Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 136: heartbeat

When Father Yao gave Sun Suo the tickets for the Guiyuan Trial Ground, he actually thought that Sun Suo would accompany the children of the Lin family.

The Lin family in Hengshi must be led by Lin Fan. Father Yao heard that Lin Fan officially broke through to the sixth stage a few days ago.

With Lin Fan's 23-year-old cultivation level reaching the sixth rank, the children of other families could not possibly be his opponents. Sun Suo rescued Lin Fan's elder brother Lin Yi, and the Lin family thanked Sun Suo with the forging pills with great fanfare. The meaning of this will definitely give this face, and provide additional protection to Sun Suo and others.

"Well, I'll consider it." Sun Suo didn't care about that at all.

If he really entered that place, everyone else had to avoid him.

After getting another ticket, Sun Suo pretended to practice swordsmanship outside.

Yao's father saw Sun Suo practicing the sword technique, so he didn't leave at all. He helped Sun Suo to turn on a light outside, and at the same time gave Sun Suo guidance on the sword technique.

Sun Suo couldn't do anything, and couldn't drive him away...

Of course, taking this opportunity to light up the plus sign of Yuan Kong Zhan is fine.

With the sword skills, his Soul Chopping Blade can exert greater power, otherwise he can only rely on power to cut people.

"No matter how hard you work, there is no gain. No one can succeed casually. This child is very talented, and it's rare to work so hard." Yao's father couldn't help but sigh.

Two hours later, at the urging of Yao's father, Sun Suo finally went back to his room to rest.

The plus sign of Yuan Kong Zhan still didn't light up. Sun Suo opened the Nursing Home Proving Ground APP and the Ancient Building Proving Ground APP, hung up both clones and started Yuan Kong Zhan's training, and then quietly opened the door again.

After confirming that everyone was resting, Sun Suo came to the alloy door of the Tiankeng on the second floor.

The pit on the top of the mountain is about one kilometer in diameter.

The entrance to the second-floor Tiankeng is about 100 meters in diameter.

With the cooperation of the main body, the clone finally successfully passed through the keyhole of the alloy door and entered the second-floor Tiankeng.

Because it is a mechanical device, after the clone enters, you can twist the door handle to open the alloy door and put the main body in.

However, Sun Suo didn't do that. Unless he encountered a situation where he had to help him, he couldn't easily let him take risks.

There is an iron ladder below, which leads directly to the ground of the second-floor Tiankeng.

Sun Suo manipulated the clone to go down to the second-floor Tiankeng and wandered around.

The structure of the second-story tiankeng is very simple, that is, there is a deep hole with a diameter of 20 meters in the middle, and the rest of the place is flat. The buildings in the first-story tiankeng are not built here, and the original shape is still preserved.

Moreover, there is no protection such as building an alloy wall in the deep hole entering the third floor of the pit, and it seems that it is enough to just jump in.

In the Tiankeng on the second floor... there is not a single ghost.

It should be because it has been hunted clean and has not been refreshed.

When I went down to the first floor of Tiankeng, there was a prompt to download the Tiankeng Trial Ground on my phone, but only 10% of it was downloaded in the end.

Although the hair avatar can do some simple interactions with the surrounding environment, the hair avatar cannot take the golden finger mobile phone. Therefore, if you want to download the full version of the Tiankeng Trial Ground, Sun Suo must enter the second-floor Tiankeng to continue the download. .

After confirming that the second-floor Tiankeng was not in danger, Sun Suo opened the alloy door and put the body in.

After the body entered the alloy door, the phone still did not respond.

Sun Suo then climbed to the ground of the Tiankeng on the second floor, at which time the phone vibrated and restarted the download.

In ten minutes, the download of the second-level Tiankeng was completed.

But the progress is only 30%.

The seniors of the Central Plains Martial Arts Academy went down to the third floor and disappeared.

If Sun Suo can't download the full version of Tiankeng Trial Ground, after leaving Tiankeng Trial Ground, he will not be able to access the resources of Tiankeng Trial Ground, and if he wants to know the truth of Tiankeng Trial Ground, he must You have to stay in the Tiankeng Proving Ground and use your own hair clone to explore.

Sun Suo manipulated the hair clone to the edge of the third-layer Tiankeng.

There is also an iron ladder leading to the depths below.

According to Yao's father, part of the original three-story Tiankeng was safe, and there were pioneers who went down to explore, built iron ladders, established a temporary camp and returned successfully.

But when a large number of people entered to prepare to clear the third floor of the Tiankeng and make it officially included in the test field of the Central Plains Martial Arts Academy, they never returned.

Later, the rescue team sent by the Federation did not return after going down.

What happened to the third floor of the Tiankeng, whether the members of the development team of the Central Plains Military Academy and the rescue team sent by the Federation were dead or alive, has become an unsolved mystery.

Looking down from the edge of the pit, it was pitch black inside, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Even turning up the brightness of the phone doesn't help.

Can only let the clone go down to investigate.

The clone went down the iron ladder.

The phone screen was still dark and nothing could be seen.

Under the control of Sun Suo's mind, the clone can only continue down the iron ladder by feeling.

Soon Sun Suo discovered the anomaly.

In order to better control the clone, Sun Suo also put on headphones and listened carefully to the movements around the clone.

But there is no sound in the phone headset.

Sun Suorang's clone kicked the iron ladder under his feet and slapped the stone wall beside the iron ladder with his hand, but there was still no sound in his earphones.

After confirming that the headset was not malfunctioning, Sun Suo understood a little.

In the process of going down, something seems to limit the hearing of the clone.

Those seniors who went down at the beginning must have also encountered such strange things, right?

They caught an exception, why didn't they return?

Sun Suo thought about it, and then tried to get the clone to climb back from the iron ladder.

It turned out that... there seems to be a strange force holding down the avatar's body, making it impossible for the avatar to climb up! The clone tried to shout at the top, but no sound came out of his mouth.

After a while, the iron ladder in the clone's hand suddenly disappeared, unable to hold anything, and fell straight down!

Fortunately, it is only a clone, if it is the main body, it will be a big trouble.


Ten minutes later, the phone is still dark.

But there is no **** prompt for the death of the clone.

It seems that the clone did not fall to death.

Sun Suo did not stuff another hair into the resurrection clone, but continued to wait.

Finally the surroundings of the clone slowly lit up.

Not the kind of light in the daytime, not the kind of light in the night, but...

The kind of light in the mist.

You can see the surrounding scenery within three or four meters, but you can't see too far.

Underneath the body is something soft.

Step on meat?

Sun Suo manipulated the clone to get up.

The clone's hearing has been restored, and you can hear... a huge heartbeat?

It fell from nowhere, and there were no ladders to climb up around.

After falling, it seems that there is no way to return.

Let's do some research first.

Sun Suo chose a random direction, and controlled the clone to walk over carefully.

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