! Hope is right in front of me. When he leaves, I can continue to plan well with the teacher, but the teacher Ding Jijian was transferred from Jiangnan to a small border town last year. Since then, the information received has been very delayed, and even sent There are also fewer letters.

But it doesn't matter if he goes out, he can operate slowly. When the time comes, he will find an official from the Ministry of Personnel and transfer the teacher back to the capital.

Soon, Pei Ting'an arrived at the door of the mountain chief's room. The door was always open. He walked in and saluted respectfully. By the way, there was another tragedy. At first, he just entered the academy because he wanted to continue acting. The playboy, but he soon understood that if he didn't change as soon as possible, he probably wouldn't be able to go out after staying in the academy for another ten years. Because, it fully proved the correctness of the Prince's move, so after some communication, his original three-year schooling career was directly extended to five years, and he was powerless at that time.

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